How Much Does New York Actually Recycle? - NYC Revealed

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New York has a whole lot of trash, but did you know half of it is recyclable? While NYC might not be the best at it, its system is state of the art - from facilities processing New Yorker's bottles and cans to a brand new composting movement to a community who relies on the system to survive.
Join Cheddar & CuriosityStream as we explore the unique histories and modern challenges, defining the future of each of New York City's one-of-a-kind infrastructure systems, in NYC Revealed.
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@rananite Жыл бұрын
This video gives a great overview of NYC's gigantic sorting facilities, but what happens to the materials after they're sorted? How much of each material is actually recycled, vs. shipped abroad, downcycled, or simply dumped in the landfill? Is that part handled by public or private services, and who pays for it?
@james4thedoctor482 Жыл бұрын
@aaronpreston47 Жыл бұрын
The vast majority of non-metallic recyclables don’t ever get recycled. It’s cost more to recycle plastic bottles than to produce new ones.
@edward7792 Жыл бұрын
Exactly what I was hoping the video would touch on, but did not
@robcerrato6528 Жыл бұрын
Too often “recycling programs” are in fact just material sorting. There needs to be a clear distinction between “waste material recovery” and actual recycling (turning the material into something else). Real domestic recycling is incredibly rare in the US. The public has to see this as an issue before we can fix it though, and people are content to continue their mass consumption.
@buggscarrot9557 Жыл бұрын
I agree , everything should be incinerated and to make electricity.
@jasons8479 Жыл бұрын
They need to raise the bottle/can deposit a lot higher than 5 cents to incentivize more people to recycle. A nickel is basically the new penny... almost worthless, so most people say why bother.
@jtgd Жыл бұрын
Makes sense. Raise it to 10¢ or 25¢, and you probably won’t see garbage bottles or cans
@james4thedoctor482 Жыл бұрын
@fridaybot Жыл бұрын
Sweden has cans/bottles recycling at 88% which is 230 recycled/person/year and we still havent reached our goal set at 90%....yet. We has been at this high level for quite some time, earlier 5 cent per can and 25 for a bottle, now they raised the can to 10 cents and pet are 20 cent. There was a dude in sweden that mainly collected recycling on town from trashcans. When he died they discovered he had literary gold bars at home and millions placed on the stock market. He recycled and invested. Still looked like a hobo to everyone so no one knew. Best is everyone just get their deposit back by taking back their own recycling.
@gregelliott5016 Жыл бұрын
Some states have $.10 on theirs. Michigan is one that has $.10 on cans and bottles
@Starbolt3639 Жыл бұрын
It should be at least 10 cents per can and bottle
@alimfuzzy Жыл бұрын
There was an Australian report a few years ago saying out of all material that is thrown away as recyclable only 30% of that is actually recycled, the rest is just added to the normal garbage or incinerated. It went on to say that was probably an overestimation, and could be as low as 5%. I think this is probably the same all over the world.
@ShawnLH88 Жыл бұрын
More like 10%
@LeeeroyJenkins Жыл бұрын
Not Korea or Japan. You’re gonna get a 100+ dollar fine for putting stuff in the wrong bin.
@OfficialSamuelC Жыл бұрын
It varies and isn’t the same everywhere. Some countries have the respect for their environment embedded in their culture and recycle and sort religiously. Allowing a more efficient recycling program. But anything recycled is better than nothing at all. Given the amount of products in the world using completely recycled or somewhat recycled material shows how much new plastic has been prevented from being created and used on top of the huge amount still being created today. Some countries will fine people for incorrect sorting of recycling as well. Which isn’t unreasonable as it isn’t a difficult task to do.
@theproceedings4050 Жыл бұрын
People have misconstrued what you are saying. Even if you are sorting, it's probably all going to a landfill anyway because no one will take it, it's all just green washing.
@aaronthenorm5400 Жыл бұрын
All because of the greedy political right!
@yugioht42 Жыл бұрын
Orlando recycling is streamlined to two bins. Though you can ask for two more if needed. We separate everything out with plastic, metal, paper/ cardboard, and other. You do your job and it’s taken away once a week no headaches no fuss. Usually recyclables become polyester, more bottles, cardboard, and toys and so much more. Ewaste is broken down into parts and often resold to dealers that salvage what they can and melt the rest for metal also separating out mercury and everything else. Legos can’t be recycled for some reason so you’re stuck with it.
