Okinawa min'yō Futami jōwa. There is a portion of Route 331 called "Melody Road" with grooves in the road which, if driven across at 40 kpm you can hear your tires playing this song!
二見情話 Futami juuwa (Love Story of Futami) (男)二見美童やだんじゅ肝美らさ海山の眺み他所に勝てぃよー futami miyarabi ya daNju chimujurasa 'umiyama nu nagami yusu ni masati yoo ◯二見の美しい娘は なるほど心清らかなことよ! 海山の眺めは他所に勝っていて Futami's beautiful daughter is indeed pure of heart! The view of the seamounts is second to none (女)二見村嫁や ないぶしゃやあしが辺野古崎坂の上い下いよー futamimurayumi ya naibusha ya 'ashiga finukuzachi fira nu nubui kudai yoo ◯二見村の嫁にはなりたいが辺野古崎の坂の上がり下り(は大変だ) I want to be a wife in Futami Village, but going up and down the slopes of Finukuzachi (Henokozaki) is difficult. (男)行逢たしや辺野古 'ichatashi ya kushigwaa ◯出会ったのは久志 We met at Kushigwaa (女)語たしや辺野古 katatashi ya hwinuku ○語ったのは辺野古 We had a chat at Finuku (Henoko) (男)思てぃ通たしや 花の二見よー 'umuti kayutashi ya hana nu futami yoo ◯恋して通ったのは美しい二見 I fell in love with the beautiful flower Futami (男)待ちかにてぃ居たる首里上いやしが machikaniti wutaru shui nubui yashiga ◯待ち兼ねていた首里への帰還だが The long awaited to return to Shuri (女)出ぢ立ちゅる際や別りぐりしゃよー 'んじたちゅるち わや わかりぐりしゃよー 'Njitachuru chiwa ya wakari gurisha yoo ◯旅立つ時は別れにくいねえ It's hard to say goodbye when leaving (男)行かい 'いかい 'ikai ◯行くよ(行ってくるよ) I’m going (女)行ぢ来よーとぅ 交わす云言葉や 'Njikuuyoo tu kawasu 'ikutuba ya ◯いってきなさい と交わす言葉は The words we exchanged were, “Please come.” (男)ぬがし肝内に思い残ちよー ぬがしちむ'うちに'うむいぬくちよー nugashi chimu 'uchi ni 'umui nukuchi yoo ◯どうして心中に思いを残すのか Why do you leave thoughts in your heart? (男女)戦場ぬ哀り 何時か忘りゆら 忘りがたなさや 花ぬ二見よー 'いくさばぬ'あわり'いちか わしりゆら わしりがたなさや はなぬ ふたみよ 'ikusa baa nu 'awari 'ichi ka washiriyura washiri gatanasa ya hana nu futami yoo ◯戦さの時の哀しみはいつかわすれるだろう 忘れられないのは美しい二見だ The sadness of war will be forgotten someday, but what I will never forget is the beautiful Futami.
@shautora14 жыл бұрын
Ya, unfortunately it is. But are you sure Windows 7 isn't set up for it? I think you just need to find the setting. Have you tried looking for it on the Microsoft website?