史景遷先生的著作from wiki ❤❤ 《康熙與曹寅:一個皇室寵臣的生涯揭秘》(Ts'ao Yin and the K'ang-hsi Emperor: Bondservant and Master)(1966) 《改變中國:在中國的西方顧問》(To Change China: Western Advisers in China, 1620-1960)(1969) 《中國皇帝:康熙自畫像》(Emperor of China: Self-Portrait of K'ang-Hsi )(1974) 《婦人王氏之死:大歷史背後的小人物命運》(The Death of Woman Wang)(1978) 《天安門:中國的知識份子與革命》(The Gate of Heavenly Peace: The Chinese and Their Revolution 1895-1980)(1982) 《利瑪竇的記憶宮殿》(The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci)(1984) 《胡若望的疑問》(The Question of Hu)(1987) 《追尋現代中國》(The Search for Modern China)(1990)[註 1] 《中國縱橫:一個漢學家的學術探索之旅》(Chinese Roundabout: Essays on History and Culture)(1992) 《上帝的中國之子:洪秀全的太平天國》(God's Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan)(1996) 《大汗之國:西方眼中的中國》(The Chan's Great Continent: China in Western Minds)(1998) 《毛澤東》(Mao Zedong)(1999) 《皇帝與秀才:皇權遊戲中的文人悲劇》/《雍正王朝之大義覺迷》(Treason by the Book)(2001) 《前朝夢憶:張岱的浮華與蒼涼》(Return to Dragon Mountain: Memories of a Late Ming Man)(2007)