Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Writing on Climate Change - December 1, 2020

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Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures

Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures

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@robertcallaghan4029 4 жыл бұрын
1% of people control 75% of farmland -- 80% of food grows on small farms 4.5% of vehicles are electric, 2% of energy is solar & wind 20% of energy is electricity, 100% renewable electricity = 20% of energy * Direct Impacts of Climate Heating* ▷ Heat stress is reducing crop yields. ▷ Heat stress toll on farmers (sometimes fatal). ▷ Heat stress tolls on livestock (often fatal). ▷ Altered precipitation: not enough rain; drought. ▷ Altered precipitation: too much rain; flooding. ▷ Weather whiplashing between drought and flooding (or heat and cold) ruining crops. ▷ Extreme weather physically damaging crops: hail storms, late Spring frosts, early Fall frosts, early warmth confusing plants to bud prematurely, followed by killing frosts. ▷ Wildfires physically destroying crops and livestock and polluting water supplies. ▷ Smoke and other wildfire pollutants damage crops hundreds of km from the burn areas. ▷ Extreme weather damaging food storage infrastructure, disrupting food transportation systems, breaking down “cold chain” systems. All of these above effects are already cascading into a variety of secondary effects. Secondary Impacts ▷ Crop and farm failures, financing challenges, farmer migration and suicides, general strikes. ▷ Loss of agricultural labour and resource conflicts. ▷ Crop stress causes stress on seeds and seed viability damage, causing poor crop yields in subsequent years. ▷ Drought and sea-level rise causes salinization contamination is soils and farmland, reducing crop yields for years. ▷ Heat, drought, and overuse of pesticides wipes out good beetles, butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. ▷ Changing precipitation patterns leads to increased breeding of locusts and other crop harming pests. ▷ Drought dries out soils leading to wind blown soil loss and desertification. ▷ Drought and decreases glacial water storage and groundwater infiltration, drying up rivers and amplifying water stress in subsequent years. ▷ Torrential rain leading to flooding caused soil erosion, destroys crops and infrastructure, and carries over to subsequent growing seasons. ▷ Crop losses impact feed prices and supply for the following year. -- Beckwith et al 2020 YT Oceans took 89% of the heat and they're going to blow, see Loki's Revenge Green Energy Fraud I don't how to say that in academic gibberish, so I'll just let the gibberish do the talking... Vaclave Smil Explains Load Capacity Factor: - Vaclav Smil 2020 YT @ 18:14 - 1 min ▷ Offshore North Euro wind turbines work 30% of the time ▷ Onshore North Euro wind turbines work 22% of the time ▷ North Euro solar panels work 11% of the time ▷ If you put a wind turbine offshore of Texas it’ll work 35% of the time Europe burns 80% of wood pellet shipments for “renewable” electricity - Science Alert 2018 Global wood pellet production grew from 2 Mt in 2000 to 30 Mt in 2016 - Wiley 2017 Europe burns 40% of its recycled plastic and paper for “recycled” electricity - Nat Geo 2018 Sweden burns rubbish for electricity and food waste as bio gas fuel - Sweden Nature 2020 Burning trees for electricity produces 30% more C02 than burning coal - WRI 2017 Europe burns almost 50% of its palm oil imports in cars and trucks - Ecologistas en Acción 2016 Sustainable certified palm oil linked to worse social, ecological outcomes for natives - Mongabay 2020 UN carbon offset talks erode human rights safeguards - Climate Home News 2019 UN agency hit with corruption allegations at climate projects - FT 2020 UN-backed climate fund faces wave of abuse allegations - FT 2020 Up to 75% of carbon offsets are fraud - ProPublica 2019 Fossil fuels remained 80% of global energy for over 25 years - Climate Change News 2019 Emissions must fall 50% in 10 years to stay under 1.5 C - Sci Am 2019 Emissions must fall 50% in 10 years to stay under 1.5 C - Insurance Journal 2019 Efforts