Chinese vessel blocked from intruding into Vietnam's water

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otto von stierlitz

otto von stierlitz

12 жыл бұрын

Video taken in October 2011.
Tension in the South China Sea has been coming to ahead by China's policy to the SE Asian countries. They share the maritime region of nearly 4 millions square kilometres with more than 200 islets, almost all stay underwater at high tide. In attempt to trespass into Vietnamese water, a marine surveillance vessel of China is allegedly believed to be blocked by Vietnamese marine police. This incident is resulted in increasing conflict since May 26th when China's navy cut off cables from a Vietnamese survey ship in the South China Sea. At a distance within 200 nautical miles of Exclusive Economic Zone of Vietnam, the equipments of Vietnamese ships in order to conduct a seismic explosion survey were destroyed at the time. So many clashes in a row reveal a long-term maritime conflict between the two former Communism brothers in East Asia.

Пікірлер: 176
@sjvboyz 12 жыл бұрын
good job, more lessons like this needed
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
Simon. I have spoken to a few oldies Vietnamese war veterans. Surprisingly they have no bad feeling toward the Chinese people. They were and still are graceful for all the help from the Chinese people during the cold war era. That is the reason why they never want remind or to celebrate the date 17 Feb 1979 when China invaded their Northern Border claimed to teach them a lesson. Read some more history Simon, and I wish the smart Chinese people like yourself never to repeat that again.
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
China has never been a giver in history. Most of the supplies came out from China during the cold war to Vietnam were donations the Soviet states via inland railway to China. Because shipping to the Gulf of Tonkin was blocked by the US navy at the time. Sadly, China rebadged most of the equipments as made in China for the claim. This is the truth..
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
Vietnamese friends: My advice is, try to make a deal with China ASAP. This will help both CN and VN. Reasons: 1) I am sure China has the willingness to talk. It has a "setting aside the dispute, and develop together with nations around" policy towards the dispute in South China Sea. 2) Eastern Asians prefer resolving disputes via negotiations, which is decided by our mild nature.
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
Simon, many Vietnamese would think without the support from China during the cold war to the North, Vietnam would be united as a democratic country. Perhaps their country and economy would be in par with South Korea. Vietnam actually went backward for 10 years after the war because they were so busy fighting off China invasion from the North, and getting rid of the Genocide Ponpot in the South helping Cambodia. They had lost 10 years of real progress and none of them want war now.
@Zergcerebrates 12 жыл бұрын
Plz, they've conquered and invaded Vietnam countless times, occupied Korea, assisted Korea into repelling past Japanese invasions and even occupied Mongolia in the past. Mongolia wasn't seperated from China until 1911. China's military strategies were supieror to any in the past that is why until this day military academy still studies Sun Tzu Art of war and the 36 strategems.
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
Hi all! would you mind telling me the name/year published of the documents/treaties that can support VN's claim of the islands in South China Sea? I am just curious. From some TV program I know those of Philippines. Thank you. If you are interested, I can share the Chinese basis as well.
@fsxmantra 12 жыл бұрын
3.8 millions died in the Vietnam War, is that not enough lesson to learn from? If anything, cooperation among claimant countries in safeguarding the long-term security of this stretch of water is more crucial than individual interest, skirmishes of this sort is neither helpful nor serve the common interest of China and Vietnam (or Philippines) et al.
@ottovonstierlitz 12 жыл бұрын
@deltasil1con : In military terms, 'HOLD THE LINE' usually means an order to request every soldier to 'keeping an actual line of soldiers intact.'. It is what i found out by Google Definition as well as heard from war movies made by the U.S. Anyway, thanks for your interesting comment.
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
10) VN and CN do not have western style democracy, which means our governments are not easy to be controlled by irrational nationalism, which is good for wiser negotiation.
@moniquenguyen2011 12 жыл бұрын
Million thanks to ottovonstierliz for uploading the clip. Monique Nguyen (Paris, France)
@deltasil1con 12 жыл бұрын
The "Hold the line" sentence actually means "Brace for impact".
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
Simon. China would be disintegrated into many self-rule states if start the war with any country now. Why don't you China help Vietnam to live in peace and prosper if you are their real big brother as claimed. Shown them that you care, then they will give you the respect.
