The Ghosts Of Ghostbusters Afterlife Explained

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Character History

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Hey everyone. Today, I'm back at it again with another Ghosts of Ghostbusters Explained video. Today, I'm looking at the Force Awakens of the GB franchise, Ghostbusters Afterlife.

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@MrNed35 Жыл бұрын
do you think you could do the ghosts in spirits unleashed?
@LP_Lachy 3 ай бұрын
Bro thought
@goblinden6380 11 ай бұрын
I have a theory to how Terror Dogs work in the the new Ghostbusters canon that might solve your questions. In the concept art for Ghostbusters Afterlife Terror Dogs are shown to have a sentinal form. In the movie we see Vinz Clortho take this form when he is released from the ghost trap. I also think we see statues depicting bipedal/sentinal Terror Dogs in the underground Gozer shrine. In the newly realesed Ghostbusters multiplayer game, Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed ( A game that may or may not be canon) The sentinal Terror Dog is a ghost you can play as and is classified as a Posseser type ghost. My theory is that Terror Dogs like Zuul and Vinz Clortho didnt die in the events of Ghostbusters and simply wander the earth and continue to do Gozers bidding while she is trapped in the Spirit World. For Terror Dogs to posses people they must asume the ghostly sentinal form that is unseen in the first movie. The only drawback to the sentinal form is that when they assume it they can be detected by ghost hunting equipment like P.K.E Meters and can be caught in Ghost traps. In summery Terror Dogs must turn into ghosts enable to posses people.
@thehumerus 9 ай бұрын
Not a bad theory at all. In fact it makes a lot of sense! Good stuff.
@ashtray4344 Жыл бұрын
I dont think afterlife decanonizes TVG, Shandor resurrected makes sense as the defeated destructor arquitect can't exist in our dimension because of the lack of energy but he can use his own body as a vessel to re manifest himself in this world, of course gozer is pissed with him for using them so they quickly destroy the conserved body of shandor. The stay puft stuff is also pretty strange but we can make sense of it being a minor manifestation of gozer product of the ghost well reaching its limit near the moment of the re manifestation of gozer (like a sign of it wanting to come back as a destroyer) but the ghost well being a very crude and rudimentary way of giving energy to the entity makes it weaker and prevents the destructor form from forming forcing gozer to come to our world as nothing but a shadow of their former self.
@tfordham13 7 ай бұрын
Also gozer is a guy
@Cosmicghost3 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@tfordham13it’s whatever it wants to be -Venkman
@tfordham13 6 ай бұрын
@@Cosmicghost3 than how come timat his brother calls him he
@Celtic1020 Ай бұрын
@@tfordham13it's a non-human entity being described by humans. We are very good at being confidently wrong.
@AgentNintaku 6 ай бұрын
Jason Reitman did say that the videogame is no longer canon, but Dan Ackroyd didn't, and it's his universe so he gets to decide. Channeling Spirits did a video that explained how the videogame could still be canon with the new film, and it really doesn't change the rules of anything at all. Gozer the Gozerian is a world-destroying deity who appears in a dimension as Gozer the Traveler. Once the Traveler arrives, it changes into Gozer the Destructor to end the world. Gozer's Destructor form is cemented to a dimension, as Ray speculated. Being a deity, its form can be destroyed, but it cannot actually be killed. Shandor knew a lot, but not everything, and could be wrong about stuff. Crossing the streams in the first film swung the door to Gozer's dimension shut, cutting it off from a whole dimension of power, which is why the Stay Puft Destructor form is so weak when it reappears in the videogame and why the Mini-Puffs, a manifestation of Gozer, are more like wild animals than a focused will. Shandor managed to grant Gozer's Destructor form enough power to manifest again, but it just wasn't enough. They effectively were Gozer's Destructor form, which can exist separately from Gozer the Traveler, but without the power from its home dimension, they were extra weak. The temple in the mining town, on the other hand, had been concentrating spiritual energy for Gozer for almost a century, and while it could manifest from there, Egon's proton array kept it at bay. The Terror Dogs don't need to be more powerful than Gozer to manifest outside the sacrificial pit, they just need to not BE Gozer. They were sent out to make it so Gozer could return, and Gozer simply can't manifest without the pair of them, much like when they opened the gate to Gozer's dimension. What we ended up seeing was Gozer the Traveler, cut off from the power needed to take a full Destructor form, but still powerful enough to take on a few meddling teenagers. In theory the ghost traps of the first movie *could* have trapped the Terror Dogs had they been given the proper settings and power to work on them, since they're still just a manifestation of PKE. Egon certainly did his work over the decades preparing to trap them, after all, so it's likely some of that work was refining the traps to deal with Class 7 entities. So with a combination of unreliable narrators and 30 years of experience and technological advancement, it all works out and we can enjoy all four Ghostbusters movies (since Ackroyd says the videogame is the third and I'm sticking with that). :D
@TFPrime217 8 ай бұрын
The Video Game is still cannon, it lines up with the timeline and events that happen in the game make sense in Afterlife. I think they just didn’t overtly state it’s cannon so those who didn’t play it wouldn’t feel like they missed out.
