陳昊森首度聊出真心話 賴老師真情上線!! |賴在一起 Ep.16 ft.陳昊森

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8 ай бұрын

大家可以多多留言 幫他打氣~~ 相信他會看留言的
下禮拜記得去參加 陳昊森的簽唱會唷~~
合作信箱: jasson116@yahoo.com.tw
#陳昊森 #賴在一起 #訪談系列

Пікірлер: 94
@LaiLai116 8 ай бұрын
@Hins_Kitty 8 ай бұрын
@31324-cauosaciocaip 8 ай бұрын
@wailimwong603 7 ай бұрын
@xyy119 5 ай бұрын
@user-linpingoo 7 ай бұрын
小賴訪得超好 很順地引導昊森分享較深層的想法 開導的方式也剛剛好 點到為止 昊森跟小賴的互動好自然 昊森加油❤
@patrick-wt8xg 7 ай бұрын
@Vitruvian1.618 8 ай бұрын
外表堅強,內在小脆。 昊森很真,也蠻感性。 要懂得保護自己,那是生存之道呀~ 加油!😉
@user-gt4ue2xi1m 8 ай бұрын
@meng_xuan_ 8 ай бұрын
好喜歡這樣的訪談 默默地聽下去完全沒有意識到這影片快半小時 從剛開始昊森的故事分享到小賴開始訪問一切都很流暢 無論是開玩笑或者是真心的給意見還有開導都覺得特別溫暖 在這影片有好多句都是經歷過才可以說出來的話 演藝圈真的是需要強大的內心才能生存🥺🥺🥺
@user-yj8er9nh1c 8 ай бұрын
@yinglilien4138 8 ай бұрын
@user-xv8or8zi2j 8 ай бұрын
@user-fr3qt3pn9v 8 ай бұрын
森森很可愛耶又帥(真的有小金城武😍😍😍) 期待新作品~~
@chulachula5451 7 ай бұрын
@thbg65u6 8 ай бұрын
@peggypang 8 ай бұрын
好久沒看到小賴這種深度訪談了 希望以後可以有更多這種訪談 娛百的訪談始終在比較表面的宣傳 沒辦法像這樣深入 小賴做主持真的好厲害 從大概15:30左右看得出來陳昊森的坐姿變得好放鬆 像跟朋友一起聊心事的聊起來 其實他真的需要一個娛樂圈裡面一個真心的朋友 像小賴就好合適 沒什麼在工作上的交集 但又好明白你在圈中裡面的難處 這樣才沒有小賴所說的利益關係 加油吧陳昊森 你的路還很長 跟小賴所說的要懂得直視自己的內心才可以排掉身體裡的壞情緒 我也是在學習中呢
@lilychan442 8 ай бұрын
@user-py9qb7tx1w 8 ай бұрын
長大以後發現,壓力和小時候真的不一樣了,小時候的壓力感覺像是海嘯一樣,像考試像門檻,遇到了很痛苦卻又有所成長。畢業以後進入社會三年長大以後的壓力像流沙一樣,他慢慢的蠶食著我們,往往在發現的時候,已經深陷其中窒息的難以反抗。每一部過大的動作讓自己看起來如此的歇斯底里卻又不斷地把自己拖向深淵。 但我有時候很喜歡在自己的時候哭,或者是跟朋友聊天,像是在流沙自救依樣努力輕微的移動身體,讓空氣和水流入沙子之中。當密度減輕到一定程度時候會有更強的浮力將你推上來。 加油>
@sandyluo575 8 ай бұрын
雖然跟昊森不熟,但也為你心疼😢 為了保護自己而暫時壓抑住、逃避 但你要相信這些痛苦,總有一天會成為過去 那些殺不死你的,都會讓你更強大💪 儘管有些人不值得往來,但會有更多人愛你!
