Choosing a role in League of Legends

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The Noodle

The Noodle

Күн бұрын

Please keep in mind that this may not be applicable to players of all skill levels. This is mostly made for people who are either new to the game or looking to change roles and don't know where to start.
Thank you so much for watching, I hope this was helpful and if you feel like you learned something new feel free to drop a like and subscribe.
music in this video
Praise the lamb - Cult of the lamb OST
video partially inspired by videogamedunkey, magikarpusedfly, chillingsmite, ryscu, vars

Пікірлер: 356
@tamarin5118 9 ай бұрын
The end goal of every jungler is to show up to lane both late and unannounced and last hit your team's kills
@white9763 9 ай бұрын
As a blue kayn main, when im ganking bot It be like that, Just to get blue form faster
@autist1cvoice 9 ай бұрын
The end goal of every jungle is to get advantage for every lane and then watch how everyone throws bounties
@Laser86 9 ай бұрын
And minions in bot
@Chomusuke1 9 ай бұрын
You misspelled cannon minion
@MalakMalak-tw1rc 9 ай бұрын
the end goal of a jungler is to get fed by ''fixing waves'' and last hitting kill then carry their useless bot lane
@l3d371 9 ай бұрын
Depends on what you want to lose: Top: fun Jungle:mind(you'll get blamed for everything) Mid:enpathy Adc:sanity Support: a mix between adc and jungle
@BioTheHuman 9 ай бұрын
Jungler get flamed because of Riot. Of course they'll flame your mistakes since jungler is the most impactful role. I've had plenty of games objectively lost because of the jungler, though I don't flame, but still it's just a fact. Just remove jungler role and the game would improve exponentially.
@l3d371 9 ай бұрын
@@BioTheHuman junglers can't do shit without laners, wanna invade? Check lane state. Wanna get an objective? Chhck if you have prio with nearby lanes. Wanna gank? Of course it doesn't depend on you but on tha wave state and the state of the laners, junglers are like a moving variable who can give a lot of impact if played correctly, but the big constants are the laners, especialy after recent nerfs laners are stronger until mid- late where the exp gets even, you are supposed to get succesfull ganks to stay even so yes jungle has a lot of impact but there are lanes that get even more depending on the stage of the game
@BioTheHuman 9 ай бұрын
@@l3d371 I didn't say junglers have all the impact, but majority of it. You must see it from a statistical pov. It's like saying that men are statistically more inclined to commit crimes, but I can bet neither of me or you did or want to commit crimes, especially serious ones.
@SilverRPG 9 ай бұрын
​@@BioTheHuman In higher elo that is true, but in lower elo you might not even have a chance to be impactfull. There will be that one lainer who just perma pushes a lane and then flames you for not ganking, because they have been ganked 5 times. Also worst part is when a lainer dies and you try to fix the wave for them by resetting and they just start spam pinging you. For mental health it would be better if JG was removed from the game, but it would take out huge part of strategy from the game. 1. Why bother freezing the wave if there is noone who can punish the enemy? 2. Why group for a fight if there is nothing to fight for? 3. You are plaing bad scaling champions, well if you don't win game in 15min can't have a chance for a comback. 4. Lost the lane in first 3min, well can't recover because no chance a lainer is fucking up their lane to help you. Also if you remove JG the game will just be 2nd ARAM
@SamuAguiaHP 9 ай бұрын
@@l3d371 The real problem with how junglers works in League, is that you can solo lose the game simply by not doing anything. If you are just afk farming the other jg will just stomp every single lane in 15 minutes, and, even though you technically didn't made a mistake, your lack of impact lost the game. And cause the game doesn't has a voice chat, the jg won't know that it was their actions (or lack of) that lost the game, cause, again, they didn't made an obvious mistake, and the lanes will blame de jg cause they were getting ganked the whole game.
@DarkSol16 9 ай бұрын
As a top laner, it really does feel like an island. Me and the other top laner often end up continuously duelling and fighting for top tower, while i'm just listening to my team on discord in a battlefield down there.
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Right? There's such a wild disconnect from the game. And hey sometimes it's peaceful 😭
@LegalMikel 9 ай бұрын
@IC-23 8 күн бұрын
My favorite thing to do in top is the spin of friendship and fistbump it's rare but sometimes my opponent and I just farm minions and ignore each other and since we don't let minions doe to the tower we get overleveled and can bully each other's team before we have to fight. Win or lose it's fun because you get to be the strongest player on your team.
@riich.586 8 ай бұрын
As an adc main you are mechanically required to be good at kiting, managing waves, being racist, properly rotating to objectives, flaming your jungle, knowing your limits in fights, and basically stealing all the kills and jungle camps as much as possible
@makavili4429 6 ай бұрын
Racism is an underrated fundamental of being an adc and is often overlooked. There’s just so many races, and each one needs a finely crafted insult. Its one of the hardest mechanics to learn in league, but someone has to do it.
@lilsesshy 9 ай бұрын
Top: Your main goal is to be ignored; hopefully by your opposing team not your own. Jungle: You are Atlas. The whole world rests on your shoulders. It's also the jungle baby, you're gonna die. Mid: Lawless realm where if you show any sign of competence the whole enemy team 5 man camps you as your other teammates can't even kill a tower in an empty lane. Adc/Bot: You hate yourself and everyone else and you want to kill them all. Your favorite color is grey/gray because you'll see it a lot because the enemy assassin/mage/adc/brawler/juggernaut/tank/support/soraka/yuumi is fed and one shots you. Support: You like helping others, but are also a masochist. You often wonder if eye and IQ tests should be given out to your teammates prior to them queuing up.
@snakeboy2001 9 ай бұрын
League pros and cons. Pros: You can play with 4 friends Cons: It's League of Legends
@anshnanavati 9 ай бұрын
Bold of you to assume league players have friends
@VxDxLx 9 ай бұрын
@originalPLUG 9 ай бұрын
top - depressed and lonely jungle - let me do what i want mid - focus me/wannabe faker kid bot - mental damage/adhd or something similar support - i want to play the game, but im too lazy to farm
@illusry7631 9 ай бұрын
Hot take: dont play support as your first role if youre new. Learn how to lane and be aggressive with another lane first, then go into it. You may warp your perspective into too defensive of a playstyle or not really have enough game sense into what its like to lane. I poorly worded this but its true
@daystormzx2733 9 ай бұрын
@masonguthrie1257 8 ай бұрын
Exactly because it’s a 2v2 in lane the support needs to know what is going on during a fight, damage, flashes, dashes, etc. as well as general map awareness.
