Just watching this one. Great, great job. You and Rianna can be like Alyiah and Kirah. It’s fun getting to be a part of friend vloggers. Btw, repetition is GREAT for your viewers, for example- the grocery store- because REMEMBER…1) We just want to get to hang out with you virtually more than what exactly you’re doing; and, 2) Each time you go to the grocery store you may get something a little different than before. You are an influencer too, so we see you buying mangos and decide we want to try them too. Super FUNNY the pedicure. Love that you are a Bible nerd but also a fun, normal human being. Love that you’re an educator working on psychology. I’m a school counselor so I totally understand the emotional ups and downs and the exhaustion that comes from literally trying to save people’s lives and souls by sacrificing selflessly (a piece/peace,lol of your soul and spirit) all day every day….Keep moving forward and I believe you will be successful!