Are you in doubt about Cid after watching the video? I would recommend waiting a few days, check the Ranked Charts for most DMG. He is already there in ICE, but doesn't seem he will make it to the other elements. That could help you with your decision making process! My two cents!
@callumbain123815 сағат бұрын
Too many characters too keep up with now. Cid unfortunately gonna be a hard pass. Tifa and Aerith will get those abilities at some point
@Marzellus199114 сағат бұрын
I usually go for one LB on each character to give them something but you're right. Which is why I focus Tifa and Aerith mainly anyway
@hizan6922 сағат бұрын
The main difference between the two stop limit breaks is that one occurs only on first use, and the other one is ALWAYS!!!
@pliyo21 сағат бұрын
Well spotted!! Didn’t see that, this is great info, thanks for sharing!! This makes the last LB very very useful indeed, also his Ultimate Weapon can increase LB potency too, so perfect combo! 🚀🚀
@Marzellus199114 сағат бұрын
That's great tho. Any delay means we can build ATB up. So Cid is useful to some degree. I think people just downing on him cause he's not up to par with dps like Cloud, Tifa, Vin, Yuffie and Seph
@TeamSteelSky12 сағат бұрын
good analysis, thanks for the vid. i’m interested in the outfit but will probably wait till the last day or two of the banner in case there’s news of what else might be coming
@pliyo11 сағат бұрын
I think that’s the best, waiting to see what’s coming next. AFAIK, Glenn comes next week (or soon) with an ICE banner and Barret UW comes in February!
@pliyo11 сағат бұрын
Thanks for your comment, sir! Appreciate you!
@OldManSakakiКүн бұрын
Thanks for the breakdown
@pliyo10 сағат бұрын
Thanks you!! 🙏🏼
@jaythe4kКүн бұрын
Great video bro. Keep the FF love UP!!!
@pliyo10 сағат бұрын
Yooooo!! Thank youuu! Appreciate you!!
@titi373620 сағат бұрын
22:50 🤣😂😂😂 Yeah it's so annoying when you're a the top and want to check the LB, I don't know why there is not an option to check them from anywhere yet.
@pliyo10 сағат бұрын
LOLMAO you get me! We got endless scrolling of doom before GTA 6 💀
@RobertoMarciano-ph6ch18 сағат бұрын
about the command gauge weapon, the guild lucia weapon can do the same but probably lower
@pliyo11 сағат бұрын
So true!! Totally forgot about Lucia!
@edwardsgamingcorner38806 сағат бұрын
Cid is a complicated case. It is definitely more whale oriented, but I do foresee Stop being a utility in hard fights in the future. He is the offensive support version hence the lack of heals, and I believe he will be used in places where you indeed don’t need the heal but you do need the utilities that would nerf the boss. Consider: you play Ranking and you need less damage taken. If Stop or Enfeeble ensures one less attack from boss or a faster kill, you get the better score. You also “replace” heal with stopping the boss from poking holes on you. At the same time, for F2P it offers some utilities unique to him that with only 1-2 copies of those weapons you get to benefit from them. I would not sleep on this as there is a great chance a future crash carry will need to play support and as most of his weapons work with just 1-2 copies, this could extend your options to clear coop crash events otherwise you would not be able to. I think we will have an increased strategic depth to battles henceforth assuming those utilities don’t hit an immunity wall (like stun and silence which are useless). I do love the command gauge weapon as well, and I like that we got an upgraded S19/Kuja on him. He is turning into a good dedicated support unit. I like your analysis and I look forward to more :)
@titi373620 сағат бұрын
So if I pull for Cid only first page ang gets his weapon OB1 let's say. Is enfeeble + ice resis down mid better than ice resist down high ? Or the same ? Or something different altogether ? This weapon seems okay to have not necesaraly at OB6+ if it's better than element resis down high, if not I won't pull.
@pliyo19 сағат бұрын
While Enfeeble is running, any buffs applied will act as if they are in the next tier, but you won’t see three arrows, only Enfeeble effect because it works across all debuffs
@SquallSf17 сағат бұрын
Yes it is better then plain Ice Down high. The reason for it is, it is a separate effect, so if you apply another debuf like P/M def down, it will amplify that too. In short it adds one extra tier to every debuf on enemy - the more different debufs, the more value to the weapon.
@SquallSf17 сағат бұрын
Excellent review, S++!!!
@pliyo11 сағат бұрын
Thanks a lot!! Wishing you all the best in your pulls!
