Christkindlmarkt Bethlehem PA 2024

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Sweet Tea & Salty Breeze

Sweet Tea & Salty Breeze

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Пікірлер: 9
@Manifest-d3k 7 күн бұрын
Hello, Would there be anything open if I visit on Christmas eve. Thanks
@SweetTeaAndSaltyBreeze 6 күн бұрын
I appreciate the question! Let me check for you I will let you know!
@Manifest-d3k 6 күн бұрын
​@@SweetTeaAndSaltyBreeze thanks
@SweetTeaAndSaltyBreeze 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for waiting! Christkindlmarkt and the Winter Village Huts on Main st. end their season on Sunday December 22nd. However on Christmas eve, the shops and restaurants will be open with shortened hours. A great stop is Hotel Bethlehem. The hotel is decorated beautifully for Christmas. If you decide to visit New Years, there is an event called Peeps Fest. Heres a brief description of PeepsFest if you're interested. "Family fun is at the heart of PEEPSFEST®, the annual two-day New Year’s Eve (December 30-31, 2024) festival celebrating the whimsy and wonder of the PEEPS® Brand at the iconic SteelStacks in Bethlehem, PA. Each year, fans arrive from all over the country to enjoy activities and marvel at the PEEPS® Chick Drop - a 4-feet, 9-inches tall, 400-pound lit PEEPS® Chick that descends at 5:35 p.m. both days to mark the beginning of an exciting new year. Close out 2024 in the sweetest way possible at the 15th annual festival featuring the PEEPS® Chick drop."
@Manifest-d3k 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for the detailed information, I will plan accordingly
@danskumpija3544 23 күн бұрын
Hello 👋 Where can i park my car for the whole day ?
@SweetTeaAndSaltyBreeze 21 күн бұрын
Hi! There is free parking right across from the enterence near Arts Quest, if that lots full then there are other free lots close by including the WindCreek casino's parking lot. Thank you so much for the comment!
@danskumpija3544 7 күн бұрын
@SweetTeaAndSaltyBreeze thank you so much. What about main st. Where to park there ? Any suggestions 🤔
@SweetTeaAndSaltyBreeze 7 күн бұрын
Main St is amazing, especially Hotel Bethlehem. There are beautiful Christmas decorations and trees in every corner. Horse and carriage rides are a great way to see the sights of Main St. is a great website for more details. As for parking near Main St, the easiest is the North Street Parking Garage, 85 West North St. Come hungry there are amazing restaurants up and down Main St. I hope this helps. Merry Christmas!
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