たくさんのコメントをありがとうございます!コメントは止めていますが、皆さまからのメッセージは一つ一つ読んでいます🌻 ___________ 強迫症についての動画を作りました。 何年も前からこの動画を作ろうと思っていて 同じ病気の人の気持ちを少しでも代弁できるのに、、と思っていたけれど 病気のことを知られるのが怖くて出来なかった、、 "確認を繰り返す病気"と本やネットに書かれていると 誰にでもそういう時があって、そういう性格の人がいると思われてしまいますが 実際の症状は気が狂うようなことをしています。 そして、どうしてそんな無駄なことを無限に繰り返しているのか その時の気持ちを言葉にしてみました。 症状が出ている時の気持ちをそのまま書かないと この動画を作る意味がないと思ったので みっともないことを書いてしまっております。 私より症状が重い人軽い人がいると思いますが 私が辿ってきた症状と今の状態、対処法を動画にしました。 つらい思いを抱えている方が病気だと気付くきっかけになったり 強迫症の方や周りの方にとって、ほんの少しでもお役に立てる内容になっていると嬉しいです。 強迫症に関わったことのない方にとっては、よくわからない内容かもしれませんが こんな人がいるんだなと興味本位でも見ていただけたら嬉しいです🦒 次回からはいつも通りに投稿します!🧚🏻 ___________ 追記 動画内で紹介している対処法は強迫症のCBTの1つ(曝露反応妨害法)で 70%以上の人に症状の緩和が見られるといわれています🌧🌧 (生活に支障をきたしている場合は、医療機関を受診してください。) 強迫症 | 0:35 強迫症の体験 | 4:46 確認 | 1:38 6:26 13:34 7:48 8:35 9:35 14:12 15:01 汚染 | 16:48 17:55 加害 | 18:26 儀式行為 | 19:57 こだわり、不完全 | 12:31 15:51 対処法、認知行動療法 | 20:35 家族や周りの人ができること | 22:45 本人ができること | 26:24 I created a video about OCD. I've wanted to make this video for years to speak on behalf of those with the same condition, but I hesitated due to fear of exposing my illness. Often described in books and online as "an illness of repeated checking," it might seem like such behaviors are just part of certain personalities or common moments. However, the actual symptoms involve engaging in seemingly insane activities. In this video, I articulate the emotions experienced during these relentless, seemingly pointless repetitions. I believed that not expressing my true feelings during symptomatic episodes would defeat the purpose of this video, which might expose some less flattering aspects of myself. There are others whose symptoms are more or less severe than mine, but I have documented my journey through these symptoms, my current state, and my coping strategies. I hope this video can be somewhat helpful to those with OCD and their acquaintances. For those unfamiliar with OCD, this content might be challenging to understand, but I would appreciate it if you watched it, even out of curiosity.🦒 I will return to my regular posting schedule after this video!🧚🏻 OCD | 0:35 experience OCD | 4:46 checking | 1:38 6:26 13:34 7:48 8:35 9:35 14:12 15:01 Contamination | 16:48 17:55 harm | 18:26 rituals | 19:57 imperfection, fixations | 12:31 15:51 My Coping Methods, CBT | 20:35 What People Around Someone with OCD Can Do | 22:45 Things You Can Do Yourself | 26:24
@marlonf.8 ай бұрын
Desde pequeño he tenido todos los síntomas...
@ImteazEid8 ай бұрын
Even if you suffer from these diseases, I think you are the best. I love following you. You are comfortable. I do not know what causes this disease, and I do not know much about it, but I think that someone close to you can help you if you believe that you can allow him to do so. A friend or partner who truly loves always feels for the one he loves. It makes everything easier for you, but I'm sure you're amazing
@JAlexMG8 ай бұрын
Je ne connais pas non plus la maladie, mais je veux que vous contactiez quelqu'un qui puisse vous aider, vous soutenir et continuer. J’espère que vous avancerez et que tous les médias et tous les peuples seront proches.
@rougpmorgan81358 ай бұрын
Te felicito por haberte atrevido a abrir tu corazón con nosotros… Soy de otro país pero te sigo mucho porque mi carácter es similar al tuyo todos pasamos por tantas cosas pero nadie se atreve a ser honesto con uno mismo. Gracias por eso 🖤✨ Poco a poco podrás superarlo… Eres un gran ejemplo a seguir te admiro. Te mando un fuerte abrazo 🫂 🫶🏼
Thank you for sharing your journey. I am moved and feel grateful that you found the courage to so clearly describe your experience. It has helped me see myself differently, with more understanding and compassion. I am glad that you have continued to see the possibilities of doing things a bit differently day by day, moment by moment to find your way forward. I hope everyone who views this will find their way forward gently but with determination.
