美國海軍將領Willis Augustus Lee, Jr.是海軍射擊隊成員,曾經參加1920年安特衛普奧運會得到5金牌,一銀牌一銅牌。後來他指揮華盛頓號和南達科他號戰列艦參加第三次所羅門海戰。南達科他號意外斷電,華盛頓號在雷達指引下痛擊霧島,將其打成廢鐵。雖然不是狙擊手,不過我的觀點是相對於各種專業兵種來説,奧運會那些重複重複再重複的項目實在沒有吸引力,或者最多就當作業餘愛好。
A sniper needs a spotter, never had sniper training but the scope is not what what people see in games, we have to account for distance even at 300 meters, at 300m the target is the size of 1mm let along over 1km, we will always aim for centre mass.
@howardtan25402 жыл бұрын
I did search the image height from a long distance, the image size of a 180cm object is 0.102mm in 300m. It's crazy how the campers manage to hit the target in such distance
@sethjr98152 жыл бұрын
@@howardtan2540 because of how rifle works we need to adjust for the distance, 100, 200, 300m under 100m room clearing is fine, it’s to do with how the rounds exit the rifle.