I can't say enough how I'm in admiration with the work of CTG and their author's on the new Gearlocs!
@thisismyvideouser Жыл бұрын
Cant wait to get my hands on this one (in 🍁). Very interesting mechanisms.
@IamJFD Жыл бұрын
Nice gearlock, this might be my most anticipated new gearlock now, a new cool support. 😍 Also question @3:00 can you move up and down even if enemy has surprise? im guessing yes, but just to be sure.
@burtonsito11 ай бұрын
Just to be sure, if i exhaust the Temporal Splitter dice in the blue round, disable effect lasts for the rest of the battle right? thanks for these videos! I hope that you will soon be able to make shipments to Mexico to complete my collection. :)
@gorkygorky Жыл бұрын
Flash rewind with the die already in the Gearloc’s Locked slot: need to mention that in that case all dice in the Active + Locked slots and in the BP are not removed, nor is the ini die nor is the chip from the battle map removed. That is a big advantage/difference compared to revive an already KO’d Gearloc afterwards. Same with skill Revive of Gearloc Patches
@nanibly Жыл бұрын
I’m really glad you are doing these Gearloc videos. I like your teaching style. I watched all your previous TMB videos to learn how to play Undertow a few years ago, and to understand all the extra gearlocs I ended up buying. Ever since, the TMB franchise has become my very favorite game of all time. Looking forward to more as I explore Unbreakable!
@LightningShiver Жыл бұрын
Does round number to match start of the round or even if it matches during the turn the die face will activate (for the red dices)?
@ChipTheoryGames Жыл бұрын
The Staff Wielder profession dice only check what round it is at the beginning of each round. The only way to have those dice activate mid round would be with the use of the Kobold Eye consumable die.
@davidchase2236 Жыл бұрын
Is it correct that you can only use charge up once from the backup plan? Choosing whether to add an attack or defense die once sounds like a small bonus, but it sounded like you were indicating you could add a "bunch of extra attack dice" to the backup plan with charge up. I am a bit unclear on the ability.
@lander1993 Жыл бұрын
Because on 5 bones backup plan you roll that dices. So if you decide with charge up put all attack dices, you will throw a bunch of punches with that 5 backup plan.
@ChipTheoryGames Жыл бұрын
Backup Plans can only be used once per turn. That wording indicates that you could eventually build up a bunch of attack dice in your BP with charge up over several turns
@0140ful Жыл бұрын
when you play waypoint (and you go 1 or 2 down on the track) does the next round the innitiative order goes back to normal or does it stay?
@Hurt009 Жыл бұрын
2 questions about "Be Kind, Rewind" please: 1st) If you have (from "Charge Up") only Attack Dice in your BP, can you then use them to attack a target, although your Attack Stat is still e.g. 1? 2nd) Same for Def Dice - if I have e.g. 3 Def Dice in the BP, and I reroll them, can I put all of them in my Active Slots, although I only have a Defense Stat of e.g. 1? Thanks!
@ChipTheoryGames Жыл бұрын
Correct on both counts. Be Kind Rewind will not consider your attack/defense stats as limiters when rolling your backup plan.
@Hurt009 Жыл бұрын
@@ChipTheoryGames Thanks for the quick answer (we will play with the new Gearlocs tomorrow :-D). So I will simply slot the Def Dice, but will only be able to roll Def again as soon as the dice in the active slots drop below my Defense Stat, check. Thanks!