@drewe2331 Жыл бұрын
That's because you shouldn't recycle Lego bricks. Just keep reusing them forever!
@robcerrato6528 Жыл бұрын
NYC recycling also has 2 streams. The one is Glass/Metal/(Rigid)Plastic and the other is Paper/Cardboard. Even having 2 streams in Orlando (like NYC), your recyclables still have to be sorted by a MRF(material recovery facility) before the can be sold as usable material.
@batya7 Жыл бұрын
Sadly many NYC restaurants do not offer recycling bins for customers who bus their own trash. It kills me to toss a soda can from lunch; I'll take it home to recycle there! (I carry a big shlep bag.)
@NicholasLittlejohn Жыл бұрын
That's likely illegal, tell 311
@siyacer Жыл бұрын
@mike_404 Жыл бұрын
@@siyacer your pfp and banner = 🤓
@fuzzyduck1989 Жыл бұрын
@@NicholasLittlejohn In which planet do you live in? Most mom & pop restaurants don't have separate recycling bins on site.
@alexrogers777 6 ай бұрын
@@siyacer I can't even imagine calling someone else a nerd while you have an anime girl pfp
@hamidaqanbari8869 7 ай бұрын
I came to NYC as an international student, and I was mortified by the amount of trash and the size of roaches in the city. After spending awhile in nyc, I realized there is little to no will from the city residents to recycle and sort out their trash. To make it worse, DSNY recycling mechanism is complex and inefficient that even as a conscious citizen if you spent time to recycle, your hard work end up in landfills or incinerators. So the best solution is CONSUME LESS berceuse recycling or circular economy can't keep up with the amount of trash we collectively produce.
@medo9824 Жыл бұрын
I literally love recycling. Like its 2nd nature
@uhohhotdog Жыл бұрын
The federal government needs to subsidize recycling operations. It would create many jobs while improving the environment.
@grandinosour Жыл бұрын
The federal government should not subsidize anything....anything the feds subsidize will eventually fail.
@Diana1000Smiles Жыл бұрын
I'm laughing at these responses. Nobody wants to accept personal responsibility for the Trash. How many plastic straws are "recycled" every day?
@uhohhotdog Жыл бұрын
@@grandinosour that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
@chrisklugh Жыл бұрын
The problem is were still lazy. We want to put EVERYTHING into 1 pile and let someone else deal with it out of sight and out of mind. But imagine if we took sorting at home to another level, and had to sort it into some 30 different piles? Then all this stuff is already ready to go to where it needs to go without much sorting. It keeps things cleaner. But that would mean everyday people would need to be even more conscience of their waste. And that will be asking too much.
@batya7 Жыл бұрын
We have single stream recycling in Baltimore City and Baltimore County, Maryland. All you have to do is keep trash and food out of the bin. It's a real shame how much of that stuff goes into the recycling containers anyhow.
@fixieroy Жыл бұрын
My Town Fines you if you put everything in one Bin. I don't know how they figure out who is mixing the trash with plastic, but they trace their pick up route looking for offenders.
@BatCaveOz Жыл бұрын
Yeah, because having 30 different bins to take out every week makes total sense... 🤡
@chrisklugh Жыл бұрын
@@BatCaveOz The World has too many people like you. Its why the whole thing is falling apart. Just no respect for the environment we can't exist without. Its all just Take! Take! Take! and make huge landfills to play golf on in water sensitive areas. So what ever Entitled One.
@gitgut4977 Жыл бұрын
The US needs to recycle more!
@milesh-r7319 Жыл бұрын
Ok This series is incredible, and I hope you guys continue to make it for a long time. Also, that music at the end is absolutely bussin! Plz tell me who made it!
@milesh-r7319 Жыл бұрын
@abakarstone Here to collect my gift.
@robcerrato6528 Жыл бұрын
I sure wish NYC had a separate collection stream for plastic bags and plastic films (you can bring it to some stores, but the city only collects rigid plastic). So much plastic waste is from plastic bags/films from things like packaging, shipping, and freshness seals. I’m sure a lot of New Yorkers would separate out the non rigid plastic if there was a separate stream for it. Plastic bags that make it into the stream actually hurt the MRFs and gum up the sorting of rigid plastic recovery.
@sandal_thong8631 Жыл бұрын
The other problem is that plastic waste is not just one type of plastic that could be dealt with more easily than multiple kinds.
