@TmzoidsАй бұрын
When Cinna said she hasnt gotten a vaccine in 10 years. The look on Mayas face of major concern and worry.
@XavierQuintilla-e3fАй бұрын
I haven’t either on prob 25 years. What the hell type of vax are u getting?
@__gavin__Ай бұрын
@@XavierQuintilla-e3f As a normal adult, you should have at least the following vaccines: Covid, tetanus, HPV (especially if female), MMR and hepatitis B. It's also good to have: influenza/flu (especially if you have any respiratory problems, eg. asthma), hepatitis A, meningitis, chickenpox (if no antibodies) and shingles. If you have any health conditions such as liver problems, spleen problems, diabetes, etc. or if you're pregnant, a healthcare worker, live in or are visiting a tropical climate etc. then there are other recommended vaccinations as well. Talk to your primary care physician about it.
@Blade-cd6ghАй бұрын
@@__gavin__I haven’t got any vaccines nor has any of my friends or family and I’ve been completely fine, only when I was a kid
@masterace1071Ай бұрын
@@Blade-cd6gh he replying to someone saying he didn't get a vax in the past 25 years wtf does covid being 4 years ago have to do with anything ? he should have gotten in 4 years ago is what he is saying , what even is your point lmao.
@DrKanuckАй бұрын
@@masterace1071I mean other than COVID I haven’t got a vaxx in about 25 years. I also had chickenpox and shingles already so no need for those anymore
@elvara872Ай бұрын
The first ad placement just when Cinna was talking about her gas problem priceless 😂
@Henry-zm1vvАй бұрын
Ive become a huge cinnaphile these past few days, rly happy to see this collab
@samsee_caАй бұрын
i just realized, they’re probably waiting until episode 100 to launch the new podcast logo
@robinrathorrАй бұрын
now that would be pog
@AenhoaАй бұрын
Omg next week!!!
@Eric-gw2lxАй бұрын
I really hope they copy the lighting from Sweet and Sour or PressEsc for the new sets, those podcasts have amazing lighting
@alex7435Ай бұрын
@@Eric-gw2lxI doubt it since most of their podcasts are online
@fire2dayАй бұрын
Can I just point out how perfect Maya's ExtraEmily "You little rat fuck" impression was? It was short, but it was bang on.
@user-nc7jj7vx2zАй бұрын
@LiveOutLoud321Ай бұрын
the vibes of this are like a sleepover that’s happening because two of QT’s out of town besties are visiting at the same time and Maya and Cinna don’t really know each other that well yet but they’re all getting closer 😂
@jon2623Ай бұрын
Maya and Cinna are actually in the same friend group back in Texas lol
@LiveOutLoud321Ай бұрын
@@jon2623I know they have a lot of friends in common and have interacted before but they both very clearly know QT better than each other at least at this current moment
@shookgonАй бұрын
@limpychick4724Ай бұрын
Welcome to Beer About It, the podcast for pick-me girls! It's not like the other podcasts
@hend0wski29 күн бұрын
Cinna doing well and her dad getting into streaming because of it is so so awesome dude it's so fucking wholesome dude 🥺🥺🥺
@TheSvmuraiАй бұрын
The vibes are so fucking good here
@d0onutАй бұрын
You can see Maya calculating how far 10 mil would go at Alveus after she said no
@alexandsimbaАй бұрын
0:01 Audio listeners, Ludwig is wearing a cinna costume while they are all doing a video conference with Cinna doing a voiceover.
@drewpignuclearАй бұрын
Thank you, as an audio listener I was terrified of a live farting Cinna destroying Alveus Sanctuary by gassing tiny little Maya 🙏
@Zmaayn739Ай бұрын
QT sabotaged Maya confirmed
@NorroTakuАй бұрын
My favorite *beer bois podcast* episode 😂😂
@tayliftsАй бұрын
QT owning the stuff she's good at you love to see it
@3yp0nАй бұрын
IT'S WINE ABOUT IT WEDNESDAY GUYS, GALS, AND NON-BINARY PALS!!!! Audio listeners, the podcast is a lot brighter this week cause of the extra large forehead reflecting the light back to the camera
@JessGeekzАй бұрын
@shookgonАй бұрын
@esthevannАй бұрын
hey don't be mean
@xCheatahАй бұрын
@NinjaPtatoeАй бұрын
@Sammmieee_pАй бұрын
Love these 3 together
@ViciousVisschАй бұрын
Not a woman, but was feeling depressed today, luckily the slay was high today, I wined about it and now its better! Thanks yall
@d34d10ckАй бұрын
12:40 It's not like she wasn't bullied. She just doesn't realize when she's bullied.
