Today I finally found a clip/interview of William talking English OH my sooo goood. Fan from Canada and discovered William Chan in Pearl Eclipse, watch him other Cdramas + moderday movie. Love to watch him sing, dancing, playing drums is a WOW. His smile is infectious, his manly look is charismatic. Please stay healthy and safe.
@Amari03262 жыл бұрын
Love William Chan. Just discovered him a month ago. He got me back into CDrama.
昨晚在微博上看了這段訪談也欣賞了秀之後,整夜更無法入睡了,一直閱讀著我的美霆!他是如此雋永耐人尋味到如同一本讀之不完挖掘不盡的經典之庫…尤其是他面對不同性質的場合,態度表露的氣場都好強大,好有感染力(Attitudes are contagious.)準備好的人,像美霆如此讓自己精進是正確的方向,台上的光鮮亮麗能多久,心只要是強大,人生有無限的可能,XXX就是無極限。經典了,我的美霆! 而那句“…也想我的話…” 聽到心都醉了,每天不看看他都睡不著,快到無時無刻即時即想的地步了!