@Kara_Diina 2 ай бұрын
I am fixing this still. One thing i noticed as a new low elo player is If u still want to play support, play champpions that nead to Be agressive Eather by Killing or poking like your pyke, senna, etc etc champions that Will suck If you sit Back might not Be fun at first tough 😅 i personaly started as adc player then swaped to support so suprise i main senna and just quite reasently am starting to get The hang of how to to poke properly against difrent lanes and how to Stack her pasive faster on The proces. In league ITS kind of The "its hard to Be Bad player but easy to Be a good one" as soon as i started to Stack More agressive geting kills is ofc easyer so you snowball faster and The game begomes easyer (very general view) but If you Don know how to do this you are behind atleast around 20-30 stacks around 20 minutes and im not Even a good player and Have allot to improve still 😂 and yes suports learn how to manage waves and last hiting Even If its just practice Tool and bot games SPECIALY If your champ has delayed or otherwise wonky auto attacks 😅
@technofreak39 9 ай бұрын
I am so happy to have found my OTP as Senna. When I started in Season 3, I mained ADC due to my friends missing that position. I got so fed up that I was always the main target of the enemy team and always got oneshot and that I was not even allowed to auto attack, that I switched to jungle. The Map pressure that role provides also felt really good. But quickly I noticed that my botlane or especially my support didnt set up objectives. So I mained Supp for a while.. and as you mentioned the lack of impact bothered me too.. then I got to play Senna and oh boy.. If you keep my history in mind, this is just the perfect champ. I can attack from a safe distance to be the ADC-Main I always was in my heart. Often I am NOT the main focus cuz enemys tunnel on the OG ADC, I can pressure map from Ulting, ganking and even splitpushing (😂) and I can provide my team with vision that was always lacking when I was not on support xD For me Senna is an ADC, Jungler AND Support
@autist1cvoice 9 ай бұрын
Otp senna is not the thing you want in your team tbh...
@technofreak39 9 ай бұрын
@@autist1cvoice why? Maybe YOU dont want a Senna OTP in your team, but my Teams are always very happy with me :P
@autist1cvoice 9 ай бұрын
Cuz senna is very situational support and requires a good matchup and limit adc pool which you cant have every game if you are OTP. If it works for you im happy for you@@technofreak39
@csharpcoffee 9 ай бұрын
​@@autist1cvoicei do like having a good senna. A bad one is worse than useless, but a decent one can provide so much. I could never play her for the life of me, but if my team has one? Count me in!
@garagavia 9 ай бұрын
I'm glad you found your girl!
@BioTheHuman 9 ай бұрын
I think you should have also noted that Jungler and Support, since they don't deal with minions, should be the ones who try or at least aim for macro and strategy to win the game, especially if you'd like to go competitive.
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Yes! that's a great point. It really has a big emphasis on strategy and planning.
@kivori3438 9 ай бұрын
That’s why i love jungling, also smite steals are my bread and butter
@hellNo116 9 ай бұрын
Support usually in higher elos is meant to be the shot caller. You don't have the mental load of managing the lane in early game so you and the jungler you are responsible for the map awareness role. Also many supports even enchantresses have great offensive potential which make them really good at ganking, something that is criminally under utilized in low elo and can help you focus on the winning lane and ignore the bot lane if you have to
@ollowainhd5531 9 ай бұрын
i got so many kils with roaming with yuumi that it might be considered a criminal act
@hellNo116 9 ай бұрын
@@ollowainhd5531 the amount of kills I get from lane herassment with janna since season 6 is illegal
@Frey_00 9 ай бұрын
What made me chose top lane is I find the gameplay on top really interesting and I felt like I’m in the right place. I feel the most focused on top lane, and I like the freedom of choosing from a wider champion options. I love how top lane is an island because I love it if there’s less pressure on my shoulders.
@gebdemedici 9 ай бұрын
As a newer mid main I think it's pretty spot on. In my experience mid is the most consistent role across all the games, where both midlaners always end up being major contributors to their teams' success. I started out as an Aurelion Sol OTP, which, as a hypercarry, I often felt like the game depended on me not dying and playing well. Nowadays I've been obsessed over Hwei which is a little less of a lategame superpower but has more skill expression, outplay potential, and a smoother scaling throughout all stages of the game. Playing mid has mostly taught me to farm, stay the fuck alive, look at the map, and get REALLY good at comboing my spells. I mostly play adc and support otherwise, but can fill jungle if needed. I do not touch top with a 10 foot pole. That lane is hell. If you get a bit behind you are DEAD. OUT OF THE GAME. Also theres a lot more OTPs there and tryhard people, in my experience.
@sarahharuka2811 7 ай бұрын
Mid job is literally a mix of jungle and later, you need to get advantage and then share with your team, if you are behind, you can let your lane fall and help your team, or wait the enemy leave the lane and push it, mid easily lose the first tower because of how short the lane is, but it's hard to lose the other 2, it's much easier to the second and 3rd in the other lanes, also, after 15min, everyone will basically start going mid and NOW is where you can get a redemption if you were behind or shine if you had advantage, being in mid have a lot of possibilities without being locked on doing the objectives or being forced to gank like the jungle, but being less punished for leaving your lane, different from top, the mid laner job is literally to be the constant threat to the enemy team, you have to be their headache, be one shoting carries, pushing the lane too fast, destroying the team fight, the more annoying for them you are, the best, I think mid is overall pretty balanced and has an ex support main, nowdays I prefer so much mid lane, just not having to be a babysitter while get spanked by 2 madmen is just much better, being alive really is what you have to take care the most, the pressure on mid often makes someone gank you, what may be bad for you, but it's good for them team, if the jungle or the support left their positions to not make their mid fall, you are helping your team by getting in their way, if you were a support playing, but wanted be more aggressive and relevant, mid lane definitely is the best lane you could go for The only down side its having to deal with your enemy mid laner, who 99% suck, and they might think they are some anime protagonist with their yasuo or zed and they will spam mastery every time they deal damage to you, but if anything, I can always go to top, get the help of top laner to kill their top and help them push a bit, getting some gold and putting pressure somewhere, later I can make mid fall, it usually work
@Zoidberg_RealDr Ай бұрын
Liked for the Cult of the Lamb background music.
