Christianity vs Mormonism (LDS)

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Dustin Wilcox

Dustin Wilcox

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@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
EVIDENCE SHOWS SMITH WROTE FICTION: Smith’s “translations” say millions of Jews/Christians lived in a foreign land (likely North America?). There’s no manuscripts, Smith’s texts he “translated” from are conveniently missing, there’s no archaeological evidence, no natives reporting millions of Jews/Christians, no Jewish artifacts or Scripture left behind, no Jewish DNA, no Jew/Christian converts, no monotheistic converts, no records to verify these people… Nothing. In contrast, the Bible has all of these elements of support for almost the entire text. Theres DNA, foreign nation’s records cross-verify the same wars, Kings, and events as the Bible, even the Old Testament. The places and people still exist and have existing secular records of many Biblical events. Jesus’ life and death are recorded even by non-Christian secular historians like Tacitus and Josephus. There’s a mountain of archaeology and artifacts. There are also valid prophecies foretelling the future. There are even Messianic prophecies (ie Isa 53) with manuscripts that predate Jesus (scroll from 200 BC). In contrast, Smith’s “translations” have no validation. It clearly seems to be fictional.
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 4 ай бұрын
Let me help you again; The people of the Book of Mormon were not Jewish. The first group, the Jaredites, which came got here sometime after the Tower of Babble, so before Abraham was born. The second group came about 600 bc, before the Jews were carried into Babylon. They were descendants of Joseph and part of the Son's of the Prophets mentioned in 2 Kings 1-13. In 2 Kings 17 it says many seers and prophets were sent to warn the people. Also in 2 Chron 36 it talks about the people mocking the prophets, Lehi was one of those. However, they have found mtdna from the middle east in native tribes in the eastern US. Those who have really studied the Book of Mormon believe the basic story line happened in a 500 mile radius. There is a group which went northward, somewhere, plus some that just sailed away. They also were not alone, they interacted with many people they just labelled with the generic name of Lamanites. If someone tries to sell you a sign which says, Welcome to Zarahemla, pop 200,000, don't buy it. It has to be fake! It says right there in the Book of Mormon that because of their sinfulness they would become extinct. The Lamanites hunted down every last Nephite they could find, destroyed their cities and sacrificed their women and children. You could be standing in the middle of a Nephite city and not know it because it has been renamed and built over. What they have found in central America which fits the Book of Mormon are buildings using cement, a deforestation, heaped up roads leading from city to city. The Olmac people fit the timeline for the Jaredites and the Maya fit a time line for the Lamanites. We just don't know and many believe the Hopewell tribes of North America are descendants of the Nephites. There is also some very interesting archeology being done in the middle East.
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 4 ай бұрын
Let me ask you, how much evidence do you need? What sort of physical evidence would convince you the Book of Mormon was from God? Jesus said; ..…in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established, Matt 18 Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon has eleven official witnesses plus many more.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@NancyBrown-xw8hg thanks, yeah I’ve seen this info before. It’s not good info. For example, your DNA is East (and many LDS deny that is a geographical possibility), your buildings are central, and the Mayans are south. Yet you say it’s in 500 miles… So you have 3 pieces of evidence that all contradict each other, only 1 of those can be true at a time. So really, what you provided is some coincidences that don’t add up. And again, this stuff isn’t hard evidence. This is all soft evidence. Hard evidence is writings from the people, artifacts of the kings, records of the wars, enemy nations’ writings and records of the same wars and events, secular records of the people and events, copies of the texts Smith “translated” from. There are none of these things. Just soft coincidences. You say they interacted with many people, but nobody has records of them 🤔. Not a single native convert to Judaism in the North American continent? 🤔 No believers in the God of Abraham amongst the Natives? 🤔
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 ай бұрын
@dustinwilcox6821 You've seen it before. Interesting. I've seen your talks before. You tend to leave out much information. You're not much of a scholar. In fact, you're quite inefficient. No doubt many of your students are smarter than you are. Otherwise every false pastor will have a field day.
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 Why should they convert to Judaism? 🤪 2 Nephi 25 27 Wherefore, we speak concerning the law that our children may know the deadness of the law; and they, by knowing the deadness of the law, may look forward unto that life which is in Christ, and know for what end the law was given. And after the law is fulfilled in Christ, that they need not harden their hearts against him when the law ought to be done away." Then when Jesus has fulfilled the law it says. 4th Nephi And they did not walk any more after the performances and ordinances of the law of Moses; but they did walk after the commandments which they had received from their Lord and their God, continuing in fasting and prayer, and in meeting together oft both to pray and to hear the word of the Lord." So why should we expect to find converts to Judaism?
@mccadewaite6057 4 ай бұрын
This is not how we all come together. Wasted time. You open it up by saying they are a happy and fruitful people. MAT 7:16 by their fruits ye shall know them. Your fruits here are to create tension, a lack of love and understanding. I hope you figure out how to go about this one day.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
The point isn’t to “come together,” there is a discrepant truth, LDS has false doctrine. We don’t “come together” with falsehood. Especially when it’s so obviously fiction. I think at best we should tolerate falsehood while also calling it out.
@joelsironda5001 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 Thank you tho,keep on doing your job to spread your truth that the book is false coz the more you do,the more you will shed tears when you find out that it's true,but after reading with real intent to know it's truthfulness
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@joelsironda5001 you keep saying “read with real intent.” You’re asking me to perform a cognitive error called “conformation bias,” which means if you’re looking for something you want to believe in then you’ll find it. The Muslims say the same of Islam, the witches say the same of Satanism, the Buddhists say the same. It’s the way to into idolatry and false religion. I urge you to never recommend that to anyone ever again. Rather, focus on valid evidence of truth.
@jaqenhghar2970 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 how is false doctrine? What is the true doctrine? Jehovah Witness? Roman Catholicism? Sunni Islam? The Birdman Cult of Easter Island??? Who are you to judge what is true and what is false? Are you a God? an Empress? a Sage? a Mystic? a Judge?
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@jaqenhghar2970 good question. The video has 5 points of testing historical reliability. The Mormon text fails the text miserably, and therefore is shown very clearly that it doesn’t qualify as a true historical text, it’s fiction.
@illudak5071 4 ай бұрын
0:21 It's actually the Church of _Jesus Christ_ of Latter-Day Saints. Please don't leave Him out. 3:13 "Most Christians haven't been led to the Book of Mormon." And 70% of the world hasn't been led to Christ. Is Christianity not true? If Christ spoke truth, why do people not hear His words and instantly believe? Maybe people can be too distracted, hostile, or proud. People have free will. When the Book of Mormon says, "there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, **and grace** of the Holy Messiah" (2 Nephi 2:8)... would you disagree and say we _aren't_ saved by grace? Because if you _do_ agree, then there is truth in the Book of Mormon, and the Lord can reveal it to you. I testify that Jesus is the Savior of the world and we are saved by His grace. I know this by study His words in the Bible and Book of Mormon and asking Him to reveal His truth. I am grateful for people of faith of all denominations. This video is a testament to your devotion to Him, and I salute you for it. I hope that someday you and others can see we've always been on the same side, worshiping the same Christ.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
0:21, my bad, I’m not very long-winded. 3:13- you’re taking my statement out of context. To use that argument you’d have to assume that unbelievers have the Holy Spirit, but they don’t. The point is that you can’t argue that the Spirit led you to Mormonism, bc He’s not doing that for almost everyone else… I think it’s possible that some LDS can be saved. People of genuine faith can believe falsehoods and still be saved of course. I just would urge you to dig into what actual credible historical data looks like and take a rational view of it.
