This Single Card Completely Changed Elemental Mage

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Deck Code:
00:00 Intro
00:59 Game 1
09:11 Game 2
17:24 Game 3
#WhizbangsWorkshop #Hearthstone #ChumpHS

Пікірлер: 84
@SerenaCrocker Ай бұрын
Game 1, he couldn't Reno on 9 as he overloaded himself
@jamiejohnson157 Ай бұрын
He does posit this may have been the case at the end of the game
@SerenaCrocker Ай бұрын
I mean, probably shouldn't have overloaded himself anyway 😁
@deimofobico Ай бұрын
It was a terrible play to overload on turn 8, but at least he was emoting so I guess he was aware of his oopsie
@gmufn Ай бұрын
Def shouldn't have overloaded for 3 face damage against this kind of deck haha
@radokral Ай бұрын
Also clearing the therazanes instead of waiting for reno next turn was another huge mistake i mean how do you want to beat 3x doubled stats
@Flamewarden_Honoushugoshin Ай бұрын
@4:44 I don't blame Chump for thinking the throw was on turn 9, because why the hell would you lightning bolt face on turn 8 and overload yourself out of reno mana with 3 frozen therazanes on board? Such a wack play, clearly Chump erased it from memory instantly to keep it from marring his own much superior plays in the future. Edit: opponent also missed finale taunt so it's not even like they were trying to proc finale....
@solar6212 Ай бұрын
14k dumpster legend plays.
@dandavidson3942 Ай бұрын
One of the worst plays I've seen in a long time
@naterao2060 Ай бұрын
Don’t need a brain to play Reno
@StRanGerManY Ай бұрын
They recognized chump and were throwing on purpose.
@hellbach8879 Ай бұрын
​@@naterao2060apparently you do need a brain to not overload the turn before you need to play reno
@MEGURMAN Ай бұрын
They were overloaded but only because they decided for seemingly no reason whatsoever to lightning your face the previous turn 😅
@xfreeder Ай бұрын
They did that because they were angry at their hand management and lost Ignis to overdraw.
@jamiejohnson157 Ай бұрын
A video where Chump plays big idiots; I'm in my happy place.
@SyckestBlah Ай бұрын
Do you refer to the elemental minions, or the mentals that are his opponents? :p
@larosejh Ай бұрын
Very big idiots. Trump should of lost game 1. Opponent had Reno in hand and there was 3 Therazan's on board and what did opponent do on turn 8? He bolts face! Overloaded so he can't play Reno on 9. Big durp move.
@RicardoEsteves Ай бұрын
Finally a deck I can play, I don't own many of the top tier cards like Zilliax or some titans 😂
@another7674 Ай бұрын
I like your singing!
@dandavidson3942 Ай бұрын
Yeah the games very expensive at the moment, ziliax would be a good craft tho considering how versatile he is.
@KhristianBolano Ай бұрын
Craft Zilliax, it's such a versatile card and its nerfs never killed its viability
@RicardoEsteves Ай бұрын
@@KhristianBolano I know, but I just don't have that amount of Dust :')
@majorgoobie5123 Ай бұрын
Others mentioned that in the first game the opponent couldnt play reno because they were overloaded. This is true, but I'm wondering if the opponent was trying not to play reno because of shudder, reno used up its tripple battlecry effect. It is still worse to try and not play reno but i wonder if that was part if it too.
@vitormelo3295 Ай бұрын
Keep up the good work, Chump
@azpadge93 Ай бұрын
First game my Therazane was in my last 5 cards 🤦🏾‍♂️
@YT-Lucas Ай бұрын
Damn Chump, back at it again with the whiiiiite vaaaaans
@user-ww3mf1ey6s Ай бұрын
This deck is ele-mental 😂😂😂
@Smallpriest Ай бұрын
@SanityDrop Ай бұрын
@user-ww3mf1ey6s Ай бұрын
@@SanityDrop look at ur pfp incel
@user-ww3mf1ey6s Ай бұрын
@@SanityDrop ok anime incel let's talk about cringe 😬😳
@imaforceanature7297 Ай бұрын
That paladin really played the only card that could make him lose there
@ShuckleShellAnemia Ай бұрын
Which card?
