我是小罗。 首先,感谢罗宾哥给我这么好的平台展现自我。 朋友们的鼓舞、建议,特别是忠告我都有一一认真拜读,也留意到有师兄师姐打算直接联络我提供帮助,非常感谢🙏🏻在下受宠若惊,afraid of failing your such kindness😂 我简单补充说明一下,是的,我在毫无准备的情况下带着家人来到了一个陌生、没有依靠的国家、城市。时常面对家人的疑问,有时也会陷入自责甚至迷茫、不知所措。我不能说我做出了十分正确的抉择,甚至都不能保证我会坚持原有的想法(随着对自我、家庭以及所处环境的更多更深入了解,多多少少要进行调整)。仅就融入马来西亚生活而言,我们第二个月开始了参与NGO志工,相信这会是一个很好的切入点。我会更积极地去努力😊 我再借罗宾哥的平台给自己打个广告,我正开始在频道发片(是真的刚开始啦,朋友们请轻拍),都是些生活琐事,一方面记录一下独特的经历,也希望能找到志趣相投的朋友。 嗯,我是天真的,但就如我的频道名,人生如戏,不用在意那么多,好好生活下去,能坚持积极向上就算尽力了❤
sorry, those MNCs only hire local in Malaysia, unless the applicants have very exceptional specialty or job experience.
@lancefree754411 ай бұрын
@@Wendy-dm5ox everything is possible, good luck to him!
@tanchengs550211 ай бұрын
@@Wendy-dm5ox He seems quite confident with his qualification.
@gloriachew11 ай бұрын
I worked with a few IT MNC in Malaysia, all with different amounts of expats. China, Japan, Korea, Thailand and Indonesia. No matter if in Penang or Kuala Lumpur they got a higher chance if they studied in Malaysia. They have a better opportunity if they stay in Kuala Lumpur, in Penang Dxxx hired people from Vietnam or China but their pay is not very good. Even my ex-colleagues from Vietnam, Indonesia and Korea still stay in Malaysia with their family and earn a good living work in different IT companies.
@tanchengs550211 ай бұрын
@@gloriachew He used to be an expat in Vietnam. I think it will help.