@EnglishMan03 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 Historical data will save us? Ive been doing it all wrong!
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@EnglishMan03 historical data doesn’t save us, but it separates reality from fiction. Smith’s text says millions of Jews lived in a foreign land. There’s no manuscripts, Smith’s texts he “translated” from and conveniently missing, there’s no archaeological evidence, no natives reporting millions of Jews, no Jewish artifacts or Scripture left behind, no Jewish DNA. Nothing. The book is fiction. In contrast, the Bible has all of these elements of support for almost the entire text, everything after Gen 11 is validated by historical data. There’s also valid prophecies foretelling the future. There are even Messianic prophecies with manuscripts that predate Jesus (ie Isaiah 53).
@joelsironda5001 4 ай бұрын
Am used to people attacking us,it doesn't scare me anymore for even in the history of the church the saints were persecuted till they moved and settled in the desert which they called salt lake city the headquarters of the latter day saints,even in their city they built persecution still exits
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 4 ай бұрын
I've learned over the years, no matter what they say always give Joseph the benefit of the doubt. Just wait a while and the truth will come.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@NancyBrown-xw8hg so your policy is to believe Smith, then hope some hard evidence comes about to support the book that so obviously appears fictional? No, that’s not how it works. What you do is follow the evidence-> the book appears fictional -> therefore we don’t believe in it until at least a few valid shreds of evidence present themselves. Otherwise, we’re just following brainwashing. We mind as well follow whatever religion we want to on a whim if we aren’t following real reasoning.
@joelsironda5001 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 Thank you for this reply,I can't explain my joy in finding out the truth about the restored gospel even another testament of Jesus Christ,I pray you read it with real intent and pray to find out if it's true and if you read with real intent,you too will find out for yourself like I did.Once was critic now I enjoy the blessings of the restored gospel,no regrets but still love reaching out to non members and hear and get to know their says,peace be upto you.
@jonathangatto 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 There is no proof of the Bible either. The Holy Ghost testifies of it to you!
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@jonathangatto there is a mountain of evidence supporting the Bible. Mountains and mountains. I taught a 4-hour series of just part of it, you can see that on my channel. There’s no hard evidence supporting Smith’s book. What you show here is that you don’t understand what actual historical evidence looks like. Watch the 5 points part of this video and you’ll learn some things 👍🏼
@bradenebbert6234 4 ай бұрын
The Bible supports the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ands proves it is Gods church on the Earth. Works are necessary for salvation, read Revelations 20. While works are necessary, it is important to note that works can’t “earn” us salvation. The Book of Mormon teaches that even “if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable servants.” We are saved by Grace, but we have to accept God’s Grace.
@fescot6659 4 ай бұрын
You say “works are necessary for salvation” and then say, “ works can’t earn us salvation”. The dilemma for the LDS is that salvation (which just means to be resurrected) and exaltation are inextricably linked. For one to achieve a specific kingdom, it is your works that determine which kingdom one will reside. How do you know if your works are enough to get to the highest kingdom?
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
I don’t think that matter is nearly as important as the overwhelming lack of hard evidence to support the book. The book is obviously fiction. There are soft coincidences at best, like “barley”. We don’t establish truth on a whim, but on actual hard evidence.
@illudak5071 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 Are there historical documents or artifacts to corroborate the Bible's account of Adam and Eve? No--partly because it's such an old story. Does that mean it isn't true? No--it just means you'll need more faith to believe _that_ story. We can’t knock a religion for implausibility when _our_ fundamental belief is that someone returned from death. Historical evidence will never prove that Jesus was resurrected, yet that's the single most important part of... well, _everything._ Ultimately all Christians must walk by faith, and ultimately the source of all truth is God.
@fescot6659 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 I agree, but if we get away from the focus of Who Jesus Is, we just wind up talking about grain, metal, mounds of dirt and animals.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@fescot6659 sure that’s true. But the Bible reveals who Jesus is, and Mormonism even seems to skew that image, sometimes softly, but other times severely. And it puts words into Jesus’ mouth which very clearly appear to be fictional. I think that’s a pretty weighty matter.
@jillosborn6886 4 ай бұрын
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is growing because of its emphasis on Jesus Christ and His true gospel and His promises from the times of Adam. It is fulfilling the prophesy of Daniel the prophet, Daniel 2:44-45, and the prophesies of many other old and new testament prophets...and the prophesies of Joseph Smith. "The Standard of Truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done." -Joseph Smith, 1842 (members of the church at the time 23,564.)
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
No. Cults and false religions grow all the time... What you have there is poor logic.
@Aaronjames2023 4 ай бұрын
What you have there is a major prophecy that actually came true.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@Aaronjames2023 people can say many things that come true. But Smith also said many things that didn’t happen. That actually disproves him as a prophet. I can make ten random statements and some will come true and others won’t. That doesn’t make me a prophet. Smith also wrote a fictional book. The text says millions of Jews lived in a foreign land. There’s no manuscripts, Smith’s texts he “translated” from and conveniently missing, there’s no archaeological evidence, no natives reporting millions of Jews, no Jewish artifacts or Scripture left behind, no Jewish DNA. Nothing. The book is fiction. In contrast, the Bible has all of these elements of support for almost the entire text, everything after Gen 11 is validated by historical data. There’s also valid prophecies foretelling the future. There are even Messianic prophecies with manuscripts that predate Jesus (ie Isaiah 53).
@Aaronjames2023 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 the Bible prophecies about Armageddon and the second coming? Are they false prophecies because they haven’t happened yet? no they just haven’t happened yet 😅 Joseph smith said too many things to just be a coincidence, and you know the Jews in ancient America would have only been a handful of people right!? There were other civilizations, finding dna would be like finding a needle in a hay stack. I don’t question anything anymore, for 28 years I’ve seen people try and destroy this church, but things keep popping into light, he was right! It isn’t going to stop, I can just sit back and watch the magic unfold 😂 I love that people think this church is such a joke, I think it’s hilarious, because they have no idea what’s coming. Without prophets, apostles, temples, revelation, Christianity has no chance of preparing and gathering gods people in one before the end. You’ll see this people continue to rise, which will lead to allot of confusion.
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 What things did Joseph say/prophecy which did not come true?
@Irvingdector 4 ай бұрын
This guy can't even say the correct name of the Church...
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Everyone here knows what I’m talking about 😉. Nobody here is confused, so actually, it appears my communication was 100% effective and achieved its goal 100% of the time 👍🏼 👏🏼
@danf8954 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 If someone asks me about _you_ and I call you "Justin Wilcock," you know right away I either haven't done my research or I'm deliberately messing it up to try and mock you. Either way, that person can't trust what I say about Dustin Wilcox is accurate. Similarly, if you can't get the first, most basic fact about the Church of _Jesus Christ_ of Latter-Day Saints right, odds are good I can't trust you'll get the _other_ stuff right, either. But if you _are_ trying to convince your listeners that Latter-Day Saints aren't Christian, it makes sense you would deliberately leave out the "Jesus Christ" in the name, since it would undermine your whole point.
@danf8954 4 ай бұрын
​@@dustinwilcox6821 If somebody asked me about you and I called you "Justin" Wilcox, already they know I either didn't do my research or I'm getting your name wrong on purpose to try and mock you. Either way, they can't trust anything I say about you is going to be true. If you can't get the first, most basic fact about the Church of _Jesus Christ_ of Latter-Day Saints right, odds are good the stuff in the next 20 minutes won't be right, either. If you're trying to tell your class that LDS aren't Christian, of course you'd leave out the "Jesus Christ" in their name, since that undermines your point.