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
Wrong Vetex!. China's ships came very close to their shore and did the cutting near their harbour. That was an aggressive and irresponsible act, judged by the world community as a bullying tactic from a superpower!. If I were China, I would treat and and protect the poor Vietnamese fishing men when they fish in the disputed area. Make them feel safe and trust China. Don't ramp, sink, rob their boats of their catch, etc. Can China do that as a big brother I wonder ?
@deltasil1con 12 жыл бұрын
@ottovonstierlitz Yes i know what you mean with the "Hold the line" one,it's actually used when you're in a desperated defensive position against an incoming attack.But if you're a Vietnamese then you can see that the captain told everyone to brace themselves before ramming into the Chineses ship or risk falling over board.I was referring to the captain's quote,not the "hold the line" sentence itself.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
In this video ..... it is clearly show that Vietnamese start the confrontation, and Chinese people still treat Vietnamese as our younger brother...
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
Again, do not rely too much on external support, like from Japan, US and Russia. Indeed they can gain benefit via supporting VN, but their relationship with CN is more important. Especially US is very good at betraying its "allies". Phil do not even have modern army, and their reasoning on those islands are not strong at all, do not count on them.
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
Anyway, welcome to China and have a visit. I think most VNese do not want to be involved into conflict/war anymore. Hope the conflict could be peacefully resolved.
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
China is not as offensive as Russia, this is decided by culture. You may argue that CN have invaded you many times through history, however, many CN emperors just think North VN is part of CN, then they tried to get it back. (because the first dynasties with RECORDED HISTORY (not legends) that could represent VN are all established by Chinese.) If you check Korean history from wikipedia, you will find that there are only a few war records between CN and KR through 2000 yrs history.
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
5) Although VNese are clever and brave ppl, VN's geopolitics decides that VN has great disadvantage towards attacks, it is long and narrow and has long coastline for landing. In the 1979 conflict, China’s could have sent forces to make a detour through Laos and cut VN into two halves, but it was too harsh for VN, so CN’s leader vetoed this proposal.
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
Show them with your responsible actions Simon. There is no need to argue too much hey!. I would love to contribute my expertise in solving environmental issues in China, either to do with air or water. Good day to you mate !
@da5families 12 жыл бұрын
Look cuongcyan, I don't disagree with you that China has a history of imperialism over East Asian countries, Vietnam included. Vietnamese people are very determined people, I know, because I have close friends that are Vietnamese. Let me ask you this, which 'large' country in the world DOESN'T try to spread their influence over a given region? It happens all over the world. You're referring to historical Chinese dynasties expanding into Vietnam, not modern history.
@ottovonstierlitz 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you all for watching :D
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
I read from the news to-day that China Local Government will maintain Law and Order in the South China Sea area from 29-11-2012 onward, any foreign ship with any kind of bully action like this video, China Government will arrest the ship and send it to face the Court in China....... It means that from now on there will be a Code of Conduct that every foreign ship must obey when sailing in the South China Sea Waters...This kind of bully action must be take to court to get the punishment and jail
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
6) It is a trend that CN is rising faster than anti-China power, (“the Economist” predicts CN can be the 1st largest economy in the world in 6 yrs.) so CN government want to put off the dispute as long as possible, to gather more advantage. So do not wait. (I know VN is also developing fast, but VN is much smaller.) As a petro engineer, I know that China will have the tech to dig the oil from deep basins out soon, before other nations around the sea. China may be less willing to talk then.
@fastkillmmmm 12 жыл бұрын
@tascam10 : hahaha, read this: Why 'Made in China’ is a mark of shame They say that the first step on the road to recovery is to admit you have a problem. Only now, as the public becomes aware that the "Made in China" label is tainted with a huge number of shoddy and dangerous products, are companies beginning to understand there is a serious problem. The next step is to ask: why do Chinese manufacturers behave so badly?
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
Do you people understand that China respect whatever System you Vietnamese Choose to have ..... And also Chinese People like to do business much more than dog fighting war...... About Dispute Islands, China already ask Vietnam to do joint Venture to solve the problem, share the wealth between China and Vietnam..... It had been talk for 30 years , but Vietnamese insist to do the confrontation first....
@YuDumPhuck 12 жыл бұрын
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - South Korean officials say a coast guard officer stabbed by the Chinese captain of a boat stopped for suspected illegal fishing in South Korean waters has died. Coast guard officials say two South Korean officers were stabbed early Monday morning. The other officer is in a hospital in Incheon. -ASSOCIATED PRESS
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
Wrong Simon. This video is the leak from one of the crew from that ship may be. But is not officially released by Vietnam, and it tells me that Vietnam does not want to escalate this more than China, only if you just learn to respect their Sovereignty coastal water. No one will win from any war doesn't matter how powerful you are. Look at Iraq & Afghanistan at the moment and learn from that man. So peace hey!
