韦德球风非常帅气。有“千军万马一将在,探囊取物有何难”的气魄。动作也非常有个人特点,可以说是力与美的结合。 车神在片中提到的采访的英文原话是: “It was probably one of the hardest things I had to do in sports was to, in a sense, take a step back,” Wade said. “A lot of people don’t understand. They’ll say, ‘Why would you do that?’ To me, I want more success from winning. I don’t want another scoring title. I’m just trying to win. “I felt that it had to come from nobody but me, to say, ‘Go ahead, man. You’re the best player in the world. We’ll follow your lead.’ Once I said that, I thought he kind of exhaled a little bit.”