a strong feeling of surprise as a result of sth happening, especially sth unpleasant; the event that causes this feeling.................................................a strong feeling of surprise as a result of this happening ,especially sthunpleasant...
Hui yi li xiang qi mo hu de xiao shi hou || Yun duo piao fu zai lan lan de tian kong I fuzzily remember when I was young, the clouds floated in the blue blue sky 那時的你說 || 要和我手牽手 || 一起走到時間的盡頭 Na shi de ni shuo || Yao he wo shou qian shou || Yi qi zou dao shi jian de jin tou At that time you said, you wanted to hold hands with me, together walking to the end of time **從此以後我都不敢抬頭看 || 彷彿我的天空失去了顏色 **Cong ci yi hou wo dou bu gan tai tou kan || Fang fu wo de tian kong shi qu le yan se **In the past I could not dare to look up to see, it seemed as if my sky lost it's colour 從那一天起 || 我忘記了呼吸 ||眼淚啊永遠不再 || 不再哭泣 Cong na yi tian qi || Wo wang ji le hu xi || Yan lei (ah) yong yuan bu zai || bu zai ku qi From that day, I forgot to breathe, the tears forever no more, no more weeping 我們的愛 || 過了就不再回來 || 直到現在我還默默的等待 Wo men de ai || Guo le jiu bu zai hui lai || Zhi dao xian zai wo hai mo mo de deng dai Our love, after a while it will not return, it now knows I still quietly wait 我們的愛 || 我明白 || 已變成你的負擔 Wo men de ai || Wo ming bai || yi bian cheng ni de fu dan Our love, I understand , has already become your burden 只是永遠 || 我都放不開 || 最後的溫暖 || 你給的溫暖 *** Zhi shi yong yuan || wo dou fang bu kai || Zui hou de wen nuan || ni gei de wen nuan** Only forever, I can not let go, the final warmth, your given warmth *** 不要再問你是否愛我 ||現在我想要自由天空 Bu yao zai wen ni shi fou ai wo || Xian zai wo xiang yao zi you tian kong I don't want to ask whether you love me, now I only want the sky 远离开这被捆绑的世界 不再寂寞 yuan li zhe bei kun bang de shi jie bu zai ji mo To go far away from this restrictive, bounded world, and be lonely no more.