@tfordham13 13 күн бұрын
The movie maker said it wasn't but I don't trust him
@magnesium_mg0 Жыл бұрын
I have a theory as to why the terror dogs escaped the ghost world before gozer I think that gozer may have sent them out to kill the ghostbusters so that way she could destroy our dimension without any prombles
@opmanop1561 Жыл бұрын
It simply could be that the terror dogs got out before egon could stop them but egon did stop gozer in time
@OrangeJulius_JMC 5 ай бұрын
Are you planning on doing a video on the 2016 movie or the ones from the cartoons?
@sebbdotexe 5 ай бұрын
One possible explanation for the Terror Dogs being able to escape the ghost world when Gozer couldn't: file size. They're smaller entities than Gozer, needing less spiritual energy. So they can pass through cracks and rifts between dimensions that Gozer is too big for.
@RetroLiminal99444 10 ай бұрын
Hopefully the Afterlife Sequel will have more ghosts.
@jeffjefferson3183 3 ай бұрын
:( It did nt
@RetroLiminal99444 3 ай бұрын
@@jeffjefferson3183 but it has a cool original villain.
@AlphaThorsten 2 ай бұрын
@@jeffjefferson3183I wouldn’t say that. They had an entire mini museum of ghost in that movie.
@jeffjefferson3183 2 ай бұрын
@@AlphaThorsten fair point, just wish they did more with the whole every ghost escaping bit.
@leoyoung-hw7ek 2 ай бұрын
I have a question, what class would the ice god and the possessor be in?
@Cosmicghost3 6 ай бұрын
Great video man! It’s cool to see more Ghostsbusters content being made deep fans that read the comics and played the video game! I played GB:TVG when I was 10 and it had a huge impact on me. When I found out it had been decanonized I was really bummed because I thought the story was cool and the ending proton packs looked awesome! I’m hoping the at least bring back some elements in Frozen Empire, but also take the series in a new but familiar way
@Mlotshaw1 7 ай бұрын
After re watching it I think I might have some answers for Gozer in this one. I believe the closest that gozer was to being a ghost would have been in the game as the reversal of the gate left it trapped in the destructor form and barely hanging on in the ghost world. The reason why she was a more powerful and corporeal entity in this one is because she wasn't summoned as The Traveler, in the lore her sister Tiamat goddess of chaos had her banished from Earth which was their home dimension. And she had gozer's energy spread out through multiple dimensions this is why she had to be summoned and then given a form to act in any dimension and why it was so hard for Shandor to summon it back to its home universe. But The New York rip was a summoning of The Traveler the rust City summoning was meant to reincarnate Gozer onto our plane completely, and reestablish gozer's god head and cult which is why he mentions ruling the world with Gozer why she chooses no form and why she assumed the girl was a sacrifice. Also why she is more caporal and much stronger then before, i wouldn't say it was as simple as a normal ghost to trap all her energies took alot of power,as there was no summoning to reverse , she was fully on earth realm . If you want to include the game as Canon think of it this way shandor did many experiments Maybe the one using the Mandela's was truly shandor's ghost but possibly he had clones or imprints of his personality overseeing multiple experiments other places. If you notice when she tears him in half no ghost comes out it was almost like he was a shell.