@miffyli6376 8 ай бұрын
很喜欢昊森是因为昊森真的是一个很热情很体贴的人 其实现在在生活中我已经很少和别人说心里话了 可能我是一个很难相信别人的人 我觉得愿意表达和愿意倾诉/愿意相信别人是很好的事情 希望昊森生活中遇到的人都是值得相信的人
@user-nq6qc7rj9d 8 ай бұрын
追蹤小賴非常久了,從綜口味到二傻到自己的頻道,也看著小賴內心一步步的成長不再是當年那個20初頭歲的小屁孩。 想說的是現在的昊森就是當年很在意人家言論的小賴,從這集訪談的過程可以看到當年年輕小賴的影子,現在就是體會到演藝圈的現實與黑暗面,對於內在心理跟當年憧憬的矛盾衝突。 我覺得昊森現階段最需要的是一個在演藝圈裡真正的朋友,不一定是要在工作上有交集,但一定是要能夠聽你抒發並開導你的朋友,但切記不能找大嘴巴的那種,前面跟你稱兄道弟,後面再拿你的事情跟別人閒話家常的那種萬萬不可深交。 至於可以深交的朋友,我覺得小賴,完全沒問題,這集看得出來小賴很心疼昊森,很多話其實都跟宣傳專輯沒有關係,是小賴真心的想帶昊森踏過內心的那個檻,只要踏過去了,在演藝圈就會如魚得水了。 祝福昊森❤
@user-nq6qc7rj9d 8 ай бұрын
@peggypang 8 ай бұрын
你講得很好呢 也是我想的~希望他們真的可以成為朋友🥰
@abukitee5825 8 ай бұрын
能感受到昊森近期的狀態不是很好,下午試聽無數遍9首歌曲,透過歌曲歌聲感受到他的鐵漢柔情的一面,而且非常貼近現在的昊森,好不一樣 好溫柔 好多話想說也非常好聽,再看這次小賴的訪談更能感覺這張專輯他帶給我們的更內心的訊息 (試聽最後一首「晚安」歌聲就好想哭)。非常期待新專輯 Almost Human全部的歌曲以及未來的昊森,希望昊森看到這麼多鼓勵支持能堅持下去自己想做的 想嘗試的事物,你永遠不會是一個人的,加油 W-A-N-A-N。 多多跟賴桑一起探討內心啦 😊
@user-fp5rb9mg2l 7 ай бұрын
聽完昊森這樣的經歷,蠻能理解的,曾經也有過類似的經歷,關閉人與人的連結,獨自一人面對,蠻能體會昊森所說的經歷,曾經也不懂得分辨,跟誰適合說什麼,或者該隱藏不說… 不小心說出很多事情,這樣反而給他人機會傷害自己,不管是在演藝圈還是一般上班族,對於人與人之間的相處還是要有一定的安全距離,不是什麼人,都可以當朋友的,真的對於人還是要有保有戒心,才能保護自己不受傷~
@user-gf8sg6ie6h 8 ай бұрын
@somedayIwill_ 8 ай бұрын
@SafePlaceCreation 8 ай бұрын
接受每個階段的自己。好的也好,壞的也好。都是自己。受過的傷讓它沉溺也好,面對它也好。這只是時間上的問題。到最後這些好壞就是我們一生的故事。或許以後老了看回,也蠻精彩的。昊森加油~ 小賴加油~
@circekong556 8 ай бұрын
@goodluck116 8 ай бұрын
@a520lucky 8 ай бұрын
15:50~18:20這段看了感觸很深~好像完全可以理解昊森所說的那條心裡的線,就好比沉睡的火山~不去觸碰其實也沒什麼不好喔~至少可以讓身心靈處於一種很安全的狀態,我覺得這樣也很了不起🙂 後面聊天的想法跟我好像~我也是覺得聊天聊得來好像就可以聊心事😂但我比較怪😆,我覺得反正最後最好的關係都是要掏心掏肺了,幹嘛不一開始就這樣做?至少這樣可以更快速的幫我過濾哪些人適合來往,如果因為這樣被陷害或受傷害,那就好好的面對那樣的傷痛,然後想盡辦法去克服、去成長,如果有這樣的一個人,注定費盡心思的想害你,那我寧願早點發現原來對方是這樣的人,至少可以更快速的幫助自己學會看人?不知道欸🤣~只能慶幸自己每次都很快的就遠離小人XDDD況且~誰沒遇過小人?再怎麼防,也還是防不了,兵來將擋水來土掩,其實只要不是危害到生命的事,都算是小事~所以加油~
@legoliu 8 ай бұрын
@jesslinengqiaoxuan4287 7 ай бұрын
