I am writing this not for myself but for the Praise and Glory to my Father in Heaven Jesus Christ who Is the Way the Truth and the Life, Jesus did the most beautiful thing ever for us, He died, was buried and Resurrected. He is Alive Forever, He became the Ultimate Sacrifice and died for Our sins, all we have to do is Accept him as our Lord and Savior, Believe with all our heart what he did at the Cross and confess with our mouths and we shall be Saved for Eternity. 1 Corn 15: 1-4, Romans 10: 9-10, John 14:6, Eph 2:8-9 I am writing this because I love you and I do Not want you to go through The Tribulation or Perish in Hell for Eternity, I feel Our time is growing very Short so I must warn as many as I can