@St8rGene20 сағат бұрын
Aún no he entrado al juego desde que pusieron a Cid (entré horas antes para las diarias xD) ,pero basándome en tu vídeo voy a comentar un poco su kit. Aunque como recomendación futura, quizás sería mejor hablar primero de sus límites (ya que sí o sí todo el mundo los obtendrá primero,y podrían tener sinergía con las armas lo cual hace la decisión más clara) , luego la guild weapon (again,accesible para todo F2P) , y finalmente las armas del banner. Límites : Curiosamente el límite básico ES BUENO en caso de que la pelea sea corta y sepas que lo vas a usar solo una vez o para full DPS. Mete un galletón superior a sus otros límites y da Stop,que por cierto aún no sé exactamente qué hace o cuántos enemigos en el pasado son inmunes. Los demás límites son decentes pero nada del otro mundo a menos que Stop somehow cancele el casteo enemigo y lo anule...en cuyo caso es mucho mejor la mecánica de lo que parece,pero posiblemente estaría muy broken de ser así xD. Traje : Bueno,pero no sé si merecedor de ser para un banner Limit break, no me convence del todo. Armas : La única que veo interesante es la Limit Break (a 0 o 1 estrellas para F2P) AUNQUE tengo que ver cómo funciona exactamente Enfeeble...por ejemplo,si usas el Límite de Vincent que inflige Atk/Def a VERY HIGH (4 tiers) , si le metes enfeeble sube a 5 ? Porque creo que la mecánica de tier 5 buff/debuff ya existe en el juego (no sé si era Shiva battle que lo usaba y se llamaba "Ultimate" o algo así, CREO). El resto de armas...meh : Algunas son buenas como sub para otros personajes como comentas,pero el propio kit de armas de Cid está MUUUY limitado en elementos,y prácticamente todo es Non-ele,que estaría bien de no ser porque enfeeble (que asumo funciona para debuffs clásicos tipo DEF/ATK pero también para imperiles) hay que combinarlo con daño elemental para que al menos Cid tenga ALGO que hacer tras el enfeeble. Resumiendo : No me ha gustado su kit. No parece malo,pero tampoco interesante para F2P por ahora. Esperaré a ver más testeos o algún combo guapo como podría ser el que te he comentado de Vincent en caso de que funcione y el multiplicador merezca la pena.
@pliyo10 сағат бұрын
A mí tampoco me convence mucho aún, porque le faltan muchos imperils, sobre todo de los dobles, y le falta más support. Enfeeble está muy rota, y el combo que comentas funciona, es decir tiene muuuucho potencial, pero aún apenas lo aprovecha. Angeal y Vincent creo que entraron más fuerte. Sobre todo Angeal que ahora mismo me parece la mejor unidad para F2P. Sobre el combo, si recuerdo bien, Beast Flare hace PATK down High y MATK down High (ignorando resistencias), entonces con esto sería como subirle un tier, y llegarían a Extra High. Muy interesante para Crash Battles donde a veces te meten tamaña ostia que te revientan la boca de una! Es decir 1000% estás en lo cierto pero creo que son 4 stacks y no 5? Puede que me equivoque! Lo que me parece interesante de Enfeeble es que una simple materia de Imperil o Debrave o algo así, ya se pasa de Low a Mid. Creo que si en el futuro le meten más armas de coste 3 este personaje puede molar muchísimo. Stop para al boss, pero si tienen una barra activa la barra se sigue rellenando (imagino que ya lo habrás visto), entonces está bien para algunas sigils phase, popeas el LB justo cuando comienza la fase, ahorras ATB, y le metes sigils, eso puede molar también. Lo que me gusta es que aumenta el skill gap, hay más posibilidades, promete! Pero es cierto que como inversión para F2P no me parece tan “must have”. Sobre todo sabiendo que el hanniversary se viene, y en 3 meses tendremos a un pj nuevo lol, para cuando has construido a Cid ya hay otro que quizá sea mejor. Cid ahora mismo es top para ICE, pero en el resto de elementos está ausente. No sé, espero sinceramente que Enfeeble sea única de Cid durante mucho tiempo, pero que a su vez las siguientes armas suyas también traigan Enfeeble porque menuda decepción si no. Also… Barret UW en Febrero, y espero que por fin le metan Veil o Provoke 👀
@St8rGene9 сағат бұрын
@@pliyo Me equivoqué, es verdad, Vincent hace debuff a High (pero ignora resistencias) , es su otro límite el que hace "Very High BUFF" osea que Enfeeble con ese otro límite no es aplicable. Sobre sus límites aclaro también que posiblemente su límite básico no quite más que su otro límite, lo que pasa es que en tu vídeo tenías ya el límite 1 subido (y los otros no) y pensaba que el daño era distinto,pero al menos a nivel 1 los dos hacen el mismo daño,por lo que será otro límite 1 inútil,como todos los demás a estas alturas xD Stop pone en las notificaciones del juego que cada vez que lo usas afecta menos al enemigo (25% menos) ,hasta que acaba durando solo 3 segundos. Sin embargo,y esto tampoco lo sé, con +Debuff duration (entre el traje,sus armas y otras subs que también lo den) PUEDE estar omega roto...pero mientras Cid no tenga nada más para hacer DPS decente quizás no compense usarlo estando Angeal como tanque (a menos que sea para ralentizar mecánicas enemigas). No sé,habrá que ver testeo y demás. Tiene potencial pero me sigue pareciendo un tanto "aburrido" su kit y más allá de elemento hielo no parece destacar sobre nadie. Enfeeble again tiene potencial,y con debuff duration (traje,pasiva del propio arma,y pasivas extra de otros armas) a OB10 (innecesario tan alto) podría dar...como 3 minutos (!!?) por cada casteo,lo cual está bastante roto en principio...pero luego qué haces con él? Es posible que esté tan roto que los desarrolladores hayan decidido que todo su rol gire en torno a esa mecánica (que es limitada,por ahora) y ello implique que Cid nunca le pongan nada elemental decente,porque si le dan UN arma buena de DPS sería el mejor supporter ofensivo Y semiDPS a unos niveles que lo harían must have en guild battles...pero bueno,también hicieron esto con Vincent cuando salió,y tiene sentido si quieren ganar dinero en un personaje que en principio no es fan-favourite de casi nadie. Ya veremos,el tiempo lo dirá. Promete,pero para F2P o nuevos jugadores (o gente que no entienda bien de combos/mecánicas) no es interesante con el halfnniversary a la vuelta de la esquina. PD : Te faltó comentar el Ultimate gratuito de Cid. No te digo lo que hace por si quieres comentarlo en un vídeo o algo.
