I think munhu akavigwa achinzi ndi weston, ayishandiswa nemunhu akatora weston, so when he died they had to find a replacement which led to the abduction ya weston as replacement ya the deceased.
Nyaya ine ma nurse nemapurisa. Vakapihwa Mari nemunhu anoromba
@TungamiraiChisunga-ez9pg Жыл бұрын
Nyaya dzako Andrew dzakanyanya keep it up I think kwavaibuditswa husiku vachiramba ngakuendwe kunobvunzwa kune vemunharaunda kuti mudhara wacho aishanda kupi
@HovaCarryen Жыл бұрын
Point taken there maybe aishanda kuchipatara ikoko .uye kuchipatara ngakuendwe kunotarisa list yevakafa 2007 .musi iwoyo waarikunzi akafa tione kuti zita rake riripo here
@deliahkarimakwenda4579 Жыл бұрын
Pamwe munhu wavakaviga akanga kumba kwa Jake saka Jake ayida mumwe munhu wekushandisa
@PaulosMangena9 ай бұрын
It will be interesting to hear from weston wacho paanenge okwanisa kutaura
@rutendomarufu2929 Жыл бұрын
Pa hukama hwavo pane anechekuita ne nyaya iyi😢😢😢 . Pane zvirikuitika munyika zvakavanzika
@ropafadzomapimhidze7438 Жыл бұрын
Unbelievable. The man was turned into a Zombie
@liniagumbo9339 Жыл бұрын
Maybe munhu ayimushandisa mumunda akaita dhiri nevemu hospital,mayb body yaive yeumwe waayishandisa akafa then vakaita swap na Weston
Makaviga munhu akabira munnhu wenyu,ko makonye akabvepi pa3 days
@trishgutsa Жыл бұрын
Exactly ndopandinetsawo kuti munhu aibva atoora in 4 days seyi? Pane nyaya apa
@ZintlantlaMpongwana Жыл бұрын
Idzo hama dzemufi dzakatadzawo kunyumwa ipapo here. Vanoti chikafu chake chaivapo asi body yaisatarisika yaora
@LoiceGutu-nk5cg3 ай бұрын
Chokwadi munhu akanga aora nguvai
@RalphEland Жыл бұрын
If only there was law in Zimbabwe There's a lot of leads in this case The hospital must be sued Mortuary attendees must be questioned and arrested Mr Jack's family also arrested
@kudzaimuvirimi9643 Жыл бұрын
Zvakaoma kani they are my neighbors kumusha hope they will have clarity of what really happened
@liniagumbo9339 Жыл бұрын
Saka mapurisa akangotarisa zita pa 🆔 vakayidzosera muhomwe?,munhu akaiswa mu mortuary nehembe, something fishy happened
@vincentndlovu4380 Жыл бұрын
Panenyaya apa, daidzai vaMugabe vaite DNA test kana ariiye serious investigation must be done i am suspecting a concealed murder case pamunhu akavigwa mai Jacky must explain.
@prosperplumbers5098 Жыл бұрын
Something is fishy. Mapurisa havadzoseri chitupa muhomwe.
@margaretmawango4591 Жыл бұрын
True sei wasina kutarisa pic yepaID kuti zvirikuenderana here nemutumbi wemushakabvu
@atlanashantelreezy2618 Жыл бұрын
Lord have mercy on us 🙏 the END is near this world is scary I'm socked
@SRJ419 Жыл бұрын
Like washing powder socked 😂😂..Jokes i understand you
Ummm pane nyaya ko vemhuri vaigorega murwere achienda ega sei. Vechipatara ne police vanoziva deal yavakaita itsitsi dzei dzekutsvaka pamusha pemufi.
@Rhee31 Жыл бұрын
thats very common unless munhu ari critical asingachagoni kufamba ndipo panoperekedzwa even kumatowns zviriko have worked pahosp for years attending vanhu vanouya vega azvityise izvi
@joyceparwazenga7545 Жыл бұрын
Zvekuenda ega murwere haisi nyaya nekuti murwere anga asina hurwere hwakanyanya vanhu vakauya kuzotaura rufu ndovane mhosva
@monnietaah9583 Жыл бұрын
Hanzi hurwere hwausina kukomba wani. Kangani uchienda wega ku hospital waita chest pains chikosoro etc. Sandipo pane nyaya, nyaya iri pa hospital nedzimwe hama, how come they were so quick to bury munhu, how come they didn’t take him to bury him kumusha. Kangani munhu anenge apararira kure achidzoswa kuzovigiwa mumusha make. Pa hama pane akaita deal nevekuchipatara.
@miriamnindi3964 Жыл бұрын
Pachipatara apa panenyaya zviripachena akakurugwa hembe akatorerwa chitupa zvikapuwa mufi haar mazimba makaoma
@mukombe15 Жыл бұрын
Thambo Bester style. Man was stolen from hospital, and a corpse was dressed in his clothes and Weston taken out of hospital. Mortuary attendant knows more than anyone else. Weston is suffering from stress due to overdosing with drugs.
