China's super-military cross-country truck

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Liu yan jun

Liu yan jun

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Woo!China's super-military cross-country truck

Пікірлер: 699
@imchris5000 10 жыл бұрын
its not a tatra copy at all its just your run of the mill live axle 8x8 if it was a tatra copy it would have a backbone tube not a ladder frame also it has no porthole axles what makes tatra so bullet proof is the driveshafts are totally protected, you have no risk of dropping down and having a rock break the driveshaft also things cant get wrapped in them if anything its a copy of a MAN truck
@simonyip5978 6 жыл бұрын
Before anyone says "Chinese can only copy!" Find out if the vehicle is a licenced version, or perhaps the original manufacturer has been bought by the Chinese? If it is an unlicensed copy, check out the F-16, the F-2 from Japan, the Israeli Lavi.. or the Milan ATGW with certain Soviet ATGW designs, or the similarity between the Leclerc, Leopard 2, Challenger 2, M-1 Abraham's, etc. Virtually every piece of military equipment has been developed from or based on a previous design. Compare the various SMG from WW2, the bazooka and the Panzer Shreck, etc etc.. all countries have copied others designs before now and will continue to copy in the future
@kindkoun 10 жыл бұрын
China bought the right to manufacture engines and truck from Styer of Austria (part of the Daimler group). The new cab is of western European design hence the similarity.
@williamwen6992 9 жыл бұрын
This video is uploaded 6 years ago and the truck in this video has been upgraded by Chinese for at least two generations now. Be open to the rise of China and get to the reality of China by yourself rather than quarreling with some "keyboard heroes" typing bullshit all day long.
@yk2486 10 жыл бұрын
@jacklancaster8010 6 жыл бұрын
@scotty2307 11 жыл бұрын
I was impressed by the way these vehicles handled the uneven and off camber terrain, especially the 8x8 during the angled ditch crossing. With the odd height to width ratio it was surprising how well the suspension kept the vehicle upright.
@Mario3l3ctro 10 жыл бұрын
Обычная пятница и дорога на дачу чтобы покормить моего медведя. Я всегда так передвигаюсь на своем УАЗике
@johnyulei 14 жыл бұрын
@Jatgiuac partly agree. Some products that Chinese local people wont buy but foreigners buy, cos your importers only pick the cheapest Chinese products which will maximize their profits. You pay more and get better quality in China actually.
@agytjax 13 жыл бұрын
Good video ! Excellently complimented by the music. Can you please tell me which is this sound track. Just the right piece to accompany a display of military prowess
@galaxymode 11 жыл бұрын
it's not a copying it's called re-innovating taking existing technology and re-invents it. btw for all those who say it's a copy obviously knows nothing about cars, firstly, this truck has independent suspension. that's a technology existed for 50 years, even if it's patented, the patent expired. and secondly how different you expect a truck to look like from another truck? even dyna and canter looks alike. lastly it's not a matter of copy in business world, its a matter of who can make money.
@docsein1 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 1. Walmart is a Transnational. It may have started in the US but it's no longer an exclusive US corporation. So it's China components will continue to business as usual whether the US like it or not. 2. Walmart is a retailer who's competitiveness comes from it's supply chain. A process can be copied like everything else. Walmart can be replaced quite easily in China. 3. As for your other comments; are we still talking about Chinese DOMESTIC consumption?
@icsx 15 жыл бұрын
They should put that 2x2 wheel version to go over the rocks with twisted angle instead of 4x4. Center of mass is too high and would fall down right away on it's side.
@hobowithashotgun48 11 жыл бұрын
I like that its "super-military". Like, 1000 times more military than other trucks. Just trying to express its sheer militaryness in terms of other (less military) trucks is a fruitless effort!
@duminicad 13 жыл бұрын
@MrScotia the reason for plastic is the end price which is way lower than a truck made 80-90% of steel...
@arborigine 12 жыл бұрын
I wasn't convinced until I saw it's performance on that banked raceway curve.