@tayliftsАй бұрын
Not me being such an avid listener that I clearly remember her talking about the micro aggressions she received for not being "Asian enough" lol
@shoshanahelekАй бұрын
Hail Mary is a Catholic practice, it is a specific traditional prayer. Catholicism has the belief in saints and that Mary is a saint, they do pray to saints as well as God.
@rawrxheatherАй бұрын
As someone who has been pregnant it’s not always rainbows and butterflies. I really didn’t have anyone to help me. Like that. No feet rubbing no waiting on me hand and foot. I worked up until I had my son. Luckily it was my day off when my water broke. lol just letting my girls know it’s not that great. lol but everyone and every situation is different
@ultimpower9350Ай бұрын
Just USA things. Insanity
@dogsandbeerАй бұрын
It's just exhausting most of the time you're pregnant. Currently pregnant and I have a 2 year old and man, do I not sleep. Plus working FT up until baby comes out. It's tiring but worth it for sure.
Ай бұрын
Is very cool to see how much Cinna has grow up as a creator since the last year
@negativenancy3738Ай бұрын
For someone who LOVES Halo, QT refuses to give us this fabled Haloathon😩
@ianhi9572Ай бұрын
Stream idea!!!! Qt plans all of cinna's Dr visits
@beegbeeg9871Ай бұрын
I think you're onto something. Twitch should create a "Health" section so all these streamers do their regular medical check ups as content 😂
@sarahk2355Ай бұрын
this was my first full episode watched and i like the vibes with cinna. she should film more w u guys!
@desmondhumeАй бұрын
cinna needs zocdoc
@robertaguirre85Ай бұрын
Super fan here qt has said maya hate the yard boys multiple times and this was during her return to the internet where maya wasn’t collaborating with anyone
@maccamachineАй бұрын
Hell yeah these 3 together it’s gonna be a great episode I’m gonna wine about it
@Eric-gw2lxАй бұрын
From what i remember Maya was more into playing sports than video games. I believe she was in her high schools soccer team and also played basketball or something
@babadabahpАй бұрын
I'm like 90% sure QT said maya hates them when she was on the yard and she was 100% joking
@Karan-AujlaАй бұрын
I can confirm. This is what happened
@pavelchromcak7384Ай бұрын
I can confirm, I was the air everyone was breathing that episode, heard and saw everything
@igobyneqАй бұрын
Let’s not ignore that fact that QT said she’s depressed. That’s sad.
@themaster2764Ай бұрын
Depression is sad
@DrewtheJit26 күн бұрын
@@themaster2764sad is sad
@BP140Dubz8 күн бұрын
@@DrewtheJit if your sad dont be sad 👍
@JetsFittedUpАй бұрын
Cinnas dating life betrayals always seem crazier and crazier than the last
@JaxsonGalaxyАй бұрын
Thank you, Editor, for highlighting Nick's threats of violence. You made my day.
@artistlovepeaceАй бұрын
You are all very intelligent people and communicators. Thank you for your opinions. You all do a great job. Absolutely.
@urlocalh2h033Ай бұрын
LMFAO this ep coming out after the yard ep 😭
@ctsoundsyАй бұрын
I haven’t watched in a bit but the editing is peak!
@ameliakinsella572Ай бұрын
Crying at the ad placement hahahahhah
@Binkley447Ай бұрын
Did her dirty with the thumbnail ngl 😭
@Vic-ValentineАй бұрын
thought the same lol, weird
@TissueCat_Ай бұрын
all 3 of them are just laughing, why did that do cinna dirty? i think its cute, it shows them all having fun. ppl dont always have the most flattering version of their face when mid laughing, but that doesn't mean they look bad
@corvacopiaАй бұрын
@@TissueCat_A-B testing, KZbin allows creators to submit two thumbnails and it gives different ones to different people to see what performs better. The thumbnail I got had Cinna smiling while QT and Maya were looking at her with concerned expressions
@zacharymacaroni7649Ай бұрын
did maya kinda dirty too ngl lol qt def made this thumbo
@nulla2974Ай бұрын
Nah they’re all beautiful
@chrisarmstrong372721 күн бұрын
53:53 😂 Maya is looking at Cinna like she's from another planet
@KelseysPajamasАй бұрын
I was going to say Cinna is such a mood, but nah, it's this whole episode. Mood.