@Bakanlink 9 ай бұрын
I started as a support mainly because my pc back then was so slow that i never had the option to choose lane, then i became ADC because i was frustrated with all the bad ADCs that never followed the plays or even knew how to farm because of that it seemed to the team that i didnt do a good supp job (even when i had a few adcs waiting for me to support them) I came back to league this year after dropping it for a few years. ADC is my strongest role, but im winning more as Mid simply because i never feed the opponent, im not even that good as a midlaner, i just apply my playsafe mental that i got from playing adc and getting destroyed by the enemy feed assassin. So i almost always come even if i dont win lane in mid, no feed Akali or Zed on my watch lmao
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
I was going hard on malzahar mid for a while. It's definitely reliable being able to not feed snowballers but eventually I realized that you have to be more proactive when you start climbing. But honestly most of the time all I ask from my mid is not to feed 🤣
@dziosdzynes7663 9 ай бұрын
Top: you think you're a chad but you're a cringe barbaroid Jg: you think you're smart but you're afk Mid: main character syndrome Adc: you got bullied in primary school Support: You're either an egirl (enchanters) or an actual chad (engagers)
@FrankieWilliams-kx9gp 9 ай бұрын
What about me who alternates between jungling and playing engage supports.
@dziosdzynes7663 9 ай бұрын
@@FrankieWilliams-kx9gp you're an afk chad
@kerbstomp2484 9 ай бұрын
@@FrankieWilliams-kx9gpyour homosexual
@csharpcoffee 9 ай бұрын
@comradesusiwolf1599 9 ай бұрын
toplane thinks that they're gonna die of cancer so they just YOLO
@merobo5066 8 ай бұрын
I think one of the main issues that makes both of the bot lane roles frustrating at times is the reliance on another person. If you and your lane partner don't synergize in the slightest it can feel as if you're playing 2 1v2s simultaneously, However, if you and your randomly assigned lane partner happen to mesh well together it can be great fun (obviously both bad and great interactions can happen between any 2 roles, but due to the duo lane nature of bot lane they tend to be more present there)
@vernreuter3545 9 ай бұрын
As a jungler you hit some parts of this on the head. You get flamed for everything so just mute call everyone. That's what I do. I will say tracking jungle camps the enemy jungler, gank angles, minnon waves, match up for jungle and your jungler into laners basic understanding of all champs to gank effectively just to name some things to think of. I really enjoy the role but it has taken me 3 years now to grasp all these concepts and be just average. Having a good understanding of these things really accelerate it took me a couple years to start watching videos
@Scl3rot1c 8 ай бұрын
Top lane is probably the most dreadful. It’s centered around counterpicking so you’ll either have fun and do well or lose your sanity. And as it’s somewhat isolated from the rest of the map, you can’t really rely on your teammates/jungler. Baffling how some people call it the most braindead/stupidest role.
@BioTheHuman 9 ай бұрын
I'd like to main jungler since it's so impactful, but I really like being an ADC and the skirmishes you have in laning phase. Another interesting video could be the second role. For example my second role is Mid, and I think there are many ADCs on the same boat, but now I'm trying to switch to support. I think being ADC/Supp makes the most sense since in this way you'll always find yourself in the same situation, so you don't need to learn a totally different matchup. Also support is a good alternative for those ADCs who like to play other champs too since marksmen can be very repetitive after a while. Playing support as a main adc is also very good for when you need to assist your adc with minions. You immediately know what to do, while a lot of times I encounter supports who only ruin my waves
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Yeah it's almost natural when adc mains play support because they understand the demands of the role. I think the only issue with that is being used to being in carry positions which can be very draining when you don't have the opportunity to influence your games more. Which at the end of the day is up to the player but I usually fill to support if someone is more comfortable playing adc.
@kjhkjhkmj5862 7 ай бұрын
ADC - "life is on the wire the rest is just waiting"
@afonsoferreira5835 9 ай бұрын
I dont fully agree with the support part: Pro/Con 1 - Many games are decided by whose team has the best supp, as they can act as a 2nd jungler while being bot when needed. They also have the most power to control vision, which gives their team a direct advantage. Con 3 - Although supps are dependent on the adc (to some extent), adcs are worse is this: they cant recall as they please, because they have to farm, and they cant roam frequently to help other lanes. A good support assesses the lane to then decide if they wanna mainly help the adc or mainly help the other laners (never only doing 1 of these).
@geraltofriftia 9 ай бұрын
I'd like to see a "real" version of this video. This took an extremely informative lens, and I think it'd be pretty amusing to see a video full of "hot takes" on roles.
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Aye aye captain. I'll make it happen 🫡
@geraltofriftia 9 ай бұрын
@@Im_TheNoodle Thank you for replying omg! And it was just a suggestion, there's 0 pressure to make it! Happy Holidays^^!
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
@@geraltofriftia happy holidays to you as well! I definitely plan on doing a satire version of this for funsies so stay posted for that. I'm always happy to hear suggestions, it gives me more incentive.
@geraltofriftia 9 ай бұрын
@@Im_TheNoodle I've subbed, so I'll get the notif
@mihaitoma4144 9 ай бұрын
top lives or dies by the counterpick, not mid. fundamentally a midlaner designed to roam like Twisted Fate or Katarina will shove and leave, a really good toplaner will make sure you don't get to farm minions for the next 10 minutes
@sodie. 9 ай бұрын
im pretty new to league (~lvl 70), and this video was pretty helpful, thanks ! :^) you explained the roles' tasks pretty well
@Parazitic 4 ай бұрын
Cult of the lamb music is so calming
@tankenjoyer1891 9 ай бұрын
even tho i played league for 5years now its still fun to watch these typesof videos :D
@summonthesailors 9 ай бұрын
great guide. as a support main i agree. and i do not prefer playing mages and i dont focus on dealing damage with my abilites. i peel , engage and mostly help my teammates. but as i heard from my mage support main friends, the reason behind focusing on dealing damage is their adcs are just keep farming or not reacting when theres an engage on them or when there is a big trade. they are sharing their experience of ''being alone in the botlane'' also no hate but i never seen a mage support which is not trying to collect most of the kills and become the carry. maybe its the mindset maybe its something else. but literally cant imagine a duo like xerath and draven, tho it happens. this is a complicated loop. so my advice is you dont have to instalock ap mages to win the game.