@robcerrato6528 Жыл бұрын
@@sandal_thong8631 absolutely. Plastics are more like a category of materials. The real solution would be consuming far less plastic overall. This could be helped by informing consumers and/or regulating how much plastic manufacturers can use in products and packaging. A carbon tax on difficult-to-recycle goods makes sense to me so consumers and manufacturers are motivated to invest in material alternatives.
@sandal_thong8631 Жыл бұрын
@@robcerrato6528 Yeah. First allow only one kind of plastic, then tax any that's not designed to last a year unless it serves a medical purpose. They're buying plastic because it's cheap to manufacture, but they're not paying the costs of disposal. Some glass might come back, as well as wrapping things in paper. Still as someone said this video is about collection, not where the glass, paper, cardboard, metal and plastic go.
@batya7 Жыл бұрын
In Maryland you take it to recycle in the supermarket.
@robcerrato6528 Жыл бұрын
@@batya7 yes, that is the same as NYC so the majority of people don’t do it because it’s inconvenient. Also, stores are only required to collect/recycle plastic bags if they give them to customers. Many store have switched to paper bags only. As a result, very few places collect/recycle bags/films despite selling products that contain them.
@whoeveriam0iam14222 Жыл бұрын
the problem with recycling plastic is that it's not just a single material. you can't reuse recycled plastic if it's a mix of different types of plastic. you have to make something out of it that doesn't require a specific type of plastic.. like the recycling bags the amount of manual labor in collecting that garbage is astounding in a city that big. where I live we have containers underground that you can throw your bag into. then the truck comes around and lifts the entire container out and empties it, puts it back, and drives to the next one
@EyesOfByes Жыл бұрын
Waste food is used o produce natural gas (not gasoline) for all buses in Stockholm. Oh, they are hybrid electric also
@mcmk6588 Жыл бұрын
How much of it is just sent over seas and called recycling? The water bottle industry sprang up over 30 years ago because at the time the public was encouraging people to not drink soft drinks and have water instead. The various soft drink companies created bottled water in response as the revanue streams were at risk. They then launched a marketing campaign to say that their bottled water is of higher quality. In fine print is says it is from the same sources we use to drink tap water. This also made the plastic waste problem so much worse. The best benefit that may have come from this off the top if my head is disaster relief. If change is what we want. France has a vastly superior water system when it comes to cutting on waste. Water stations throughout the region with reusable bottles for sale. This is what we need to do. The problem wont go away unless we go for the sources.
@googleusergp 6 ай бұрын
I don't use plastic bags for my glass, metal or paper. They go directly into marked bins. Same with the yard waste---they go in cans just for that purpose. During the pandemic, the DSNY workers told me, "You do a good job with separating it, but due to budget constraints, we're just taking it as trash". Yet, it took a month to get the leaves picked up this last time in 2023 when I had them out on the right day. Also, I don't put the leaves in bags. Again, they go in marked yard waste containers. This uses less resources (as bags are not recycled) and the bins/cans can be used over and over again, saving both money and resources. I use yard tools that were at the curb that I fixed up, the lawn mower I use at my properties came from the curb and I fixed them to work like new, and even the shovel to pick up the leaves came from the curb, and I fixed that. Rounding out the set, the rake was tossed in the trash, and I used a spare broom handle on it and it now is a long-handled rake. I maintain one property alone with all curbside tools and equipment. That's my "Re-Use" philosophy.
@bobbya6756 26 күн бұрын
helpful, thank you!
@RavenFilms Жыл бұрын
Wait, it just occurred to me, often when I see video of New York, the trash pickup is in the street. I’m from Chicago, we have alleys for basically every street, and that’s where the trash cans stay, every day, and where the trash pickup is. I figured that was the basic layout in all the major cities. Does New York not have alleys?
@laurin4339 Жыл бұрын
New York was one of the first cities on the US back when cars and alleys were not a thing. The city especially the old part around Wall Street resembles more the style of a European city which never have alleys. To answer your question, no New York has basically no alleys. That‘s why the only way to collect the trash is by putting it out onto the sidewalk. Not the best solution but there‘s no other way in NY.
@TheWaynester101 Жыл бұрын
@@laurin4339 underground storage like in the netherlands( not sue if its that country) but they basically have underground dumpsters where everyone throws their trash
@MissKaraAyn1 Жыл бұрын
We don't! :( That's why we have to use plastic bags for recycling and trash collection. It's a pain.
