He was truly wonderful and amazing. His voice was beyond imagination, and his face was so perfect. He really represented Reno perfectly. I am proud to have Yu Tomiyasu in the band.
He really has improved a lot. I am proud of him because he deserves the best. He worked a lot and worked hard and proved that he is capable of everything ❤
リアクションありがとうございます!現場で聴いてて、チッチッブンから最初のハンパートのカバーまで原曲流してると一瞬錯覚したくらいヒュイの声に違和感がなくてびっくりしました!ゴニの声やっぱヒョンジン似てますよね。ラスサビの이건 La VidaLocaのフリのとこのハルの頭の動きがかなりヒョンジンっぽくて好きです🫶そして現場で一番大沸きしたのはトモヤのチャンビンパートまさか過ぎて逆に声出ませんでした。あんぐり😂