You did it great way again fellows. Hope to be airborne soon again.
@FLYINGADDICTed3 жыл бұрын
Cant wait for that :)
@vojtechjergus33803 жыл бұрын
Jako vždy, super 👍
@FLYINGADDICTed3 жыл бұрын
@igor-orzhevskii3 жыл бұрын
Great video as always 👍
@FLYINGADDICTed3 жыл бұрын
@ShortField3 жыл бұрын
Back at you :-)
@Holzmichie3 жыл бұрын
Who is the guy that flyes with you. I think I saw him at Letnany Airport at my flight school AeroPrague. NIce Video. again. Keep them coming. I am having my first Solo next month if the weather will be good. Fingers crossed. Looking forward to the Alps.
@FLYINGADDICTed3 жыл бұрын
Ahoj, it is my friend and co-owner of the plane Oleg. He has been at the AeroPrague quite often, attending LAPL lessons. Fingers crossed for your first solo :)
@alexandrmeyer3 жыл бұрын
By the way, regarding your discussion on the video about being hungry. Oxford PPL Course in the “Human Performance & Limitation” section explicitly says (in CAPSLOCK): “NEVER FLY ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!”. It’s a quote :)
@FLYINGADDICTed3 жыл бұрын
I knew it ! :) Btw empty stomach while flying is also not good for kinetosis (motion sickness).
@latentspacex3 жыл бұрын
Paradni a naucne!
@FLYINGADDICTed3 жыл бұрын
Díky moc :)
@alexandrmeyer3 жыл бұрын
Another great video. I was planning to fly to Salzburg and have already made several test flights on the simulator. Your video helped me make sure my notion about arriving procedures was correct, and I also picked some more details. By the way, did they say that IFR departure is 33 (around 11:35)? That would be opposite to your 15 arrival. Do you know why? If you recordings have some interesting communication with other airplanes, please do not cut it from your shots. Looking forward to the sequel :)
@FLYINGADDICTed3 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot! Yeah in the ATIS there was an info that RWY in use is 15 but IFR departure should expect RWY 33, so oposite. I do not know the reason for that ... There is actually a lot of other communication from other airplanes that I cut from video, as it would be too long. But I have been already thinking about releasing an uncut version with all the communication also from other planes. But it would be like 1 hour long maybe :)
@alexandrmeyer3 жыл бұрын
@@FLYINGADDICTed Maybe not all the communication, but let’s say the one that could be useful in your future flights to this location or in general and was entirely recorded in a sufficient quality… or just was somehow interesting, representative, or useful.
@igor-orzhevskii3 жыл бұрын
@@FLYINGADDICTed make it happen🙂 I would love to see the raw & uncut version.
@MartinWolker3 жыл бұрын
V 4500 ft létáme i my paraglidisti. Trošku trnu, když vidím, jak se v reálu s autopilotem díváte často před sebe 😅
@FLYINGADDICTed3 жыл бұрын
Ja zase trnu, kdyz slysim, ze litate i v 4500 ft :) Nicmene i s autopilotem davame pozor. Zajimalo by me, jestli se paraglide ukazuje informacni službě jako odraz na primárním radaru ? Obecně nas sluzba information vzdycky upozornuje na aktivitu paraglidu v urcite oblasti.
@MartinWolker3 жыл бұрын
@@FLYINGADDICTed Legálně můžeme létat až do FL 95 (9500 ft) a když je hezký den, tak při XC uletíme i stovky kilometrů. Nahlašuje se především vlekání (třeba typicky letiště Všechov u Tábora). Jinak začínáme mít přístroje s FANET/FLARM apod., co by měli upozorňovat možné kolize, ale zatím to je rozšířené jen u větroňářů.