Civilization 7 NEEDS these FIVE FEATURES | Civ 7 Wishlist

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@daveshively6988 2 жыл бұрын
I just want an actual globe. All 6 Civs have had coffee-can-shaped worlds where polar exploration has been impossible. The equator should be bigger than the arctic circle, and navigation over the poles (or even UNDER them with submarines) should be a strategic possibility.
@swordwaker7749 Жыл бұрын
This is a limitation of the current hexagon-based system. The map is to be played in 2d and wrapping the map around is kinda what can be done. Of course there are ways around but how would you maintain the simplicity of the hexagonal tile system?
@besjansvideos 6 ай бұрын
@@swordwaker7749it would be so simple.. just wrap the flat plane around a ball and fill in the rest with ice
@cybermitheral 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to see a mechanic where either through diplomacy (money, trade, etc) or war I can take pieces of another civs land.
@JumboPixel 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah the capturing of individual tiles would make a big difference
@jeremykraenzlein5975 2 жыл бұрын
So if you have a city without a campus district, for example, and a foreign civilization builds a university near that city, you can try to take that university's tile through war or diplomacy and get a "free" university? This could end up affecting district placement. "I would like to build a university next to those mountains, but that is too close to a hostile neighbor. This other location has less adjacency bonuses, but it is safer." Could a city with a campus district take their neighbor's campus district, and end up with two campuses?
@devincook1396 2 жыл бұрын
@@jeremykraenzlein5975 The system for civ6 isn't built for that in mind, but assuming they wanted to do that in Civ7, the mechanics wouldn't be the same as civ6 on border issues. If done through war, maybe the tile is wiped and pillaged or ransacked for it's bonuses and turned into ruins that need to be cleared for an empty tile. "The Culture Bomb is triggered on a specific tile (usually by building a tile improvement or district). The result is the immediate annexation of the six tiles surrounding the trigger tile, without districts or wonders and falling within 3 hexes of one of the owner's City Centers. Tiles in which wonders or districts are being constructed are still flipped under the effect of a Culture Bomb, wiping out any unfinished construction in the process. "
@jyutzler 2 жыл бұрын
It would be fun but it would also be extremely difficult for the AI to handle. Anything with that many degrees of freedom is an insurmountable challenge for AIs.
@ShadowReaper-pu2hx 3 ай бұрын
Trading for specific tiles would be so useful and such a simple change. Negotiating open borders with city states would solve a lot of annoyances too.
@moritzm.3671 2 жыл бұрын
I really agree with the rivers. Rivers are extremely important. The Romans always had a big thing with the Rhine, and the Germanics (large parts of Caesars battles indirectly had to do with that), and in more modern time they were (and stil are) extremely important for trade
@JumboPixel 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly - well put friend!
@nostrum6410 2 жыл бұрын
they provided gold in previous civ games, I guess that's what the adjacency bonus is supposed to be
@krystiandoss5956 Ай бұрын
10:13 10:40 10:44 10:50 10:52 10:53
@mattcat83 Жыл бұрын
The maps of Civ 6 are smaller than Civ 5, which in turn are smaller than Civ 4. I would like to see a more computationally efficient game that can allow the maps of Civ 7 being much bigger than even Civ 4 without melting computers in the late game. People aren't playing the Civ series for amazing graphics, so instead optimize for large scale.
@Zimionz 2 жыл бұрын
I want a near-future age added, in which we are able to build and expand space stations, defense and spy satellites, possibly moon colonies etc. Not just in the form of special projects queued in a city, but as an entirely new play field. I also wouldn't mind a return to a more... grown up, less cartoony art style.
@chungboislim2061 2 жыл бұрын
People always talk about the art style, I can't tell much of a difference and think it looks great. What aspect of it is cartoony?
@Zimionz 2 жыл бұрын
@@chungboislim2061 The leaders and governors, in particular. The likes of Philiip of Spain who completely looses it everytime he gets upset. But also very abstract map features, the oversaturated colour palette... stuff like that.
@chungboislim2061 2 жыл бұрын
@@Zimionz I can see that. Thanks for the response.