@Zakkeus Ай бұрын
@@ShuckleShellAnemia Isn't it obvious? Amitus.
@mkr4646 Ай бұрын
Who is playing around Buy One, Get One Freeze there, never mind two of them
@ShuckleShellAnemia Ай бұрын
@@Zakkeusit looked like he was about to wall up with therazane and amitus ended that possibility and forced him to change route, so no it wasn’t quite so obvious.
@SubwaySam10 Ай бұрын
The Guy without any expression in his face
@Jukantos Ай бұрын
I'm surprised to not see the elemental splitting card in here
@emraholgac331 Ай бұрын
Do you stream mr chump. I would gladly watch your streams.
@LebaneserScrooge Ай бұрын
7:24 could have played Tainted Remnant then froze it for 54 armor 😂
@polyjackets8659 Ай бұрын
New VoD when
@Jartran72 14 күн бұрын
I re looked opponents turn 8 in the first game. He played a lightning bolt on your face for no reason, that is why he could not play reno lol.
@user-hq7wj3xx4d Ай бұрын
It's been how many years, and I just noticed grimestreet outfitter is wearing a hat, not a slick hairdo
@inioszi3053 Ай бұрын
Chumpyyyyyyyyy, yayyyyyyyyy
@tomcut8361 Ай бұрын
this guy is just working for blizzard xD dont blame him
@FrostedSapling Ай бұрын
They were overloaded, but it was still a huge throw because they didn’t need to overload themselves
@lastbestplace8112 Ай бұрын
the smooth brain paladin second game...durrrr...not returning his own finley back to his hand and doing a 1/1 murloc to Chump instead...bro was maaaad
@JanWilkeComposer Ай бұрын
Canaries can only return enemy minions, there was no way for him to return his finley.
@KhristianBolano Ай бұрын
Reno is such a braindead card. It honestly ruins all the flavour about highlander decks. You're meant to have a great payoff for playing a worse deck but let it be a cool card at least, such as most of the class payoffs. Instead it seems they first designed Reno to be freaking OP and then designed the class payoffs depending on Reno, which just means weaker class payoffs except for Brann.
@pehash Ай бұрын
Oh wow, god forbid you have to use ur brain for the game and try to bait a reno, or avoid to overextend or do anything to counter it… yeah, lets cry about reno being braindead instead of looking into a mirror.
@KhristianBolano Ай бұрын
@@pehash the evergreen argument: play around it! You assume people don't because maybe you feel so skilled when playing an insanely stupid card. I hit legend this month and the final boss was Reno Priest, I tried to bait the Reno throughout all the game and the opponent always managed to clear my big boards efficiently without Reno even after loads and loads of handbuffs thanks to Magatha drawing 5 + handbuff stuff going on. Then the Reno turn eventually comes, even super late in the game, and it's still very stupid after baiting and/or playing around it. There's no amount of playing around or efficiently that negates the asspull of a card Reno is, just look at what Reno does: one-sided board-clear that removes non-interactables like locations and dormant minions limits the opponent's board space to 1, killing all your tempo and letting you develop your own threats or setupping a winning turn gives you 5 armor + probably the best hero power in standard right now, as if the amount of stalling and sustain the card provides wasn't enough. I still won that game, but the only thing that wasn't unfun about that is the fact the opponent didn't blindly play reno and he saved it as his last resort because he was a good player. I still had to asspull my way through Reno the Asspull Ranger because I had to play a very big zilliax and give it stealth with a random buffed sparkbot I got earlier that I intentionally saved for the occasion. Just face it, Reno is unfun and he's way too strong. And the problem will always become worse and worse. Everyone was crying about Brann but guess what? Highlander is still T2, and other Reno decks (that were on the rise before the Brann nerf) are T1 such as Paladin and Hunter. I wonder if there's one single card that makes them over the top uhm.
