I can't understand a word but great job stay safe 👍
@andrewdog-gonewaylon59154 жыл бұрын
You can't understand a word he said yet he knew he did a great job. didn't you think first before commenting?!
@zeddieb51504 жыл бұрын
@@starchangchang the language is really cool. My mind can't think that fast. Us here in Alabama talk slow and drawn out.
@zeddieb51504 жыл бұрын
@@andrewdog-gonewaylon5915 yes definitely. They speak so fast our english language is nowhere near as fast. Some languages like German. Sometimes you can figure out what's being said. The Chinese language. It's amazing to me the sound and even the written language of them. The history is amazing to.
@turelove G 難得有大陸人為老蔣總統說了公道話,其實當年要不是共產黨在亂,抗日戰爭後,一個千瘡百孔的國家,百廢待舉,共產黨不要亂,讓國民政府好好擘畫建設,就像建設台灣一樣,30多年前台灣曾經有過的輝煌的經濟奇蹟,早也會出現在大陸的,大陸老百姓早就可以過好日子了,也不會經歷那些慘無人道的什麼「大躍進」餓死了幾千萬人,也不會有文化大革命,又鬥死了幾千萬人! 小時候台灣有制播一電視劇叫「寒流」,就是在講共產黨的鬥爭,我們這些小孩子只要聽到片頭曲就害怕的不敢看,而那時候的台灣經濟已開始在起飛 ,難怪我們都會說「在水深火熱中的大陸同胞」,共產黨可怕啊…