@radiozelaza 2 жыл бұрын
Civ2 had the mechanic of movement along rivers as if on roads.
@RobertLey60 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, that must be added! Rivers as seperate tiles, make them navigable.
@queotzcatl3980 2 жыл бұрын
You doing well! I see you read some of the best from the forums! I like this! Half a tile wide is part of a discussion to subdivide hex tiles in more - like 6 0r 9 - subtiles, so that each subtile could host more resources, fine texture, more gradual stepped verticality. Part of the water discussion was also sort of dynamic and really at the base of what then became Apocalypse mode, with the rising sea level; a dynamic world. But in many views, water could have some particles characteristics as well, so a river like the Amazon, or the Nile, or Colorado river, with huge water mass, could be exploited in irrigation system canals, or water damn, inundating valleys, and or, drought an area or an entire lake, if over-exploited. Sorta like Timberborn mechanics.
@usedtobecroquetman1384 2 жыл бұрын
I like you included diplomacy in your list. The Civ 6 diplo victory is almost nothing to do with true diplomacy; it's an aggregation of random rewards such as a massive 4 points for completing the statue. IRL diplomacy involves, for instance, a civ bringing 2 warring civs to the negotiating table to resolve their differences. That, as other diplomatic activities, should be available to all civs/leaders with some having special abilities in that regard. What do you think?
@stevenhaase 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree and I was thinking the same thing. I play half my games with World Congress disabled and Diplo victory disabled b/c it's just more accumulation of some kind of resource. To add more nuance to relationships with the AI or other players but to keep it still within the realm of possibility, maybe they could build in scripts for conversations with multiple choice answers between the player and the AI (or other players). And with each major patch/update, they can just continue to add more options to the system.
@JumboPixel 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. The current system kind of feels like an easier domination win essentially. Or worse, a score victory 😅
@yaroslavkaplin2683 2 жыл бұрын
I d really like to have more tools to influence loyalty in cities. All you can now do is basically add a governor and build a monument. I d like to be able to commit mass repression or on the opposite side to gift population with money to make them loyal. I really hate when I capture a city far away from my nearest city and then it rebell every 4 turns. I also would like to have more variety of military units. I would like to have more strategic options when I go for a war
@jose.peraltabros 3 ай бұрын
I would love for Civ7 to have a way to deal with aggressive friends. If they attack a city state or another friend you should be able to warn them that there'll be consequences. Right now declared friendships are just a blank check for them to do whatever they want for the next 30 turns.
@Adyiss1 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to see a culture tree for each city, I don't think the cards were effective enough telling the story of your civilization culture and unique cities can be. But a customization city culture tree, where I can focus a city to be a mining city, a food growing city or maybe a trade city with a few unique tree squares depending on my civilization or other civilizations around it. I remember in Civ 5, you saw someone go honor tree and you were a bit afraid maybe build a unit or two and I like other civilization adapting to your neighbors cities.
@Jim1255783 2 жыл бұрын
All I want for Christmas is the ability to make roads within my city-sphere, and for the roads to mean something. Why would it take 2 turns for a worker to move from one edge of a city to the opposite corner after building farms, mines, quarries, etc? Throughout history roads would have emerged, either organically or by deliberate choice, to facilitate the faster movement in and out of the city. Please, Civ. 7, give me roads! My workers want to build roads!
@reubenistheman69 2 жыл бұрын
On my list are which I don't hear talked about much: - tradable food. Historically civs like Egypt grew rich and powerful off the back off food surpluses but food/pop tends to be tied to individual cities in 4x games - campaign mode where you have short term must-complete objectives along the way - would help introduce variety to the 5x win types which (for me at least) can start to feel stale after a while
@JumboPixel 2 жыл бұрын
Tradable food is a fun one - how would it differ from trading food via trade routes? I like the idea of more localised objectives too. Although we’d have to be careful, because they could easily become a chore to the player.