@RavenFilms Жыл бұрын
@@laurin4339 I’m not sure the lack of cars are the reason, Chicago was also built before cars, but you’re probably right about the city taking on European conventions. But I wonder, there must be old European cities with alleys somewhere, right?
@LeeeroyJenkins Жыл бұрын
@@TheWaynester101 That’s expensive and most wealthy parts of NYC already do it. If they made it mandatory, it would be called racist because poor people couldn’t afford it. (Anything that affects the poor is called racist in the US, because guess who the poor people are?)
@donchaput8278 Жыл бұрын
It should be raised to .10 or even higher at this point. Letting the consumer choose to get it back or not is the way to go! It would also be great to move toward a standardization for separation again, since shipping everything in one container to China didn't work out. Pass laws to make companies use a small set of recyclable materials in packaging and then educate consumers on separating materials again.
@2002yannick1 Жыл бұрын
.50 plz
@borntoclimb7116 Жыл бұрын
Great Video
@aaronhow3932 Жыл бұрын
Awesome!! 😀
@jamespaluch3481 6 ай бұрын
Recycling also is at stores like supermarkets, whole sales, even Target & Walmart with the bottle & can machines worth a nickel for each which are called Reverse Vending Machines which I enjoy using
@gy2gy246 5 ай бұрын
People confuse collection and sorting with recycling. It's getting sorted and chopped up, not recycled. The problem with the plastic is that it's sorted, but there are very few companies that want to recycle. Recycling should be done by the government, as in Europe, not by private companies.
@irfansarfrazconstruction7167 Жыл бұрын
Good jobs 👍
@Yourpolice69 Жыл бұрын
Recyling can't lead to zero waste. You can only recycle plastic a few times before it becomes too weak.
@spunky113 Жыл бұрын
@DC9848 Жыл бұрын
Why not add a waste separation line in the facility that receives the remaining mixed waste. Do as good sorting as you automatically can then send the rest to waste-to-power-plant instead of landfill?
@StreetSWAT Жыл бұрын
in south korea... they have the sane concept. but u buy the bags. im not gonna spell it out here but look it up. it works wonders.
@FaZe_gay Жыл бұрын
looks good but never works lol
@rottmanthan 7 ай бұрын
i am all for recycling what can be, there are places that may not recycle as much but they incinerate it to make electricity which is also ok with me, better than a landfill. some plastics can even be made into diesel.
@bucyrus5000 Жыл бұрын
The problem with composting in NYC is the infrequent pickup and actual urban wildlife. If Sanitation picked up compost daily, then more NYers would participate.
@Flush75 Жыл бұрын
The compost bin actually PREVENTS rodents & other vermin from accessing the organic materials inside (as-opposed to say a loose "bag" laying completely exposed at the curb - - which is very easily accessible). People just need to stop making excuses...
@fuzzyduck1989 Жыл бұрын
These new composting bins are breeding grounds for rats and roaches, especially if not used properly.
@Flush75 Жыл бұрын
@@fuzzyduck1989 you’ve got it completely wrong… leaving PILES of easily accessible bags at the curb is the breeding ground. Vermin have ZERO ACCESS to latching bins (otherwise, what are you proposing as a better alternative)
@fuzzyduck1989 Жыл бұрын
@@Flush75 I am not against the compost bin for those who want to use it but at least put the food scraps in bags before placing them in the bins - Raw food scraps in a bin doesn't sound like a good idea. Also, this is NewYork, so most people would just use these bins improperly and this would create a banquet for the rats and they wouldn't even have to rip a bag to have a feast...
@timothybaker8234 Жыл бұрын
No mention of the market for the recycled material? If there is no market for the plastics, what happens to them?
@rowland5951 Жыл бұрын
They need some sorting robots on there.
@NovelNovelist Жыл бұрын
The solution is to make recycling as easy and low effort for people as possible. Definitely single stream recycling -- NOT having people sort by paper, plastic, metal, glass, etc. Everything should just be either "trash" or "recycling" in a given person's head, and don't give them anything else to think about or do but toss the "recycling" in one convenient bin that's collected often and regularly. The ultimate goal for recycling programs should be to remove themselves from public consciousness completely. Ultimately once the technology and budget exist, we should have truly single stream trash/recycling, just one bin for everything recyclable or not, and then the infrastructure should develop on the back end to sort and recycle everything possible and send the rest to a landfill or incinerator as appropriate. Take recycling out of the hands of the people altogether.