之前看過小賴的視頻滿多次,也都一直覺得他是個說話方面 用詞方面很會替對方注意的人. 對於小賴給昊森的一些“開導”,我覺得是對的. 我想和有看這個視頻、這個留言區的大家, 不管是小賴、昊森、還是陌生人說,個人的心靈,心理&精神方面真的很重要. 像昊森是以逃避式來面對的話 這不是錯 只是你逃避的當下你能舒緩一些不舒服的感覺&情緒,但是這個方法如果久了,你心裡堆積的也越來越滿的時候,一旦有一件很小很小很小的事情trigger到那個點 你就會大爆發 到時候自身的情況就其實蠻難去挽回. 所以如果有什麼事情,可以適當的以不傷害自己 不傷害別人的方式去紓解 去碰“這件”事情. 這個過程中你會意識到、而且也可以順便以“連根拔起”的方式解決掉這個“障礙”, 而不是讓它一直在心裡待著. 尤其像昊森所說,把它放在心裡最底層,然後不去碰,但是一說到的話就會有情緒. 這其實就是因為收太久了 沒有以適當的方式去讓它慢慢連根拔起的解決 所以面對/提起它的時候 就會有情緒. 總之,遇到讓心理不舒服的事情 一兩次還能覺得這是正常的感覺,但是如果察覺到這種感覺/情緒已經算是中等度以上影響到自己了,請好好以適當的方式去紓解這種情緒,讓它清空 而不是累積. 祝福大家都擁有美好的心理,了解自己,健健康康❤
@jesslinengqiaoxuan4287 7 ай бұрын
並且我想補充一點就是,“在意別人的看法”是很正常的. 但是要學著適當的在意 那些不大重要的就讓它去吧
@user-bd8xu9rt3u 8 ай бұрын
@ben809003 8 ай бұрын
@yanlea9102 7 ай бұрын
@mick7790 8 ай бұрын
@Vincy_0414 8 ай бұрын
好喜歡這集的節奏喔 有聊到比較深層的東西但總體又不會太沈重 不知不覺就看完了!剛好兩位都很喜歡 希望還有機會看到你們聊天❤️
@kitty77000 8 ай бұрын
@31324-cauosaciocaip 8 ай бұрын
感受小賴給了昊森好大的溫暖 好感動的訪談,從刻在認識昊森到現在唯一有在追蹤的演員👍歌手身分也很棒
@user-qi4tn1mv1l 8 ай бұрын
@user-dk5zu6be8r 8 ай бұрын
@user-ze6ub8tm9m 8 ай бұрын
好突然的上片😂 居然請到昊森來訪談,也太驚喜🥹
@user-fx7bq5et9d 8 ай бұрын
@babarosa23 8 ай бұрын
@dojoralin 7 ай бұрын
@leong6473 8 ай бұрын
@ireneye4644 7 ай бұрын
好喜歡~覺得好棒的訪談 能這樣坦白的和觀眾分享 兩位真的很不容易! 很感謝這樣的對話 希望我們都能往更廣闊的人生前進 認識自己、愛自己,不負此生
@179Cloud 6 ай бұрын
真摯得好喜歡❤ 一起慢慢學習 一切都不容易也辛苦了 但我們有彼此在 ❤‍🩹💪🏻 小賴真的很厲害 真的喜歡深度訪談❤ 🙏🏻❤💪🏻
@bgnmdkjs3 8 ай бұрын
@blueskybpp 8 ай бұрын
@somedayIwill_ 8 ай бұрын
@denny5082 8 ай бұрын
@xyy119 5 ай бұрын
@hazel_tong 8 ай бұрын
先來卡位!有上片好讚😍😍 昊森是大男孩
@waterbabe415 7 ай бұрын
超喜歡小賴!你之前還訪問過剛出書的徐愷男神耶!太謝謝你了 ❤
@Ms_Lighter_LI 8 ай бұрын
昊森 別總是逞強 有時候為自己鬧一點脾氣也是可以哦😉 你值得對自己好一點的 心裡那條線 讓自己狀態可以的時候再去碰它吧🙌 (賴真的好會訪哦💜)
@user-xv8or8zi2j 8 ай бұрын
@jianqin1998 8 ай бұрын
16:35 應該是要學習碰他而不是鬧脾氣😂
@mitubing Ай бұрын
还记得大学刚出社会工作时,我也很容易相信别人,交心,掏心掏肺,把全部心事都说给我 所谓的密友,但过后发现一切都是一厢情愿时,真的会很受伤。 事过境迁,我也还在学习中,昊森, 我们一起加油吧, 一切会好起来的!
