CB's my favorite player, and I've been saying he will be a great player since day one.
@ivangoran4461Ай бұрын
I saw how humble and disciplined he is, willing to learn, and I also knew it.
@guybartlett9587Ай бұрын
Nailed it
@oldmansportsog251419 күн бұрын
I wanted him on nuggets his whole junior year at Kansas and while nuggets fans was all in love with Marjon Beuchamp and I laughed at them. They was worried about CB having a negative wingspan and they feel for marjon combine numbers but I knew cb had that dog in him and knew he was athletic. Let's be honest if CB was Black he would of been a lotto pick
@Toracubed1Ай бұрын
If CB averages 15 pts, 6 rebs and 4 assists with his elite ish defense, the Nuggs are going to do some damage.
@AverageSportyTeenАй бұрын
So great to see CB succeeding from my one favorite team to the other favorite team he’s been my fav player and it’s so good to see him playing like he did at Kansas and not seeing himself hold him back
@japiro14Ай бұрын
The DOG, this kid freaking fearless
@alandouglas2700Ай бұрын
I loved his play from the start! He's even better now!
@oldmansportsog2514Ай бұрын
He is also one of thr best rebounding guards in nba..he already better than Herb Jones. He has a resume of winning. In ncaa he would of won 2 if not for covid.played for one of the best cosches in last 50 years
@RyanL-re9ywАй бұрын
Braun for MIP and he’ll only get more comfortable as the season goes on
@nenadpopov3601Ай бұрын
I keep saying this, idk wtf is Denver doing, he is very good at clutch moments too, far better then Murray and MPJ combined, and I know Jokic is teaching him shit load of stuff, he'll only get better with time, can't wait to see him in couple of years.
@pleasedont7439Ай бұрын
@@nenadpopov3601 Jokic literally put him in place in one sequence 😂😂 bro's lucky as fuck having Jokic as a mentor
@kennymccormick9292Ай бұрын
U wish, Great Crakka Hope
@thund3r9424 күн бұрын
CBS my 2nd favorite jayhawk ever, hes always been a star even in his freshmen season, glad to see hes getting recognition in the league
@dmitrychirkov4206Ай бұрын
numbers doesn't matter in this case: CB and Watson have PASSION firing them up and the best playmaker of this era enabling their every move they WILL grow into a true champions with all respect to AG and Murray, I love couple of no goods more
@dryptobotАй бұрын
The refs are swallowing that whistle whenever Braun goes to the hoop, he got fouled on mostly all those layups!
@mja4wpАй бұрын
same as Joker...NBA wants Coastal teams w/ extra large Media audience's to advance - not a backwater team like Denver - And every time Joker and Denver destroy that model, it's pure, it's beautiful, it sweet and I love it.
@zachphillips7997Ай бұрын
Lol he went 0-2 after the dunk and you crybabies lose your minds when you see defense. Just like last year when Murray got double teamed, Denver fans cry because they've never seen a defense before.
@s.scottsdale1839Ай бұрын
Way to go Gen Z boy. Everything's a foul, as long as it's your team or your mancrush.
@Mkby88Ай бұрын
soy Mexicano pero ese guerito es muy bueno
@mourathdas5405Ай бұрын
Bro locked down sga
@gorannedeljkovic-z5vАй бұрын
He allready is a star,no question about it
@kimoronen1823Ай бұрын
No, he's not. But he will
@icrashout7 күн бұрын
Christian Braun is an absolute bucket, he has a lot of potential
@br3fl3Ай бұрын
My friends all made jokes every time I'd bring up CB. I knew he was going to be a beast on the Nuggets. Just needed more minutes.
@raymondchandler697Ай бұрын
His 3 point shot form is looking good!
@dunmatta2670Ай бұрын
Picked him up in my fantasy league after 3 games. I'm gonna enjoy following his game this season
@markm3220Ай бұрын
It was a matter of time before people saw his skills. I was not as worried others about the loss of KCP. GO CB!!
@broncobilly4029Ай бұрын
Well then. What do you know? I guess Calvin Booth isn't as dumb as his critics have claimed recently. The story for these Nuggets has not been written yet. It's not how we play in November. It's how we play in April & May.
@Serenity01871Ай бұрын
they only need one more shooter of the bench and rim protection next year we have holmes back he should been a shooting big who can defend the rim
@MarkLewis-l3fАй бұрын
Nailed it. People who think Booth doesn't know anything are idiots. This team develops its own, which fans don't seem to understand. The next breakout guy will be Watson. We're going to be nasty on defense come playoff time.
@broncobilly4029Ай бұрын
@@MarkLewis-l3f Yeah, the minor injuries to AG & JM this early in the season are fortuitous, because Malone is being forced to play the kids. Otherwise, he'd be milking the S5 to eek out every win. I have to admit, I'm loving RWB's passion. I never cared for him before, but I'm enjoying him now.
@ShintigercurlАй бұрын
at this rate, braun is gonna be the number 2 for the nugs. been impressed with this guy since he came off the bench.
@002avocadoАй бұрын
@RPaulieccАй бұрын
They told him don't hesitate, he's a beast game
@milosstefanovic6603Ай бұрын
Christian Braun slowly becoming a monster, he is 95% there
@booJayАй бұрын
CB more than making up for the losses of Bruce Brown and KCP. If he keeps this up, he'd be an upgrade over those two, COMBINED. As long as the other starters not named Joker can maintain their levels, this will be Denver's greatest starting 5 ever.
@ljtowers5161Ай бұрын
Peyton Watson was on the lists of top defenders you showed as well. When both CB and Swatson are on the floor paired with Westbrook, MPJ length and solid defense and Joker's great team defense and deflection ability. Their defense has been absolutely choking.
