雖然仲讀緊書,返part time返咗成年戶口有跌無増,完全唔識理財,真係講中矖,每個月出糧就係用黎還上個月卡數,先洗未來錢,幸好睇到條片,開始 反思以前嘅洗錢習慣,我已經拎咗本notebook jot down 啲main point,然後記低所有睇過嘅理財投資資訊重點,希望將此作為進入二字頭嘅一個開始,對自己同家人負一個責任。Thanks for ur video.
這一集非常之好。特別是年青一代。應該是夢醒時份啦?小富由儉。別怨氣十足。當年移民在外。每星期儲蓄二十元開始加上公司有match. 幾十年後就有退休金還可以提早退休。 Always pay your self first. And buy what you need not what you want.
depends on how strong her investment skills is. when things goes well is happy. when things got worst it affect the marriage. personal advise: do your own investment, you & ur wife responsible for your own investment success. Every month set aside a budget for family expenses.
@leievans13454 жыл бұрын
@gloriachan14554 жыл бұрын
God bless your wife good health, never meet a man better than you.
Three words to achieve any goal: Discipline Motivation and Determination. This helped me a lot in my life. Wish everyone can achieve financial dependence soon.