@paulafb9152 4 ай бұрын
Boy is he going to be surprised.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Impressive comment... All this research shows that the Mormon text has no historical credibility. I wouldn’t put my money on a book that claims millions of Jews were in another continent but there’s not a shred of evidence to prove it. No Jewish scrolls or pottery buried away, no natives keeping records of them, no records kept of themselves, no DNA, no racial mixing in natives, no natives converting to Judaism, no archaeological findings, Smtih’s manuscripts that he “translated” are conveniently missing 🤔 … nothing. Hm, nope, that’s a fiction book.
@Tofflemire5 4 ай бұрын
If anyone here would like to know what the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints actually believe, there are many within our church who would love to have open conversations with you. It would be disappointing if you only got a tainted view of the truth from this man.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Lies. They believe lies lol. See the 5 points in the video, there’s no evidence that the book is anything but fraud
@Tofflemire5 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 There is plenty of evidence for the Book of Mormon and more being found year after year. The best evidence is from the Holy Spirit however. Read it, study it, compare to the truths in the Bible and bring that all to God in your personal prayers.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@Tofflemire5 “evidence”? Like what? Barley? No… Barley in America isn’t “evidence.” No that’s called a coincidence, not evidence. Please show me the Jewish DNA in America. The Jewish pottery, Scripture found in an archaeological site, and artifacts from the BC era Americas. The Jewish heritage and converts showing up in Native populations? Natives describing the Jewish stories of Adam and Eve? Oh wait, no, there is no evidence…
@Tofflemire5 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 There is a lot. Put in as much time and effort as you do in trying to disprove it and you'll see.
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 You have proven yourself to be a deceiver. You close your eyes. What is it you are hiding?
@jillosborn6886 4 ай бұрын
1:18 “A testimony to God's grace that he'll work with people despite them being having lies believing in lies believing things that aren't true.” 1:40 “false doctrine's false Doctrine and I think it needs to be dealt with.” So, with God’s grace, lets deal with some of the false doctrine in the presentation. In 1829 Joseph Smith published the “Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.” He did not write it. He only had an education of a second or third grader. His wife stated that he could barely write a coherent letter. He DID however translate the ancient writings from an ancient record engraved upon metal gold like plates, while a scribe wrote down the words Joseph spoke. Joseph had an instrument called the Urim and Thummim that assisted him in this translation using the power of God. This process of translation was completed in about the space of a year between 1827 and 1828. The Book of Mormon is close to 600 pages. Skilled authors can’t even get books written and edited and ready for publication that quickly today. The original scribal manuscripts of the Book of Mormon translation show few editing errors of the scribe only. There were no revisions, because it was the word of God.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
No. What you have here is heresay. Not evidence. False religions and false prophets do random nonsense like this all the time. If Smith’s writings were true, there’d be evidence of millions of Jews in the ancient americas- there’d be DNA, pottery, Scriptures buried away, we’d have Smith’s plates and the texts he “translated” from, and his book would have accurate prophecies. But we don’t… which show he’s a fraud. It doesn’t stand the test of real hard evidence. See the 5 points in the video if you want to learn about what real historical evidence looks like.
@jeron3966 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821so if let’s say they populated with the South American natives and then some white dude came along and killed a bunch of them and burned/destroyed their record. How would you then find the Jewish DNA from ancient Israel (before the time of Christ) in the americas?
@vendingdudes 4 ай бұрын
Exactly. Lies like the Nicene triune God? LOL
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@vendingdudes that’s a detour 😂 good deflection. Rather, the Bible shows itself true however you’d like to interpret it, Trinity or no Trinity. Smith’s “translations” say millions of Jews/Christians lived in a foreign land (likely North America?). There’s no manuscripts, Smith’s texts he “translated” from are conveniently missing, there’s no archaeological evidence, no natives reporting millions of Jews/Christians, no Jewish artifacts or Scripture left behind, no Jewish DNA, no Jew/Christian converts, no monotheistic converts, no records to verify these people… Nothing. In contrast, the Bible has all of these elements of support for almost the entire text. Theres DNA, foreign nation’s records cross-verify the same wars, Kings, and events as the Bible, even the Old Testament. The places and people still exist and have existing secular records of many Biblical events. Jesus’ life and crucifixion are recorded even by non-Christian secular historians like Tacitus and Josephus. There’s a mountain of archaeology and artifacts. There are also valid prophecies foretelling the future. There are Messianic prophecies (ie Isa 53) with manuscripts that predate Jesus (scroll from 200 BC). In contrast, Smith’s “translations” have no validation. It clearly appears fictional.
@glorytothealmightycreator 3 ай бұрын
Dear, you believe even in the baptism of the dead ones!!!
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 4 ай бұрын
😅 the scrolls were not about America, they contained the Book of Abraham. Before you start posting stuff you should double check your info. It contains one of our most important doctrines, our pre-existence. Abraham 3 22 Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones; 23 And God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will make my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou art one of them; thou wast chosen before thou wast born. Now compare this to Zech 3 where he sees Joshua's pre-earth calling. Satan is there in his accusatory position but the Lord says, "let thy iniquity to pass from thee" because he knows the branch will be sent. Then he is told; Thus saith the Lord of hosts; If thou wilt walk in my ways, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts, and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by. 8 Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the Branch" Remember Jeremiah was told 5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. I can give you several New Testament passages if you would like.
@illudak5071 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for pointing this out. The speaker mistakes the Book of Abraham with the Book of Mormon. Not only that, but there's a whole slew of basic facts in this video that are wrong. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say it wasn't deliberate, but it _does_ seriously undermine his credibility.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
I didn’t say it’s about America - I said it’s most commonly believed by the LDS to have taken place in America. Are you trying to say that since God foresees people that they have pre-existence?
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@illudak5071 I understand there is a collection of books- the BOM, Pearl, D&C, which I do touch upon in the video in case you didn’t notice. What I’d suggest you take more seriously is the obvious lack of historical evidence to support them, it means they’re fictional…
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 The Book of Mormon takes place in the Americas. The Book of Abraham takes place in what we call Israel and Egypt. Now to help you with the timeline. In 1820 Joseph Smith had his first vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ. He really didn't tell a lot of people about it. His family knew plus a few close friends. He didn't have a second witness so he could not use the vision to declare his authority, besides he was only 14. In 1823 he had his vision of the Angel Moroni and he saw the plates in a stone box on the hill. For 3 more years he return to the same hill to receive instruction. In September of 1827 he was given the plates to begin the translation. There are 11 official witnesses plus another 11 unofficial witnesses who either saw them or handled them under a cloth. He was 21 years old. A lot of people saw that stone box at the time too. Because of a series of events and set backs he and Oliver Cowdery don't really get started on them until April of 1829 and then published the book in 1830. The Book of Abraham wasn't received until July of 1835, there is some indication he had it translated by August. However it wasn't published until 184?, I can't remember sorry. There's also the Book of Moses and Joseph inspired commentary of the Bible. I hope that helps you see timeline of events.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@NancyBrown-xw8hg yeah, thanks for that timeline. It seems insignificant though.. what we can believe is that Smith thought he was a prophet and he had some plates. There are many false prophets with followings and visions and visitations and from all sorts of religions, so none of that is significant information. Now, if some of his writings had correlated to Jewish artifacts found in America from the time and place Smith wrote of, then that’d be significant information. But with the extreme lack of evidence, we should view Smith as a false prophet, or a questionable prophet at best. But by no means does he qualify as a prophet. His prophecies are easily discredited, he had false prophecies, his writing has no believable prophecies of the future. Again, questionable at best, but definitely not to be trusted at face value.
