13 stone? how tall are you no offence but there doesnt look to be any fat on you! re cholesterol i was the same (i had a mild nafl ) so cut down on the processed food and it actually did lower i (like yourself i dont smoke nor drink) cant say im a fan of this one size fits all measurement i think some people just have higher levels than others. Agree diddy kong is the better kart racer! oh i stopped getting retro gamer donkeys years ago, even back then they were just regurgitating the same ole sh#t well done for being in it though.
@Digitalmonkery7 ай бұрын
I'm around 5ft8 or 5ft9, so going by bmi I'm overweight. Thanks for saying there's no fat on me, it's a family trait to carry everything on the belly and to be skinny everywhere else which is rather frustrating. I'd love to get back to the weight I was when I started in my job a few years back, though I know that's not too likely. My brother has nafl, so I'm not massively fused now, it scared me when I was first told about the high cholesterol because it's the first physical health issue I've ever had come up. Onwards and upwards though!