@GeorginaUtsiwegota Жыл бұрын
U said it all, nowdays I think it's necessary to to DNA tests kuvanhu vanenge vari deformed, vekushaikwa or kupondwa
imagine nurses helping, they had nothing to do with burial. it's the mortuary attened's job to do that. pane nyaya
@angelinaballerina5203 Жыл бұрын
Drewmas Media taking us to another level. Haa iyi nyaya inoomesa mate mukanwa😮
@fungienyilika3769 Жыл бұрын
Greetings Andrew and your crew. Tell us. I enjoy your reports
@obviousmapiye4847 Жыл бұрын
ZRP there is need for an urgent investigation regarding this case. There are several leads in this case, beginning with those who brought the news of his death, followed by the hospital administration, and finally, KwaJack, were he was captured. Please do justice to this man!!!
@innocentmunyaradzi7606 Жыл бұрын
you are very correct i support that line of thim nking. vakaita madhiri vakachinja hembe dzemurume wokushaikwa uyo. if investigated well vanobatwa
@perpetuaziyera750 Жыл бұрын
Pane weukama akaita deal kune akapa Mari kuti munhu anorapwa apa first suspect hembe dzakatorwa dzikapuwa munhu aka urayiwa apa kwakuisa chitupa kuchitunha chakafakare we hy aja Saturday kueigira kusiri kumusha no body view ummm nyaya iyi ine weukama mukati
@estheresther1963 Жыл бұрын
Ivo baba vatanga kutaura vaye suspect hombe chaiyo
@RosemaryMtepa Жыл бұрын
Ini ndine mubvunzo,kana munhu achingevafa kuhospital kunoua vashandi vemuHospital here kuzokuudzai kana kuti mapurisa ndio anoua, vanhu vakaua apa vanga vakawandisa zvaitoratidza kuti there is something wrong
@RosemaryMtepa Жыл бұрын
Ini ndine mubvunzo,kana munhu achingevafa kuhospital kunoua vashandi vemuHospital here kuzokuudzai kana kuti mapurisa ndio anoua, vanhu vakaua apa vanga vakawandisa zvaitoratidza kuti there is something wrong
@rolitarmoyana4521 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for always taking us to another level
@BernardNyagadza Жыл бұрын
Andrew we need part 2 we need justice for this man and family chipatara ichi chogona chaka vhiringa wakawanda kune family dzisina closure up to now
@kudzaimuvirimi9643 Жыл бұрын
Munoziviswa mapurisa akati isu taita vadiki pazviri so far now vari kwamurambinda this family is our neighbors mufunge
@nyashachigs Жыл бұрын
These stories used to happen many times in Mocambique, vanhu vakawanda vaive vakafa vaidzoka vakadzungaira brain vachiti vairimiswa maPotatoes kuAngonia.The person akadzoka ndiye the same akavigwa....but all is spiritual vaitoviga pamwe chimuti chaicho asi vanenge vakadzimaidzwa, ndosaka arikutotaira zvekuti aisakuriswa husiku vaitoshandiswa nemushonga vanhu ava
@JoyNyasha-do7de Жыл бұрын
I thnk munhu aimushandisa ndezve mushonga Andrew
@godwellkutama4616 Жыл бұрын
Ahhh ko chitupa chake chakapinda sei muhomwe memufi akavigwa panechikuru chakaitika
@brytonmasaire5542 Жыл бұрын
Murambinda my home we don't want bad things,hospitals staff,police even chitupa chinotorwa kana munhu afa
Haaa imbotsvagai nzvimbo iyo yaiitwa utapwa hwakaipa kudaro nyange baba vakafa toda kupazivavo paJeke
@juniorfreedom8775 Жыл бұрын
Munhu oshata but Chikafu chisati chashata,iyi nyaya takuiendesa Kwaheadman Nyachuru kana kwaChigodora
@RumbidzaiGarwe-mj8zb Жыл бұрын
Vakaviga munhu asiriye pakaita hushereketwa pahospital ipapo oavakamubaya injection ipapo to then maybe they fake angaagara arimowo mumotuary kwakumupfekedza hembe dzaiyeyu wekubaiwa injection so that moti ndiye zvakaoma ASI coz akazonopengera kuhospital how iye akaenda Ari right kunorapwa this world yooo
@greenpeace7380 Жыл бұрын
This is disturbing, but not that complicated to get to the bottom of the matter
@selinamkandatsama8362 Жыл бұрын
Hosp attedance nemapurisa nevese vakauya nezverufu rwaWeston vanechekuita nebody yake shem i feel pain fr weston cz akasuffer plus brain dzakatokangqniswa
@joshuamujiri8735 Жыл бұрын
Ah choruwa unorondedzera kunge zvakaitika zuro
@CECILIAMakore3 ай бұрын