to protect nature on a global scale have failed spectacularly - AFP 2020 Vaclav Smil: Why batteries and EVs will take a long time - Vaclav Smil 2019 YT @ 27 :38 ▷ Jets are 68% more efficient in 60 years and fly 60 times more people ▷ 4.4 billion air trips were taken in 2018 - 2.63 billion in 2010 ▷ If batteries were 6X more efficient we would use 60X more of them Earth Has An Energy Imbalance and is Heating Dangerously Fast 1968 - 1992 earth heating averaged 1 Hiroshima nuke / sec - Skeptical Science 2014 From 1998 - 2020 earth heating averaged 5 nukes / sec - Skeptical Science 2020 Earth is heating at 400,000 Hrioshima nukes per day - James Hansen 2020 ▷ 1971 - 2018 global heating averaged 0.47 watts/m² ▷ 2010 - 2018 heating went up to 0.87 watts/m² ▷ A 46% increase, oceans absorb 89% of the heat - air absorbs 1% ▷ Oceans are reaching their limit for absorbing heat ▷ When the ocean sneezes we all get the flu Electricity is 20% of energy - renewable is 4% - solar & wind are 2% 4% of mammals are wild by weight - 0.4% of cars are electric Solar & wind are 2% of energy - IEA 2020 < this link has interactive chart Geothermal solar wind etc are 2% of energy - Statista 2020 < Other 2% 4% of energy is renewable - WSJ BP 2019 Projected energy sources to 2040 - Statista 2020 = 15% by 2040 2050 : Energy demand to increase 50% - EIA 2019 2050 : 50% of electricity will be renewable - EIA 2019 24% of global energy will be electricity by 2040 - IEA 2019 So if by 2050, 80% of electricity is renewable, and 30% of energy is electricity, then 24% of energy is renewable Vaclav Smil: why batteries and EVs will take a long time - Vaclav Smil 2019 YT @ 27 :38 ▷ Over 60 yrs, jets are 68% more efficient and fly 60X more passengers ▷ 4.4 billion air trips were taken in 2018 - 2.63 billion in 2010 ▷ If batteries were 60X more efficient we would use 60X more of them Water Stress Threatens Near 50% of World’s Thermal Power Plant Capacity - WRI 2017 30% of planned hydro projects threatened by water stress - WWF 2020 44 % of existing coal power plants are in areas with high water stress - Unearthed 2016 Coal plants risk global water shortage - google 2020 Expect More Mega-Droughts - Science Daily 2020 Dams produce more methane than rice plantations and biomass burning - Guardian 2016 Dams harm estuary wetlands - Science Advances 2019 66% of people will live in water stressed areas by 2025 - Nat Geo 2020 Fresh water availability has dropped 20% in 20 years - 3 billion affected - Guardian 2020 4 billion people live one month per year in water shressed areas - Sci Adv 2016 Water use for fracking has risen by up to 770% since 2011 - Science Daily 2018 Fracking dewaters drinking water aquifers - Global Energy Monitor 2009
@robertcallaghan4029 4 жыл бұрын
Renewable Energy Destruction Renewable energy production will exacerbate mining threats to biodiversity - Nature 2020 The social and environmental complexities of extracting energy transition metals - Nature 2020 Future availability of non-renewable metal resources and the influence of environmental, social, and governance conflicts on metal production - Nature 2020 The number of active renewable energy facilities within important conservation lands could increase by 42% over the next 8 years - BBC 2020 The quest for renewable energy could wreak havoc on wildlife - Mic 2020 Energy Transition: The Conflict Implications for Mineral-Rich, Fragile States - Springer 2020 Conflict minerals regulation does not cover major technology companies - Computer Weekly 2020 How Rare-Earth Mining Has Devastated China’s Environment - Earth Org 2020 Critical minerals are vital for renewable energy. We must learn to mine them responsibly - The Conversation 2020 The True Cost Of The Global Energy Transition - Oil Price 2020 Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled - Bloomberg 2020 By 2050, there will be 78 million metric tons of solar panel waste, generating 6 million metric tons of new solar panel waste annually Standard electronics recycling won’t cut it for solar panels - Wired 2020 While technically possible to recycle most of the panel, it’s still cheaper to mine new materials and recycled materials are rarely as good as new