@ka8s115 сағат бұрын
for the new tower its cid, yuffie and Matt, thats a pretty good team.
@Marzellus199114 сағат бұрын
Cid and Yuffie work well together
@pliyo11 сағат бұрын
Indeed! And Matt is a great healer so this is pretty fun!
@alchalant466315 сағат бұрын
I’m actually like really mad they added a whole new character with a dozen weapons and we still don’t have a boost attack earth sub weapon
@pliyo11 сағат бұрын
100%! Also he only has one element and is wind? And no imperils? I feel he would have totally rocked if it came with at least one weapon with double imperil like Earth and Fire, or something like that
@theman118718 сағат бұрын
Nice video bro!
@pliyo11 сағат бұрын
Thank you sirrrr!!
@titi373620 сағат бұрын
4:59 no it only goes up to mid unfortunatly :(
@DamonCarter-i5p20 сағат бұрын
While he’s a good unit for sure, I’m not a whale who can go for every limited banner so I’m not chasing this meta. If there haven’t been so many limited banners, it might be a different story. One copy might be great but I assume it will take 18k for a single copy. Could get lucky, but that’s what I always assume and I’m usually right. So I’ll just do without.
@pliyo11 сағат бұрын
I think this is a great thought! They have released so many limited banners that I fear Cid is going to be a flop 💀
@Ramen-ECКүн бұрын
feels like total whale territory 😅 but because i need to pity tifa's uw, i have to pull something.......😔😔🤔🤔
@lightgren8ds26717 сағат бұрын
Why whale territory. You literally need one copy of his limit break weapon.
@Ramen-EC8 сағат бұрын
@@lightgren8ds267 yea ur right only 1 copy is needed to make some use of cid. but we have to keep in mind cid will be replacing a character slot in the party. so in order for it to be worth the slot, we gotta go deep and get at least ob6. and with collab, and 1.5 anni coming up so soon... it feels like only krakens can afford to ob6 or 10 this at this time. also it's very likely that cid will be kind of a 1-trick pony as an ice support for quite some time (like 1-trick glen's phy water setup) since cid not expected to get many banners going forward (like half the current roster). so, going deep ob6 or 10 on a limited banner for a character that's likely considered very niche use cases makes it quite whale territory for me
@alchalant466315 сағат бұрын
Got the new weapon finished and scimitar ob6 - ready for next week 🎉. Yeah the costume is fugly
@pliyo11 сағат бұрын
Let’s goooo!! Ob6 is the way indeed! Congrats on your scimitar, I’m pulling soon!
@AJML34318 сағат бұрын
Agree for f2p one copy and be out. I will do that
@pliyo11 сағат бұрын
Let’s gooo!! Wishing you all the luck!!
@VertexNeo19 сағат бұрын
In my opinion this game is a scam. For example i got 5 x 5 stars on 200 draws, which is 10 below average based on their published rates. Two of them weren't even on my wishlist. I've never seen rates above average. Coincidence ?! ahahah Its rigged 100%
@jacksonstubbs299916 сағат бұрын
Man is mad rng didn't go his way lmao
@Marzellus199114 сағат бұрын
Lol it happens to every player. Rng is rng
@VertexNeo14 сағат бұрын
@@Marzellus1991 Exactly, no one gets the advertised rates. That's my point. If somebody is near average rates it looks like an ultra lucky summoning season. People are so bad at simple math nowadays. Easy victims !