@Magpie9008 ай бұрын
Choki, I have never seen OCD explained this way. My heart breaks for you. Please be easier on yourself. Everyone wastes time in one way or another. Don't forget that you also use your time in so many productive ways like cooking wonderful meals, caring for your plants, making your home beautiful, playing with your cats and making content that so many people really enjoy. This disorder doesn't define you.❤
쵸키상, 너무나도 부지런하고 완벽해서 늘 부러웠어요 . 저는 한국의 50대 주부이자 직장여성인데 쵸키상이 내 옆에 있다면 안아주고 싶네요. 제 아들은 대학생인데 불안으로 인한 강박증이 가끔 있었어요. 길을 왔다갔다하는 증상. 지금은 없어졌어요. 쵸키상이 마음 편하게 자신을 드러낼 수있는 가까운 친구들이 많아지길 바래요. 늘 쵸키상의 영상을 기다리고 있는 한국의 오바짱으로부터.
Пересмотрела два раза. Девочка моя, мы тебя полюбили, понимаешь? И не потому, что твои видео красивы и приносят эстетическое удовольствие. Они успокаивают, лечат, снимают тревогу. Это много значит. И поэтому мы понимаем, что ты важна и нужна нам полностью, с ОКР и своими проблемами. Любая, Чоки! Дорогая моя, твой контент нужен нам. С любовью из Казахстана.
thank you for sharing your experiences! as someone also with ocd, theres a lot of comfort in knowing that i share a condition as with of my favorite youtubers
My heart breaks for you and your struggle with this demon of a disease. At the same time, it makes me even more impressed with the beautiful things you do. Your videos, cooking, the house and all you’ve done. Knowing that you did all of that while suffering like this makes it a million times more impressive. Are you on medication for this as well as therapy. I got on medication for my OCD in my thirties and it saved my sanity and possibly my life. I will be praying for you. You can do this and it WILL be okay. God bless you! ❤
Thank you for not being afraid to talk about it. It is very important. I hope you accept yourself as you are just as we accept you. Take care of yourself. We love you ❤
Choki, thank you for sharing your experience. I had horrible OCD as a child. Ritualistic jumping, movements, and other strange habits plagued me every day. It worsened in college and times when my living situation felt insecure. Up until recently I would pick at my skin and stare at it in the mirror for hours, and wake up in the middle of the night multiple times to check the mirror, because I was convinced I was breaking out in acne, when in reality I wasn’t. Now, I take medication and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. I don’t have rituals anymore, I don’t pick at my skin, and I have a much higher quality of life. My OCD was caused by underlying anxiety and depression, but all of those went away when I combined my medication with a more peaceful, solitary lifestyle. I still can’t drive, but maybe one day I’ll be able to do so without irrational fear getting in my way. I wanted to say thank you for making this video and spreading awareness about the reality of living with OCD. It’s a highly misunderstood disorder, and I empathize with the time you felt you wasted. But there’s so much time ahead of you Choki, and I hope you can navigate it with peace. Much love from California.
it takes a lot to be so open and share your own condition, it is my first time knowing how much OCD does to someone's daily life. I believe this video will help many who are going through the same!
You're doing amazing not just okay ! For the past two + years, your videos have helped me a great deal and that alone is wonderful and makes me grateful for what you do. You're a strong person and I hope you receive the right kind of help from people close to you just the way you've helped from afar ❤ thank you for everything you do and the comfort you bring, you're doing incredibly well so big up 🤗💗
That's why I love your videos 🥹 because I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. And your videos are always a source of comfort for me. Thank you for being such an honest soul Choki ❤️
Дорогая Choki, спасибо за это видео! Я считаю, таким нужно и важно делиться. На протяжении всего просмотра не отпускала тревога... Вы очень талантливы! Боюсь представить сколько времени у вас уходит на создание видео, которые дарят нам тепло, уют, покой и поддержку!❤
저도 30년째 강박증상으로 반복되는 확인에 긴 시간을 낭비하며 제 자신을 괴롭히고 있어요.. 스스로에게 그만 확인해도 된다고 다짐하면서도.. 그게 마음먹은데로 되지않아 여전히 제자리걸음이에요.. 나이가 들어도 강박증상은 고쳐지지가 않더라구요.. Choki님이 저와 같은 강박증으로 힘들어하신다는 고백에 조금 놀랐고.. 부디 Choki님의 마음이 편안해지시길 바래요..
I love to watch your videos. They are the kind of "silence" I like and need. I found myself paying attention to little things, little sounds and valuing them again because I had forgotten to do it. The sound of water running has become music. This is one small example. I wish you all the best in the world. Thank you for your videos.