@sandal_thong8631 Жыл бұрын
Trash collectors shouldn't be touching garbage or bags of garbage that could have sharps in them. Amsterdam came up with the solution of putting bins below the sidewalk and having the trucks pull them out, much like trucks in the suburbs lift people's bins.
@jacobbwalters8133 Жыл бұрын
Michigan has a 10 cent bottle bill and soooo many people redeem them
@thomaswhitten2537 Жыл бұрын
Using less stuff is really not going to happen. You'd be going up against a trillion dollar industry designed to get people to use more stuff, not less. Making the 'more stuff' out of more easily recyclable materials might be the best, cheapest plan.
@meirchaimo6960 Жыл бұрын
Not me trying to spot my garbage!
@locutusvonborg2k3 Жыл бұрын
lol, why renaming the video from "inside the largest recycling system in america" to "how much does new york actually recycle?" isnt it the largest ?
@gy2gy246 5 ай бұрын
The video doesn't cover the fact that not everything collected is recycled. People confuse collection and sorting with recycling. Plastic is getting sorted and chopped up at these plants, not recycled. There are very few companies that want to recycle it because it's not profitable. Recycling should be done by the government, as in Europe, not by private companies.
@Starbolt3639 Жыл бұрын
It should be at least 10 cent per can and bottle
@prabhushankar8520 Жыл бұрын
@udn9930 Жыл бұрын
I thought that this video was about Delaware 😏
@NeonNijahn Жыл бұрын
Damn recyclers are lookers!
@bmw803 Жыл бұрын
Maybe the Bartender can leave DC and come back to NY and do some work with this recycling. so we capture more of it, instead of wasting taxpayers money in Congress.
@danielyeroshalmi7492 Жыл бұрын
i heard that NYC doesn't even recycle anymore because of "covid"
@Mrnevertalks Жыл бұрын
That isn't true. Recycle is still being picked up once a week here in my neighborhood.
@Diana1000Smiles Жыл бұрын
@@Mrnevertalks Garbage pick up doesn't necessarily mean plastics are recyclable. We Humans are killing ourselves with trash.
@bikeny Жыл бұрын
What we stopped was the organics recycling. But that is now going to be restarted or is restarted. The paper and glass recycling never stopped. It's once a week (unless your recycling pickup day is a holiday, like mine is monday, so I lose out on those 3-day weekends since the recycling is skipped til the following monday; although when Christmas is on Monday, then recycling will take place on new years day so that we dont go 3 weeks without our recycling pickup).
@stefano3202 Жыл бұрын
It’s so sad such a good recycling system is wasted by so many New Yorkers for the sake of convenience
@Diana1000Smiles Жыл бұрын
I have never seen a "good recycling center".
@ronlevin2339 Жыл бұрын
Reuse is not for Apple product, recycle come first in their list..
@michbaba4337 Жыл бұрын
“NY is a city that prides itself on sustainability” …recycles 50 percent 🤨
@mike_404 Жыл бұрын
Probably more than other cities
@Voltaic_Fire Жыл бұрын
Does "informal worker" mean homeless or illegal immigrants that you don't want to use the correct term for?
@recyclingquestionsanswered2914 Жыл бұрын
Hi all, just chiming in to help with some of the below questions! The Brooklyn facility featured in this video is able to recover about 95% of the recyclables it receives. Those recyclables are then sold to metal smelters, plastic reclaimers and glass furnaces that are up and down the eastern US/Canada. Most of NYC's recycled paper goes to a paper mill right on Staten Island where it is processed into new rolls of paper. Unfortunately, about 30% of what the Brooklyn facility receives is trash, items NOT accepted in NYC's recycling program. It wouldn't really be possible for recycling facilities to survive if they were not recovering the majority of the recyclables they received. That is how they recover funds to cover their operations. If recycling facilities were constantly throwing valuable materials away, they wouldn't not be able to financially support themselves. The economics just wouldn't work out. Have more questions? You can visit the Brooklyn facility to see the process in action and ask all of them! Visit for more info and to book a tour. Remember to ALWAYS Reduce and Reuse first, and as a last resort, recycle right.
@Gertyutz Жыл бұрын
At least there's some real recycling done here in NYC. This appears to be the opposite of the much of the country, where everything is sorted, but not recycled, and sent to Malaysia because recycling facilities aren't profitable.
@vincentmckiernan4975 Жыл бұрын
PROBLEM... China stopped taking our recyclables. How is THAT working out?