@boneharvesterАй бұрын
Audio listeners Cinna from the Hunger Games is on the pod
@LorilieHamiltonАй бұрын
I just recently started watching her a bit more and alwaysss think her name is so familiar and then Cinna-Brit is still somewhat but more original. And now I know why lol
@CommanderGreven1Ай бұрын
I'm beginning to wonder if Cinna is going to be the co-host for the streamer awards this time?
@nerdcedricАй бұрын
Can she be co-host if she's been nominated for rising star though?
@CommanderGreven1Ай бұрын
@nerdcedric qt did say she was waiting to announce who was co-hosting and such til after voting as to not skew the votes
@entraptanaАй бұрын
this makes me so happy I’m so happy I love wine about it
@thechin5523Ай бұрын
That Zocdoc ad timing is CRAZY
@arrownibent5980Ай бұрын
Farts, Halo and the Virgin Mary is the exact selection of topics I expected from these three
@corro202Ай бұрын
Amazing podcast.
@HorrorsPersistАй бұрын
"just tell us when the yard video releases" lmao
@BiotozeАй бұрын
As a 31 year old with an absent father, I must say that it’s way better that he wasn’t around. Cause if he was I would’ve turned out worse.
@soup_ostrichАй бұрын
@AutieDinoАй бұрын
29:30 :D i think i remember it, was 100% joking in QTs 'lying voice'
@gencselmani3473Ай бұрын
Didn´t she say it during the Wine about x Yard episode?
@LiveOutLoud321Ай бұрын
yep! and it was in fact in Maya’s no collab phase
@xRiizoАй бұрын
Oh shit! YOu know it's going to be a good one when it's both in person and Cinna is there.
@rubyredlotusАй бұрын
Didn't expect to be relating to QT stories about Halo 3 today. Classic game I miss clan stuff sometimes
@jeskoummАй бұрын
“I got the screaming barfies after my hearing returned after the 3 kegs of Depresso Espresso webisode….I can work in LA”
@neurotypixelАй бұрын
qt's divorced dads house trauma is so relatable, her "bedroom", jail all dads
@lostmycat567115 күн бұрын
43:04 actually freaked out by the sound someone drove so fast past me the instant this happened
@mollie_bАй бұрын
I’ve never watched Cinna’s content other than clips, but after watching this and the Yard, I realized how fucking awesome she is! This was a great ep
@khaos75Ай бұрын
never noticed how funny cinna was until i watched this
@jon2623Ай бұрын
its crazy to me that they filmed like 12hrs of Wine about it in 3 days
@NelsonGreenwood801Ай бұрын
Sweatshirts are all fire
@kaila_sparksflystanАй бұрын
I may have missed the Taylor Swift Lover snowglobes restock but at least I wake up to cinna on wine about it
@IdonknowwhatАй бұрын
Coming from a situation that I was removed from my parents to live my mothers sister with her kids who were older than me, the Christmas situation was very odd, it might’ve been due to my age( 7 or 8 at the time and my cousins all starting high school) I became very jaded way to quick and now nearing 30 now I just don’t have any connection or want for holidays anymore it’s become more of a pain than pleasure no matter who I’m getting gifts for
@giglymeshtalracАй бұрын
banger trio
@spatulosoАй бұрын
Those can openings were PEAK 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@virusDETECTEDАй бұрын
yippeee i love cinna!!!!!
@tofuriinАй бұрын
life is worth living again
@IzzyWyldАй бұрын
I wish I knew where Maya got that sweater I love it
@katsjaciАй бұрын
She got it at Disney when QT took her a few weeks ago
@IzzyWyldАй бұрын
@ hey thanks!!!
@JonathanLin-f8pАй бұрын
WoOO fun pod!
@BigAngBaracusАй бұрын
30:03 using this soundbyte for my text notifs
@GetEmFlaco92Ай бұрын
Cinna is so fire bro 🔥
@bladeneo7420Ай бұрын
Cinna beer is a inquired taste just like wine is. Any time I meet someone who does not like beer I tell them that it's the equivalent of drinking liquefied bread.
