Hihi dear Adam and Hailey, I am Dr. Huang, how are you? I happened to see your generous recommendation and received your gratitude. I was pleasantly surprised and delighted. I’m glad that you had an enjoyable medical experience in Taiwan. No matter where you are in the world in the future, I am sending you the warmest wishes of health and happiness. You are welcome to come back to the clinic any time, just to chat, haha!! Thank you again for the warm and positive feedbacks.☺❤🙏🏻
You are right. He is. As his Momo (grandma) he will sense when I’m thinking about him with tender feelings and if I’m emotional, even with his eyes closed after eating soundly for awhile, he’ll tear up. I have noticed his atunement to his parents and me and his Baba. He’s unlike any baby I’ve known. Amazes me.
It can be better if detect earlier and well managed by healthy diet, living structure, daily/regular exercise, cultivate self-growth and community support. 加油
謝謝Hailey & Adam 勇敢分享了和憂鬱症的心路歷程,每個人都是獨特的存在,擁有不一樣的情緒和症狀不是因爲自己不對。謝謝你們拍這支影片,不僅幫助我了解baby blues (we are expecting too!)也幫到更多人❤❤
@joannachen1007 ай бұрын
Thank you both for the courage to share your feelings and struggles honestly here. I really want to give you both a hug. We can see how much impact of your story have touched so many people in the comments. So many people are struggling with the mental health but not able to get the understanding, support or necessary help to get better. Bless your little family and everyone in your extended families for great health and happiness ❤️
很感謝Adam和Hailey的分享,我對此深有感觸,從23年的九月份到現在我(14歲~15歲的我)一直在受著極重度抑鬱和重度焦慮,雙相情感障礙,強迫症的折磨,我經常出現心慌手抖胸悶的躯體化表現,每天晚上腦子裡充斥著各種聲音,我也換過許多藥:美國輝瑞公司生產的舍曲林片,奧氮平,草酸艾司西酞普蘭,文拉法辛,扎來普隆,右佐匹克隆,佐匹克隆,勞拉西泮,艾司唑侖,阿普唑侖,丙戊酸鈉,丙戊酸鎂,碳酸鋰緩釋片,富馬酸喹硫平片,丁螺環酮片等等很多種藥,也經歷過在住院期間被束縛帶捆綁,接受經顱磁刺激(rTMS),電針,低頻電子脈衝(tDCS),電休克治療(ECT),催眠,中藥泡腳等多種物理治療。到現在依舊微笑面對每一個“明天”。在此之前,我從未設想過自己竟會罹患這“心靈的疾疫”。包括我以及社會中生活中的大多數人之前對心理疾病和精神疾病的定義和感受保持著膚淺的理解,甚至一度將其歸結為:想太多、慣的、裝的、脆弱的、受不了壓力的 等輕率的標籤。如今,這些字眼如同離弦之箭,直刺我心,使我幡然醒悟。或許,真的有一些深層次的緣由促成了這病症的萌生,但終究,它是一種疾病,需要得到應有的治療。眼中的世界逐漸失去色彩,突如其來的心悸與胸悶,記憶的衰退,以及一次次的自我傷害,看到窗口就想跳下去的衝動 都在無聲地告訴我:這一切並非正常,我,真的病了。 如果你認真的讀到這裡,如果你也是一個正在經受這些痛苦的病友,我懂你的痛楚,我們一同努力扛過去,這黑暗不會無止境,我們總會迎來勝利的曙光,共勉之!❤❤ I’m very grateful for the insights shared by Adam and Hailey. Their words resonated deeply with me. Since September 2023, I (then 14-15 years old) have been struggling with severe depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, OCD, and insomnia. I’ve frequently experienced physical symptoms like heart palpitations, trembling hands, and chest tightness. Every night, my mind is flooded with various voices. I’ve tried numerous medications, including Sertraline produced by Pfizer, Olanzapine, Escitalopram Oxalate, Venlafaxine, Zaleplon, Eszopiclone, Zopiclone, Lorazepam, Estazolam, Alprazolam, Sodium Valproate, Magnesium Valproate, Lithium Carbonate Sustained-Release Tablets, Quetiapine Fumarate, Buspirone, and many others. I’ve also undergone physical treatments during my hospitalizations, such as being restrained with belts, rTMS, electroacupuncture, low-frequency electronic pulses, tDCS, ECT, hypnosis, and Chinese herbal foot baths. Even now, I continue to face each “tomorrow” with a smile. Before this, I never imagined I would suffer from this “illness of the soul.” Many, including myself and those around me, held a shallow understanding of mental and psychological disorders, often dismissing them as “overthinking,” “spoiled,” “pretending,” “weak,” or “unable to handle stress.” These words, like arrows, now pierce my heart, awakening me to a harsh reality. Perhaps there are indeed deeper reasons behind the onset of these conditions, but ultimately, they are illnesses that require proper treatment. The world around me gradually loses its color. The sudden heart palpitations and chest tightness, the decline in memory, the repeated self-harm, and the urge to jump out of windows silently tell me: this is not normal. I am truly ill. If you have read this far, and if you too are suffering from these afflictions, I understand your pain. Let us endure together. This darkness won’t last forever; we will eventually see the dawn of victory. Stay strong!❤❤
Hi Hailey, and Adam, you guys are SO brave for sharing these very personal and intimate struggles! I'm sure a lot of people who watches this video are comforted in knowing that they're not alone. blessings.
I cried so badly when Adam was talking about his experiences with depression. I resonate with everything that he described, and this really confirmed to me that I do indeed have depression. Being born in a traditional asian family, my parents never believed that I have mental health issues. Sometimes when I can't function properly or when I get really emotional and sad for weeks they would tell me to "stop 'brainwashing' myself into being sad" or "stop being unproductive". It has gotten worse and worse, and there was a period when I had multiple suicidal attempts. Despite that, my parents still explained it as: "You keep avoiding the things you have to do, so in the end, when everything piles up, you get stressed and want to die." Even then, my parents would not admit that I have mental health issues and would not bring me to see psychiatrists. They think that only psychotic people go there. Gradually, I also got skeptical about the way I behave. Before I watched this video, I actually could not fully confirm that I have depression or some mental health issues. So being able to listen to someone who has the same experience as me really made me feel better. Now I know it's not because "I'm not hardworking enough" or "I'm just pretending to be sad", but because I have depression. Thanks a lot!
@MH-pz8wf7 ай бұрын
@greenlight74637 ай бұрын
@tinahuang29707 ай бұрын
@katechen12457 ай бұрын
@rraayy2187 ай бұрын
Some conventional Asian families are just having a concept to blame the parents for not giving birth a perfect child, so this could be the reason that your parents denied the fact you actually needed some more professional supports. You’re really tough to fight alone the symptoms! Perhaps watching this warm video with some of your family members could get them know you better. Hopefully you’ll find a good therapist for your symptoms! Wish you all the best. 🫶🏼
I'm also a new mom with a 7 month old (so probably the same age as boba). I cried so many times the first couple months mourning the loss of our "freedom" without baby. I've even expressed regrets in having a baby. But I love my baby, and already cannot imagine a world without her. It is just a really tough change. Thank you for talking about it.