Vatanga kutaura vanova ndivo munukuna wemufi ndovanenya ko paakanzwa chifuva vkadii kumuperekedza ndozvee nyakutenga hembe nemari yekurapisa ko kwakusina vamwe vehukama hre vaiisa musoro pamwe ndohwaro hwenyaya tisatenderera nyaya bere romame imvi chembere yonyangarika ska chauraya chembere chiii
@kurrenkashesha9750 Жыл бұрын
Zimbabwe i surrend 😢😢😢
@beniahmupariri8632 Жыл бұрын
ME 2😊
@rosemarynyamadzawo9406 Жыл бұрын
Mmmm nyika yashata need a very good investigations chokwadi chipatara chakutotyisa
@agathachirisa7901 Жыл бұрын
Iye wekumochari wacho nemaNesi nyaya iyi ine vanhu wakawanda vakaita madhiri uuu
Mafungiro angu pane zvakaitika pa chipatara. Hembe dzaka pfekedzwa umwe. Vepa chipatara vanoziva zvakaitika. Hushereketwa apa . Ve mishonga mishonga
@BlessingChiropa-u7j Жыл бұрын
Corruption will stop any effort And resources these people may not have
@michaelmhlanga9367 Жыл бұрын
Im still wondering that question from police to family member kuti Weston akarwa or akarowa ipapo panela suspicious kuti pane maths yakatambwa pa mortuary
@annanyamugudza1327 Жыл бұрын
5😢 see🎉
@PortiaMupatsi Жыл бұрын
Good narration Woow . Go deeper with the Scandal Doc Drew
@dasilva8081 Жыл бұрын
Y must sue Mrambinda nurses n those sgn musakurwa ..with immediate effect
Criminality right there. This case must be investigated; there was someone (a syndicate of criminals) operating in that hospital who were stealing those patients without relatives coming to visits on regular basis. Pakaita hugororo hwakaipa apa. That body yakavigwa nust be exhumed, test uyu aripo kuti zveshuwa ndiye here using DNA, then go to hospital records in Nov 2007 ku hospital. Im sure haatosiye ega akabiwa apa, pakatobiwa many people.
Aaah hoo pamwe iyeye wekuvashandisa mukuru mukuru some where zvake anoremekedzwa .kungoimbawo zvangu ini
@paulinemckenzie9594 Жыл бұрын
Madhiri akatoitika apa, they need to pay for what they had done. This is beyond evil, kushandisa vana vevamwe, its terrible. Vanhu vanyanya kuda mari kukunda vanhu. Moti sei mvura isirikunaya
@prosperplumbers5098 Жыл бұрын
Ko vanhu vaiviviga munhu kusiri kumusha kwavo sei. Pane we family anoziva zvakaitika apa. Sei akarasika njere.
@juniorfreedom8775 Жыл бұрын
Pane nyaya apo,vanhu vazhinji havana kuchena.chakaita kt asaunzwa kumusha ndochinondipa mibvunzo mizhinji.bcoz chero ngoro yaigona kuuya nebody asi fast yakarohwa pane chitsotsi apo
@PriviledgeKamutanho4 ай бұрын
Vanhu vanoroya veduwee asi Zimbabwe chiiko
@deangb8651 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Andrew waurikumusha kwangu chaiko.sadza ...hwedza dombo...mutekedza ....rutanhira...kwenda .I miss home😴
Chitunha chavakapihwa ndicho asi kuti akaitwa Zombi ndosaka asingagone kutaura,mutumbi zvaiva mumaziso menyu chete asi paive pasina mutumbi.
@ShiMnamzee Жыл бұрын
Chipatara,mapurisa and jeki vaishanda vese,kwajeck uku ndakakunzwa nembiri yekut kunorimwa chaizvo im sure those captives ndovaiita farming ifambire mberi, wicked world and its heartless people 😢
@kudzaimuvirimi9643 Жыл бұрын
Hoo its sad mufunge this family needs clarity they are our neighbors ini pandakona pictures in the village whatsapp group i identify him ndikatovhunduka
In our country we need tight security and honest government especially some police they are getting paid for nothing some of the stories happened in Zimbabwe zvinemapurisa mukati. I think they must be delt with. So that they will do serious investigate cases as their job, this is part of their job pasi nechioko muhomwe😢
Mmmm this issue need follow up sure kunzima shame,,this world is now a dangerous place to live not because of those who do evils but for those who see n do nothing
@NancyKasirori-tv8rr Жыл бұрын
Plz Shumba my bro we are waiting for part 2
@LloydMusariri4 ай бұрын
Mwana aripi aripai first tomuona, then nhoroondo dzozouya, kwete kubvunza bvunza vanhu kutambisa nguva yevanhu