@michealwestfall8544 Жыл бұрын
Make those deposits 25 cents, then people will recycle.
@Diana1000Smiles Жыл бұрын
No, they won't. I definitely recommend more Education for the people concerning Climate catastrophe, too. 😳 Humans are the endangered species due to our "throw away Society".
@michaelblasius7705 Жыл бұрын
Recycling is a circle jerk, feel good, do nothing program. If there was value to be captured by repurposing our recyclables, there would be a private organization willing to pay for your recycling. The truth is that the resources necessary to make use of our recycling is greater than the value of repurposing them.
@yagruumbagaarn Жыл бұрын
What is the value of clean water and clean air, of complex ecosystems that have evolved over billions of years? What is the value of future generations having an inhabitable planet? What is the value of your one dimensional mind? Even amoeba can operate in multiple dimensions but for you there is only value 🤡
@0pTicaL Жыл бұрын
How much does NYC recycle exactly now that we can't export our shit to China to deal with? Which country or countries do we export our shit to now outside our capacity to recycle?
@aaronthenorm5400 Жыл бұрын
Recycling in The country isn't working because those on the right keep throwing a wrench in the works! Recycling could/could work perfectly If only everyone was on board! Some people are just resistant for no other reason then because! Pathetic!
@GaasubaMeskhenet Жыл бұрын
It's the companies' responsibility to make recycling easy
@Diana1000Smiles Жыл бұрын
☺️ It's every Earthlings' responsibility to quit having so much plastic garbage!
@GaasubaMeskhenet Жыл бұрын
@@Diana1000Smiles have you seen how much garbage they wrap poor people food in? Not everyone has the power to vote with their dollar
@LittleRadicalThinker Жыл бұрын
3 R is just useless and meaningless to ordinary consumers, it is just a scheme, blaming the consumers for wasting too much. All these reductions and reuses must in the planning and production phases, and consumers in general truly only care at the most probably just 10% of reductions and reuse, 90% just recycle, or straight to landfill bins. I will argue, it’s very irresponsible to assume consumers to reduce and reuse while all they can buy are one time use stuffs or specialized things for special purposes. The 3 R are for the producers, not consumers. This is just upside down like the whole system.
@starbucksjunkie332 Жыл бұрын
If you want ppl to get onboard with recycling and sustainable practices. Do not tell ppl to consume less, they will unfollow real quick. If you tell them material recover makes our consumerist lifestyles more sustainable and economical. They may play along.
@Diana1000Smiles Жыл бұрын
Climate Change is not a game.
@mentalchild360 Жыл бұрын
Someone actually raising their voice because of a loud background? That's a rarity 🤧
@Minniedelights Жыл бұрын
@seg83423 6 ай бұрын
youtube algorithm
@EudaemoniusMarkII Жыл бұрын
@mbaktari8194 Жыл бұрын
We need to learn frm Japanese......
@brunhildevalkyrie Жыл бұрын
@23youwatch Жыл бұрын
@Diana1000Smiles Жыл бұрын
Without a comment, just you wanted to claim "First"? How childish.
@Brick-Life Жыл бұрын
Lots of rubbish!
@Gertyutz Жыл бұрын
Funny! :D
@CaptainMarvelsSon Жыл бұрын
Yay! Another reason for me to hate New York verses the quieter, cleaner life that I live now.
@Diana1000Smiles Жыл бұрын
I don't hate New York, but I quit single use plastics in 2000. Even my laundry detergent comes in sheets that dissolve in Water. 😊 And, I'm grateful to have clean Water, too.
@TheParadox_ Жыл бұрын
Where do you currently reside?
@CaptainMarvelsSon Жыл бұрын
@@TheParadox_ A town of less than 10,000 with a few 50-60,000 cities nearby. There is one recycling place, but it is a per-person basis to take, not bins picked up by the city. Virtually no violent crime, quiet streets, below national average drug-related offences. Robbing a gas station makes the weekly news here. 😅
@TheParadox_ Жыл бұрын
@@CaptainMarvelsSon Sounds like the kind of situation I’m looking for.
@Diana1000Smiles Жыл бұрын
I don't understand any of these "recycling" videos, as you never have a solution to all the plastic garbage. It's like sorting buttons for the emperor's new clothes. The background noise was irritating, too, and our environment is becoming more toxic every day. 👎 Fixing our environment is more complicated than "sorting".