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Yeah it's a bizarre shift where people would rather play a "sub DPS" in case their adc fails but in the case you're playing a "carry support" you're rarely going to get ahead in kills and you aren't going to be farming. That and if you sell support items and go damage then your team doesn't have someone to get vision on the map. I think the only exception to this is pyke because his kit was literally designed to make him a backup carry while still having high utility and giving gold to his team. Senna too.
@mindkrystal1982 9 ай бұрын
@@Im_TheNoodle I think Ashe works too because the utility she brings from the slow on her passive, her ult and vision with hawkshot
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
@@mindkrystal1982 yes! Ashe is actually a pretty good exception to this since she has a lot of utility on low cool downs and her damage is pretty low compared to other sub DPS champs. I would definitely prefer Ashe support over something like miss fortune or twitch.
@chuuli 9 ай бұрын
when i play mage supports (specifically damage oriented ones) ill gladly hand my adc free kills provided i'm playing well and they have the brains to take them; my main goal is to be damaging the other adc/sup as much as i can to reduce lane pressure and let my adc free farm. so i’m mostly poking, but at the same time if i hit a lux q or something and my r is up i’m smashing that shit yk? ks if nothing else i loove enchanters when i know i'll have a decent adc, it's just easier to feed kills to low elo adcs when u have more damage in your kit
@summonthesailors 9 ай бұрын
@@chuuli mhmhm understandable, since i have draven otp duo i dont play lux or something like it thats why
@zucchini2339 9 ай бұрын
Hearing mid is more counterpickable than top lane is wild to me
@Martin-yh7vi 9 ай бұрын
My pet peeve as a Jungler Main (Supp Main too) is when laners ping me for assist literally 2-3 mins into the game. Bro, 3 mins is the fastest you usually get for junglers like Fiddlesticks but the rest finishes almost exactly at scuttle spawn at 3:30. Rarely anyone would 3 camp clear gank unless they're confident they can get a kill. I know you're having a hard time in lane, but that's your problem. If I don't get a full clear and my gank doesn't work then we're both behind. And if we both die, your enemy laner is now 2/0/0.
@AC-vm1in 9 ай бұрын
dont you love when you start top and your top laner asks for gank as your crossing map :D
@Martin-yh7vi 9 ай бұрын
@@AC-vm1in Happens from time to time. Although it really happens more often when I play flex/norms with friends and my random allies are low elo. Especially when they're trying out a new champ and get counter picked.
@0MidnighttheDragon0 9 ай бұрын
The only note about maining ADC that I think you should have mentioned: Mechanically, yes, ADCs are 'easy'. But to be good at adc you NEED to be good at kiting. Which in and of itself can be a really hard mechanic. So adc as a ROLE is harder than it first appears. (Yes. I hate all the damn 'you just right click it's so easy' mentality that exists. There's so much more to it)
@jansyrovatka4090 9 ай бұрын
As someone who decided to try alot of ADCs I can say, it's hard to learn how to kite properly. But doesn't change nothing on the fact that BT, IE, shieldbow tristana shouldn't be able to jump on top of 7/0 Zoe who got 50CS more, is few items up, and just right click her to death. (Ye I may be a bit mad after that one game, but it is what it is.)
@0MidnighttheDragon0 9 ай бұрын
@@jansyrovatka4090 Stuff like that is a bit more of a fringe case, and also, I'm talking general power levels overall and adcs with a more 'typical' adc playstyle. Tristana is designed more like a hybrtid ADC/Assassin (before Samira and Nilah existed), where she's meant to jump in, burst, get out. So that's WHY she's able to do what you described more than...most other ADCs. I cant tell you how many games I've been 7/0, kiting about as well as I can...but the 2/5 tank top laner just takes 0 damage and can stay on top of me and do more damage to me than I can to him so I just...lose. It's not a fun feeling. I get that the whole...getting bursted 100-0 isn't fun, but ADCs are FAR from the only characters that can do that (and in my experience, do it less so than most others. We're just as feast or famine as assassins, but with items that take longer to spike. So if the game hasnt gone on long enough). Zoe can too. The entire game has just become WAY too burst heavy. I miss back when the game wasnt "who blinked first" and it actually mattered if you knew how to stay alive in a more sustained fight.
@jansyrovatka4090 9 ай бұрын
@@0MidnighttheDragon0 I know Trist is ADC/Assassin. But man I was mad, I'm also someone who plays mage who totally ain't assassin in disguise too. The only difference is I have to hit 2 skillshots, she just rightclicks and presses E. But it's mostly play bruiser/tank or get deleted by everything in the game right now.
@0MidnighttheDragon0 9 ай бұрын
@@jansyrovatka4090 yea but most adcs aren't Trist as far as how easy it is for them to get their damage off. but yea the game is just far too deep into "are you a tank? congratz, make sure you dont blink first"
@prawdanieznana 8 ай бұрын
As jungle Main in Gold-Emerald elo, just mute all, and Powerfarm. If You see enemy jungler ganking your bot, when You are on top side, end your camp and go insta his top side jungle, take herald if he stay, clear everything, go on your side again, clear what you left, go bot side, clear everything what stay in this side, check hp enemy bot side, if they are low, gank even withot your botlane, reset. You stack your smite? Now play proactive for team, or whatever, You still can play other side of enemy jungler and take everything what is free. 😊
@santoscolon530 5 ай бұрын
Cult of the lamb music mmmm
@Billy-Hargrove 9 ай бұрын
If you have been convicted with any sexual harassment towards children top is definitely the way to go
@laeb08 9 ай бұрын
I love playing bruisers in baron lane and tanky supports. I don't really care if I typically don't inflict huge amounts of damage, I just want champions with high utility and can take damage so I don't die quickly in team fights
@angysheepgul 9 ай бұрын
I play all roles but i've been lately been narrowing my champion choices so i do not lose my lane knowledge too much. Top: Rumble, Ornn Jungle: Kha'Zix Mid: Ryze ADC: Samira (I can't play any adc now) Support: basically what the adc demands for. I've been leaning to top nowadays because i want to master rumble
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Rumble is super fun to play too. My go to for top is kennen. Kinda similar with their super ults, play safe laning phase and pop off in team fights.