@reubenistheman69 2 жыл бұрын
@@JumboPixel tradable food could look something like you have an option to either sell food or feed/grow your population - it would make food less one-dimensional. If implemented in civ 6 I imagine you would do it via the main trading screen rather than as a trade route as trade routes dont have a mechanism to take resources off you. - Agree about campaigns. Would love to hear more of your thoughts about how civ 7 could spice up the current win condition mix which can be a bit "number goes up" PS love seeing a fellow NZer creating awesome content about my favourite games, keep it up! :D
@kevinkerkhoff6670 2 ай бұрын
Well in terms of rivers there might be a simple solution for what you want. Just provide a movement bonus for moving along the river. This improves military movement as well as civil aka trade.
@DrownedInExile 2 жыл бұрын
I'm with you on Rivers. Also the Industrial Era should change gameplay noticeably. If you don't have industrial zones and factories by then, you're screwed. You can't even build basic buildings and some military units without.
@klausfischer997 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to see in the next game an economic victory
@louissivo9660 Жыл бұрын
One of my issues is finding a strategic resource way out in some god forsaken location. I want the ability to build a "Mining Town" for grabbing resources only. It's smaller, would not have a city's build option. It's just for grabbing a resource. Maybe it generates convoy ships to bring the resources to your nearest city. Something that can be grabbed by pirates and not trigger war though you lose the resource for that turn. That would drive you to build a navy to protect that route. Mass migration would be a great idea. Also give nearby cities a chance to create tent cities to assist the migrants. Allow two paths, impacting your amenities of your city due to too many folks, or a path to absorb them and build a higher population quicker? I always play with too many civs. So when they talk to me I'm confused on where they are located. On that screen I'd like a mini-map highlighting mine and their cities so I can see our location relationship better. I would love a better near-future tech tree with more interesting and realistic military units. I hate Civ 6's giant robot. It's a catch-all. It like the developers ran out of ideas. How about... - In air refueling planes that would increase the range of your bombers. - Represent the idea of drone ships/subs. Cheaper to build in higher numbers but weaker? Could be used to swarm the enemy Units? - Units that can lay down mines (sea or land). An anti-mine unit to expose them. - Chemical warfare units that release gas that lasts a few turns with a slight chance of blowing back on the civ placing them. It would weaken units entering the tile. Would cause the UN/Civs to denounce you. Lots of potential in this area.
@hs5312 Жыл бұрын
I would prefer they get rid of amenities, CIv V vox populi mod really had the best way of how Happiness should work
@tmntvspr 2 жыл бұрын
I would love strong city-states in later game become full npc threats, ostensibly becoming a competing dynasty/player/country
@TheSwiftFalcon 2 жыл бұрын
Some good points here. With regards to the World Congress and diplomacy in general, I think the Civ 6 implementation is actually very bad. First of all, you generally can't influence which resolutions will be on vote, so you can't really build much of a strategy around it. Secondly, you can't even fully control what you're voting for, since the action to be taken and the target of that action are determined separately. This is completely ridiculous IMO. Finally, the WC is not integrated with general diplomacy. You can't influence other civs votes, and there are no consequences for acting either against or for them in the WC. All of this is a big step back from Civ 5, but Alpha Centauri did it much better.
@dianabialaskahansen2972 2 жыл бұрын
Would like some internal stability, big rebellions, splinter states. The larger you grow the less stable your nation will be. So you could see your colonies in Antarctica rebel against you forming the United States of Antarctica.
@louisjabb3047 2 жыл бұрын
Really like the rivers suggestion. Since we're kinda brainstorming, here are my 2 cents. 1- Develop agriculture and commerce into more interesting systems than just "the thing that gives you food" and "the thing that gives you money". These 2 areas were more important to city life and empire stability than science and culture and they get no love. 2- I want to have more to do with great people, great generals should be able to die in battle, great artist and scientist should have to be patronized to produce their great work. Maybe have great people turn a district into a "great district" with better stats or bonuses. Also add a great politician or a great diplomat to support that playstyle. 3- Separate religion from empires. Have religions be independent with their own leaders and their own agenda. I want to see holy wars and crusades, military orders and monasteries. I want to be excommunicated because I helped an heretic civ or because I declared war on a civ with the same religion.