@jtalb64 4 ай бұрын
1 Samuel 24:12 The fact that there are churches that dedicate entire classes or sermons to decrying another church's beliefs is just wild to me...If you disagree, just say no.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
There are good reasons to go into such depth to show how Smith’s “translations” are fictional stories. 1) it prevents people from being fooled 2) it can show people who have already been dooped that they’ve been deceived 3) picking on easy targets is easy to make material for
@janeenbacon5539 4 ай бұрын
Sad indeed. How do you think Jesus views you trying to tear down his people? The book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ and you call it false... interesting
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@janeenbacon5539 yes it is false. It’s a fictional book. Jesus prefers truth. Smith’s “translations” say millions of Jews/Christians lived in a foreign land (likely North America?). There’s no manuscripts, Smith’s texts he “translated” from and conveniently missing, there’s no archaeological evidence, no natives reporting millions of Jews/Christians, no Jewish artifacts or Scripture left behind, no Jewish DNA, no Jew/Christian converts, no monotheistic converts, no records to verify these people… Nothing. In contrast, the Bible has all of these elements of support for almost the entire text. Theres DNA, foreign nation’s records cross-verify the same wars, Kings, and events as the Bible, even the Old Testament. The places and people still exist and have existing secular records of many Biblical events. Jesus’ life and death are recorded even by non-Christian secular historians like Tacitus and Josephus. There’s a mountain of archaeology and artifacts. There are also valid prophecies foretelling the future. There are even Messianic prophecies (ie Isa 53) with manuscripts that predate Jesus (scroll from 200 BC). In contrast, Smith’s “translations” have no validation. It clearly seems to be fictional.
@explorerofmind 4 ай бұрын
What you said at the end about being able to be saved even if you’re deceived a little is important. Obviously, everyone gets deceived at some point or another while on this earth. Along those lines, while some of the chart you shared of Christ’s Church’s beliefs are accurate, there’s a great deal that is inaccurate. For example: No prophet ever preached about owning your own planet. You also have to twist what Brigham Young said nearly 200 years ago a little bit in order to claim that any of the prophets ever taught that God and Mary had Physical relationships. If I were concerned about these false doctrine and I found a Latter-day Saint who believed them, I’d likely point out to them that none of the scriptures or prophets ever said such a thing. It seems that preaching to your followers that the Latter-day Saints believe these doctrines would do more harm in squashing these false beliefs than pointing out what Latter Day Saints actually teach about the subjects.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
I’m not surprised by what you said here, and I think I gave an accurate analysis- pointing out that most likely won’t believe this and the chart was made by a critic. But I think your answer shows that there is a degree of accuracy which is still somewhat concerning. But all in all, the #1 most important concern is that your church believes a fictional book, as per the 5 tests listed. It doesn’t just fail the test- it falls on its face with no leg to stand on.
@explorerofmind 4 ай бұрын
I’m glad that you believe the Bible. It’s always interesting to me, however, when evangelicals cite prophesies as evidence in which we don’t have copies that existed before the prophesies were fulfilled. I believe the Bible to be just as true as the Book of Mormon, but it seems if someone were to make up prophesies, it’d be a lot easier to fabricate them concerning events that already took place and happening in places that everyone already knows about…
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Not true. The Dead Sea scrolls gave us many. IE the Great Isaiah Scroll predates Christ by 200 years. The Bible has an excellent track record of accurate manuscripts, even early Old Testament manuscripts dating back to 1000BC. There’s no reason to doubt the Bible.
@explorerofmind 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821, the earliest copy of the Book of Isaiah predates Jesus, but there’s no historical event prophesied in that copy that occurred after that copy was written unless the evidence for it is found only in holy scriptures and commentary about them. Like I said, it’s an interesting double standard of evidence.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@explorerofmind wrong again. Isaiah 52-53 and many Messianic prophecies exist in Isaiah. They speak of Jesus and pre-date Him. And again, the text has proven over and over to be unaltered, there’s no reason to doubt the text we have. There’s no double standard. Just a standard. A standard that Smith’s work miserably fails. The Bible is well proven by archaeology, manuscripts, multiple witnesses, and parallel historical records. These are the basics of how we test for historical accuracy. Smith’s work has none of these and therefore is shown to be fictional. See the 5 points in the video.
@explorerofmind 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821, it’s a very interesting scale the evangelical religion chooses to put itself on. The Jesus that is spoken of by the New Testament, who rose again and performed the New Testament miracles, has not been proven by Archeology. The most you can say is that the places the New Testament took place in and the rulers mentioned in it were proven to be real along with some of the historical events that happened before the books were written. But, considering how much archeological evidence exists concerning the Bible vs the Book of Mormon it’s interesting that there’s none that show a prophesy was fulfilled (outside the writing of the scriptures) after the prophesy was written.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@explorerofmind that’s because archaeology verifies places, and objects, while prophecy is writing and historical narratives are written. They’re not comparable. You can’t find an Archaeologic site that replays the events of cross or any historical event… that’s not a valid expectation. What archaeology does is very concrete elements of historical text but not narratives. And so I think your point makes no sense for that reason… Also, you seem to just not know what you’re talking about. If you’re interested in knowing something about the subject I’ll attach a lengthy series that overviews what real historical evidence looks like. Otherwise, it seems you don’t understand how one would validate historical texts: Bible History: Translations and Lineages Proving the Bible Part 1: Old Testament History & Prophecy Proving the Bible, Part 2: New Testament History and Canon Proving the Bible, Part 3: New Testament Criticisms & Archaeology Proving the Bible 4: Jesus’ Resurrection (Short) Is my Bible Accurate? (Short) Why Trust the Resurrection?
@joelsironda5001 4 ай бұрын
Am a devoted latter day saint in Uganda,am happy for this video and appreciate your work,I fought the church but I read the book of Mormon and found out it is true and this truth after 12 years still haunts me,am happy and finally so happy I found the restored gospel.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Did you watch the whole video? Most of it is about how the Book of Mormon is obviously fictional with not a shred of hard evidence to support it..
@bradenebbert6234 4 ай бұрын
Faith isn’t about physical evidence. Read Matthew 16:13-17. Truth comes from Jesus Christ and doesn’t rely on the philosophies and logic of man. Those who rely on man’s logic are lost
@illudak5071 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821In the end, we Christians believe a man rose from the dead. No "hard evidence" can _ever_ support that, since it's a miracle. If someone refused to be Christian because the Resurrection was "obviously fictional"--since people _can't_ return from death--would you say God would accept that? Ultimately all Christians must walk by faith, and ultimately the source of all truth is God.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@bradenebbert6234 okay, you say faith isn’t about evidence.. so then you’re a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist too? Why do you choose one over another? On a whim No… We view the information at hand, that is the evidence… and we make decisions about our religion based on that evidence. And the evidence says that Smith wrote a fictional book. That’s the facts of the matter.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@illudak5071 I don’t think your argument is valid bc the evidence says the Bible is authentic history… while the evidence says Smith produced fiction… It’s not unbelievable that a man can rise from the dead, it still happens today. The issues isn’t miracles, the issue is historical accuracy. The Bible is accurate, but the Mormon text isn’t. I taught a 5 hour series reviewing evidence of the Bible, archaeology, cross references, artifacts, extra-Biblical texts, secular records, etc. The Mormon text has none of these evidences to support it. That means it’s fictional.