@nathenwheeler8638 9 ай бұрын
Hey! Happy to see you're making waves with your videos! Happy to have played that one reksai game with you in ranked! Keep it up!!
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Dude you're an actual legend, thank you!
@zera1342 9 ай бұрын
I know this vid is for beginners, so its simplified to the max but some of the takes are really wild
@cheese6782 9 ай бұрын
great video, you just gained another subscriber! you deserve more subs
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@aethercosm 9 ай бұрын
I play support so I don't have to worry about farming. I can just sit back, relax and poke my opponents so they leave my adc alone to farm in peace. Then I buy 4 damage items and boots and blow people up in the mid to late game XD
@Plebble 9 ай бұрын
Nice video man! Up and coming channel for sure :)
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Thanks homie, I hope so!
@MoonMoon28834 9 ай бұрын
I think something you could go over is the rate you would actually get the role you want aka autofill rates
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Yes that will definitely be a topic in another video.
@phnsinrspt 9 ай бұрын
That's a very nice guide, very clear, helped me a lot. I wanted to try League for a long time, I'm studying hard now, so not much time. Decided to put it off for some time. Just watched games and proplay for 2 years bc i'm interested. Was thinking a lot what should I start with (still haven't decided, but probably support or mid. I want to main jg but i'm a little scared 😂)Thanks!
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Good luck and I hope you enjoy whichever one you pick!
@phnsinrspt 9 ай бұрын
@@Im_TheNoodle Thank you! :)
@csharpcoffee 9 ай бұрын
Don't be scared of jungle! It's a really rewarding role to learn, and it benefits alot from game knowledge, which you seem to enjoy the pursuit of (watching online content/proplay). While learning it, just do /deafen and do your thing, communicating through pings. I believe jungle to be a lot of fun, and it's not nearly as hard as people make it to be. It's just a weird one, you know?
@csharpcoffee 9 ай бұрын
Also, once you become good at jungling, many of your teammates will actually notice it, and give you good feedback and nice words. There will always be people bitching about you not ganking them enough after they solo-died twice before scuttler even spawned, but who cares, it's not called League of Crybabies for no reason, you know?
@phnsinrspt 9 ай бұрын
@@csharpcoffee Thanks for affirmations, you're right! That gave me more confidence 😂❤
@swordboy13 9 ай бұрын
I became an ADC main because I got tired of my adcs feeding
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
"Fine, I'll do it myself." Chad mentality
@omegaminoseer4539 9 ай бұрын
I would like to add an amendment to TOP. It is the worst lane for counterpicking. Midlane Counter does not matter, since they get carried off the backs of SUP/JNG. In Toplane, if you don't have the proper pick, you basically sit around, doing NOTHING all game. As a fellow ADC Main, we're gladly not in the end-times of S10/S11. That was the worst time to play the game for us. Either Mages were the best Champs ever, or Assassins were.
@r0yce 22 күн бұрын
Stop being a pro. Play this game to have fun. Play every role, multiple champs, experiment. Don't be like I have to win it my paycheck depends on it lol. Then keep playing whatever you have the most fun in. The amount of bronze, silvers and golds who take pride in their OTP role macro understanding is outright delusiional. It doesn't matter if you make the correct play, if you can't adjust to your team that you've been dealt, you'll lose nonetheless. Stop trying to be perfect, just have fun. EDIT: I'm a jungle main btw, with chat turned off. I don't tilt and every loss I treat is as my fault. I review my games, and I try to make better decisions. It is absolutely true, that to impove at a certain champ/skill/thing, you have to repeat that multiple times.
@ok-gt3ni 9 ай бұрын
Top counterpicking is more punishing than mid counters
@martinfromstrufve9584 9 ай бұрын
Jungle does the most work
@AmokBR 9 ай бұрын
Good supports win lanes, good adcs win team fights. If you are playing support and your adc is not doing well in lane it’s more likely than not because you could’ve played better as sup. And I think jg is by far the hardest role.
@curtisedwards9573 9 ай бұрын
bro. Great video. Had to sub to you . I really hope you get the views you need. I would like to see more of your content.
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
I appreciate it!
@Nekroz05 9 ай бұрын
Bot lane trade in laning phase is 80% support and 20% adc imo Support early game > adc early game
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
I can agree with that.
@bigJuice9 Ай бұрын
Just started the game and I really like elise, but playing jungle kinda sucks 😭
@YusufTaufaniahmad 8 ай бұрын
i prefer to be a mid laner, because zed says do not fear with shrouded path
@awful8746 9 ай бұрын
im playing this shit since 2015, main jg since 2016, and dude being a jg in low elo(emerald and below) is stressful as hell, its like play chess, but your pieces dont listen
@lightfeather7948 8 ай бұрын
As a bot main (both adc and support) I don't see how a support is suppost to kill a fed adc solo
@Im_TheNoodle 8 ай бұрын
It's surprisingly common, even when fed adc's have to tread very carefully since they usually don't have a lot of sustain until mid to late game and one wrong love can put them at a disadvantage. Not saying that just any support can solo an adc but in the current meta a lot of people play hard engage or high damage supports that are surprisingly capable on their own. Looking into next season we are losing stopwatch and galeforce leaving marksmen even more vulnerable.
@ScarOfTheDialect234 9 ай бұрын
I'm a toplaner that is dabbling in jungle. I like jungle more than toplane, but I'm having trouble picking between the two. I started top, then went to jungle. I'm conflicted on which one I want to pick
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
No harm in doing both! You could always use one as a backup for flex picking too, especially if your team needs a strong jungler. I personally think I would pick jungle because I feel like it's more active and less one sided. That and I like the champion selection more.
@ScarOfTheDialect234 9 ай бұрын
@@Im_TheNoodle how would you suggest getting better at diana for jungle, and darius top?
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
@@ScarOfTheDialect234 for Darius I would read up on his counters, maybe check a guide on reddit or mobafire. I'm sure there are paragraphs written about him somewhere, that and check all is bad matchups and hard counters and learn WHY they counter him. Like malphite for example is really good against him cause he has a strong poke tool that also keeps him out of darius' range and with the help of ganks he can destroy your lane and then roam to uot for his team. Jungle is a little tricky, of course do some reading on good jungle patching for Diana, she doesn't have super strong early ganks since her ult is her only real cc. A lot of her gameplay revolves around picking the right time to engage and picking fights you know you can win. Getting set back in jungle is a huge pain but her ult can make up for it if used well for fights. Theres tons of guides available on tons of sites just do a little digging and theres plenty of info to learn from. And it never hurts to have a few different champions you can fall back on. Maokai is a total freelo champion that is quite honestly hard to mess up so he's always a strong backup pick in games where you think you might struggle as Diana.