@parkerscoolmuseum885 3 ай бұрын
Do you think you can do the ghosts in Frozen Empire next?
@ryananzaldi3082 2 ай бұрын
Love this, can you now do Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire? I’m really stumped on the first ghost that appears. I won’t mention since spoilers but I’m curious what you think.
@starforce1310 11 ай бұрын
You should do the ghosts from the real ghostbusters series :3 but in multiple parts because if i remember right; theres so many lol
@h-man7620 10 ай бұрын
I don't really watch Ghost Busters that much, but I always love fictional security class things. So yeah, this is a good video, I like it.
@frankd4581 3 ай бұрын
Please make a new Ghostbusters explained video for all of the different types and classes of every single ghosts monsters and all of the many other entities found in the ghostbusters cartoon series titled The Real Ghostbusters please
@exwa1300 5 ай бұрын
Now that ghostbusters Frozen Empire Trailer has now been released. Are you going to do a all ghosts explain video for that movie when it comes out Edit I actually have a theory that makes the three movies f video canon Here it is So. In the first movie, Shandor has the antenna on top of the building acting as a gateway to bring Gozer into the world, it then forces the Ghostbusters to choose the form of the destructor then gets defeated after the Ghostbusters cross there streams & reverses the polarity of the Gateway that Gozer came through. In the second movie, Shandor has the Pink “Mood” Slime, Pumping from “Shandor Island” into New York & because of all the negative energy that consists in New York, that allowed Vigo the Carpathian, The 16th/17th century Medieval Tyrant, uses the energy to try & escape the painting he’s trapped in & live again. During all this, Shandor also activated the Mandala on his island & started the process of generating enough energy to bring Gozer back. In the Video game, The Mandalais doing its job by generating energy & Ilyssa triggered a psi energy pulse in the museum that spread throughout New York, enhanced all ghosts in the city, caused the ghosts to become stronger so they’ll generate more energy as they travel around the mandala, which generates enough energy to bring Gozer back but cause Gozer is in the same Dimension, it remains as the same Destructor Form it was already in, so it easily gets defeated again, this angers Shandor to the point where he keeps the Mandala going to continue generating energy, but not to resurrect Gozer again, but to generate his own Destructor Form. Hence why he holds up Gozer’s Skull & says & I quote. “He did but he failed me, twice, How he earned the title “The Destroyer” is beyond me” before Checking it behind him, in the end, Shandor gets defeated & the Mandala gets Shut down with the ghost activity closing in the process. In After-life, seismic activity is happening in a town with no Fault lines or anything, this is because ghost activity is building up in an old mine that turns out, Shandor Built. Egon Traps one of Demon dogs. Which is a ghost cause both Demon Dogs died after the total protonic reversal in the first movie. He takes the trap back to the house to try & trap the other demon dog, but it doesn’t work & Egon dies, after some time the dog escapes the trap, they both posses two people & bring Gozer back again. Now I think that the reason why Gozer is it’s normal form & not the destructor form is because, in the video game. I think that when Gozer got defeated the second time, It actually died that time & became an all powerful ghost, that’s why Gozer came back as its Normal form & the not as the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man. The reason why Gozer rips Shandor in half is because Shandor betrayed Gozer in the game by not bringing Gozer back & tried to take over the world himself. So. That’s my Theory of Why The Three Movies & The Video Game are All Considered Canon
@tfordham13 10 ай бұрын
Non ghost can be captured if there form is disrupted like with the boogy man
@Doodle1678 2 ай бұрын
I find it interesting throughout ghost busters we’ve seen monsterous manifestations of ghost born from hate and malice however Egon is really the first we’ve seen of a friendly ghost it makes sense of course but it’s interesting the only other one I could think of in the movies is the bedroom dream ghost as she was harmless aswell but what causes these ghost to manifest is it different than the ones we see from the pink slime or ghost world.
