Ayyye. Watch this bcs it's trending in my country. Wow I'm so proud, she's so pretty and sings well. Where's my fellow malaysian at?
@fatinnajihatulummi13624 жыл бұрын
@nurulhanim61264 жыл бұрын
Oh my god Im malaysian too. But not chinese tho so I don't understand anything:'(. But I really love her voice and herself too. I'm currently watching Youth With You.
@fatinnajihatulummi13624 жыл бұрын
@@nurulhanim6126 kannnnn ahahhaha
@yayaya86904 жыл бұрын
@@nurulhanim6126 boleh tgk kt wetv kat sana ade eng sub. Lagu first dia nyanyi tu belum release tp inspired dr atok ngn nenek dia agk sedih la kisah tu huhu. Kt youth with you ade joey chua, kt chuang 2020 ade joyce chu, name dkt² same n dua² wakil Malaysia hahah
@flyingfosk4 жыл бұрын
@@yayaya8690 apa tajuk show tu
@jjs99974 жыл бұрын
看毛毛那一直微微笑 也跟着觉得这些歌好听
@gimutt_grtest84104 жыл бұрын
Came here after youth with you 😂😂 i came for JOEY CHUA , now her JOYCE CHU . 💪🎉🌸😂 COME ON MALAYSIA 😍
I just knew she is malaysian. I watched her in wetv and i really like her. Knowing her from malaysia make me want to support her even more😊❤️
@lostnotfound99884 жыл бұрын
Joyce Chu ni trainee kat program Chinese version Produce 101, "Chuang 2020" yang tengah trending sekarang under Tencent..dia asal Johor, lahir dan membesar kat Malaysia..parents and family dia memang Malaysian..dia famous suatu ketika dulu dengan lagu-lagu viral macam "I Miss You", "Malaysian Chabor" dan banyak lagi..Joyce Chu ada harapan untuk dapat top spot sebab memang dah ramai Chinese tanah besar yang kenal dia..dia pun ada attitude dan reputasi yang baik, so no hal untuk dia dapat vote yang banyak.. Sorang lagi trainee, Joey Chua asal Johor dalam satu lagi program Chinese version Produce 101 juga called "Youth With You" under IQiyi..setakat ni Joey Chua masih dalam top 35..cuma mungkin berisiko tersingkir sebab dia kurang pengalaman dan skill..tapi orang semua suka dia sebab attitude yang positif, optimist, dan work hard..sebab tu ramai vote dia..harap-haraplah Joey Chua boleh masuk top 20.. Sorang lagi trainee Malaysian, Yennis Huang dari Penang dah tersingkir..dia punya dancing skill hebat sampai Lisa Blackpink pun selalu puji..tapi sayang screentime dia tak banyak so tak famous..sebenarnya ramai lagi Malaysian trainee kat China dan Korea yang belum keluar public..tapi yang confirm setiap tahun akan ada Malaysian trainee yang join program macam ni.. Sebelum ni pun ada Malaysian trainees lelaki juga dalam season sebelumnya..You Zhangjing dalam program "Idol Producer Season 1" dapat masuk final dan dapat top 9..dia jadi ahli group "Nine Percent" sebagai main vocal..Sorang lagi Huang Zhenyu dalam program "Produce Camp 2019"..tapi sayang tersingkir awal sebab less screentime..takde rezeki kot..
@nrlhanani20344 жыл бұрын
Eh silap la , joey chua also johorean . Yg penang tu yennis
@normanorma20044 жыл бұрын
Aku rasa beda lah mukanya
@lostnotfound99884 жыл бұрын
@@nrlhanani2034 Oh yeke..sorry salah info..nanti saya edit kat atas ye..btw TQ.. :)
@APview194 жыл бұрын
memang proud to be Malaysian la. thanx bro kerana support mereka
@gimutt_grtest84104 жыл бұрын
Joey chua da eliminated. 💔😌 kcwa la, sikit sikit bkn rezeki kot 😇 hm masalahny hrp la industry mcm ni kt Malaysia bkembang. Bkn nk rasist la tp tula hrp Meletop invite dorg. Bgi org kenal , dorg ni standard intetnational 🔥
i know she start when joey chua sing joyce chua song...I love her song
@iztist20484 жыл бұрын
she is Joyce Chu, not Joyce Chua😂
@ayugede49184 жыл бұрын
This song make me remember my grandmother now she happy in haven🌹 become your self do what you want if that make you happy and have power to go for your dream finghting!!!
i knew joyce chu through song Malaysia Chabor about 5 years ago all her song is a big success and also i miss you was a big success .We support you Joyce chu from Malaysia♥️🥰