Strange things do happen in Germany. The one that provided cheap energy is called “Enemy”.-RU The one that destroyed the flow of cheap energy is called “Friend”.-U$ The one that buy German's products the most is called “threat”. -CN The one that keeps helping her “Friend” to continue destroying her own country is called “Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen”.
首先,川普都要對他的南北鄰邦加拿大、墨西哥打關稅戰了,歐盟請不要心存僥倖的認為可以豁免, be prepared!其次,與南美簽自貿協議是件好事,但我還看不出來歐盟能提供南美洲什麼真正的“牛肉”? 論經援,南美要與烏克蘭搶歐盟資源;論基建投資,中國已在秘魯建好了錢凱港;論工廠投資,美國早已借升息收割了歐盟大廠一波了,實在想不出來歐盟的優勢....
@happymelon7129Сағат бұрын
U$: How to be a business man Step 1: create a problem (pipeline damage) Step 2: solve it (LNG 4X price) Then customers will treat you as their savior. Step 3: Wait for companies to go bankrupt. Step 4: Use the profit make from LNG to purchase these companies. = zero$purchase.