To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave
To anyone who's reading this, ITS GOING TO BE OK. I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, and the over thinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now and may clarity and understand replace confusion. I declare peace and calmness to fill your life.
This cafe reminds me of a cafe I used to go in San Francisco. I hadn't thought of the cafe and my old neighborhood in ages but your video brought me back good old sweet memories of my hometown. Thank you. It took me years to learn and accept to be alone and independent even when I have support from others. It makes it far more precious to find connections and bond with special people you happen to come across. Your channel reminds me of beautiful things in life. Thank you. もうすっかり冬の気候になりましたね。陽のあたる暖かい場所で、読書したり、編み物をしたり、考えごとをしたり、自分と仲良くなる時間が増えました。師走は何かと気忙しいですが、お互い自分を労わる余裕がありますように。 Stay warm and take it easy♪
@tabikura2223 жыл бұрын
I've only traveled to San Francisco once. It was winter, but the clear air was soothing and I remembered going to a farmer's market and a nice cafe. Thank you for reminding me too! 季節ごとの楽しみがあるって素敵なことですよね。世界はたくさんの喜びと楽しみに溢れている。今読んでいる本の一節で『人は思い方だけで、人生を変えられる。幸せと思えば幸せなんだということがだんだんわかってきました』という言葉があって、本当にそのとおりだなぁと思いました☺️