@MrDwhitmer 4 ай бұрын
Hi Dustin. Here ares some numbers: -There are 38% more references to Christ than in the New Testament -Of its 6607 verses, Christ is mentioned 7,452 times -There is a reference to Christ every .88 verses -Jesus is mentioned by over 100 different names
@youtubeaccount56738 4 ай бұрын
Life long member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints here. First, I appreciate his thoughts and effort. It's a difficult task to review as many topics as he did in around 20 minutes. Within his review, I felt there were several mischaracterizations. One being made within the first 2 minutes when he said, "In 1830, Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon." Did Joseph Smith write the Book of Mormon? A more correct way to say it would be, "In 1830, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon." It's the little details. Hope to see more content!
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
That’s only a mischaracterization if that were the case, you can only make that claim from circular reasoning. However, my analysis deems the book fictional, which makes Smith the author.
@camsawproductions 4 ай бұрын
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and it pains me to watch this video. We see ourselves as fellow Christians and allies. If you took a deeper dive into what we believe, you would be amazed. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It testifies that he is the Only Begotten Son of the Father and the Savior of the world, our one and only way to salvation. Also, one of the main purposes of The Book of Mormon is to testify of the validity and truthfulness of the Holy Bible, and does so in a powerful way. It’s head scratching you would suggest it is false when its two primary purposes are to validate those two sacred truths. I challenge you and your listeners to take a deeper dive into every claim made in this video. I don’t doubt your sincerity, Dustin, you were just taught by ill-informed sources
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
What measure do you define “truth” by? Just a whim? A “feeling” or “witness” inside of you? The same feeling that leads people to false religions like Islam and Buddhism and Paganism? That’s not a standard for truth, that’s a path to deception. Here is a standard for truth: Smith’s “translations” say millions of Jews/Christians lived in a foreign land (likely North America?). There’s no manuscripts, Smith’s texts he “translated” from and conveniently missing, there’s no archaeological evidence, no natives reporting millions of Jews/Christians, no Jewish artifacts or Scripture left behind, no Jewish DNA, no Jew/Christian converts, no monotheistic converts, no records to verify these people… Nothing. In contrast, the Bible has all of these elements of support for almost the entire text. Theres DNA, foreign nation’s records cross-verify the same wars, Kings, and events as the Bible, even the Old Testament. The places and people still exist and have existing secular records of many Biblical events. Jesus’ life and death are recorded even by non-Christian secular historians like Tacitus and Josephus. There’s a mountain of archaeology and artifacts. There are also valid prophecies foretelling the future. There are even Messianic prophecies (ie Isa 53) with manuscripts that predate Jesus (scroll from 200 BC). In contrast, Smith’s “translations” have no validation. It clearly seems to be fictional.
@camsawproductions 4 ай бұрын
It is historical fact that Jesus existed and was the most influential individual to ever walk the earth, but you know as well as I do that his validity as the Son of God and Savior of the world is often challenged. Joseph Smith was a powerful witness of Jesus as the Christ. He saw him - as many of the apostles and prophets of old - standing on the right hand of God, and he translated a sacred record that not only validates the Bible but is a strong witness of Jesus as The Christ. In regards to archeological evidences, that is not the foundation of faith, but there is a myriad of archeological discoveries - even right here in North America - that ancient civilizations existed, they built Temples similar to the ones built in the ancient world, and that these people worshipped God. If your viewers want to dive deeper, here is a link to the Maxwell Institute. There are hundreds of articles on links between the Middle East and archeological findings in the Americas (North and South)
@NoahReynolds-by9yt 4 ай бұрын
Lots of missing and incorrect information here, albeit - you can't quite be blamed for not having it all, as it is so widespread and not many actually put time into reading the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I have gained a witness from the Holy Ghost that it is the Lord's Church restored to the earth for our day. I am so grateful that you've posted this, I love being able to share my witness. I hope you can take more time to read the scripture and understand how much it truly testifies of Jesus Christ! Truly, Joseph Smith translated the records by the gift and power of God. Every time I read it, I know more and more how true it is and how much closer it has brought me to Jesus Christ! Have a wonderful day!
@KennTodd117 4 ай бұрын
So which Mormon Church is the right one? There are so many? How do you even know that the one you are connected to is correct? Don’t you think that those who are in the other denominations also have Testimonies they “know and feel” are true?
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 ай бұрын
@KennTodd117 Considering you don't belong to a religion, it's strange that you like to fabricate lies only on one church. Lifestyle says it all.
@KennTodd117 4 ай бұрын
@@WatchingwaitingG2Dwhat are you even talks about?!?
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 ай бұрын
@KennTodd117 English. Learn it. When you're nervous, your lies are obvious.
@jpierringer 4 ай бұрын
The papyrus was used to write The Pearl of Great Price. The golden plates were the source for the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is referred to as another testament of Jesus Christ. It isn’t an extension of the Bible. It’s a second witness. I would encourage you to read it, not as a history book, but as a testimony of Christ’s compassion for people in all lands.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate that encouragement. But, I’m not interested in fictional books. If there was real evidence to support the text I’d believe it. But as it stands, it very much appears fictional. I’ll copy in a basic defense of my reasoning if you didnt watch the video: Smith’s “translations” say millions of Jews/Christians lived in a foreign land (likely North America?). There’s no manuscripts, Smith’s texts he “translated” from are conveniently missing, there’s no archaeological evidence, no natives reporting millions of Jews/Christians, no Jewish artifacts or Scripture left behind, no Jewish DNA, no Jew/Christian converts, no monotheistic converts, no records to verify these people… Nothing. In contrast, the Bible has all of these elements of support for almost the entire text. Theres DNA, foreign nation’s records cross-verify the same wars, Kings, and events as the Bible, even the Old Testament. The places and people still exist and have existing secular records of many Biblical events. Jesus’ life and death are recorded even by non-Christian secular historians like Tacitus and Josephus. There’s a mountain of archaeology and artifacts. There are also valid prophecies foretelling the future. There are even Messianic prophecies (ie Isa 53) with manuscripts that predate Jesus (scroll from 200 BC). In contrast, Smith’s “translations” have no validation. It clearly seems to be fictional.
@jpierringer 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 I did watch your video and I agree that archeological and genealogical evidence is lacking for Jewish influence in Meso-America. The thing is, when I read the Book of Mormon I feel it’s powerful witness of Christ. I haven’t sought physical evidence, but I read it and I didn’t find it in any way contradictory to the Bible. In 3 Nephi the Savior visited the people - healed them and taught them. I feel it supports the teachings of the Bible. If you are seeking tangible evidence, I hear you brother. It will be difficult to accept The Book of Mormon at face value. I wish you the best in your journey of faith in Christ. We may be coming at it from different perspectives, but I believe we are headed in the same direction.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@jpierringer I think your experience is why most choose to follow the LDS, that and maybe the church experience. Thanks for a pleasant conversation, it’s a breath of fresh air on these pages lol. If the evidence ever unfolds to a level of believability then I’ll reevaluate the text.
@jope2123 4 ай бұрын
Holy moly. 😂😂 "They're fruitful, happy, successful, productive, with strong values... But they're wrong" 😂 There's 0 proof that Moses existed... Yet we believe. Come on now... YOU DONT EVEN KNOW THE BIBLE! straight bigo-try-again
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Faith is useful for anyone, but people still get things wrong… Ah the classic “you don’t even know the Bible” and in all caps 👏🏼 👏🏼 it’s impressive when you’re wrong too, as there’s plenty of Evidence that the Old Testament is legitimate, Moses’ writings are verified by cross references to ancient places, people, times and enemy nations verify many wars and events that the Old Testament records. So we have plenty of evidence for Moses’ writings... the credibility of the New and Old Testaments and life of Christ is astounding for the time. The credibility of Smith is Zero… what’s the evidence that millions of Jews lived in the Americas? There’s zero archaeology, zero manuscripts, zero DNA, zero natives report, zero native converts, zero Jewish artifacts, Scriptures, nothing. No evidence. The book is fiction.