@neelstv478Ай бұрын
props to the young man for hopping , but you could rename the video to "The Jokic Effect"
@NyQuilDonutАй бұрын
That's not giving Braun enough credit. Jokic is great at setting up his teammates, but they still have to make the shots. Also, Jokic isn't making Braun's defense better lol.
@DixieNormous0628 күн бұрын
I remember when fans were acting like the sky was falling when the Nuggets lost KCP. CB is a massive upgrade so far and has completely made him an afterthought lol.
@mattc3929Ай бұрын
Not a star but he can be quality starting 3D guard. Danny Green type.
@KarinaAespa29Ай бұрын
this is spot on! like Danny Green, Iggy type of player. Every franchise needs that kind of player
@AugrillsАй бұрын
Reminds me of the kid in high school who couldn’t read but could do a backflip flat footed
@JonathanCute-e4fАй бұрын
He's definitely filled his slot he's certainly approved as well
@oldmansportsog2514Ай бұрын
Yes he plays alot with Joker but also plays with Bench unit some
@cazu2479Ай бұрын
Yup I knew this for a while now
@VinceLyle2161Ай бұрын
He's making his free throws now, as well. 82% on a shade under 4 per game, which is more than double his previous frequency. Still, I have to believe he worked on it during the off season. If he knew he'd be starting and getting more minutes, his play style will put him at the stripe more frequently. Hitting his free throws keeps him out on the court. He's not a liability if he gets fouled on a drive.
@RomnysGonzalezАй бұрын
CB better than KCP ever was for the Nuggets in those 2 seasons
@enigmathegrayman2953Ай бұрын
He hasn’t ARGUABLY been the Nuggets second best player, he’s straight up been the Nuggets second best player BY FAR…
@dmitrychirkov4206Ай бұрын
you mean besides that one best player of this era, right?
@matthewmckenzie8921Ай бұрын
MPJ has been a bit better since he got his jumper back but CB has been the best over the whole season
@nenadpopov3601Ай бұрын
He should have get more minutes 2 years ago, if he did he would already be a star, it's not to late now but I feel sorry for Denver forcing him to wait while being better in tuff moments more then Murray and MPJ combined.
@Li_YifeiАй бұрын
what's carzy is Nuggets only wins if they score 120+ in a game
@RPhaFАй бұрын
MIP could be him or Coulibaly
@cazu2479Ай бұрын
Or who
@wtfiswrong1hАй бұрын
I think he will take Murrays place in denver soon.Only thing he needs is a shoot the dribble and he will average 20+
@rhumzalicante3822Ай бұрын
Hes more like bruce brown, fearless driver and lockon defense
@JRally6Ай бұрын
@WhiteCarpetАй бұрын
"playing with Jokic; you have to know when to cut to the basket" Well yea, it's the only way you'll beat the Labmade Dogs; they can't keep their eyes off the ball and get backdoored. Ball Manipulation Tech ain't letting your wide open 3 fall like it should.
@DrawQuick2014Ай бұрын
damn that just means were gonna lose him this summer
@theesotaricitalian6338Ай бұрын
He has a 43.5 inch vertical, must be nice 😂
@tigeranthonyАй бұрын
He's thriving because he's playing with Jokic and Westbrook
@markkraft6719Ай бұрын
Before they gave Jamal the bag, I said that he did not deserve it. They should have waited. Jamal is hard on the decline. Look at where they are now. Christian Braun easily replaced KCP and Julian Strawther has also been playing well. And Russell Westbrook has been what I thought he could be. They don't need Jamal. Watch and see. Braun is the real deal. He is a great player.
@Invictus3675Ай бұрын
Problem with is that he cant shoot 3s
@themountain59Ай бұрын
Well...time will tell if he can keep his sh!t together... it's a bit early to talk about MIP.🙄
@DraregkoeliekalieАй бұрын
True. Last year he had a hard timw after a great first year which isnt odd for an rookiw though
@nenadvojvodic7900Ай бұрын
As long they talk horses...goof around...play like a kids in the puddle Nikola will mint anyone near.Just respect his space,his privacy!Watch and learn!
@iguesssАй бұрын
In China…
@shawnmace3843Ай бұрын
... He already is!
@ManuOviedo-d6bАй бұрын
He is like Ginobili
@Marc-n5eАй бұрын
@oldmansportsog2514Ай бұрын
Ginobli never had CB athleticism. Not even close. Cb in nba elite of athleticism which says alot cuz so many people athletic in MBA amd CB on that top tier
@julsc2106Ай бұрын
He doesn't flop
@Dr.MegladonАй бұрын
The best comp I could think of is Matt Barnes
@peterchung7151Ай бұрын
@s.scottsdale1839Ай бұрын
Nope, sorry white fanboys. Braun should be a fine player in the league for years.But he doesn't have the game to become s/thing particularly outstanding from what I've seen over 2+ seasons.
@chrisshergie1030Ай бұрын
none of that means he is going to be a star. why not just title it Braun is Gonna Be a Really Nice Player?
@JigsawBellАй бұрын
One monster dunk and the guy is going to become a star?
@recorz98Ай бұрын
He is giving him credit because he is playing well. Maybe he shouldn't have said star. But Braun is playing well and I guarantee you probably was one of the guys saying he can't replace kcp.
@JigsawBellАй бұрын
@@recorz98 Well put. Some KZbinrs are desperate for clicks.
@udishomer5852Ай бұрын
I've watched every Nuggets game in the past 4 years: Braun is not a star and will not be a star. He is a decent role player, very limited offensively and his touch is below average. Take Jokic out and this team loses 65 games this season.
@gyutaridaki1393Ай бұрын
Nahhhh hes a bum. Youll see 😂 its all thanks to jokic hes playing like thst but without him, hes nothing.