@nilofausto 11 жыл бұрын
I salute the Vietnamese captain for this...
@airtioteclint 12 жыл бұрын
Your asking who's laughing just proves my point. A point that is no doubt still lost on you. I see you wrote a whole paragraph there...but you didn't say anything?
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
7) It is unwise to be in the frontier where two powers duel (just like Germany, Korea). VN could have begun developing economy much earlier without wars. 8) Resolving this dispute peacefully could let VN and CN to cooperate more. E.g. have you ever imagined a trip from Hanoi to HCM city in about 5 hrs by train? CN could provide this at the lowest cost, which is good for developing countries. This could help VN even more than CN, since VN is long. CN can boost your economy via projects like this.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
I think China is doing the cutting inside the Chins Side of the dispute area ...... Am I right ??? The offer to Vietnam from China is to do joint venture with both countries......Vietnam and China together. So to cut anything in the dispute water is understand....... Do you understand ????
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
Vetex. Learn to tell the truth man!. A fleet of China coast guard vessels invaded their 100 miles coastal zone and cut their communication and sea bed Surveillance cables. In this case the desperate Vietnamese coast guard captain, possibly acted out of desperation and pushed off the invader from their coastal water. Just remember, when you bullied people to submission, they will turn back and fight for their life like a mad dog in this case.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
 对于越南外交部称中国船只在西沙海域向越南渔船开枪射击一事,中国外交部发言人洪磊在26日的例行记者会上表示,越南渔船进入中国西沙海域进行非法作业,中方采取行动是必要的、正当的。   据报道,25日,越南外交部发言人称,1艘中国船只20日向在西沙群岛附近争议海域捕鱼的1艘越南渔船开枪射击。越方就此向中方表示强烈抗议,敦促中方进行检查、严肃处理,并向越渔民作出赔偿。   洪磊表示,西沙群岛是中国的固有领土,不存在任何争议。越南渔船进入中国西沙海域进行非法作业,中方采取行动是必要的、正当的。据向有关方面核实,当时并没有造成越南渔船任何损伤。   洪磊强调,中方敦促越方采取有效措施,加强对本国渔民的教育和管理,停止有关非法活动。中新网北京3月26日电(记者 贾天勇)
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
9) Ppl tend to overestimate their own power and underestimate their enemy’s. This is common throughout the world, due to widespread nationalism propaganda. The biased propaganda could improve moral, but increase the possibility of military conflicts, because war will only occur when the two sides both think they have a greater chance to win. According to our mutual official communism ideology, nationalism will eventually yield to internationalism, nationalism is just not that helpful.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
Official language in United Nations People's Republic of China Republic of China (Taiwan) Singapore (one of the four official languages) Burma Wa State, Burma (alongside the Wa language) Hong Kong (alongside English) Macau (alongside Portuguese) Recognised minority language in United States (minority and auxiliary) Malaysia (minority and auxiliary) Philippines (minority and auxiliary)
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
I got VN's reasoning from article "Spratly Islands dispute" on wikipedia. It seems that both of us has good reasons. Usually, how could you refute North Vietnamese Prime Minister Phạm Văn Đồng's letter to CN? All armies are in good preparation. In fact Chinese ppl do not worry about war with VN since VN can only attack little area of CN but CN have the ability to cover VN.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
70年代前越中无岛屿争端 自1950年中国同越南(指越南民主共和国,即北越)建交后,在长达20多年时间里,越南一直支持中国对南海岛屿的主张。1956年6月15日,越南外交部副部长雍文谦接见中国驻越南大使馆临时代办李志民,郑重表示:“根据越南方面的资料,从历史上看,西沙群岛和南沙群岛应当属于中国领土。”当时在座的越南外交部亚洲司代司长黎禄进一步介绍了越南方面的材料,指出“从历史上看,西沙群岛和南沙群岛早在宋朝时期就属于中国了”。
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
My channel has been created for accessing some materials not suitable for children. It was not created for publishing or political debate purposes. I am an Environmentalist by the way. The well being of our Mother Earth is my main concern. I'll try my very best to protect Mother Earth from any harms including wars. So lets learn to live in peace as One Human Race OK !