@yeeunee13 8 ай бұрын
@h906230 8 ай бұрын
@travelwithfish 8 ай бұрын
昊森 加油!
@woodstock8069 8 ай бұрын
@__STAND_BY_ME_ 7 ай бұрын
@zombielin7150 8 ай бұрын
@1247marianna 8 ай бұрын
@x_HUA 8 ай бұрын
後半段好哲學😂😂 但沒想到大男孩也被演藝圈搞到有點迷失了 so sad 😢
@jook5022 4 ай бұрын
@shelstered 8 ай бұрын
I wish you put engsub for international fan 🥹 seem like this talk so deep and make us know more about Haosen 🥹 thanks you so much for invite him to your show
@suiichi0307 8 ай бұрын
Hi friend: I don't know how to set up the Eng subtitle, but I can give you the Eng translation. It's very long. So I have to put in some replies.
@suiichi0307 8 ай бұрын
Host: Edward Sen: Hi, everyone. Host: You finally released your debut album; please say something about it. Sen: My album “Almost Human” Now I am very nervous cuz I am using another media to meet with you guys, music; I’m not sure how people would like it; I’m anxious about the comments. This album is partially about what I have seen in life. In fact, this album was being prepared since I finished the movie “Your Name Engraved Herein.” Host: really? Sen: And the next year, it was planned to be released. . . . Host: Why not? Sen: (kidding) I’d trouble with my throat. Host: What was the problem? Sen: (kidding/ again?) I was singing badly. Host: You mentioned that the producer used to criticize you didn’t sing OK. Sen: Oh, that’s just kidding. It was because it took a lot of time to collect the songs; for example, what kind of song suited me; some songs were made for dramas but cuz the covid-19, the project stopped. So, the songs were given up and we had to start over searching for new songs. Host: So meanwhile the collection has changed and . . . Sen: Yes, it’s been three years; and now finally it is going to debut for my fans. In this album, therefore, there is the original vocal and the advanced one; both are kept. Host: So, which song was recorded first? Sen: Is bonus included? “Your Name Engraved Herein” was the first one. Host: No, it doesn’t count. Except that, which one? Sen: The one “semi-transparent” was the first one, the original vocal of mine. It’s been three years since it was recorded. Host: Then, the latest one? Sen: (laughing) Surely, “Aloof” Host: Is it the title song? Sen: Yes, it’s very hard to sing it. I’ve under the most pressure when recording it. Host: So, this title song was recorded lately? Sen: This song was recorded for three times. Host: I heard it before it released; it was so hard to sing it. Sen: Yes, very hard to finish it. Host: At the beginning when you thought of trying show buiz, you wanted to be a singer or an actor? Sen: Singer. Host: (surprised) Ha? Sen: To be an actor was not what I had planned for. At that time, the team couldn’t find suitable actor, so I was recruited. Host: How could it possible? Sen: I meant it. (emphasizing) Host: You mean “Red Balloon?” Sen: No, earlier than that. “The New Student from the Northeast.” No suitable cast for the main character. Host: Then how did you become part of this circle? You said no cast could be found; is it your first drama? Sen: Yes, for the first time. Host: How did you join the project? Sen: For the first time, I was allured by the wage NT$1,500, which was very much to me at that time. Host: The first drama? Sen: No, earlier than the drama. A variety show. Host: That time you didn’t have any agency? Sen: No, not yet. The show was about the election of the best out of the handsome school hunks. When they came to me, they told me they gave reimbursement of traffic fare plus NT$1,500. For a high school boy, 1,500 dollars meant a lot. I was so excited about that. Then I showed up in the show and was elected the most handsome school hunk. That was my debut in the show buiz. Host: The show became your first show? And then the first drama is “The New Student from the Northwest?” Why could the crew find no actor for the drama? Sen: I knew the cast personnel because of the show. Every day the guy had to give a report to describe his job. One day, he told me he wanted to put me in the cast. I took it easy and said yes. You know I lived in Taichung. When