神的政治智慧 台灣末代總統的輓歌是由2020年817萬張無知的選票吹響的。民進黨已經拒絕了善意的和平統一,還主動的勾結美國,誘使大陸點燃兩岸的戰火,企圖藉著國際勢力的干預,謀求台灣的獨立建國。廣大無知的選民卻毫無這樣的認知,投下了手上的選票就是一種政治授權的行為,是要承擔其政治後果的。這個選錯國家領導人,引導政客走上錯誤的道路,後面還要死傷多少無辜的台灣軍民同胞卻也毫無警覺。政客只是投大多數無知選民的所好,利用假民主的狼皮外衣欺騙大眾,混個總統當一當,大撈政治分贓的利益與好處而已。我放棄了2020年總統大選的選票,因為那三個參選的總統候選人都昧著良心說話,欺騙老百姓,也欺騙自己。你如果主張和平統一,肯定連1%的選票也拿不到,參選者也只想當總統而已。政客們的格局之小且鄙,是廣大選民的無知與縱容所造成的,卻沒有人敢對此一因愚民當道所導致的台灣末代總統的亂象提出任何批判。 獵雷艦詐貸弊案,明知得標的廠商沒有資金也沒有能力製造掃雷艇,銀行團竟也與騙子勾結,狠狠詐貸了九家全是官股銀行聯貸的205億元。活生生的政治分贓醜劇就這樣的上演了。現在竟呼悠老百姓潛艦也要自造。老百姓竟然也買單。反正不是由我口袋裡掏錢。請仔細閱讀路加福音中的下列經文,看看耶穌基督是如何對一個王應當選擇提出求和條款所作的訓誨。可悲啊! 台灣被西方的假民主所迷惑,走上求仁得仁的不歸路。最終還是要回歸祖國,接受中國政經一體的引導,學習國家的民主自由已經內涵了個人的民主自由,這就是神的政治智慧。 【路加福音 14: 31-32】 31 或是一個王出去和別的王打仗,豈不先坐下酌量,能用一萬兵去敵那領二萬兵來攻打他的麼? 32 若是不能,就趁敵人還遠的時候,派使者去求和 息的條款。 2021/04/04 星期日《谷丹經》玄玄上人 God's political wisdom The elegy for the last president of Taiwan was sounded by 8.17 million ignorant votes in 2020. The DPP has rejected the peaceful reunification of goodwill, and has actively colluded with the United States to induce the mainland to ignite the flames of war across the strait, in an attempt to seek Taiwan's independence and founding of a nation through the intervention of international forces. The vast majority of ignorant voters have no such cognition. Casting the ballots in their hands is an act of political authorization and they must bear its political consequences. This election of the wrong leader of the country led politicians on the wrong path, and the number of innocent Taiwanese military and civilian compatriots who will be killed or injured in the future are not vigilant. Politicians just follow the preference of the majority of ignorant voters, use the wolf-skin cloak of fake democracy to deceive the public to become a president, and profit from sharing the political spoils of benefits and bonus. I gave up the vote for the 2020 presidential election because the three presidential candidates who ran for the election spoke without conscience, deceiving the people and themselves. If you advocate peaceful reunification, you will surely not even get 1% of the votes, and the candidates just want to be president only. The small and shallow pattern of the politicians is caused by the ignorance and connivance of the majority of voters, but no one dares to criticize the chaos of the last president of Taiwan caused by foolish people who are on the way of controlling the authority. In the mine hunter fraud case, knowing that the successful bidder had no funds nor the ability to build minesweepers, the bank group also colluded with scammers and violently scammed all nine official stock banks for joint loans of 20.5 billion yuan. This is how the lively political ugly drama of looting was staged. Now they cheat the ordinary people that they want to build the submarines by themselves. To my surprise, the common people also paid the bill. Anyway, it's not from my pocket to pay for it actually. Please read the following verses in Luke’s Gospel carefully to see how Jesus Christ taught that a king should choose to propose peaceful terms. Sad! Taiwan was deceived by the false democracy of the West and embarked on a path of no return, asking for rén by death and finally get it. In the end, we must return to the motherland, accept the guidance of China's integration of politics and economy, and learn that the country’s democratic freedom has contained personal democratic freedom. This is God’s political wisdom. 【Luke 14: 31-32】 31 “Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace. 04/04/2021 Sunday 《REFINERY FOR LIVING TWICE》Mysterious Master