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
Final emphasize, negotiation, not war preparation, could let you get more. Seems to be bitter, but that is true. China also have such experience, in the past.
@Justmyopinionlol 12 жыл бұрын
@airtioteclint exactly, their most glorious history were recorded when an outside influence takes over...the Mongolic Dynasty the Manchu Dynasty even great Chinese cities are built by outsiders--Hong Kong by British, Macau by Portuguese, Singapore by British...WTF did Chinese built? Even Shaghai was built by British.
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
Real war is not video game. Modern war is different with the older one which could be delt with Mao's Guerrilla tactics. I do not know why so many VN friends are not afraid of that. Wars let your females outnumbers males, and they have to marry with foreign guys. Really admire you brave ones.
@askfskpsk 12 жыл бұрын
@LUONG4YAHWEH I am just wondering are you kidding or serious?
@PsyphaX09 12 жыл бұрын
The philippines should modernize the philippine navy ASAP so we could help our vietnamese brothers patrol the south chins sea!
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
Simon. When you beat the dog to the wall, they will turn back and bite to escape your beating right ?. What do you expect Vietnam to react when your coast guard ships cut their cables within 100 miles coastal zone ?. Be reasonable, and learn to live in peace and prosper with your little neighbours ok.
@dbvzgliu 12 жыл бұрын
it seems you did not get enough punishment by Chinese, how dare you say that!
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
3) VN and CN share many similarities: political/economical system, culture, and national flag. VN and CN have better partnership throughout the history than other nations, e.g. CN helped VN drove out French and American invaders.
@Justmyopinionlol 12 жыл бұрын
@prithvie02 Vietnam is a small country but they they are very they're boasting very cordial relationships with BOTH Russia and USA. I don't think many countries can claim that. They get really powerful naval weapon systems from Russia and a load of air defense stuff from USA now. China, despite her size, has shown repeatedly to be without strong allies (USA as an ally to fight Japan? Stupid decision) in every major military engagement.
@hellomass2007 12 жыл бұрын
i think thats the ship blocking brp goyo to prevent the arrest of 8 chinese fishing boats in the west philippine sea or the panatag shoal.
@Ramadl59 10 жыл бұрын
well done vietnamese people!
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
4) It is very common for two adjoin nations to fight each other throughout the world's history, especially for nations like CN and VN which coexisted for >2000yrs, so do not always live in the past hatred. In fact, China lost vast territory of which area is equivalent to 10 VNs, due to Russian invasion, but China could still set aside the past hatred and try to keep good relationship with Russia, for global power balance.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
I think the name of the ship will be mark down..... if it ever escape in the event... It will be catch again when it come to South China Sea again, then it still need to be arrest and send to China court to face the punishment and / or jail depends on what it had done.....
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
It seems the event had been settle..... Vietnamese Government admited that their cable straggle with the Chinese Fishing boat 's fishing net ...... and the Vietnamese Ship did not stop after it happen.... so the Chinese Fishing boat was tolled by the Vietnamese Ship for about 20 Km , then Chinese Fisherman need to cut the cable in order to save their life...... Vietnam government had been appollogized on the event....
@TheHetaliaguy 12 жыл бұрын
silly china....just because its called "south china sea" dosent mean it belongs to it alone,like the indian ocean does not belong to india alone
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
I hope china could have more investment in VN, in this way it is less likely for China to launch a war.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
It is your Vietnamese leader come to China crying for help...... then we help with all our possible ability..... the war is not belongs to us. If your Vietnam Leader decided to surrender to USA.... then our China Leader will not force you people to get our help..... It will save up a lot of food for our hungry people...... We do not have enough food and people die in hunger everyday at that time....but we still send out our food to you.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
I notice that Vietnamese Fishing boat enter into China Water in South China Sea to do illegal fishing in 20-3-2013 ...... I think it is legal for China Navy to shoot anything to these Vietnamese Fishing Boat ...... I think Vietnamese Government should teach their Fisherman that where the China Water is...... to prevent more shooting that will happen in the future. Or another way to by-pass this matter ..... Vietnamese Fisherman need to go to China to apply for a fishing licence in China Water
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
US guys always want others to fight for them. I can feel your anger, but I suggest, never waste your time on war anymore, you have done that too much. I think we both should learn from Thai ppl. They have kept themselves well from war by good diplomacy through WWII and cold war, though it seems that their army are only good at coup de tat, lol... Wartime made CN VN ppl strong and unyielding, but they are not always good.