@ssssafia 9 ай бұрын
I feel like its very reductive to call support a low impact and simple role. Its not usually flashy, but it still takes a lot of awareness and position to pilot the role well and the difference between a great support and a 'just doing their job' support is huge. Feels especially funny coming from an adc main (which i am too)
@utikahk4538 9 ай бұрын
How much Lp do you have? Saying a support has low impact on a game could not be further from the truth. Support has more impact than an adc, especially early. Support also has to understand wave control and should actively be helping with it as well as not giving up cs for free to the enemy adc. Just knowing where to position can change the bot lane outcome. Supports also should be starting the fights bot but if the miss your vulnerable. Lots of people dont understand the responsibility of support, but trust me.. having a good support can literally win you the game. This is why adc is the hardest roll in low elo and doesn't get better until about D1.
@aaabbb-zc7sx 8 ай бұрын
"one shotting carries" maybe the carries should try kiting instead of trying to fight the f*cking assassin in meele range
@Im_TheNoodle 8 ай бұрын
Bad habit am I right?
@kakarottuzumaki4346 8 ай бұрын
11:36 min.: with point 3 would i hardly disagree. You can just abandon your adc if there is like zero hope that this adc will came back and works. So leaving bot lane is ALLWAYS a option. If the adc is rude, support the outher 3 guys. You be the TEAM Support NOT the personal Slave of the adc. Clear you can play it so if you want but bite my hand 1 time as a adc and you be the rest of the game stucked in a 1 vs 2 while i kills enemy mid and top and carry you the game while you sit allone in the game knowing that you needs me to work but i NOT needs you. So if you wants my help be nice and dont a id!ot or you be faster allone than you can look if you bite the hand thats feeds you ^^
@fl1pg8r86 9 ай бұрын
I really liked top lane, but god holy shit if I lane against an illaoi one more time and get farmed by those stupid tentacles i'm gonna break something. So now I'm mid and perma banning Yone, cause fuck that champ.
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Now you seem like someone I can agree with 🤣
@alienpoop_gaming6855 9 ай бұрын
Rift spawns at 8 minutes not 10
@Lost__julian 9 ай бұрын
Just go brand "support" and build straight dmg anyways. Boom You can carry
@garretteferguson4122 9 ай бұрын
Me and my buddy run sylas, lux bottom. Really hard to face a champion duo with high one shot ability and a root so you can’t escape
@hitman5129 9 ай бұрын
Thank you. That was useful. I like mid and sup with this discribe. 😅
@illusry7631 9 ай бұрын
Con of Mid is you never fucking get the role, so you actually are a support or jng main lol
@EM-lk7jw 9 ай бұрын
L support take. You have a huge impact if you know what you're doing. I think it's one of the worst roles for new players because they think they can just coast in it. But a good support will take advantage of them.
@VILX_EDITZ 8 ай бұрын
Only time I play support I play akali and I get praised I would definitely recommend if u play akali mid or top
@mrashtraylol 9 ай бұрын
Top is the most counterpickable not mid my man
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
In terms of champions yes I can agree with that, I more so mean that getting counterpicked mid has an overall greater effect on the whole team.
@Blizza97 9 ай бұрын
calling jungle straight forward is... interesting.
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
From the perspective of a new player it seems straight forward. Obviously the learning curve of actually being good at it and learning how to leash camps is pretty steep and is no easy feat. But in terms of just getting familiar with the role a lot of players are probably going to spend their first few matches just clearing camps. Obviously that wouldn't make them a strong jungler but it is a lot less stressful than playing a lane imo.
@darkwolfyy6798 9 ай бұрын
You clearly don't main jungle lol. "leash" or kiting camps is the least of my worries. The jungler, in my opinion, is a tactician. You have to think many steps ahead of the game state and enemy jungler. Know when and where to be based on objectives, lane priority, wave states, efficient jungle pathing. Jungler wards 2nd most behind support, picking into your team composition to make sure you have both early and late game, making sure you have decent engage, clear speed, cc and on top of it all, get all the blame for any losing lanes. It's a lot@@Im_TheNoodle
@foxonfire2799 9 ай бұрын
@@Im_TheNoodleyea this is very true People would think support would be a good intro role but laning vs 2 people is quite intense and having to heal and look out for your adc or any other carries in a fight is difficult to do if you are just starting up Jungle probably has the steepest learning curve but it’s the easiest to start off with due to the basic idea of it Clear camps , get objectives and kill people
@gmyrek31 Ай бұрын
im yorick otp and when he become lane bully, my bro is garbage before lvl 4
@seandunbar6427 9 ай бұрын
Great video
@farzwolf2 9 ай бұрын
Always pick ADC, no need to thank me.
@dunamiswihmee 9 ай бұрын
Hahaha as if choosing a role is an option. Anything other than bot supp or jung you’re going to have a 5 min queue wait. So that’s why I only main those roles sucks but I wish I could just have role priority rather than boost xps
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Trueeeee. You really only get what you queue for in ranked but I wish when you were auto fill protected you would be guaranteed to get your primary role.
@DM-gs2vo 9 ай бұрын
i completely disagree with mid being the worst at being counterpicked. It's literally top. Ur an island, if ur not a last pick ur fked. Mid has SO many options that u can safe pick and not care what enemy will take. Ahri, annie, veigar, azir, ryze, zed, lux... what do u have on top u can blind pick? Pick a tank...oh look fiora... pick a bruiser... oh look a teemo... pick rumble... oh look, kennen
@badussy9702 9 ай бұрын
Love the cult of the lamb music
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
One of my favorite OSTs of all time!
@Brisk83 9 ай бұрын
Is there a specific role you'd suggest for newer players?
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
I guess it depends on what you're familiar with in other multiplayer games but really whatever lane you're drawn to most. If you have a friend or friends to play with I would suggest supporting them and letting them guide you through the game or vice versa. That or if your friend can jungle then you could try top or mid and take their advice during the game. Otherwise I think your champion choice is pretty important, just try to look for champions that are fairly simple or "beginner friendly" and learn whatever role you want at your own pace.