@ohheytherefriend 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for creating this video. Every time an evangelical gatekeeper creates content like this, it just turns more good people away from their bigotry and towards the light of Christ. This is no different than the Sadducees and Pharisees hypocritically condemning the Samaritans. Genuinely, thank you.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
It’s actually just pointing out false teaching, just like what Jesus did… It’s an important part of cleaning up the church. Sort of like how you sweep your house.
@janeenbacon5539 4 ай бұрын
My church has never had a class to tear down others beliefs. And if a book that testifies of Christ is not true, where do you think it came from. You call it fictional, but nobody could have just written that masterpiece especially in that short amount of time. Therefore you must believe Joseph Smith is a genius
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
No, he’s just a guy who thought himself a prophet and ended up with a fictional dictation. It’s not impressive or a “masterpiece.” I have made up equally as much fictional stories on the fly and on a whim to tell my children stories at night. It’s not hard, it’s a basic human skill that many people possess. So by your view, I must be a “genius” too bc I can make stories up on the fly too, right? Smith’s “translations” say millions of Jews/Christians lived in a foreign land (likely North America?). There’s no manuscripts, Smith’s texts he “translated” from and conveniently missing, there’s no archaeological evidence, no natives reporting millions of Jews/Christians, no Jewish artifacts or Scripture left behind, no Jewish DNA, no Jew/Christian converts, no monotheistic converts, no records to verify these people… Nothing. In contrast, the Bible has all of these elements of support for almost the entire text. Theres DNA, foreign nation’s records cross-verify the same wars, Kings, and events as the Bible, even the Old Testament. The places and people still exist and have existing secular records of many Biblical events. Jesus’ life and death are recorded even by non-Christian secular historians like Tacitus and Josephus. There’s a mountain of archaeology and artifacts. There are also valid prophecies foretelling the future. There are even Messianic prophecies (ie Isa 53) with manuscripts that predate Jesus (scroll from 200 BC). In contrast, Smith’s “translations” have no validation. It clearly seems to be fictional.
@zakgardner 4 ай бұрын
Don't waste your time. This Dustin guy has never read the Book of Mormon so he has no idea. Ask him since he believes that the Book of Mormon is false because it is "adding to the Bible", then why in the 1800s did Christians take sections out of the Bible. Also, why do a lot of Christians have smaller Bibles that only have Palms and the New Testament but no Old Testament? Sounds like taking away is good but other revelation from God is bad. I'm glad Dustin knows what's best for God. Then again if the spirit of contention is upon you, the spirit of truth (Holy Ghost) will never be with you. Therefore, you mock the truth. We see it often in all scriptures.
@joelsironda5001 4 ай бұрын
I always tell people such but they never listen,when latter day saints come to teach you,they don't tell you that your faith is wrong or a cult or whatever,they simply teach their truth and tell you to pray to God through Jesus Christ if this book is true,and they leave and will check on you once in a while,you find out on your own but you will find other sects fighting to tear down us by all means no wonder the general conference building outside is flooded with people with evangelists saying this is a cult,repent and so forth,that's not the best way to approach coz trust me if I was approached that way,I wouldn't even give you the slightest attention more so yet you attacked me at my home,come to my place or meet me on the way and declare your truth.I can't come out publically and attacks let's say Jehovah witness but will teach them my truth and ask them to pray to know if what I said is true.This restored gospel has been attacked from it's restoration to date but still stands,millions injected in to tarnish the name of the church but failed so will you him and his colleagues but you still can teach your truth in a good way like a pastor with a channel called Hello saint's,we listen to his words tho we are latter day saints coz his approach to the book and church is good,he disagrees but has made enough research about the church and it's history and reads the book of Mormon.Focus on teaching your truth and praying for the lost to see the light not focusing to prove them wrong.Thats why the restored church is growing and will still grow nomatter the attacks coz our focus is teaching our truth and inviting you to pray about it for your own pastor testimony about its truthfulness,besides those who join with hidden aims,those who get their personal testimony like me know the joy it comes with
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 ай бұрын
It is refreshing to see so many stand-up to mistruths directed at God's church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints teaches that God himself waits to prove he lives to his children who do not fear but show faith to ask him if the teachings of the church are true and will lead them back to him. Who else teaches this teaching from the Bible? Why would anyone not want to know for themselves the reality of the creator of our bodies, the heavens, and the truth of who we truly are, why we are here, and what is next for us? These answers wait for all to learn them. You truly will be free.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Mistruths? Like the fact that the book is fiction. The text says millions of Jews lived in a foreign land. There’s no manuscripts, Smith’s texts he “translated” from and conveniently missing, there’s no archaeological evidence, no natives reporting millions of Jews, no Jewish artifacts or Scripture left behind, no Jewish DNA. Nothing. The book is fiction.
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 Be quiet puppet. You're old news.
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 Quiet pretender. You must love losing.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@WatchingwaitingG2D um, I’m just giving facts and data here… just cold hard facts… however, your insults and accusations are not welcome here. If you’d like to share facts like I’m sharing, feel free. But name calling is not welcome and you’ll be removed from my page if you continue 👋 So change you tune and act like the faith you so proclaim or leave ✌️ Don’t forget that you literally accused me of not attending a church, yet somehow, I shot this video in the church I attend 🤔… again, your accusations aren’t welcome, and you’re 100% wrong on top of that. So shape up or leave 👋
@jeron3966 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821that’s the thing you aren’t giving facts or cold data you’re just repeating a lie to a bunch of kids or whoever and then spouting it as truth. You’re misinforming people of the truth we know and it isn’t even that hard to find the truth. You’re just like the people in the days of Jesus who called Paul crazy and spouted lies. You’re proving our point. Read our doctrine instead of just lying and insisting. Ask God for personal revelation 😂🙏🏽
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 ай бұрын
Have you noticed that all who put out these videos do not belong to an established Christian religion or attend a church of any of them? They ignore Biblical history and the complete teachings of the Bible. Here, they are asking people to believe their interpretations and attacking one church. All the while asking for donations. Only one church teaches God himself will answer those seeking the truth and lead them to even more. None of these have the spirit. You can tell as they expose themselves.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
FYI- I belong to an established Christian religion and church 😂 so yeah, you’re just 100% wrong there. Sorry to embarrass you, you might want to take down this comment lol.
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 ай бұрын
@dustinwilcox6821 Interesting and convenient. Names? Try not to embarrass yourself.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@WatchingwaitingG2D sure thing, easy enough. I’m a Christian (that’s a religion), and I go to an Assembly of God (that’s a church) and I’m teaching this adult Bible study class in a classroom attached to the church building.
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 ай бұрын
@dustinwilcox6821 Anyone can claim to be a Christian. You aren't an established religion or church. Anyone can teach a Bible class. I know dozens who do. You work for a school, is that right? Yet you ignore Biblical history in your claims. You are interpreting, which is exactly what Peter warned about, and every false teacher does. You haven't evidence of much. As I said. Dime a dozen. Or do you prefer a quarter?
