Build + tips: This build can be made right after shara ishvalda, with no guiding lands grinding (garuga can be fought in events) Safi’s Hellhorn (use ice version for ice build) : element up V, element up IV, sharpness incrase V x2 and attack melody IV Brachyduim helm B Safi crested chest B Frostfang braces B Safi crested belt B Garuga greaves B Handicraft charm III (can be swapped for preference or upgraded but requires guiding lands stuff) Rocksteady mantle + health booster no augments (helmet was augmented but its like 20 defence would barely make a difference) Skills to prioritise: First - evade window, fire attack(or ice if ice build) and blight resistance Then damage skills - critical eye, w.exploit, crit up, horn maestro Other skills i used: speed eating, handicraft, recovery up