@alihorda Ай бұрын
​@@pehashor.. Just don't print braindead OP shit. Or change it, even decks use it which run multiple copies because it is that strong. Strategy my ass
@pehash Ай бұрын
@@KhristianBolano you gave me an example and then tell me that you won, and you still complain. Reno has a pretty big downside for playing it as you can only have one copy of each card and can be used late game.. its powerful yes, but its a legendary.. so its pretty balanced if you ask me.
@taleladar Ай бұрын
@@pehash There's no such thing as "baiting a reno". All this game really amounts to is putting enough sufficient threats on your board so that the opponent has to resort to using one of many really dumb board clears. And then if your opponent is out of board clears? Congrats, you win!
@HackionSTx Ай бұрын
This deck would love C'Thun's battlecry, is there no card like this in standard at the moment?
@Alpr1010 Ай бұрын
As usual my luck is awful. I played 6 games at D5: 2 of them I won (without doing the combo. both opponents were druids) 2 of them I lost horribly (warrior and plague dk and again, no combo) 2 of them I drew both patches and just conceded immediately
@user-sl7oc7pr9t Ай бұрын
Don't you want to add "Reverberations" here? This is a good defensive card in itself, which, in a good situation, can also be used on Terazan
@hoveringvan9961 Ай бұрын
@user-sl7oc7pr9t Ай бұрын
@@hoveringvan9961 I mean Reverberations, my bad
@alamand4769 Ай бұрын
I also wonder if Taelan over Rag would be a noticeable improvement to getting the main combo online. Magatha also seems like a pretty easy include though it didn't really look like it needed the draw in most games, and I don't know what you'd want to cut for her.
@KhristianBolano Ай бұрын
@@alamand4769 Magatha is pretty bad in Elemental mage because she breaks the elemental chain for no reason basically. You already have Chained Gladiator which can be played without having to worry to save a low cost drop to play along with Magatha, and it can draw many cards as well, and you run it at 2 copies anyway. Taelan Fordring breaks the elemental chain as well, it doesn't apply pressure and makes the deck slightly worse overall. It's not like playing double Ragnaros in any given turn is bad
@mariussielcken Ай бұрын
​@@alamand4769Magatha gives your frost copy minion spell to the opponent and you lose. I had a fools play Magatha in frost death knight give me 3 spells. People really love Magatha.
@oscarsworld6847 Ай бұрын
@basyapupkin3444 Ай бұрын
5:46 opponent was overloaded so he couldn't play Reno on 9
@kramerx7518 Ай бұрын
1-6 with this great deck. Ty for the tip!!
@anthonyrossi7013 Ай бұрын
Didn’t realize I clicked on battlegrounds gameplay
@JtheMunch Ай бұрын
Chump playing Battlegrounds again
@invisibledog93 Ай бұрын
yeah until the opponent renos
@milkpants7901 Ай бұрын
He really does put the hump in Chump, thank you for the content
@CDumke Ай бұрын
Tried the deck dia5: 1-6 losses it's really bad.
@Revengesender Ай бұрын
I’m D5 too it’s like when you have this deck as a mage you kinda automatically lost unless your open throws. It’s so frustrating being mage this meta
@soverus29 Ай бұрын
Колода неиграбельный мусор
@lennymost167 Ай бұрын
this pala missplayed so hard. Cool deck but it sucks against every reno deck
@deoxelhd4007 Ай бұрын
lets be honest this deck is completly revolves around drawing one specific card and if you dont draw it you just lose instantly
@MrShannon1982 Ай бұрын
Deck is fucking horrible.You tried i guess
@frozen_spider Ай бұрын
U new here mate? :)
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