@32middlelinebacker 12 жыл бұрын
@dudekidguy1 they used to until recently i just checked and apparently a lot of the conscription has been abolished in 2010 in that region. I think Austria and Greece are the only ones in that area who still do conscription...
@docsein1 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 The pay rate, doesn't have that kind of effect on domestic consumption (which is what we were talking about, especially when we are further talking about competition). If China doesn't export a commodity, it doesn't need to pay any extras (shipping, tariffs etc.) As for fuel prices; If China doesn't need to ship good to the other side of the world, fuel prices would not be much of a factor. You're still thinking exports, while talking about domestic consumption.
@TheSonofmydad 13 жыл бұрын
Interesting versions (2-axle, 3-axle & 4-axle) in the video. If I can interrrupt this hissing-contest for a moment, how long have they been making these now? They look good in the video. I wonder how they do in really demanding terrain. I prefer that forward-control configuration for off-road, if it doesn't complicate access to the engine. I know it doesn't have to. Best regards.
@dragonbutt 13 жыл бұрын
I want to see someone take that 8x8 version to rally dakar. It looks like it'd take first place overall!
@leexiaorun 12 жыл бұрын
the background music are like songs from funny power rangers etc.. i just wish the truck could transform., LOL
@seapeddler 12 жыл бұрын
The Mann diesel has separate cylinder heads. I don't know if Tatra, Kamaz, etc. do as well. But the group who gives the military the money wishes us to think there is a real difference between any 2 trucks. A truck is a truck. It's just that simple. Who cares if the suspension can wrap itself around the frame several times, then recoil back.
@Sohave 13 жыл бұрын
I cant understand the coments saying that these trucks should be of poor quality. Remember China has also made numerous old castles and buildings 1000 years ago which are still standing. The reason why so much stuff from China is crap is because it is cheap made junk, You get what you pay for, and it would be unwise of the Chinese army to pay for anything less than quality equipment in this case,
@MingGuoLi 13 жыл бұрын
@ovalspecial This isn't a copy of the Tatra. You can tell by the layout of the driving axles and the way the cab swings relative to the back.
@tadorjee 14 жыл бұрын
China and India same they make with collaborations.Both are still few hundred years behind the west in modern technology.
@MrHelmyabdullah 12 жыл бұрын
I have Malaysian $14/- in my wallet right now , my last remaining salary , but I pray may I still feel happy and content like you , Sir . Not an easy undertaking , though !
@ragabara1031 13 жыл бұрын
It's natural for people to copy others. It's also natural for people who copy others to end up improving over the originals. That's the price you pay for being a pioneer. Look at Britain and Germany and Japan. China's going to be next in line.
@Tellricky 13 жыл бұрын
China's Sinotruck (3808.HK) is optimistic of reaching the year's sales target of 140,000 trucks , Sinotruck (HK), MAN to cooperate in coach, light-duty truck fields.
@remagairsoftllc 13 жыл бұрын
I'll bet my neighbors truck is bigger AND it has a five star safety rating! That HAS to count for something in a combat situation.
@redreaper-xe6so 12 жыл бұрын
@docsein1 More you pay workers, less you are competitive (lower profit & higher prices). There's a huge gap between the pay rate to be competitive and the pay rate to be sustainable. The price of oil is added to exports via shipping. An $x Chinese widget will (normally) have 25-45% of its price be shipping, 1-5% labor, the rest profit & upkeep. When oil rises, that means the price goes up drastically--oil going from $80-$160/barrel means that's now a 30%-50% increase in cost.
@Slash396 12 жыл бұрын
It's a fact that the taller a vehicle and the thinner it is, the more unstable it is.
@maxlol0 11 жыл бұрын
China's truck is much taller or slimmer than tatra. The height, weight grivity effect as such is completely different. The mechanics are sure to be different too.