@JumboPixel 2 жыл бұрын
The separation between religion and empire is really fascinating, isn’t it. It would be nice to see more natural, loveable systems where mechanics like religion take on a life of their own.
@zaczaclee 6 ай бұрын
I want to have proxy war, and sanctions , or more victory modes. Also more future era tech like anti matter bomb
@goldenwolf90 2 жыл бұрын
Personally more nuanced details would be nice. Like for example take the natural disaster, but just generalize it to weather in general. Some areas more rain, etc. but actually display it visual would be pleasant as well. Additionally a day cycling would be nice as well, the game progress through day and night cycles, so in ancient eras you would see the glow of torches and as you progress into modern techs you’ll see your cities glow up with lights. These small touches may make the game overall more stimulating to watch, as the game can become quite stagnant visually after a few hours.
@TeaDrivenDev 2 жыл бұрын
Probably controversial opinion: Despite all the apparent flaws in the implementation and balancing, "Humankind"''s dynamic cultures mechanic has rewritten the playbook for faction choice in "historical" 4X games, and any game like this from now on that only offers the traditional "here's your civilization, it has a handful of special traits/buildings/units that are mostly only relevant to the period of time when its historical counterpart played a role" approach will already be dated. Of course a hypothetical "Civilization VII" can't copy the system verbatim, but it will need _something_ better than "Hey Canada; play nice with the Egyptians, Romans, and Mongolians. You'll get your special stuff in a few thousand years."
@eliasstenman3710 2 жыл бұрын
Some of these suggestions I think are good, but there are some I think are a bit out of place for civ. The HOI4 events system works well for a game with limited historical scope, and indeed also historically limited scenarios for civ like Outback Tycoon. But Civilization is a game that thrives on emergent storytelling, and adding in a set number of pre-written events would make the game less replayable. Personally, I like to imagine myself those kinds of events based on the story that emerges. Also, individual tile exchanging seems unecessary. If it’s a resource on that tile you want, you can already buy resources. If it’s a yield, there are gonna be many other tiles with similar yields.
@JumboPixel 2 жыл бұрын
Try thinking about the events more as global events - random, variable and influenced by what’s happening in the world (eg seas are rising, look out!) I’d have to disagree with your second point flat out though. The AI will not just sell you a resource because you want it. In fact - if you’ve been fighting them it’s unlikely they’ll be your trade pal 😂😂 Resources like uranium are hard to come by.
@camielkotte 2 жыл бұрын
I and 6 people I know personally really don't like civ 6. We all play civ 5. I am very sceptical towards vii...
@daes9401 2 жыл бұрын
Same here! Civ 6 felt like a step back with some interesting new mechanics which ended up being gimmicks.
@mattcat83 Жыл бұрын
Civ 6 devolved into a glorified board game with a cartoonish art style. I would like to see a return to serious yet emergent alternative history, preferably with emergent factions. Seeing Australia start in the Ancient Era along with Babylon and Assyria is just silly and incredibly ahistorical.
@alphatucana 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that the AI in all Civ games has been pretty poor - a major disappointment, really. So my number 1 request would be an AI that relies on intelligence rather than cheating by way of extra units and extra productivity. Microprose (Regiments, for example) seem to be able to make the AI in their military games actually intelligent, so why not Firaxis? Beyond that, diplomacy in all Civ games is little more than simply tiresome, dull, dull, dull, and simplistic almost beyond imagining. And when we set units to auto-explore, could they maybe not be magnetically attracted to the Arctic regions or the nearest barbarians? Maybe we could set them objectives - find Wonders, find other civs, explore the tropics...? And our military units: Objectives like patrolling our borders could be useful: only the AI has the patience to move its units around all the time, after all. Next, Wonders. My favourite has always been the Great Library in the old Civ games like Civ 2, which were really powerful. The current crop are really rather too subtle in their effects to be much fun. I forget what most of them do once I've built them: a few extra culture points or something? Ho, hum. Your point about remote resources was a good one. In Civ 3 we could build an Outpost on some distant resource and mine it, at least until some nearby civilization took control of the area. What's wrong with that? Finally, the end game. Like diplomacy, that too is usually dull. As you pointed out, often enough one ends up basically going through the motions for several hours just to get it over with. Often, once the outcome is clear, I just quit and start a new game. The early game is still the best part by far. Actually, that's not the final part. Religion. It is pathetic that they are all exactly equivalent to each other, but very good that we can specialize them somewhat. But like with the wonders, I tend to forget what I've set up as it's all a bit weak: a couple of extra points of this or that: just not interesting enough, really. I think each one should come with some built-in super-power from the start, to differentiate them.
