Dear Egg, My 2 cats and we arrived in the UK la, want to say BIG thank you to you! Thanks to you, we got all the forms correctly, and we successfully fly from HKG to Zurich to Paris, then take pet tai, and arrived at our home promptly and safely in cabin. BIG THANK YOU to you!!!!
Can any tell me my cat from HK to Amsterdan then transit by ferry to the UK, apart from the GB pet health certificate, what Annex form do I need to work for the gov to endorse? Annex 1, Annex 2, Annes 3 or Annex 4. I find nothing to fill for Annex 1, Annex 2, only Annex 3 is required. On the EU website, no Annex 4 form was found. Please advise should my cat need to have Annex 4 to enter Netherland?
@cattychowchow4 жыл бұрын
好詳細既說明!好有幫助!想問埋去到荷蘭/法國很,係咪用番同一張 form 入英國境?定要換 pet passport 先得?宜家呢兩個國家香港人都入唔到境,仲會唔會有其它可行路線可以諗吓?我帶住3隻貓,都係想入客艙。有無機會可以拍條片講埋你過兩個國家custom 既過程? 呢段入面,click"see model in Part 3 of Annex IVSearch for available translations of the preceding link" a written declaration completed by the owner or an authorised person (see model in Part 3 of Annex IVSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• to Regulation (EU) No 577/2013Search for available translations of the preceding linkEN•••) regarding the non-commercial nature of the movement and attesting, where appropriate, the carriage of the animal under the responsibility of an authorised person within up to five days of the movement of the owner.
@@heyeggzi9681 1) implantation of a transponder (植入晶片) 2) Vaccination against rabies (打瘋狗針) 3) Rabies antibody test 4) Treatment against Echinococcus multilocularis (必須入境前不多於120小時/ 不小於24小時) (想請教第三點是什麼事項?)
@heyeggzi96813 жыл бұрын
Sorry for late reply 由香港入境英國唔需要理會第3項, 呢個係一個驗血既要求
@nn56643 жыл бұрын
@heyeggzi96813 жыл бұрын
是的,之前已有網友提及, 我已update了 info box, 我會盡快出片 update大家❤️
澳洲係listed country,跟返佢做法就可以,另外有一個額外要求。 Cats from Australia To bring a cat into the UK from Australia, you must have a certificate from the Australian Department of Agriculture confirming your cat has not been exposed to the Hendra virus in the 60 days before you left. 要好好安排整個流程。
條link係直接download official web份Annex IV,結果開唔到就去 搵番"an animal health certificate" click落去啦