@0HippyHunter0 13 жыл бұрын
@nightwisher23 there are a few problems here. 1) Who would want to pilot a SU-30 knowing they aren't coming back? 2) China doesn't have anywhere near 3k Su-30's (or even 3k fighers), they have ~150. There is only like 250 SU-30's the world over. 3) SU-31 is a non-fighter aircraft, so I'll assume you meant SU-30. 4) 3k SU-30's would cost 40% more than 185 F22's. 5) If you can't see a F22 you cant shoot him. With current Su-30 radar the kill ratio for f22's would be 1:0 every time.
@redreaper-xe6so 12 жыл бұрын
@32middlelinebacker well, you should advance at all times. Look at its suspension--it has very little vertical travel, only rocking leaf travel which we had in the 50s. Compare it to the MTVR 7-ton truck offroad, and imagine the speed increase.
@kaysandesses 14 жыл бұрын
The Chinese are really innovative at one thing: cheaply manufacturing copies of already successful, proven designs.
@redreaper-xe6so 12 жыл бұрын
@docsein1 are you counting quantity or total economic action? "downstream dollar" effects play a role, but even at 30%, that's a massive chunk of an economy's exports.
@MrHelmyabdullah 12 жыл бұрын
The Cambodian Khmer Rouge did actually abolish money during their rule , but it ruined that country . There's one Chinese proverb that says " Money can't buy you anything , but without it , your life would be miserable" . It's true , right ?
@docsein1 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 1. Actually, Chinese Exports to the US is currently approx 30% - 35%. BUT, I can see your point. 2. There ARE demonstration and riots in isolated parts of the country which no doubt being covered up, but the Chinese seat of government is actually quite secure. The vast majority of Chinese are sympathetic to the government on the Astronomical challenges they face in managing a country that's composed of 56 Ethnic groups and even more dialects. It's like the EU x 2
@Cougar545x39 12 жыл бұрын
And you are not joking with your comic book "good and evil" - story? :D
@IronClad292 11 жыл бұрын
Look closely, it went thru a mud puddle......LMAO
@wuyunchi 13 жыл бұрын
@nightwisher23 Japan hasn't got any stealth jet, only US has F-22 based in Japan. US refused to sale F-22 to Japan and Japanese decided to build their own version of stealth jet and it is still in development. China's stealth fighter J-20 first flew a month ago. China doesn't acquire sukhoi anymore due to China's copyright issue with sukhoi. There is something called a Radar Cross Section and F-22 still has a Radar Signature of a tennis ball and it call still be detected by a powerful radar.
@typhoonq 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 The difference is that, the Chinese housing bubble will not burst like the way US housing collapse because the Chinese Govt will make sure this does not happen. "Their population still makes an average of $1-$2/hr ' but there are 100 to 150 million Chinese who have saved enough to pay for the down payment.
@redreaper-xe6so 12 жыл бұрын
@docsein1 but to do 2, they would wreck their export trade. You'd have to bouy pay rates massively to even approach western standards ($1-$2/day is their current per worker average...nowhere near what would be needed, even if they had sustainable growth). The cost of oil works against them--to keep competitive, they have to keep pay rates VERY low. They raise pay to become self sustainable, and they have a massive gap where they can't do either.
@justin76bmw 14 жыл бұрын
my BMW cost me $1,500, it's a 94 525i with 200k, but it is in perfect condition, because it was built rite. as for you're h1 I'd love to own one. i drove them in the army, they are tough as nails. too bad the h2's are an abomination! my Tahoe is just a towing/4 door hunting truck i got for dirt cheap (auction access)
@docsein1 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 Ok, so we are talking about exports now? 1. If China doesn't export to the US it can just gradually increase it's exports to the multitude of other nations it trades with. They just pick up the slack. Fuel would be no more a factor with them then it would be with the US. Not selling to the US WILL hurt China, But it is NOT catastrophic to China. If China is growing now, it will continue to grow, regardless of US consumption, albeit at a slower rate.
@0scarF 13 жыл бұрын
@ovalspecial nope it's not tatra copy.. tatra has it's interesting axels, and no other manufacturer uses similar ones.