@richwilliams1863 2 жыл бұрын
No, no, no you're missing the main point. Since the beginning of the series Civ has always had a problem with the end game being boring. Industrial era onwards is always pretty dull. This is because the main fun of Civ is exploring and powering up your cities. Once you've crossed the seas and settled the remainder of the good land and your best cities are mainly maxed out the game is dull. Civ VII needs a way to continue settling all the way through the game (other planets, previously uninhabitable terrain for example) and a way to continually expand and enhance cities (more sprawl, underground sections, sections in the sky maybe).
@jyutzler 2 жыл бұрын
If they do that, then they also need to make certain mechanics expire. Otherwise the micromanagement would be unbearable.
@richwilliams1863 2 жыл бұрын
@@jyutzler Like what?
@jyutzler 2 жыл бұрын
@@richwilliams1863 Anything that reduces the incessant decision-making every turn. Builder/engineer management is the biggest one. Managing 10+ trade routes is very annoying. Some kind of default build order would be nice. Being to plow excess GPT into another resource type would be a welcome improvement to having to periodically scan every city to see if there is something that needs buying.
@hs5312 Жыл бұрын
I would prefer they get rid of districts
@chungboislim2061 2 жыл бұрын
"Yeah, let's ban incense!" lmao
@Myrslokstok 2 жыл бұрын
Think royal family should marry other royal famelies. Military should have suport by sea.
@tmntvspr 2 жыл бұрын
Ban a product globally, then black market production?!
@octopus8420 2 жыл бұрын
Not gonna buy Civ7 if they don't have a NZ culture with Jumbo as their leader
@JumboPixel 2 жыл бұрын
my maaaaaan
@joethemungus 6 ай бұрын
I’m just hoping its not another overpriced mobile game like 6
@sergeybondarenko2400 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to see Ukraine in the next release with zhitnica, rada and real Cossacks !
@JWK1101 2 жыл бұрын
I'm especially with you on rivers - prior to the development of railroads, Rivers were hugely important to travel, both economically and militarily. Embarking on river tiles should start early in the game (probably with the Fishing tech), and such movement should be faster than land travel. Trade should also be much stronger along rivers than over land.
@Hey_Fab 2 жыл бұрын
Reading this reminded me a game that I want to recommend: Brass, a board game which has a digital version on steam. It's a historical economic game focused on territory control. You create industries and earn money through trading and transport. The game especially highlights the use of rivers until the era of railroads where each player has to redraw from the scratch the transport of the goods.
@hilding2063 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed the amount of rivers, their length and direction largely impacted how successful entire nations were and are.
@Sal-kk1nk 2 жыл бұрын
I was just talking with my buddy about this same thing last week, rivers are the life of many civilizations in the past, not just something that takes you movement points away
@daes9401 2 жыл бұрын
You make a very good point. In fact the first human civilizations were founded next to large river systems (i.e., the Indus River, the Nile, Mesopotamia, the Yellow River).
@Sal-kk1nk 2 жыл бұрын
@@daes9401 exactly, they should be used as ancient highways or something like that
@TheCetarius 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to see more direct ways to intervene in other conflicts, sanctions, military aid, economic aid etc
@rileyswitzler3515 2 жыл бұрын
I think a disease event would be fun and would tie into the whole migration idea
@defintity_9951 2 жыл бұрын
I’d really love if they dived deeper into the different governmental and economic systems. In civ 6 it’s very bare bones and certain governmental system don’t have too much difference between them. In civ 7 I wish they would flesh out they internal side of a democracy using different internal interest groups, or quashing rebellions as a dictator.
