つきのふね Un Bateau sous le ciel もしもなみだあふれたら このむねにおしあてて にどとこいはできないと じぶんをにくまないで おもわずだきしめて 鏡にように きみだけの輝き うつしてあげたい よるをわたるつきのふね このままさらわれて こころにふるぎんのいと ふたりをむすぶまで おもいでいたむくせに むりにみせるほほえみが せつなくぼくをさそう ふれてすぐにはなれた ガラスのキスは まぶしくて,もろくて 胸を熱くする あいにゆれる つきのふね ひかりのつゆにゆれ 見つめたたま 夢の鈴 よるをわたる つきのふね このままさらわれえて こころにふる ぎんのいと ふたりを むすぶまで あいにゆれる つきの舟 ひかりの露にぬれ みつめたまま 夢の鈴 1. When tears burst in your eyes Come, plunge into my bosom. Don’t say you cannot love again And don’t hate yourself. I want to dash into you to hold you in my arms Then I will be a mirror to reflect your brightness that comes only from you. # A boat under the moon, crossing the night sky, Will be taken away two of us to a place Where silvery cords falling into our heart will tie them closely. 2. Memories of the past ache your heart, I know, But you pretend you can smile for me Desperately you pulled me to you And kissed my lips and came away - across a glass wall Such a kiss glaring like an after-glow, slippery like desert sands made my heart filled with yarning zealous. # A boat under the moon light, tossed by love’s pulse dragging among the dews of light four eyes locked in, sound of dreamy rings A boat under the moon light, crossing the night, Might be taken away to somewhere afar Until the silvery threads fall into our heart and tie them firmly A boat under the moon light, tossed by zephyr of love when dawning light congeals as dews four eyes locked to each other - when one hears sound of rings as if in a dream