@docsein1 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 As I've mentioned in #1 the US is not China's only trade partner. Granted it is an important trade outlet, but transitions can be made to the other BRIC nations as well as the multitude of nations surrounding China. So it would not "Wreck" China's export. As for the wages, I'm not sure how that would decrease sustainable growth. Those wages are not dependent on the US alone. I'm not sure I understand the arguments of your latter comments, please elaborate.
@2210gio 12 жыл бұрын
All in one. They used to have a Joint Venture with Volvo and terminated. hey use Cummins and Steyr engines. So..have some Steyr (MAN) technology too...a mix of everything!
@docsein1 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 The US housing bubble burst mainly because of one reason; Debt. People in the US borrow enormous amounts of money to pay for a lifestyle they can't actually sustain. So when it comes time to pay the bills, they default. China's culture if FUNDAMENTALLY different from western culture. They SAVE. They spend only what they have. Where do you think they money US borrows comes from? Chinese save, Americans borrow. This is why the Chinese housing bubble will not burst.
@codenamecordon 13 жыл бұрын
10/5 for the epic music!
@s982102 11 жыл бұрын
Iphones are made in China. Same as nearly everything in your house. Did they fall apart when required? Yes, the cheap things may fall apart, but this applies to any cheap things that you bought, no matter where it was made. In fact, the cheap stuff that was made in China are tougher than those at the same price made else where.
@redreaper-xe6so 12 жыл бұрын
@docsein1 it's very difficult for them to transition as well because China and Europe/America have very different cultures. The "Japanese management system"--producing at a slow pace, but getting needed parts as-needed rather than stockpiled, which is the norm since the late 70s--requires speed and high quality control (as do modern products). Being 2-4 weeks sea-shipping and having mostly cheap labor and a completely different language & culture means China's not suited for that.
@docsein1 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 As I've mentioned in my previous post. It's not just about how much individuals make. It's about how much they make in RELATION to how much they spend. The Chinese culture is to spend what you have. If a Chinese person can't earn enough to buy a house, then he/she will either NOT buy one, or work harder to get more money. The US spend what they DON'T have. That's the fundamental difference that caused the US housing bubble to burst.
@Battlegris 12 жыл бұрын
Chinese major: FFS we need a CCT that works!!! 1500$ a month engineer: We have a plan... Chinese major: What? 1500$ a month engineer: We buy a Mercedes truck, copy everything and change the name! Chinese major: It's brilliant!
@deeveus1 12 жыл бұрын
With it being Chinese made, it's a wonder it doesn't look like the front of a BMW X5 and the back of a Toyota Landcruiser.
@redreaper-xe6so 12 жыл бұрын
Chinese new trucks are about the same level of technology as maybe the US's in the 1980s. That makes me lol
@fenderstratguy 12 жыл бұрын
Never mind the truck; I want to know who designed that brilliant test course!
@kingofbuds5000 11 жыл бұрын
dont worry people , remember its made in china so it break down about every 6 months or until the diecast body snaps in two
@paulle2410 11 жыл бұрын
They see me rolling, they hating... too much? yeah...
@docsein1 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 3. If China stopped exporting to the US and EU overnight, China WOULD suffer considerable economic loss. But losses would actually be FAR worse for the US and the EU. China has been a major driving force behind the lifestyle that the west enjoys, by providing inexpensive goods, and by providing loans to buy those goods. If that stops, the prices in the west would go through the roof overnight. By then, ECONOMIC stability would the least of their worries.
@hyppopotamm 13 жыл бұрын
Корме зелёного цвета ничего военного в этом грузовике не заметил. Хороший грузовик. Но при чём тут армия?
@mayitojl 11 жыл бұрын
Cuban Army bouth some of these trucks, they are called Howo, Sinotruck are really nice.
@docsein1 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 2. Consumption doesn't have to start with a per-capita income increase. The Chinese have enormous savings. If the individual could be encouraged to spend a bit more, there would be massive influx of wealth onto China's domestic market. This coupled with responsible government spending would gradually increase jobs and wages. Yes, this would increase production costs, but increased wages would offset that. This is not a paradox. The world economy is not a zero-sum game.
