4:53 and that boys and girls is why we should always do the golazo it gives you a phsychological advantage because the oppo will feel defeated skipping too fast will make him feel like he can get back into the game
@lifeisfootball5063Ай бұрын
play with 4231 with poacher cf, rmf and lmf one with good pass and drib and other with speed and finish(with attacking instruction), amf is messi(with attacking), mid b2b+orchestrator(deep line), build-up cb both and attacking full backs with loads of pace....also instruct amf to counter target....... you'll feel like current barca with flick
@ussr_unisoviet7915Ай бұрын
Which version of Messi bro?
@lifeisfootball5063Ай бұрын
@@ussr_unisoviet7915 any messi will do .... basically you need a decently fast player with good linkup and good finish..... i play the argentina pack messi with increased passing
@SharcGamingАй бұрын
I feel like Konami street could use a 1 man midfield and cook too 😅
@kold6225Ай бұрын
For real 😂
@Samin-qi8gzАй бұрын
No way Sharc Is here
@SharcGamingАй бұрын
@@Samin-qi8gz yeah bro I learn a lot from his videos He’s one of the goats
@Samin-qi8gzАй бұрын
@@SharcGaming yeah his gameplay is on a different level.
@EfootballWorld-n3lАй бұрын
The playstyle used in the cmf position matters the most
@hadimisab2809Ай бұрын
which is the recommended playstyle?
@BắcPhạm-b6qАй бұрын
@@hadimisab2809 i think box-to-box or orchestrator. I prefer b2b
@tafael130Ай бұрын
As a pes20 player, highest rank-837... Efootball 24.. a suggestion for all players - "Midfield controls the game" with defending and attacking, currently I found the 4-2-2-2 formation is the most balanced in game.. try the formation and learn 1-2 passing... With a Speedy cf like mbappe,eto,rummi...and another cf with One touch pass and trough passing skill like Law, messi..i prefer both goal poacher , but Fox in the box, Deep lying forward can full-fill your requirements.. Because When when Your goal poacher Is behind the defence line.. and recieve pass your another cf will make runs no matter what is his play style.. and 1-2 passing with cfs ( pass nd move required) can wreck any defence line..
@nithinthomas270Ай бұрын
Your midfield??
@HakariCraftАй бұрын
Cruyff long range was like blitz curl 😮
@vedantsawant6774Ай бұрын
Bro make a review on new nominating card Dan Burn(at CB) his stats and performance in game are phenomenal
@koushikkumarkar1227Ай бұрын
8:12 blitz curler💀
@PietroAmara-d8dАй бұрын
What the hell is that Cruyff curl?!?!! amazing video man, i love your midfildiers' videos, keep pushing
@f_hpjАй бұрын
5:22 Arsenal level bottling 😂❤️
@Kelow_SKАй бұрын
I laughed so hard bro, Konami street things😂😂😂😂
@Nothing-y2h1yАй бұрын
Scriptnami doing scripting too in 3rd goal.
@THE_KAT122Ай бұрын
Personally i prefer 2 dmf's Recently i've been using two anchor mans 1 amf 1 lwf/rwf and 2 cf Its working really well
@JoelEvans-s8lАй бұрын
8:18 big respect bro I see what you did there
@chhotautsadgaming1549Ай бұрын
What he did?
@notvalidreallyАй бұрын
@@chhotautsadgaming1549he let the opponent score so it's a draw since he's a new player
@chhotautsadgaming1549Ай бұрын
@@notvalidreally he was laging bro
@pes4u573Ай бұрын
can u tell me ur showtime bellingham progression pls???? big fan of yours
@Amir_rahmani-jrАй бұрын
Normally I use 4123 and it works well ❤
@JuniorJunior-c9iАй бұрын
Neymar with the roulette 😩
@TerryCrews-yh7mdАй бұрын
Bro did u customize the 4-1-2-3 formation ur midfielders look good that the default one we hv in game
@jay9icestАй бұрын
That's long range curler from Cruyff if I'm not mistaken and not long range shooting.
@mohsinbalti95Ай бұрын
Thanks for 41 subscribers 😊
@amalsheik3952Ай бұрын
cruyf got blitzz🥵
@Owen.N123Ай бұрын
Nice video General ❤
@_MinimusАй бұрын
we mzee,,, ni suggestie formation an playstyle rn
@KonamiStreetАй бұрын
@josephlin2879Ай бұрын
deserved after that kickoff bullshit lol
@vinayakp3204Ай бұрын
Bro my phone's display broke and after changing display i am not able to play touch and flick i have to switch to classic i need tips get better i am getting trashed every match i need help especially for defence please help😭😭😭😭
@KonamiStreetАй бұрын
just take time to learn
@mdatikulalam3390Ай бұрын
Bro can you give me your Big time Messi’s progression point..
@NJR4510Ай бұрын
@JuniorJunior-c9iАй бұрын
Try using kante, hes a beast, probably the most underrated player in game
@akshatpandey1584Ай бұрын
@PietroAmara-d8dАй бұрын
True!! if you pocket the opponent's AMF with Kante the opponent can't building.
@JuniorJunior-c9iАй бұрын
@@akshatpandey1584 typo 😭
@sushitrash-r6rАй бұрын
Which formation is good?
@DabJoeАй бұрын
Bro did you forget us?😢
@Thorss263Ай бұрын
6:34 Opponent got 5 goals with 28 passes completed?😂
@VictorMadristasАй бұрын
I need coins. For MSN
@najmulalamarif7443Ай бұрын
I also lost a game the same way as you Horrible scripting