@derrickwebster6880 Жыл бұрын
Is it possible to explain the ghosts in the ghostbusters idw comics please mainly the first and second one. 🙏🤞
@_NIKOS9_NIKOS 11 ай бұрын
The flaming Phantasm kinda resembles The Desert Scream from TRG Now Comics
@MRbug_423 10 ай бұрын
I don't want this to be a plug. I'm a writer, I write stories that sometimes are largely inspired by Ghostbusters, I also consider myself an add-on writer where I take preexisting stories and add to them. Now I'm saying this because when I watch movies like this, and when there are plot holes, my writer brain makes up mini explanations that explain or justify those plot holes. Now the 2 plot holes in this movie are that ghost traps can now trap, pun not intended, ghouls or other paranormal creatures, now in my brain I'll say that's what traps could always do, capture paranormal energy, now things like the game where we don't trap creatures is because the proton pack the player has is a vastly different prototype and has more ways to dismiss creatures like with the stasis field. Now the second plot hole Gozer returning but not as stay Puft, now I'll say that because I believe she waited long enough for her old destructor form to dissipate
@haakonstenseth 2 ай бұрын
Yesterday evening I watched this movie on Tv from one of the TV channels I have here in my apartment 😁
@ArmasPoole-vd3ku Ай бұрын
I love the new version of the terror dogs and mini stay pufts and gozer the gozerian
@ryanbyars6492 Ай бұрын
I have a question for another part of this series, do you think you could do the ghosts in Ghostbusters Frozen Empire? It came out in March this year.
@Jizzlewobbwtfcus 3 ай бұрын
As much as I enjoyed _Ghostbusters: Afterlife_ I really thought bringing back Gozer was super lazy and was quite pissed off they gave her black eyes instead of the red ones she had in the first film. I also felt the modelling / stature and animatronics of the Hellhounds that were Vince and Zuul were off. They looked too clean.
@DiamondBatToons 3 ай бұрын
The reboot obviously doesn't take the lore as seriously, so doing a video for that one might as well be nixxed. But there's other versions like the comics, the cartoon, & *Frozen Empire* are definitely worth it
@schlim6763 16 күн бұрын
I'm curious about what Possessor can be classified as
@justberp734 10 ай бұрын
Will you do the ghost of the ghost busters cartoons anytime soon?
@onesimosalazar6524 3 ай бұрын
If you are not out yet, of the ghost explained, what about? Ghost from other franchies expleined with this ghostbusters style. Characters like Deadman, getlenmen ghost, bleetlejuice, morro, the force ghost and ghost rider.
@don_rafiky 3 ай бұрын
Can we have a video about Frozen Empire?
@demorunnertimmedrt4432 2 ай бұрын
Are you going to do 2016?
@wyattheaththeneko7207 3 ай бұрын
hello, can you do frozen empire ghosts
@Baton8112 14 күн бұрын
Make a ghost of ghostbusters frozen empire
@TheSeabornGaming 3 ай бұрын
The VG is still canon I’m pretty sure
@interestingmoments9890 Жыл бұрын
Hello, where can I write about cooperation?)
@diaborodevil3161 8 ай бұрын
I’m pretty sure if you actually blend ghostbusters 2016 and ghostbusters afterlife you’d get a pretty good ghostbusters movie ahem 2016 has the energy of classic ghostbusters while ghostbusters afterlife tries to be a sequel to ghostbusters so blend them and bam something slightly below the ghostbusters video game the best third ghostbusters
@richardkirkland6805 3 ай бұрын
"Anchored" for Egon doesn't really work, especially with the context of the upcoming sequel where everyone is back in New York, including Egon. (We see Egon playing Chess with his granddaughter.)
@glasshalfempty1984 2 ай бұрын
What are you talking about? Egon is not back in New York. Did you not watch Afterlife? At the end he moves on.
@Andulvar 6 ай бұрын
Does this guy know what continuity means?
@glasshalfempty1984 2 ай бұрын
I'm sorry what? You didn't like it? It was a fantastic movie. It spectacularly honored Harold ramis's memory. Who cares if it decanonized a video game or some comics?
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