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► Playlist with bosses: goo.gl/CtPZLT
Battle begins at 04:03
I've disabled the commentary section here because I got sick of people saying how I should've played here and how I should've ended this battle in 2 turns.
If you one of those people-- the point of these videos is to showcase bosses, let them attack and show what they're capable of, not to win instantly before they do anything. So stop being a smartass and go bother someone else.
Now that I got out of the way...
Dream Devourer. Prologue to Chrono Cross. Shit hitting the fan big time for the last two members of the Zeal lineage.
Dream Devourer has some quirks and annoying elements that will really screw anyone who even dares get here unprepared. Word of advice before you step into Time's Eclipse:
1) Mag Def of at least 95. Marle has 92 Magic Defense AND Barrier and Phantasm STILL did over 1000 damage to her, any other attack of Dream Devourer's still causes enough damage to be very troublesome.
2) Status protection at least for Confusion. On its second phase Dream Devourer will counter anything that so as much touches it with with a pretty strong Chaos Zone. I hope you like the sound that thing makes, you're going to hear a lot of it.
3) A heavy physical and magic hitter. Dream Devourer's first phase is pretty strong against physical harm and the second phase will absorb any element you throw at it.
The first phase of the fight has Dream Devourer using some powerful magic attacks, some of them will absolutely murder you if your M. Def is low. But he's also very vulnerable to magic Techs as well, blast your best until it pulls a Magus stunt and changes its vulnerabilities with Barrier Change.
Try not to take too long around the first phase as Dream Devourer can use that ever annoying "status immunity disability" thing if you take too long to put it into the second phase and having even one character affected that will prove to be a major handicap in your party.
The second phase of this fight is also dangerous, but extremely annoying since Dream Devourer will counter everything you throw at it with Chaos Zone. If you had one characters with their status immunity disabled here things can get anywhere from dicey to downright impossible.
The second phase has a set pattern of attacks, but after Ice Lance comes up, put Barriers on and heal up because Phanstasm is next and that thing is by far the most dangerous attack of the boss and can utterly destroy your party in one shot and unlike the ones used by the Shades there's no way to absorb it.
Secret Ending - 13:18
This fight and this ending is a huge mixed bag for me. It's not a bad boss fight by any means (except that Chaos Zone counter which is really damn annoying), but they got REALLY lazy here. No unique theme, re-used attack animations, recolor of Lavos' Shell... And as one last "screw you" the boss pulls that "you won? fuck you, I one shot your party in a cutscene and game over if you lose" thing that's all too common in RPGs. That ending is nothing special either. big sigh
Still, the extra content on DS version is pretty neat and the Dimensional Vortex equipment really good. Too bad by the time you get them you'll have little to nothing worth using at.