thanks. rammus vs samus vs grunt : "rammus" is the recommended image for devices with 4th generation Intel CPU and newer. "samus" is the recommended image for devices with 3rd generation Intel CPU and older. "grunt" is the image to use if you have supported AMD hardware.
我跟你的指示做到 8:52 的步驟,Open in Terminal,並選擇了 Open as Administrator,然後打入 sudo sh,但是下一行就顯示:sh: 0: Can't open,請問這是出了甚麼問題?
@charltoncheung2 жыл бұрын
我自己找到答案了:原來我在編輯那 檔案時,抄了那段指令後,我將檔案儲存成為 文字檔,在Ubuntu 介面下仔細比對才看到這問題,後來我在 Windows 檔案總管裡選擇取消<隱藏已知檔案類型的副檔名>,刪除了 ".txt" 的部份,好像就可以了.但是又出現另一個問題:Unable to locate package cgpt
@charltoncheung2 жыл бұрын
原來合共有三個 "Unable to locate package ...." 1. Unable to locate package figlet, 2. Unable to locate package pv, 3. Unable to locate package cgpt 不知要怎樣解決?
@charltoncheung2 жыл бұрын
在網上找尋了一段時間,在 Terminal 輸入:sudo apt-get install figlet,之後 sudo apt-get install pv,再之後 sudo apt-get install cgpt,好像 install 了這三個 package,之後再輸入 sudo sh,之後仍然是顯示:Unable to locate package 三次的,但是不久就顯示:All data on device /dev/sda will be lost, are you sure ? (type yes to continue),我打 yes 就好像開始正常安裝了.
@charltoncheung2 жыл бұрын
最後結果不是顯示 ChromeOS installed. 而是顯示 Brunch has been successfully installed on the device /dev/sda. 不知能否使用,一會再告訴大家.
设备名称 DESKTOP-1O4JUTN 处理器 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5750 @ 2.00GHz 2.00 GHz 机带 RAM 4.00 GB (2.99 GB 可用) 设备 ID 91BC7BA9-BE58-42AD-BC2B-4D9BBAEED362 产品 ID 00330-80000-00000-AA203 系统类型 32 位操作系统, 基于 x64 的处理器 笔和触控 没有可用于此显示器的笔或触控输入
@herry05103 жыл бұрын
HI 想請問SU2300(ACER AO752)應適用哪一個鏡像回復??? 我試了PAINE、SAMUS 安裝完成後都會顯示 booting the kernel 然後重新開機
@lichaozhang11033 жыл бұрын
it comes the problem as following: dd: writing to '/dev/sda': Input/output error==========> ] 82% ETA 0:00:25 1.66GiB 0:02:02 [13.9MiB/s] [===========================> ] 83% Could not write partition 5, verify that you are not trying to install ChromeOS on a disk with a running operating system or reboot your computer and try again. what should I do?