I was going home by bus, I got a message that I was chosen. A couple days later, I had to go to Beijin to join a press. I was surprised that I should be chosen. I wondered what I was doing during the audition. Then I was in the project and became the protagonist. Host: It was very interesting. I heard lots of cases that someone was chosen by chance and then he or she went very well in the show buiz. Sen: No, not for me. I didn’t go very well for the next chapter. When I was in the crew, I spent 14 days finishing the drama. Every day we called the day by 3:00 am and then started to shoot at 5:00 am. I didn’t have any time to get any sleep. And I had no idea about acting. I didn’t know a scene in the drama needed many “takes” and I had to watch the other actors’ eye when acting. I really had no clue
@suiichi0307 8 ай бұрын
for what acting was all about. It caused me lots of trouble. And my counter actor was the excellent grad from the drama department, super good at acting. For the first day, the scene was at a overpass, windy, so I couldn’t open my eyes, and then I said, “I have trouble with my eyes.” Host: So, the director didn’t say “cut” and YOU called “stop.” Sen: The director was so angry to say, “How about the protagonist dies first day, and then I can make things become easy.” I said, “Fine, good idea.” (Both laughing) I really had no idea about acting that time. So the other members usually said the lousy actor was coming, how about finishing my part quickly; otherwise, they couldn’t have lunch on time. Host: Then how you felt then. . . Sen: I didn’t feel hurt. I just felt cool; it seemed like playing games at school. Host: I think he has very good EQ. Sen: Well, that time I had very good EQ and felt confident. But now it is quite opposite. Host: So, after you finished you first drama, you thought you didn’t want to be an actor? Sen: No, I didn’t want to be an actor any more. But two days later, I went to the party for wrapping up the drama. After some drinks, I had small chats with deputy director, asking me what kind of talent I had. I told him I had taken violin lessons since my childhood. And he said, “My next movie needs a character who can play the violin.” (Both clapping and laughing) So, I join the new project. But, I didn’t play very well; I played the double of the violinist. Though I played the double, I could take the lesson of acting. By so doing, I became familiar with what acting is. Recalling all these, I found the journey was amazing and interesting. Host: So, you became known to the viewers is because of “Red Balloon?” Sen: Ya, the drama made people know more about me. At sleeping hours, I heard lots of sounds of notifications on my phone. Host: From the violinist double to “Red Balloon,” how long does it take? Sen: One year. It sounds I went very well, right? Host: Right. Sen: But the bad things happened lately. (Both laughing) Host: I am curious what made you think to try “Red Balloon” after the violin double? Sen: Actually, Brother Jan helped me a lot. After I finished the violin double, I said to myself I had to be an actor; I loved acting very much. Host: (surprised) Why? You were just a double in the movie? Sen: Right, but we had very good time when shooting the movie. We lived together and every actor looked very handsome and great. I thought I wanted to be one of them. I, therefore, was into acting, so I told Brother Jan I was so addicted to acting. Then Jan invited me to star in “Red Balloon.” Host: To be honest, I went to the audition of “Red Balloon.” Sen: Really? (Both laughing) Host: The cast asked me if I could be nude when acting. I told them it was ok with me if my back was naked. I thought I might get the chance. But I failed. Well, when you knew that Red Balloon was a BL drama; you know some actors don’t like to play in a BL drama. Do you have any thought about it? Sen: Well, I feel all right. Jason (the other protagonist) and I were good friends and lived together. Host: You mean before the start of the drama? Sen: Ya, before the shooting, we lived in the manager’s house. I am from Taichung, and when I