@louishoangminh 12 жыл бұрын
Come on Philipinese, as strong as we did, we are our brotherhood, Asean brother
@coffee4ninjas 12 жыл бұрын
Chinese do this to every nation, be ware of the dog!
@PHUTIK226 12 жыл бұрын
that Chinese Ship is armoured I bet
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
If it is the Japanese Costal Vessel doing the similar things to China Ocean Survillance ship...... The Japanese Costal Vessel already sunk into the sea by China Navy. Do you know that we Chinese already give you Vietnamese a lot of Favour ..... Do you understand ????
@chempku001 12 жыл бұрын
Anyway, there is another way to resolve this, according to your ID, although it is not as good as the one I proposed. That is to launch a war right now. Actually I can tell you that Chinese officials always hope Philiese and VN to fight a war to get your islands back, then they have excuse to fight back. If you want to fight a war, the sooner the better for VN, as I have said in the previous post. After the war, VN can continue to build economy without disturb. Hope VN can have a better future
@PsyphaX09 12 жыл бұрын
@YuDumPhuck Don't kid yourself bro, we don't even claim the entirety of the spratlys what more of the whole south china/west philippine/asean sea or whatever you wanna call it. I think our government renamed it just to piss china off which I think is a good
@AmNhacAmThuc 6 жыл бұрын
I love Vietnam
@davidhynes 6 жыл бұрын
How china never blocked us carrier a few days go from entering Viet Nam.
@PsyphaX09 12 жыл бұрын
@YuDumPhuck lol..... Actually we call it west philippine sea nowadays. But hell, I totally agree that we should unite to preserve our rights in this part of the world! An alliance between us the philippines and vietnam will make china think twice on invading our territorial waters. Throw in also the US, because of our strategic value I'm pretty sure they will side with us. Besides, we have a defense treaty with the yanks which was ratified way back in the early fifties.
@YuDumPhuck 12 жыл бұрын
@PsyphaX09 From my perspective, it should be renamed Southeast Asia Sea to be fair.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
1. Chinese contained compressed meaning inside a small space and computer bits.... 2. Meaning will not change even if pass a few thousand years.... that why Japanese use Chinese as legal document till to-day... meaning is solid..... 3. Population use and control world GDP and prospect into future to come. 4. Many countries start Chinese lesson in Primary School...
@theeviltwi9 12 жыл бұрын
Go Vietnam!!!
@davidhynes 6 жыл бұрын
The USA will open a base in Vietnam and Tawain.
@rayman1977918 12 жыл бұрын
make sure you can win the war before your provocation.
@MabiKare 12 жыл бұрын
@kelvinjiro Eh, Chinese did invent paper, compass and gunpowder doh ^_^ Fireworks too =D people just don't bother with who invented these things anyways even if it does change the world.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
In these 20 years of both country interaction and meetings..... Vietnam always support China position in South China Sea Soverenignty announancement, In 1956, Vietnamese Foreign Department vice-minister meet China Temp Councellor ... they both agreed that China own the Soverenignty of these South China Sea Islands, all meeting had been recorded in paper. Vietnamese Foerign Department Asian Section Minister also introduce to China side that from History ...All Islands belongs to China since 1600
@MabiKare 12 жыл бұрын
@NoChineseNdogsAllow First of all, I have Chinese genes but I am an American citizen. Second of all, have I said anything to offend you? If I have then I apologize. However, do you really enjoy conflict and racism so much as to that you will insult anyone because of their race/skin color but not their character? I dare to say that I have many friends who are Vietnamese; my best friend in high school is Vietnamese, and I have never, EVER seen her behave as you have.
@andrewstudio1 12 жыл бұрын
The courage of he has makes me pride when he control ship so hit DOGS CHINA, Good hit
@Mrkic0 12 жыл бұрын
Mình nghĩ chính phủ cần đầu tư hơn cho công tác bảo vệ trên biển:D
@samyO26 12 жыл бұрын
@PhsypaX09 you are thinking different then OTHER people here. But the difference between you and them is that they think they can change everything by sitting in front of the pc -.-
@fastkillmmmm 12 жыл бұрын
@tascam10 : too much chinese oxygen ? Child patients of the Chenzhou Children's Hospital, in central China's Hunan province, were treated with industrial oxygen, causing a panic among the public. The government found out the hospital had bought more than 10,000 cylinders of industrial oxygen and illegally gained more than 300,000 yuan ($44,000) in profit, and fined the hospital 920,000 yuan and confiscated its illegal gains. Hahahaha
@ToiYeuYAHWEH 12 жыл бұрын
@YuDumPhuck Too bad we didn't sink that dirty chiense ship. VIET-NAM CONG-HOA MUON NAM!!! PHAI GIET HET BA-tAU!!! Amen.
