I like how the melancholy changes into something else within the song. The most prominent feeling I get when I listen to this song is that it gives me hope and reassurance. The lyrics are easy to relate to. It's so much easier to see the good qualities of other people and their lives rather than your own. Whenever I start feeling like I don't have any good qualities or that my life isn't as good as the lives of others, I try to remind myself of a quote from an anime I watched as a teenager. It goes something like this: people are like rice balls and their good qualities are the plums on their backs. They think they're just plain white rice when in truth, they just can't see the plums on their backs. (Sorry, I got a bit sidetracked here...😅) In the MV I like how it looks like Vicky is sitting in heaven when she's sitting on the white wall/building. So pretty. 🤩 And Victor... I wonder if anyone else hears a resemblance to Cher in Victor's voice (probably not 😂).