@InternetMameluq Жыл бұрын
>In civ 7 I wish they would flesh out they internal side of a democracy using different internal interest groups Liberal democracy, specifically. Other forms of democracy don't have this problem... they have other ones. But yeah I totally agree. It'd be neat to have at least three economy systems from the 20th century, Fascism, Liberalism, and communism.
@11williams Жыл бұрын
I think a “town” district would be interesting. My thoughts on that are basically you can place a town district outside of your 3tile radius of a city to gather more land. Production would still be tied to a city but a town will grow and work tiles on its own and have its own population.
@786Kay786 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve played Civ 4 and 6. The one thing I miss is ‘culture bombing’ to take land from a nearby civ without having to go to war.
@azure_Soph 2 жыл бұрын
You can do that! Wether it be a world congress proposal or even when you play as Kupe or Jadwiga. Kupe culture bombs everytime you build a something on the ocean. Jadwiga culture bombs the tiles around any encampment.
@jamesdowell5268 2 жыл бұрын
Love the idea of getting inspiration from Stellaris! Another thing Stellaris does well is making players feel "unsafe" right up through the endgame. Not only is your win not guaranteed, but you might get completely obliterated. Not sure of the exact mechanics, but there seem to be events and crises (a space Khanate, an AI uprising, angry reawakened forerunner empires, extragalactic invaders, etc.) that "scale" in their intensity along with how powerful other factions in the galaxy are. Might just be that I suck at Stellaris though haha
@JumboPixel 2 жыл бұрын
That’s a really great point! I do genuinely feel unsafe playing it (in a good way). Always keeps me guessing, and thinking on my feet. Great points
@mmonsturr 2 жыл бұрын
Did you ever play the expansion for civ 2? Speaking about the zombie plague or the end of the world mode in civ 6 always reminds me of playing the civ 2 expansion that had fantasy, sci Fi, and even dinosaur scenarios Edit: it was called fantastic worlds
@JumboPixel 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting... hadn't even really heard of it until now, thanks!
@RobertLey60 2 ай бұрын
@@JumboPixel GamerZakh played it recently on his channel. check it out!
@devincook1396 2 жыл бұрын
The Civ6 map always felt small to me compared to the older civs, and the technology eras feel like they are lacking. The great war era is missing, power spikes between units seems off. I also feel the government system is too limiting. The game needs more decisions that add flavor, without completely determining win conditions. For a game that asks how you will rewrite history, they sure do limit civilizations to specific play styles.
@Hilipinapixili 2 жыл бұрын
Not really a feature, but I hope they go back to making tall empires viable. I personally dislike playing wide because as the game progresses it just becomes tedious to manage that many cities. It's the reason Civ 6 never really clicked with me when compared to 5, wide just has a massive advantage. There should be a balance between both, or at least make it so some civs favor one style and others the other, I dunno.
@dinoyuan1574 2 жыл бұрын
Civ 6 looks just too cartoonish for me
@rem1291 2 жыл бұрын
Rivers and events would be AMAZING. I know beyond earth was considered a flop, but I genuinely liked it and, as someone who only started playing in late civ 5, thought it had potential. I like to do my research in buying things and everything I found said civ 5 came into its own due to the dlcs. Beyond earth was given up on too early and had ALOT of good ideas in it. Tech web, systems to understand war diplomacy negotiations, events and quests while was great
@jerryamescua 2 жыл бұрын
Make it more like civ 5 and less like civ 6… Civ 5 was better for multiplayer and civ 6 has no multiplayer.. I tried to play civ 6 vs the AI but all the districts and annoying city planning makes the AI so bad and uncompetitive it’s just not fun. And the way they made policies make it to were you do the same strat over and over. I could only play a few games and I was completely bored. Civ 5 on the other hand I could put thousands of hours into Bc every game feels like a new strat.
@bartreisender6765 2 жыл бұрын
CIV 7 definetly needs a mature graphic where you can differentiate hills from plains
@jyutzler 2 жыл бұрын
Get the Hillier Hills mod.
