3:01 Duh... everything I need is ON THE GROUND.... 3:19 Let me pop a 911... 3:29 Adrianne:是是是,我參賽的時候你沒叫我去休息還要我滾回來評分,幹~ 4:35 沒事了,就算偷吃成功你也不會是第一個偷吃的~ 4:49 背光直接夠讓⋯⋯攝影師被淘汰1000次 5:50 Last Friday night, yeah I danced on table top, think I take too many shots~ 7:18 5 more shots of tequila~ 7:38 雖然會給我一種拍完了就會天雷勾地火的既視感 8:03 這一幕突然讓我靈光一閃⋯是不是⋯(“Different ethnicity?” “Sister, you look like a black girl, girl!” “I was feeling it!”) 9:32 跟PR裡那個來自快樂星球的選手很搭喔😂 13:29 拿著Dettol的蚌殼精~😂😂 14:11 胖住對手😂 15:50 應該控制不住Boki的慾望了😂 16:33 這嗓子跟肯爺有的一拼(在強行閉嘴那方面) 17:05 畢竟繼續拍下去她可能就要被破處了