worked in Taipei, Jason and I would live with the manager. I remember that we often eat at a Japanese restaurant. Host: So, you and Jason used to practice how to be lovers at the house? Sen: No, (shaking head hard). At that time we were blank about everything. Jason asked me if I was nervous, bla, bla, bla, and then we finished the drama without any preparation. Very ridiculous! Host: So pure! You said later on you didn’t do well, so meanwhile you had any idea that you quit; forget about all the stuff when you thought everything was not going well. Sen: No, Not really. At that time I was in good mentality. Well, I didn’t mean right now I have psychological trouble. (interrupted by the host) Host: I want to talk about the trouble thing. Sen: Well, the trouble part . . . Host: Ok, you think right now you are having mental problem, or in progress? Sen: Maybe. It seems like I have a feeling about my throat. Something wrong with it, but I still can manage it. Host: Well, no long ago do you feel something wrong with your “throat?” Sen: (seriously kidding) No, after I got positive about Covid-19, I felt well with my throat. Host: (hitting Sen, laughing) I mean “mentality.” Well I follow you IG, I feel that you were under great pressure not long ago. You deleted almost everything on your IG. Sen: Yes. You are right. So? Host: Then did you think forget about everything, giving up; to be an actor is tiring. Sen: I have the feeling that I become clear about what the show buiz is like. It
@suiichi0307 8 ай бұрын
becomes a clear picture that people used to tell me about this circle. Host: You mean before you became part of this circle some people might give you advice and suggestions what the circle is and what might come to you after you became an actor. Sen: For example, my parents thought this circle was dangerous. But, what has happened to me was not so bad. I still thought I was lucky. The problem was that I didn’t have any preparation for what might happen in this circle; so when I came across this shitty stuff, I was hurt so directly without any precaution. Then I realized what people told me about this circle before, and I became clear about what a celebrity in this circle would be treated. Then I wanted to confine myself in a small zone I feel safe. And I became more and more detached from my work. Host: I know because of shooting a drama, you deleted all in social media. Sen: So? (indifferent) (both laughing) It is easy: find the app and press the app for long enough and then tap X. It’s gone. Host: Well, two things: one is you want to escape from the social media, the other is you want to devote all of yourself to your character. Sen: Well the reason was I was acting in a movie and I wanted to be in a special condition. You know, right now because of the time limit, I couldn’t have enough time to lose weight; so I decided to fast for seven days for the last two scenes of the movie. Host: Because you have to look weak. Sen: Yes. Within the seven days, though I had no intake, starving, I recounted lots of things for my work. I got a new picture of my work. At first I deleted all in social media, for I didn’t want to be bothered by the media and I wanted to stay away social media. You know every day I wake up I open the app I would count how many tags and read them. I care about that too much. Host: I know. In the beginning we became part of the circle just for fun. But gradually things became not what we thought about at first. We started to think I can just do the job for fun; or I have to cover many things before I take any action. I know you suffer much more. Today I really want to ask you a question paparazzi love to follow you. (laughing) Do you feel being bothered by the paparazzi? Sen: I know it’s normal that paparazzi’s job is like that. I didn’t want to hide anything about my privacy. (pointing to the crew) can the three people leave for a while? Host: That’s ok. (whisper) I told them we would talk about this. Sen: Yes. At first we thought it was fun to become an actor and for my passion I want to be part of the circle. But we didn’t know a