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@WatchingwaitingG2D no I don’t work at a school. I’m teaching an adult Bible study class for the church, it happens to be in a classroom that is attached to the church. You are delusional if you think the AG isn’t an “established church,” the AG is over three times larger than the LDS church, so by your standard, you are not in an established church either… Additionally, Christianity is indeed an “established religion,” and I am a Christian by the defined standards set by a dictionary and the church at large. I suggest you try a dictionary. Yes, I do understand church history, here’s my series on the subject: Bible History: Translations and Lineages Proving the Bible Part 1: Old Testament History & Prophecy Proving the Bible, Part 2: New Testament History and Canon Proving the Bible, Part 3: New Testament Criticisms & Archaeology Proving the Bible 4: Jesus’ Resurrection (Short) Is my Bible Accurate? (Short) Why Trust the Resurrection?
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 4 ай бұрын
It's easy to write a novel using historical places, is Sherlock Holmes real because he walked the streets of London?
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
1) Sure, and Smith didn’t even try to take his fiction that far. 2) What point are you trying to make? You’re trying to say that historical verification isn’t valid? Nope, you’d be very wrong there. The Bible doesn’t just have the places correct, but also cross references from non-Biblical historians, even Greek and Jewish historians like Tacitus and Josephus verify the New Testament. So evidence actually goes so much deeper than the superficial level you’re thinking of.
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 What I'm saying is that a great many people think Jesus is fictional. Your conviction or testimony of Jesus can't rest on the fact that there is a city called Jerusalem. There is an atheist I love to tweak from time to time. He was an Evangelical and now he goes through the Bible with a very synical view. I keep telling him he shouldn't have given up on God until he looked at the Mormons. Your faith has to be built on a witness of the Holy Spirit.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@NancyBrown-xw8hg 1) I hope you can recognize the difference between “Jerusalem is a place” vs the fact that secular historians confirm Jesus’ life, ministry, trial and crucifixion in Jerusalem, as well as Apostles and other followers… you see, one is a coincidence, the other is facts backed by hard evidence… that’s a very, very big difference… 2) The Holy Spirit tells me, and 99% of other Christians that Mormonism has false doctrine and a fictional story. So, your test fails both hard evidence and the Spirit’s witness. 3) The Holy Spirit told me to tell you that you’ve been dooped. That’s why I made this video, I insist that you watch the video.
@KennTodd117 4 ай бұрын
I will say that the one redeeming thing about the LDD church would be the people. They are about as good and wholesome as you could wish, however, that doesn’t mean that it will save them.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Agreed. They’re like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, where only serious people will join a fringe-church. So they have a high percentage of committed people which adds up to a stronger church. But this will only happen in a fringe church, and it sort of keeps them alive and afloat. If they grow enough they’ll start to water down.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@WatchingwaitingG2D brother, you’ve got to quit the insults. The next one I see I will be deleting all of your comments and hiding them from this feed. You act like a faithless heathen and you should be ashamed of yourself. You’re a lousy example of a believer in Christ. The only reason I haven’t deleted your comments and blocked you is to ask you right now to repent of your sins. Change your godless and heathen behavior now.
@jimbomanzano4785 4 ай бұрын
We Latter-day Saints also believe the Bible. We will all be judged not according to what we believe but according to our deeds based on those beliefs. (See 2Corinthians 5:10, Psalm 62:12, Romans 2:6, 1Peter 1:17 Revelation 20:12, 22:12.)
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@jimbomanzano4785 i agree. And these conversations with LDS often boil down to this for obvious reasons (being that they have no historical support for the text). So, it’s possible that you’re safe while you believe a false book added onto the Bible. However, it’s also possible that a false book may mislead people. Just something to consider. Maybe you’re safe, i surely fear for Joseph Smith’s soul though as he cannot plead ignorance.
@jimbomanzano4785 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 I don’t know about you, but I will read any book that says it is another Testament of Christ. The Book of Mormon helped me better understand the Bible regarding God’s plan of salvation and the atonement of Christ.
@KennTodd117 4 ай бұрын
“…you have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves…” Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 346.
@webwarrior1.038 4 ай бұрын
Just turn off comments man. This is all tiring. The Holy Ghost has born witness the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and I will stand as a witness until the end of time that it is true.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
No. The Holy Ghost says it’s a fiction book. That’s why Christianity at large rejects it and the Mormons remain one of the smallest fringe groups. Idk if I’d even categorize them as a denomination. The difference between my view and yours is I have hard facts and evidence to back my views, while the LDS have nothing but their own opinions. No facts or evidence to back up the story book.
@webwarrior1.038 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 You have hardened your heart. Sad to see.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@webwarrior1.038 no. I love God and people and God’s truth… I’m just not convinced that Smith’s text is real bc there’s no evidence for its reality. When there’s no evidence of millions of people ever existing just a couple thousand years ago, then that means they didn’t exist… that’s not “hard hearted,” that’s just facing reality, whether you like to hear it or not.
@webwarrior1.038 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 You drive the Spirit away with this contention. Your gospel is that of 46,000 divisions and infighting with no authority to speak on behalf of God. You limit God and do not produce the fruits promised in the New Testament. The Bible itself is full of edits made by men. The creeds are made by men. God speaks today with proper priesthood authority but you would not see it because you do not want to believe, you hide behind evidence when Truth speaks.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@webwarrior1.038 1- you’re making personal accusations. This is an Ad Homien logical fallacy (look it up). It’s weak bc they’re false and make you look bad. You said I’m “you do not want to believe,” “you hide,” “don’t have fruit,” etc… I don’t allow personal attacks on my channel, you will be deleted if you don’t fix that behavior. You are allowed to make reasonable arguments and represent Christ properly 👍🏼 2- I’ve given you logical arguments (ie many cults and false religions are “following the spirit” just like LDS are). But only the Bible has *historical evidence* as well as *accurate prophecy* to prove the hand of God upon it. And that is along side the Spirit’s Witness. In contrast, Smith’s story has no supporting evidence and no worthwhile prophecies. Therefore, it’s clearly Christian fiction. ❌ Notice, my statements are logical and articulated 🙌🏼 and non-personal. You should do likewise.
@KennTodd117 4 ай бұрын
“As man is, God once was, as God is, man may become.” Lorenzo Snow, Millennial Star, vol. 54, p. 404. There are, in Mormon Doctrine.. infinite gods.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Oof. That’s scary and strange lol.
@jennyfisher3773 4 ай бұрын
LDS is called “The Church is JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. Their fruits are good because the doctrine in pure. Watch 52 churches in 52 weeks. David looked into over 100 religions, with an open heart he found the LDS and found it to be remarkably true!! You can do the same!! Do the research with prayer and an open heart and stop reading false accusations.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
1) Yes I understand the name is long, but everyone knows what i meant, including you 😉 2) yes, i looked at the “evidence” prayerfully and reached the same conclusion that 99.9% of Christians reach- that Smith’s books are false teachings. And the thing about the “evidence” is that- it doesn’t exist. 🤷‍♂️ There is no evidence supporting the history in the books… that means it’s fiction. 3) No fruitfulness does not correlate with truthful doctrine. LDS are fruitful bc half-hearted believers don’t join fringe groups like the LDS and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The JW are also fruitful, yet, they also have doctrine that contradicts the LDS. Fruitfulness doesn’t mean accuracy, as Christian’s with different beliefs are all fruitful 🤔. My family is fruitful and so is yours, but we believe different things. Therefore, your conclusion is wrong.