@piotrlatuszek171 9 ай бұрын
I think i would recommend start with top - you will learn best 1st phase of the game (laneing) in its core - like minions lasthits trades etc, it can be punishing ( enemy gets far ahead and you wont do much rest of the game but you will learn qiucker bc it will be eazyer to find mistakes you made alone, also second role try support bc you need now to learn how to play with others and it will halp with not being stuck in top island mindset whole game,than if u feel lil confident in core mehanics in top start trying mid - its added more ganks and you are able to put more preassure on map while u need to still menage your lane like top - than you can try with adc and lastly jungler - when u understand how team works u can try to be the helper&commander(jg) Also i dont play much bot but i think that supp can be harder in the long run (eazy at start you can treat the role like "support" but good supp is also like jungler with keeping eye on whole team and sometimes leading it
@EmillyTheDoll 9 ай бұрын
11:23 not if you play senna. Adc is trash? become the adc
@KingChocobo 9 ай бұрын
Support is not easy sir.
@Amari_LOL 9 ай бұрын
I speak on behalf of all top lane mains when I say we are all in one way or another, masochists. Don't play top lane.
@kakarottuzumaki4346 8 ай бұрын
10:22 min.: And than is there Seraphine what be a hypbrite of beening mage and enhancer lul xD But yeah i would call supports the unsung heroes of the game called league of leleks. I love to be a help and take care of outhers. Be the mommy for the team and see them bloom and be happy while i know my works leads to it :) And i dont will get ANY credit for it xD But hey i see that outhers feel nearly the same. As i helped a top laner yesterday together with the jgl he was realy happy. We was a 5 guys pre squat and i took the hand of the jgl girl that plays with us and leads her to the importent things. I saw that the jgl and the top dont was realy comon with a activ calling support :D and a Support that invades with you :D She and me has MUCH fun yesterday and i look up to to play many games in the season with her :3 She also enjoi it says she me and i throught me: why not ganking top and invest our time at the rare plant of the game :D Form my adc (the guy that i knows the longest time.) knows i i cant leave him allone, he cames so or so clear and a ezreal isnt that nice to gank Thats why i took the jgl and go with her top and gets daruis realy ahead. He thanks us both. Its feels realy good to hear a thank you and i saw how rarely top laner gets love form jgl. Anyways be nice to your supports and your jgls ^^
@snarfra780 9 ай бұрын
Supports win the bot lane, if your adc sucks you can always support your mid or jungle. A good support knows how to impact the game. In my experience ADC role depends on the team’s performance more than the support role because you will need some peel even when your position is ok. Playing support you usually will find someone that’s doing it well to play with.
@agpaok0704 9 ай бұрын
I want to ad some things(I was main top, now I play every role, emerald 3 currently). 1 Top is very bad today unfortunately, because of how broken jg has become. Jg could barely gank 1 time back in the days, now camp clear is so fast, they come all the time. You can't puss for crazy advantage from your opponent. 2 I now play jg most of the times because I never see myself equal to anyone at anything. Since you don't have lane, it's very easy to scout all the map and warn your team when other jg is. I literally type all I want from my team. It's very good opportunity nowadays with so few jgs to be better than your opponent and if they decide to follow, it's game over already. Broken role, nerfs were a big joke, there are still champs that full clear before scuttle crab is up. 3 I personally like facing people with many mastery points, because they think they are good at the game, don't know they are actually bad, and kill them easily since they dare to come in my range. 4 Adc has very VERY big difference between old and new champs. Also completely useless without a good supp. Unfortunately, most of the women that play, just take a poke enchanter and sit behind you playing very pathetic. It happens very often. I will never forget the game that I took kalista and my supp took yummi. In emerald.
@YoriYoiHitotachi 9 ай бұрын
The jg review summary was awful. It is incumbent on the team to secure objectives. The jg cannot do it at all without support from the team. Having the most impact is just not accurate. I would say the solo lanes or any role working with the jg will be the most impactful. Every gank or obj is reliant on lane state and what the laners are doing. If someone is getting crushed in a solo lane the jg can't do anything. The exp and gold gap is very severe.
@alexmurray5244 9 ай бұрын
I'm a wannabe :(
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
You and me baby
@trufik1201 9 ай бұрын
@JamesBaleLA 9 ай бұрын
I hard disagree with your description of support in almost every way
@Haerinaaaaa 9 ай бұрын
Who said support is the easiest role? Who told you that
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
I didn't say it was the easiest, but I do consider it to be the most accessible to newer players. Believe me I super appreciate good support players, there's definitely a lot of potential for them to shine in matches but sadly I feel like a lot of their efforts go unrecognized.
@jeffnaval4894 9 ай бұрын
Depends on champ. Its easy if u play yuumi. Its hard if you play azir support like me.
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
giga chad support mains play Azir lmao
@MalakMalak-tw1rc 9 ай бұрын
then what role is easiest?
@ssssafia 9 ай бұрын
​@@MalakMalak-tw1rc Depends on what you're naturally good at my friend. If micro comes easiest, ADC. If macro does, maybe jungle or support. If you're a garen one-trick, top. Difficulty in a game like league isn't objective, in the same way there is no objective "most difficult" subject in school
@blungalblorg 8 ай бұрын
1:08 -1
@pluviaaeternum 9 ай бұрын
I agree that support is easy. but it's the highest skillcap of all roles and I'm not even kidding.
@Psychoolol 9 ай бұрын
just play teemo mid
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Just play teemo, period.
@rekoweo1374 9 ай бұрын
None, quit league and prooceed with your life
@comradesusiwolf1599 9 ай бұрын
play toplane.
@KolyaUrtz 9 ай бұрын
none, you shouldnt even play league
@nhovi9656 9 ай бұрын
As an adc main, there are definitely times I can say the support has been the best player in the game (on either team) and tbh it happens more often than not. A good support makes the game sooooo ez imo.
@JZhaoRen 9 ай бұрын
Support dictates the lane. After years of maining adc I swapped to support playing exclusively playmakers. If your fundamentals are on point and because you don't have any farming responsibilities, you can dominate the whole map and since I am an adc main I know how to set up my adc for success. Imo junglers and supports are still the most influential roles by far mostly because they're dealing with most of the decision making and the rest just acts accordingly.