@RZ3296 13 жыл бұрын
I want one of them next time i go 4WD... Full throttle and feel the bounciness, LOLOL.
@justin76bmw 14 жыл бұрын
see thats the problem, the 40 part. they make the worlds best, smooth strait 6's, they make only ok 8's, and the 12's are a nitemare, they basicly made a new crank case to stick 2 i6's togeather, and instaled a 3'rd computer to translate, thain took a shoe horn to stuff it under the hood, leaving no room for your'e hands+tools. i had a 540, it was CRAZY fast, but a bitch to maintain. my 525 isn't as powerfull as i'd like, but it's a joy to work on.
@EdT586 15 жыл бұрын
Its no animation, we are starting to see Chinese ingenuity at work in their military hardware, you guys haven't see anything yet !
@xingnanzav 10 жыл бұрын
The simplest way of denying something is to say it is a copy.
@charbala 9 жыл бұрын
its more of a mock up version than a copy
@redreaper-xe6so 12 жыл бұрын
@docsein1 a minor reduction in industry shocked the US into its current state. The US is around 40-50% of China's business clientele. That's a massive blow. In a country not as secure politically as they make it out to be (there are still common riots, but their police and media services black them out), it's really not a good situation for them. They can transition, but it will be a very, very long process.
@chandsmilez 13 жыл бұрын
Welldone China keep up the gud work. We are always with you. Tons of best wishes to you. From: Pakistan (Long Live Pak-China friendship)...
@wuyunchi 13 жыл бұрын
@0HippyHunter0 Yes, I agree and I know this stuff. The reason why the US Abrams killed so many T-72s in the Persian Gulf War was due to the good thermal system which can engage Iraqi tanks before Iraqi tanks can even acquire. But this is partly misunderstood, you also need to count electronic jamming system (ECM) and link up system. This is another reason why the Americans did so good in the Gulf War and they had a good C3 system. Iraqi airforce R-27 medium range AA had better range than AIM120.
@Maohammet 14 жыл бұрын
@gloryfighter1000 , I am not surprised these trucks are good. If you have been to China, in Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, where the terrain is rough ad the roads rough, you need trucks that can survive the punishment.
@bornbillsmith 13 жыл бұрын
@ClanOfSteel You're so right. It even looks like a Mercedes
@asianwong 14 жыл бұрын
they replayed the same things later in the video at normal speed. the beginning is just like a "sneak peak"
@wingplum 12 жыл бұрын
From the design point of view, it is hard to beat the Tatra.
@redreaper-xe6so 12 жыл бұрын
@docsein1 In the West 30%+ of price is labor, whereas there it's >5%. Currency manipulation helped that along, too. But when oil goes up, domestically-produced goods become more competitive--even if you pay 40% and not 1% in labor, you have none taken out for shipping (only for trucks). The same thing that made China boom--cheap labor and export-oriented finances--makes it unable to be sustainable. WalMart alone, if considered a country, would be their 5th largest trade partner.
@upersofos 13 жыл бұрын
@kubanewyork Of course you are wrong! This shitty HOWOs have not backbone tube frame. You can evidently inspect it at 1:02 - during attacking the vertical step or at 2:29 when cabin vibrates independently of the pack.
@pureaccuracy874 14 жыл бұрын
i dont care what you say about it, but the paint job is badass
@alesolisk180 12 жыл бұрын
primero hay tomas que parecen de camiones a control remoto y 2do el sistema de traccion de tatra es mucho mas sofisticado y eficiente....
@ZikraAmelatu 13 жыл бұрын
0:01-0:19 everything has been speeded-up in this part, it looks like they are that fast in a normal environment, but I don't think they are ...