successful drama or work was not done alone; it was the product of many people’s efforts. And when a drama or a song releases, it is not decided by myself only. A lot of things might be involved, such as fans, the public opinions, my partners, and so on. All is pressure. Not long ago, some people comforted me, saying that the paparazzi like to shoot you, which means you are a popular star. (helplessly) Well, popular, ok, cool. (both laughing) Sen: What bothers me most is after the paparazzi issued the photos on the media, it seems that I have to explain what’s happened and everyone appears uneasy. Host: You mean you have to explain to your team or the public. Sen: All. I believe my team understand what’s happened. But I am thinking they believe me or the media, which is different; and I have to explain the difference. If I am misunderstood, what should I do? I hate the process that people talk about what’s happened to me, examining which part is true, which is fake. Except that, I feel all right to be shot by paparazzi because I know that’s part of my job in this circle. Host: I wonder if you would particularly find and read comments below the clips on YT. I know you can check out the comments on your IG. But how about the clips? Sen: As for this part, I have kept the same mindset since I was into this circle. You know, below the first variety show I put one message there. (The message showed on the screen) Some comment read if my nose was hit by a pan (both laughing). So funny. Yes, my nose is not straight. And in the clip I had dark skin, so the nose became very outstanding. I left a message like this: I am No.bla, thank you for your comments, I can not remember what I wrote, but when I was in a bad mood, I would go to read the message. In fact, below the clip, a lot of encouraging comments, which moved me a lot. I said to myself Oh My God. This is my dream. Host: (laughing) You mean lots of people care about you? Sen: Right, at that time lots of people cared about me. I was so moved. Host: (hesitant) You need to be cared about, right? (Hug each other) After the talk, I feel that you got a lot of scars on your heart. I believe you are pretending you are ok most of the time. Sen: Sure. Host: In this circle, in different projects there are different teams. I believe Haosen is the kind of person that for the sake of teamwork, he would hide his own emotions and thoughts. Sen: I think everyone does that.
@suiichi0307 8 ай бұрын
Host: No, you are wrong. Some people never hide anything. They just do what they want to do. For the others, I don’t care. Sen: I got a lesson. So, I can become emotional sometime. Host: No way. People would say you are picky, considering yourself is a big role. But, if you hide your emotions for long, you will be sick mentally. Sen: Agree. Then what should I do? Host: So, you are sick right now? I think you are not in a good mood, you’re suffering from stress. Sen: I think I keep telling myself I’m all right. I’m in this kind of mood right now. (Host hugging him), but I think in this way I keep healthy mentally. I look at my conditions from a distance. I am clear what I am right now. Host: You are clear what you are right now. Sen: It doesn’t bother me a lot. Host: But you don’t want to become healthy. Sen: I mean if you want to talk about “something” seriously, I will be emotional, of course. But when I am at work, I hide it (using gesture to show his “heart”) under an invisible line, about one third of my heart. If I touch it, it would become wavy. I know it is there, but I would not stir it. Host: Wow, you need to stir it. After work, when you are alone at home, will you look at the “water?” Will you cry alone? Sen: (moody) Oh, yes. Host: Well, let’s have some drinks (laughing hard) I know when you work with someone, I know he is a good person; we work together in a good way. But when I go home, alone, I will not dilvuge anything in the depth of my heart to him. Do you understand? Sen: (feeling uncertain) I tend to dilvuge my feelings to someone I think a good friend because we are good team members at work. Host: (unbelievable) Ha, but at last you found that it was not like what you thought about. Sen: I realize sometimes I have to know how to protect myself. Host: You are so innocent. Really? (both laughing) You tend to dilvuge all about yourself to someone you think a good friend? Sen: To consider if someone is a good friend is very easy to me. I will not set up some criteria to examine what kind of person can be a friend. If we are together, and I think we can talk to each other in a good mood, I will take him as a good friend. Host: So are you trapped? (Sen silent) Host: Ok. You are. Host: I used to be betrayed. Somebody think I cannot talk openly because I cannot put too much trust on people at work. I did that but I was hurt; so I became conservative. You have to learn how to protect yourself. You can say something personal, but not too private. But you can tell me. I will not set you up. (laughing) Sen: It sounds so familiar. (kidding) Host: Ok. Let’s talk about your work. If you just can choose one part, singer or actor, and do this job for two years, which one you like? Or you choose to quit the show buiz? The priority is you just can do this and quit the other for two years. Sen: (thinking) I love acting because I have been an actor for longer. But if I have to make a choice, I will choose to be a singer. I want to know how it is like to be a singer for two years. Host: I think so. Sen: So you are tired of my acting. You don’t want to see my dramas.( pretending to be angry) Host: I think you can be a good singer. In my mind, when an actor tries to sing, I will say well, ok. But you, not bad. You can sing. Sen: I have “girly” quality in my vocal right? Host: No, I don’t think so. Your vocal is very muscular. And your condition right now is very suitable for the songs in your album. Especially, your title song is very proper for describing what you are now. If you are too happy, you cannot perform the song very well. You are not satisfied with what you are now, right? Sen: Yes. I feel good. I used to be asked which song is “you”? For example, do you have a song to represent yourself? Host: I do. (laughing) I say yes because I have songs particularly for myself only. Sen: Me too (confused) Host: You cannot choose one song that means real you. Sen: Because I don’t understand myself very well. Because I cannot face the real self. Host: Please do it. Why not looking at the real you? Sen: So what? It’s useless after I understand myself. You know after you know yourself very well, you still cannot show the true color at work or in singing. Host: Today, I’m your psychiatrist. It’s useful to know yourself well. Because after you know yourself well, you can put a little in your work, little by little. Your work will become what you want to be. Otherwise, you are just catering to the others. No one, including yourself, cannot know what real chenhaosn is. You know the difference? Sen: I don’t get it. Host: I know because you are not willing to touch that part. You hide your head in the sand. Now you are in everyone’s eyesight. I mean you are at the stage of suffering a lot. I suggest you watching this clip several times. It helps. Sen: (kidding) the number of viewing depends on me, right? Host: I hope you can be mor open-minded. Ok, for a short time, you have to promote your album.
@corgifriend876 8 ай бұрын
希望大家給昊森一點空間 讓他選擇自己的女朋友 即使女方離過婚又怎麼樣 他喜歡就好呀 而且昊森還年輕還有很多可能性 他也沒說這些在交往就要結婚呀
@bestolen 8 ай бұрын
但是他曾說被拍到就會承認,後來真的被拍到卻不承認又是怎麼回事呢? 也許當初就不要說大話
@corgifriend876 8 ай бұрын
@@bestolen 他前段時間接受蘋果🍎的訪問算是承認了和歐弟前妻鄭雲燦的關係呀,你是說他現在不承認魏如萱嗎?雖然被拍到兩人一起去日本同遊……
@bestolen 8 ай бұрын
@@corgifriend876 鄭雲燦的話第一時間沒承認阿,你沒看蘋果的訪問記者都當場電他跟他的經紀團隊處理不好。跟魏如萱到底有沒有交往只有他們自己跟團隊才知道,但我是覺得魏如萱家住大安區,從大安區的KTV"順路"載陳昊森回板橋這說詞很可疑就是了
@corgifriend876 8 ай бұрын
@@bestolen 可能他就是喜歡年上吧,之前的王翔也比他年紀大
@Jade-nx2hp 7 ай бұрын
@montane-ub9jc 7 ай бұрын
东北插班生这个idea真的很好。东北人遇见台湾人 真的好有梗
@kaylee629 2 ай бұрын
我跟昊森好像😂 很快掏心掏肺
@user-mk3qd9ye6w 7 ай бұрын
@sisqosnew 7 ай бұрын
@user-um2nl6ls3c 7 ай бұрын
9:23 被潛規則嗎
@user-yq7zg7yh5r 8 ай бұрын
@mikemike4098 6 ай бұрын
演藝圈需要心裡素質很強的人 才待的住👍
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