to figure out why kiara win the battle: first: hit every skill on target second: No AD which can just tap ur head to K.O. u before u reach to them
@rorogogos8 күн бұрын
Chiara is one of the tankier characters in the game, maybe you need to wait for cc, use totem, or just wait for other abilities first if survivability is the problem.
@rorogogos8 күн бұрын
Nah bro the debimar killing their whole team with the ult near the omega was so sad, they probably could've won that too... Also I just watched the fight in temple with their isol being invis using flash and dying to chiaras ult still while he was still invis she targetted him?? I don't know if it's because she knew from the ult's tether, but that was absolutely crazy
@Fanatosz8 күн бұрын
still wonder how Chiara R jump into invis without using E and no ward Maybe the bat corpse make this happen cuz bat corpse is ward but I dont know bat corpse can see invis if it not this case then I dont know either
@rorogogos6 күн бұрын
@Fanatosz it doesnt see invisible, there is no truesight