@goalfootuk 12 жыл бұрын
From this video, our chinese ships should be bigger, and you are welcome to block our ships.
@book--worm 12 жыл бұрын
all asia will unite against china . Love and Respect from India. I think india should arm Vieatnam and Taiwan with some nuclear tip agni 3
@edwinarcilla5888 2 жыл бұрын
The world will never forget when a Chinese ship murdered 75 unarmed Vietnamese sailors on March 14, 1988.
@galaxya2828 7 ай бұрын
რატომ მოკლა?😢
@edwinarcilla5888 7 ай бұрын
@ellen1111 11 жыл бұрын
why vietnamese are so aggressive on sea?
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
It is two brothers playing Wrestling Games only......No Matter what happen, We can see every year Vietnamese Leaders will come to China and do a brotherhood hug and asking for Money. It is a duty for China to give them Money every year.....NO matter what happen.
@tuanhuynhify 12 жыл бұрын
yes ,we are small coutry .Did u win the war in 1979 with us ? Think about that before u say .
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
It is one of the official language in UN. So I think you better learn it or else you are out-dated.....
@navy1021 11 жыл бұрын
Ha i would love to see china try this shit with the US navy haha china would get torn a new one haha
@da5families 12 жыл бұрын
I could say the same. Another typical KZbin troll filled with hate. How do you get through life day to day? Give me a constructive argument buddy im waiting
@moniquenguyen2011 12 жыл бұрын
To my dear Chinese Neighbors: We are living in a civilized global village, ruled by laws, where all members of the Community have equal rights, regardless of his/her physical strength. Please behave yourselves as educated kids. You are walking on a "thin line", playing a dangerous game. Leave Vietnam alone. US, Russia, ASEAN, NATO nations, India, other countries, and of course, Vietnam, won't let you do whatever you want. Thus is just a friendly warning. Monique Nguyen (Paris, France)
@PsyphaX09 12 жыл бұрын
@SuzukiAkiraReita hahaha....couldn't agree more with you bro.
@MabiKare 12 жыл бұрын
@fastkillmmmm Eh, what I've stated is just basic history whether you like it or not though.
@-trungquoc6317 11 жыл бұрын
Núi liền núi, nước liền nước, sông liền sông. Chung một Biển Đông, mối tình dân tộc sáng như rạng đông. Bên sông tắm cùng một dòng, tôi nhìn sang đấy, anh nhìn sang đây. Sớm sớm chung nghe tiếng gà gáy cùng. A a a ha....chung một ý,chung một lòng, đường ta đi hồng màu cờ thắng lợi. A a a ha...nhân dân ta ca muôn năm Hồ Chí Minh - Mao Trạch Đông. . Bác Hồ và Chủ Tịch Mao Trạch Đông vỉ đại sẻ sống mãi trong sự nghiệp đoàn kết và thống mhất dân tộc của chúng ta.
@VetexMotor 11 жыл бұрын
I need to search it for you....months ago news
@mlmld7191 11 жыл бұрын
Vetex. Lets the past be passed !. Lets all moving forward in peace and prosperity Ok. We are all responsible for the well-being of Mother Earth. Peace man, lets try to live in peace rite:).
@book--worm 12 жыл бұрын
@kaonimageilaozigun op boy !!! chines can read and write english ??? i thought u guys always talk with those chang cung - fang chung way. anyway.. its a short flight to beijing ... let us know when u want to rebuild it ..we will level it for ya ..
@ganko12 11 жыл бұрын
refrain from buying chinese goods!!! oh i mean pirated good hahaha rofl.. devil people
@Nhinhonhinho1990 12 жыл бұрын
@rayman1977918 Oh we win ANY wars again chinese up until now. Wanna try again!?
@da5families 12 жыл бұрын
LOL you're kidding me right? you're using WIKIPEDIA as facts. wow, I don't know what to say.
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