@Mr_MunchyАй бұрын
Audio listeners at 16:55 ExtraEmily calls in
@AikornsАй бұрын
You guys are all so funny.
@ghgfjfgkghdfhАй бұрын
The beer reaction LOL
@maddiemoooo00Ай бұрын
My pregnancies were hell. I was constantly hospitalized. I gave birth three times with no epidural and those were a breeze compared to the pregnancies.
@maia-kАй бұрын
describing being abused as being wack a moled?? 😭 glad qt got out of that relationship safely and cinna is super pretty
@beegbeeg9871Ай бұрын
Wait THAT'S what she was talking about wtfff?!?! 😭
@RotcivIceАй бұрын
I remembered this was on a yard podcast I think they called her n asked if maya would come on the yard she did say she doesn’t fuck with you guys but it was during when she wasn’t collaborating
@DaGoon_Ай бұрын
Oh man I cant wait for my favorite podcast Beers&.
@raquelandrescagigasbermejo7680Ай бұрын
this looks so cozy i wanna be on the pod
@annoy4nce64826 күн бұрын
33:55 if only there was some sort of... video/audio evidence of her saying this. also, 35:25 weird as hell if you have no context of the yard, but any yard viewer instantly knows it's because of slime.
@groundchele13 күн бұрын
cinna top surgery announcement?!!!! (NOT FAKE)
@smallvillesuperman889 күн бұрын
So about 12:40 I took a drink and choked on it for about a minute trying to recover. Near death experience.
@TinyPple45Ай бұрын
Love a vent sesh that ends with one person making a very compelling case for how not getting paid for their likeness being used by troll accounts to make money by basically just reposting their content is actually legally fishy!♥️
@luisastorga7315Ай бұрын
DRAMAAA now we need maya on the yard
@m.czandogg9576Ай бұрын
38:12 It genuinely blows my mind when people refuse the 10 million. Like, what? 51:15 The hardest segue hahaha 51:41
@shaylendoolittleАй бұрын
Grew up with 3 brothers and that is how I got into Halo2/3 and Infinite.
@fizwiz8126 күн бұрын
This episode feels more like wine about it does the yard than when they actually came on the pod
@JetsFittedUpАй бұрын
We need Maya on the yard, and shouldve when they needed a 4th for womens month
@JetsFittedUpАй бұрын
Idk who would be gone for maximum humor, maybe lud
@Beaky_WeakyАй бұрын
@maya theres a german beer with grapefruit juice that might taste the same, its called Schofferhofer. Its in Texas and I've gotten it at Total wine and more. Cheers!
@LifeOfACyborgАй бұрын
@atypicaloddityАй бұрын
The Yard did tattoos and waxing; Wine About It Mammogram episode when? Slime would be down
@PumpkinSpikeyАй бұрын
Bruh. Not beer. I could never 😂
@heybridieАй бұрын
finally, Beers&!
@Jj82opАй бұрын
Those weirdos on Twitter have to be stopped. Those people liking the clips will go follow her to the stream, if they haven't been banned, and still be disrespectful. While the poster doesn't care because they just keep earning from her image.
@serendipity10123Ай бұрын
What happened?
@Jj82opАй бұрын
@@serendipity10123 what she talked about near the end. They are clipping her out of context doing normal things but they are sexualizing her just for fun and they put Stake on top. I don't think she should just allow it because the weirdos watch it instead of going to her chat.
@serendipity10123Ай бұрын
@@Jj82op ugh, I hate those people. Unfortunately, she does not have any control over people clipping her streams. Or is there something that could be implemented?
@Jj82opАй бұрын
@@serendipity10123 I don't think she can do anything. Twitter should ban them or sue Stake maybe.
@ultimaq8730Ай бұрын
Dear god…I just realized that the center window thing isn’t aligned with the framing on either side and I CANNOT UNSEE IT!
@bored5344Ай бұрын
lmaoooo i feel maya why are you drinking MY FAV DRINK if you dont like it 🫠
@brotharapha7254Ай бұрын
@ the 38:15 - 41:10 min mark, Cinna pretty much said that she would do just about anything for 10 million dollars. I hope somebody clips that and sends it to Nick. He will make her regret saying that😭
@queen-patches233Ай бұрын
i just wanna know... cinna... can you possibly instruct me on how to douglas? 🤓 🤣 💜