@NancyBrown-xw8hg 4 ай бұрын
This so dumb, Joseph had at least 4 different scrolls. These scrolls were mass produced by professional scribe. A person buying one might buy several different ones and then glue them together. There is one scroll which was resently found 50 ft long. In the Book of Abraham the writer says, so you know about these gods I have drawn them into the facsimile at the beginning. So facsimile 1 was at the beginning where the Book of the Dead was located but the Book of Abraham was located a foot or two down the scroll. Now those facsimile are very professionally drawn, clean and neat. Each picture would have the basics, the loin couch etc. Then the buyer would pay to add in other symbols. Our facsimile was not professionally drawn, the original is a mess. The ba or bird should have out streched wing and a human head, it does not. The wings hang down and it looks rather amateurish. The man on the embalming bed is very much awake, his feet are tied down and his hand reached out in prayer. No other similar facsimile is like this. In chapter 1 verse 9 it describes Sobek Ra, the god of Pharaoh the crocodile and the god known as Ra the sun god. The god was melded into one god by the Pharaohs. Joseph hit that right on the nail, how did he do that?
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Soo.. you’re saying you believe Smith bc he had a piece of Egyptian history correct? No, that’s silly… that’s called a coincidence. Men know all sorts of random information. I can tell you all about space but it doesn’t mean I’m an astronaut. So that’s not what real evidence looks like… Evidence = millions of Jews in a foreign land leave behind Jewish pottery, writing, and scrolls, or DNA traces, for us to find. Smith’s writings include real places and people who can be validated by cross references of archaeology or other ancient writers. Nope, there’s none of that. Or the surrounding ancient Native Americans keep records of Jews and their one God, or even convert to Judaism. Nope none of that either. Or, the scrolls smith translated from exist for us to analyze… There’s nothing of the sort. There’s no hard evidence whatsoever.
@KennTodd117 4 ай бұрын
I don’t need Bible verses I am using logic. For example the infinite number of Gods…. If each God was originally a man,… where did the first even come from? LDS doctrine is absolutely nonsensical
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii 4 ай бұрын
13:05 "that's dated to before Smith even made this prophecy so we know for a fact that everybody knew this was coming this isn't an accurate prophecy" Here's the question. How did just Joseph Smith think to call what was common knowledge a prophecy?
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Idk if Smith did call it a prophecy. I don’t remember the text saying so. Either way, I can look at the news and see which President is winning the race and say “so-and-so will win,” and that’s doesn’t make me a prophet 😂 no, that’d make me a joke who can watch the news. You’d be better off not trying to defend this.
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii 4 ай бұрын
​@@dustinwilcox6821Verily verily is the Lord speaking.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@RichardHolmes-ll8ii ah yes you’re right. Okay, he said that God said a current event that he read in the news was going to happen 😂. Again, if I watch the news and prophecy what’s on current events it doesn’t make me a prophet. It makes me a liar. The man’s “prophecies” were all this lousy and he had many false prophecies. Sorry, that’s not a prophet to any Biblical standard, nor any common-sense standard.
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii 4 ай бұрын
​@@dustinwilcox6821Google Civil War Prophecy FairLatterDaySaints.
@gilbertmiraflor3591 4 ай бұрын
Bro Dustin, Did somebody pay you to lie about the LDS Church? Because all that you said in this video is false. Joseph Smith fulfilled thousands of prophecies, some prophecies that did not come true just simply meant they were still to be fulfilled. The LDS focuses on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and to do all that he can to follow the example of Jesus Christ contrary to your claim, If you love Me Keep my commandments! Or be ye therefore perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect, Matt 5:48.That is a lot of Good Works! Do you want proof of the Book of Mormon? you just wait till you honestly read it! By their fruits, you shall know them. The LDS people are the most happy people in the world! and the richest church by the way! You are lying to these people and to God! Oh come on Brother and be a man! Inviting you and the rest of your friends to investigate and learn more about the LDS church.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
1) I’d believe the LDS if the evidence supports it. But the evidence disproves it. 2) FYI- research shows anyone with strong faith is happy and fruitful, not just the LDS 😉. The difference is the LDS is that a) ignorance is bliss, and b) there’s no half-hearted believers in a fringe church to water down the stats. So you have a correlation, not a causation (think critically about that). 3) Smith told a man he’d go on a missions trip in the Spring, the man died before the Spring came… that’s not “yet to be fulfilled,” it’s just false prophecy. Smith’s prophecies are from the newspaper. The Leonid meteor shower… 🗞️. The civil war… 🗞️. Not impressive. 4) His history was false-there’s no evidence of millions of Judeo-Christians in the Americas. And his manuscripts were either debunked or conveniently missing. The evidence can’t be any more clear that Smith made a fictional book.
@KennTodd117 4 ай бұрын
What the Bible says: Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. (Isaiah 44:6) So who will I believe… Gods word… or some made up scripture.
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii 4 ай бұрын
6:25 "Egyptian funeral documents" You're repeating the same Egyptologist opinions on the Book of Abraham. The Egyptologists were debunked. I never lose the argument on this. Care to refute?
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Honestly, no thanks. I couldn’t care less to argue with you about something so stupid as the origins of a fictional story. The #1 priority is this- where are the manuscripts Smith “translated” from? Whatever he did, the evidence is *conveniently* gone. And the evidence we have today (being the complete lack of it) of his “translations” shows his stories are fictional.
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii 4 ай бұрын
​@@dustinwilcox6821The preexistence isn't fictional.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@RichardHolmes-ll8ii pre-existence of what? Pieces of paper and gold plates that nobody could read and conveniently disappeared? So what? Thats useless information. It’s not evidence.
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii 4 ай бұрын
​@@dustinwilcox6821The preexistence meaning we were all in heaven before we came to the earth.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@RichardHolmes-ll8ii ah that’s an example of a non-Biblical teaching, in fact it contradicts the Biblical teaching. Notice how the church rejected that idea for 1850 years until Smith came along with unsupported claims. He added false doctrine and made up false history. He thought he was a prophet and he dooped a few people still doops some. But he made up nonsense.
@DKMELT 4 ай бұрын
Excellent work Dustin. Please do more work on this topic.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Thank you brother! Idk, there aren’t many more ways I can say “there’s no evidence that this story is true” lol.
@KennTodd117 4 ай бұрын
No coins, no tools, no writings, no artifacts described in their current writings, no cities, no foundations of cities, no evidence of any infrastructures, it’s almost as if they were never there….
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
😂 that’s exactly what I’m saying! And even while they do coincidentally find some coincidences like “barley” or “mound builders” scattered around the continent, they don’t all line up with the geographical expectations. Moreso, there’s no records of and no natives who converted or experienced any sort of monotheistic people. We know a lot about the Mayans, Native Americans, etc, and many have kept oral and written records, but there’s no trace of Smith’s story.
@truepremise2053 4 ай бұрын
Draw A Circle Around One's Self & Walk Out Of It & That Is A Virgin Birth. All These Numbers Make A Corner All These Corners Make A Circle All These Circles Make A Lay.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
Hm, well, I don’t think this comment was well articulated… But it seems you’re just boiling the validity of the Mormon texts down to a miracle that doesn’t make sense? Is that right? Well… by that standard, just go be a Muslim or a Buddhist too. They had texts given miraculously too! Just go join a different cult or something, they’re all based on the same things. My point here is that such a standard fails and it misleads everyone into falsehood. That’s how false religions come about.
@truepremise2053 4 ай бұрын
@@dustinwilcox6821 Thought Of A Positive.
@dustinwilcox6821 4 ай бұрын
@@truepremise2053 in sorry, but i use English with proper grammar formed into sentences that make sense. Whatever you’re doing is incomprehensible. Can you clarify?
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