@TwistedTravis 11 жыл бұрын
and then a M1a2 taks them all out XD
@AtariFTW 13 жыл бұрын
@MrScotia Big cars and trucks that were too big for european roads (but are fine in America and Australia) are a matter of preferance. America doesnt use british taxis, britain doesnt use russian taxis, and russia doesnt use american taxis.
@PeterM0911 13 жыл бұрын
I'm quite sure its got a Tatra chassis. Maybe it is a Tatra with a CTHCPGHYJ badge.
@caiyufengx 13 жыл бұрын
I cannot understand why some poor guys exclaiming that these trucks are copy. is it difficult to manufacture trucks for a country that will have its own space station in next 2 years?
@MajklMN 12 жыл бұрын
You mean "Tatra", not "Tatar" ;-). The name of the vehicle came from the Tatra mountains in Slovakia, in the middle Europe, although its made in neighbouring Czech Rep. "Tatar" is one of Turkish nations. Ufff ... its confusing :-)
@docsein1 12 жыл бұрын
@redreaper2020 No, I'm talking specifically about the housing crisis that happened a few year back. When I mention debt, I'm not talking about the US national debt, I'm talking private debt. Eventually, of course, private debt leads to a massive national debt, But that's what's happening Now. I believe in this particular case we are talking about the housing bubble of a few year ago.
@dragonbutt 12 жыл бұрын
Now, unlike all you haters, i'm gonna give this truck a fair score. It looks like it could go anywhere, and getting in a huff because they've "Copied technology" from others is stupid.
@redreaper-xe6so 13 жыл бұрын
Chinese goods have notorious reliability and safety problems. Search youtube "chinese truck", the first thing is a crash test showing just how much they care about safety and durability. And these trucks have the same issue The engines have massive displacement/horsepower ratios and guzzle fuel. They're also prone to breakdown. The ride is extremely rough, which means cross-country speeds are VERY low (1/2 that of a tatra or HEMTT) and driver fatigue is severe.
@rosheengraves 9 жыл бұрын
hey lets speed up the video, it makes things go faster!.....
@antiallsb 14 жыл бұрын
actually, this military version HOWO failed in PLA`s competitive bidding many times. the army thougt it can not called good for military use.
@suzukiaddress125 13 жыл бұрын
why are they right hand steering layout? In China cars are driven at same side as US right? Are those trucks for exporting to left side driving countries?
@wodanowitz 15 жыл бұрын
So, now they have a new truck to send more troops invading Tibet. Hope they all will break down on the way.
@rcsskier 11 жыл бұрын
If China ever runs into a defense that is based on the Chinese Super-Military Cross-Country Truck obstacle course, its over for the other guys!
@Ramulus2009 12 жыл бұрын
Скорее уж не на КаМАЗы, а на Мерсы, с лицензирования которых (если не ошибаюсь) и началось производство HOWO.
@Almightyrastus 13 жыл бұрын
Ah well, at least it's not more Top Gun footage
@TheCidician 12 жыл бұрын
Hey, saved us millions, it is brilliant.
@marusak72 13 жыл бұрын
@ovalspecial Ok the video and test range is 100% clone, the chasi is not the same, its not tube but narrow frame @ 0:23, where Tarta climbs 60cm stair chinese guys have 30cm @0:59, where Tatra passes 2m trench chinese jumps over 0.4m. I believe the chasi is more Praga V3S (1953) like concept. Nice for light truck but it wont work ar 10x10 heavy truck.
@cabdriver2009 13 жыл бұрын
not Tatra same music for the Tatra promo. but defintly diferent trucks then genuine Tatra. just look at how the axels behave and then watch how the independent suspention behaves on the Tetra.
@AtariFTW 13 жыл бұрын
@MrScotia So your saying there are random trains flying by in the battlefield?
@sau0483 13 жыл бұрын
Это не камаз, и этим все сказано, сравнивайте с чем хотите, но камазом все равно не станет!!!
@Digger843ASXM 13 жыл бұрын
Ok, very nice and all that... but will it blend?
@justinazrael 14 жыл бұрын
@Jatgiuac totaly agree!
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