Clean Energy: The Biggest Lie Of 2020 - Seeking Alpha 2020 The Growing Role of Minerals and Metals for a Low Carbon Future - World Bank 2017 To get 50% of global energy from renewables requires: ▷ 100% more silver ▷ 920% more indium ▷ 2,700% more lithium ▷ Lithium requires 500,000 gallons of water to produce a single ton Mineral production to soar as demand for clean energy increases - World Bank 2020 ▷ Production of minerals, such as graphite, lithium and cobalt, could increase by nearly 500% by 2050 ▷ These projections do not include the associated infrastructure ▷ Because of the material intensity of low-carbon techs, any shortages in mineral supply wil impact the speed and scale of deployment ‘Astronomical’ rare earth demand growth forecast - Engineering News 2020 ▷ The value of global magnet rare earth oxide consumption will rise five-fold by 2030. The rate of demand growth for magnet rare earths would soon reach “escape velocity” - a point in yearly demand growth where it is so great that it is simply implausible for the already-lagging supply-side to catch up and keep up. Review of critical metal dynamics to 2050 for 48 elements - Science Direct 2020 Greenhouse gases went up 45% in 30 years - NOAA 2020 By 2030 we’ll have 120% more fossil fuel than needed to stay under 1.5 C - UN 2019 15% of global energy will be renewable by 2040 - IEA 2019 15% of global energy will be renewable by 2040 - WSJ BP 2019 Energy demand to increase 50% by 2050 - EIA 2019 50% of electricity will be renewable by 2050 - EIA 2019 24% of global energy will be electricity by 2040 - IEA 2019 IMPORTANT: What this means is that if by 2050 renewables provide 80% of electricity, that’s only 24% of energy - if electricity is only 30% of energy by 2050 Vaclav Smil says energy transitions take at least 75 years - Energy Skeptic 2018 51 Reasons why wind power cannot replace fossil fuels - Energy Skeptic 2019 Amazon tree farms take 30 years to recoup 10% of Amazon tree loss - Science Daily 2020 10 Top Biofuel Crops - How Stuff Works undated
@WalkinBeauty278 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you...a change from pure faceless doom and gloom....there's heart in this discussion
@TheDoomWizard 3 жыл бұрын
I talk about abrupt climate change on my channel alot and I'm young. This is my future.
@TCRgalaxy 3 жыл бұрын
I’m 36, it’s not even our future…it’s today…110° in Kirkland Washington today, Wildifres are gonna be outta control this year with this heat dome and all time drought, this Culture isn’t going to stop til it’s killed everything
@NITESKYLIGHT 3 жыл бұрын
here is where we start to have problems, you say 'my channel' do you know how arrogant this is, you, and everyone you will know in your whole life, famous and sexy, and not famous and not sexy, everyone, all humans, no one has a 'channel' it's bullsh*t
@jpcorreiacreativesociety9155 3 жыл бұрын
#time4truth #CreativeSociety #allatraunites
@NITESKYLIGHT 3 жыл бұрын
@@jpcorreiacreativesociety9155 oh jeezus, all that i have in my heart for you is love, but my dears your logic is so flawed; neither the JPCorreia Creative Society or the Institute of Humanities and Global Cultures or this atrocity Allatraunites is going to do a damn thing to stop what is about to happen, what happened to all these same movements from the mid 60's to mid 70's seems like a good idea right, feel goods all around, looks nice on paper, can make nice posters and maybe some banners, serve chai at meetings with vegan snacks, do your yoga at home ride your bike --------- ain't gonna work, we have already tried it, does not work, and no, it's not that it wasn't tried 'hard enough' it was tried 'hard enough' --------- it's not the way geocapital works, pls stop wasting your time with this horsesh*t -------- sad thing is you won't listen to me, you'll have to fail on your own and find the real doomosphere, if i could help i would, i tried
@ESTRID_lol 3 жыл бұрын
Hey does this video make a lot of predictions? I don’t really get what the second part is about
@psikeyhackr6914 3 жыл бұрын
Where are the climate scientists who have been talking about Planned Obsolescence for the last 50 years? Did that put unnecessary CO2 into the atmosphere?
