i love this piece of lyrics too much i cant believe that there is a video like this to analyse the lyrics! thank you so much for making this video!!!!! i love this piece, so poetic
向前有小小,逆feel, 因為睇書點都係揭去後面 同埋有啲經書永垂不朽,唔使繼續書寫✍️ 我理解,因為上一句道更多,道,道理,真道,人生真道隨着人的成長接觸到更多,可能係神遇到可能係佛碰到,只好繼續探索,所以經書望返轉頭,之前睇過想睇多次 第二句我覺得你嘅解釋係啱嘅,火向上燒,人死咗就要燒,好似你話,一去不返都係既,我更feel 到人生有限,路更多,行唔晒,道理真理更多,尋找唔晒,人生有涯,探索的,無盡,只好,彳亍,你話:慢慢行,我覺得啱嘅,咁咪慢慢繼續探索囉!之後嘅解釋我覺得Perfect BTw以為你唔會睇,小感動😹,所以已經用屋企三個帳戶訂閱咗你,我冇咩朋友鍾意深度交流廣東歌,thx and feel free to chat with me , not just the comment area next time haha
@heychillhk3 жыл бұрын
XX Wong X 🙈🙈基本上所有留言我都會回+睇哂㗎,聽到你話用咗三個Account訂閱我哋我都感動😼平時有咩都可以喺呢度留言/pm us~ welcome!