@hweiistheway 9 ай бұрын
Ikr? He described support role in the most stereotypical adc point of view he could. He deffo has personal problems with supports xd
@hebiiiii 9 ай бұрын
@@hweiisthewayI think what hes saying is if u have 4 bots on ur team as a support 99.9% of the time u arent gonna be able to carry that game, but take yorick top lane for example, he can solo push top lane and win games in the same situation
@JZhaoRen 9 ай бұрын
@@hebiiiii ah yeah I adc'ed until diamond. From diamond on I can just expect people to have hands and at least one braincell.
@ChadAF_YT 9 ай бұрын
I am a good support. Pyke and sona.
@SnevinzZAnime 9 ай бұрын
Little correction: Top lane is the lane thats hardest when counter picked.
@garagavia 9 ай бұрын
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
I can agree with that, my point with mid is that the counterpick can have a greater effect on the whole team. I have no doubt that top counterpicks are brutal, believe me I've been there.
@thedrunkendevildog 9 ай бұрын
​@Im_TheNoodle any role is difficult when counter picked but I can agree with your statements. I view jungle as playing chess with the team. If its played correctly both jgs can some of the most fed people on the team. However I have noticed learning some wave states can be beneficial to both everyone involved. Example: if I gank bot and my supp and adc die while I kill their enemy adc and supp and wave is pushing into our tower I'll try to hold wave for as long as possible just to let them set up a freeze, slow push, or just to build up a cs lead, and that applies to every lane I gank. But if our minions are pushing I just shove into turret on those scenarios to punish the enemy and try to get the bounce back for my laners. I do notice my job is also significantly easier when I have laners who actually play for jg. Like setting up vision in river, when I get auto'd sup I always play for jg warding the river when I can, usually a ward in whichever side bush, drag, and one defensive ward in the corresponding side. The outcome is usually a winning game typically. All in all learning how to play multiple roles will always help the main role
@LordT93 9 ай бұрын
Yeah I've had some brutal counter fights they are the best when you end up beating your counter is a mad feeling wondering how it was pulled off but lost alot as well
@itscetriolojhoo4920 9 ай бұрын
​@@thedrunkendevildogyou should Scream louder the last sentences. Having experience in every role gives you so much knowledge on how to play with your teammates AND against the enemy. Too many junglers know below 0 about wave state and too many laners know nothing about the jungler routes and that they can't spam gank 24/7 all 3 lanes
@Keizn 9 ай бұрын
I actually think it a pretty good idea to play every single role, by doing so you understand the game better in general. Also I decided to main jungle because there are too many people in my rank who don't know how to play jungle correctly and it was depressing playing support and watching my jungle run into enemy jungle / contest crab with 0 prior from side/mid lane. Ended up role swapping from support to jungle and instantly climbed from plat to emerald smoothly after learning how jungle works. I believe anyone who wants to learn jungle should look at how agurin and tarzaned plays it tho they have diff playstyles in some sense, the fundamentals are still there. Jungle tracking looking at wave state. Also any jungle mains who doesn't know how wave works/ freeze works really need to learn that
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
Yeah everyone should have some experience in the jungle just in case they get auto filled but it also helps you track enemy junglers and play smarter. A little experience goes a long way.
@JZhaoRen 9 ай бұрын
I totally agree with this. In the end game knowledge is everything. Especially as a jungler u should know how all of your lanes play out. That includes wave management/wave state understanding and all of the matchups in every single lane. If you can grasp all of this information, process it and act accordingly, your enemies will acknowledge the jungle diff.
@deathisforeverx1 9 ай бұрын
Meh I prefer karasmi .yes he's a one trick but he still has very good information. Plus he actually has personality. No not like Dantes who just yells all game 😂😂😂.
@khariperkins4243 9 ай бұрын
I never get auto filled when I pick jungle yet people tell me how the fucking role is suppose to be played. Then they should be forced to que jungle for like 10+ games when they do this.
@FrankieWilliams-kx9gp 9 ай бұрын
As a jungler I agree that it’s pretty simple. There isn’t as much skill expression jungling, I mean come on how hard is it to hit the scuttle crab with a skill shot. The problem is you have more things to do than you can possibly accomplish. You are the equivalent of a single parent who on top of working 2 jobs has 3 kids who all expect you to show up to everything they are doing. Even if you play perfectly and move faster than a rabbit on speed you will only be able to accomplish maybe half of what you could do.
@garagavia 9 ай бұрын
The skill expression comes, first in knowing what to clear, then to clear it effectively while looking at lanes, and then being able to adapt to the game state and make decisions, all while being constantly flamed and scapegoated by the team who need to vent their egos' emotions for being solokilled.
@FrankieWilliams-kx9gp 9 ай бұрын
@@garagaviaI’d consider that to be knowledge more than skill. The jungler shouldn’t have as much mechanical skill as any laner because anyone in lane would get way more practice against other players than the jungler. Playing jungle is about winning the game with your brain, not your reaction time and muscle memory.
@MalakMalak-tw1rc 9 ай бұрын
jungle is roll all about leading your team, always watching the map to protect your blind useless bot lane from getting ganked for the 4th time, while you secure exp and gold advantage over the other jungler
@SenpaimustNotice 9 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@FrankieWilliams-kx9gpYes because jungle doesn’t have the most mechanically complex champions like Lee sin, Nidalee, Rengar, Kindred, Kha etc.
@-swoosh6338 9 ай бұрын
​@@FrankieWilliams-kx9gpLow elo opinion
@garagavia 9 ай бұрын
I'm considering maining fill. It's the most diverse role by far!
@christianstaender3676 9 ай бұрын
Player diff.
@legitplayin6977 9 ай бұрын
Whatever you do, don’t pick jungle. It’s mental torture to play jungle
@Im_TheNoodle 9 ай бұрын
I'll always feel bad for jungle mains lmao
@csharpcoffee 9 ай бұрын
It's actually a really rewarding role to play honestly, is hard, you get flamed alot, but the amount of agency can feel great and the feeling of knowing that a lane is now snowballing thanks to your gank is amazing. I mostly love jungles that are somewhat designed to support others, like Skarner, Nunu and Amumu, and it's really fun tbh. I think people dramatize the role a bit, which scares newcomers.
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