@votemonty1815 3 жыл бұрын
Less than 2,000 views 10 months out...our species is screwed.
@jpcorreiacreativesociety9155 3 жыл бұрын
#time4truth #CreativeSociety #allatraunites
@jpcorreiacreativesociety9155 3 жыл бұрын
you seem very sure about what you are saying but the thing is that you got exactally the formation system wants you to have,, try to do some real search on our activity before you speak on that you don´t know at all. A Global Conference lasting more than 11 hours translated in 72 languages, having guests as best experts in their fields and all of this done by vollunteers from more than 180 countries around the world, just for the sake of Humanity. Your point is that just because there´s no money involved or any kind of leaders ditating orders on what to do next, Only free will on working together in order to change the paradigm of our defunct consumeristic society into a Creative and Peaceful One with living condictions for everyone, , Doesn´t matter race, color, religion, or any personal afilliation, you just can´t understand You are Smart enought to even try to give a better World for your children and generations after that. CReative Society is the only way out towards Future or there will be no future because we as civilization are at point of no return to destruction. Or you can´t see that as well...
@rdallas81 3 жыл бұрын
That's the deception in the world. You will not change what is foretold to happen. Global changes are upon us all. The bible says in the latter days there will be wars and rumors of wars. Nation rises against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines and plagues and pestilences. This will be spawned off by what we see happening already. In the latter days, the Jews will regather in the Holy land. That happened in 1948. Other things prophesied is technology and the world connectivity ability. People fail to acknowledge any of it because they are born into it. They never even see the facts. As we move forward in time, the succession of events will be closer and closer together much like a woman in labor. The world was exterminated by flood one time. God says He will never destroy man by a flood again. This time it will be by fire.
@WhirledPublishing 3 жыл бұрын
Climate "experts" are in denial of their failure to accurately forecast the climate: Since we've seen climate forecasts from the IPCC proven to be wrong - year after year after year - since we've seen Al Gore''s climate "experts" were wrong, since climate forecasts from "professor emeritus" Guy McPherson have proven wrong - and he admits it, since Harvard's Michael Mann was exposed as a "fraud" in court, since the insanity of the "climate experts" goes on and on and on ... since their detachment from reality and their denial of their ignorance and pompous "programming" is conspicuous to anyone with a functioning brain. Since forecasts for the meltdown of the Antarctic ice - from glaciologists - went from "thousands of years into the future" to "a hundred years from now" to "in our lifetime" to "within a decade" all in under four years of forecasts, and since the timeline for CO2 in ice cores is conspicuous disinfo because the true timeline for the Greenland and Antarctic ice is documented in historic records - and corroborated by numerous sources - since the paradigm of chemistry that is taught to the "scientists" is also intentional disinfo, since the timeline for our Earth that is taught to "scientists" is another psy-op of epic proportions, based on ludicrous theories about pangaea, continental drift, continental collision, the stratified layers of the Grand Canyon, the horror of the Siberian Traps, the cataclysms known as Eltanin and Nuuanu, etc., their nonsense about the Yucatan Peninsula and the extinction of the dinosaurs ... since the timeline for ALL of this is documented in historic records, including the timeline - and the forces responsible - for the broken and subducted tectonic plates, the timeline for the formation of our ocean trenches and archipelago islands, the timeline for the massive water erosion across our continents and islands, the timeline for the formation of the Grand Canyon, the timeline for the Siberian and Deccan Traps, the timeline for Eltanin and Nuuanu ... all of this is documented in historic records ... Theories about the history of our Earth are unnecessary because the timeline for our continents, oceans, mountains, cataclysms, Earth's expansion, Earth's climate and Earth's origins are all documented in hundreds of independent historic records, written in over a dozen languages from all across our Earth and corroborated by reports from the Indigenous and Aborigines - and since their timeline is corroborated by thousands of other independent sources while "scientists" prefer theories, their failure to develop a conscience, their love of pontificating their insanity on their very wobbly pedestals - with their head in the clouds - is horrifying - because the unintelligent fake science gods that graduated with their C average from low level institutions with minimal entrance requirements are not fooling anyone but the ignorant.
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