總是被當作欺負對象的光洙太可憐了但實在是太搞笑了😝😝 昭旻的呆萌魅力大爆發😄😄 大家好!這裏是韓國SBS中文官方頻道Mandarin 如果有想看的內容或者意見請給我們留言 我們會盡最大的努力滿足大家! 點擊訂閱和點贊是我們最大的幸福♡ Hi, this is SBS Official Chinese Subtitle Channel 'Mandarin' :) If you have any videos you want or any advice for us, please leave a comment! We will do our best for you! It'll be so sweet if you Subscribe us and Press LIKE Buttons for us♥
@ericricky10244 жыл бұрын
建議不要在封閉的空間裡把麵粉分散在空中, 有火源的話可能會發生爆炸 I would suggest that dont disperse flour in the air in a confined area. If there is an ignition source, dust explosion may occur.