@ShadowReaper-pu2hx 3 ай бұрын
I want realistic graphics again like Civ V but with more vibrant colors (like Civ VI) as Civ V is kind of dull.
@Lapeno456 2 жыл бұрын
I wish the game gave more emphasys in the population, like how in stellaris or victoria 2 population tends to move around the countries depending on diverse factors, and each carry their own religion, customs and their nationality plays a big role on the stability of the nations aswel.
@defintity_9951 2 жыл бұрын
Civ 7 also needs a foreign investment system. Meaning that if a civ has a strategic resource, I can send a builder to improve it and I can trade for it.
@kemsat-n6h 2 жыл бұрын
The thing I want most from Civilization 7 is a return to more realistic graphics. Not a fan of the whole “looks like a board game” aesthetic.
@daes9401 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. The aesthetic always felt like Civ-Fortnite to me.
@Jollyroger84103 2 жыл бұрын
So glad to see you back Jumbo! Been missing you
@leonardethier-gaudio2738 2 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see a simple change to your first settler. ( And only the first) I'd like to see them be able to move 2 tiles and still be able to start a city.
@-BigTMoney- 2 жыл бұрын
Port Cities in general need to be relooked at, in CIV VI it hurts your city to have a lot of water tiles, but if we look back on our globe that every important city we had was a port city, I have been wanting better river mechanics since civ 3. I would also like to see a few more units addded the step up from 1 unit to the next is night and day.
@hsaurma 2 жыл бұрын
The Districs should be a part of a seperate Citymap, not a part of the Worldmap, except from huge World Wonders (e.g. Pyramids).
@nostrum6410 2 жыл бұрын
larger maps that dont crash and more winning conditions
@JumboPixel 2 жыл бұрын
What more winning conditions would you like?
@nostrum6410 2 жыл бұрын
@@JumboPixel an actual culture victory, tourism is fine but doesn't really have much to do culture. they have had transcendence in other games. expand the diplo victory to more than just accumulating points. multiple different science victory, or a hybrid culture/science victory financial victory
@Pieuvre_xD 2 жыл бұрын
I think it'd be fun for players to be able to choose how complicated the game gets; adding religion, the culture tree and so on as you learn and go up to higher levels.
@Lapeno456 2 жыл бұрын
I just hope that all these new titles do great, thus pushing interest for the genre and new interesthing mechanics as result of the competence
@funlightfactory6031 2 жыл бұрын
I just started playing Humankind last week and I love it. It's a nice fresh take on this genre.
@jakobraahauge7299 2 жыл бұрын
And they should be really decisive on how your civ evolves! On rivers - trade! Trade - as in weslth, culture, and even exchange of ideas - like tech and religion! Also there are really stable rivers like the Nile the Rhône - but also really volatile ones like the the Euphrates and the Tigris. And on global events - like mass migrations. How you ever heard about "The Bronze Age Collapse"? When all these glorious empires and rich city-states literally were wiped out? First there was a drought - and then people went South and East from Central and Western Europe. Applied to the ancient era too - perhaps even more! On the other - the coolie event and the following fall in rainfall during the younger dryas was what was the start of civilisation and agriculture as people gathered around the rivers and had to transition into growing food! Somewhere cattle, others wheat, rice, millets, maize, and others potato. Could also be a plague! That really has contributed to a lot of social innovations - such as collapse of empires and economical rights for English peasants. And on diplomacy - Sphere of Influence but at at little more interesting way. I really he envoy system and city-state bonus system. But this could really be tweaked in my opinion I really loved your video - and I particularly agree on rivers! Lots of love from Denmark 🤗
@Teeeeeeeeeeeeem 4 ай бұрын
I recently had a thought about how the dramatic eras mode could be improved. One thing I’ve always felt was missing from Civ is the possibility for cities that become independent through loyalty pressure to become entirely new civs, possibly they operate like a city state but they can have more than one city. Maybe restrict this feature to dramatic ages since loyalty pressure is so important in that mode, but allow for independent cities to have their own identity instead of just being an unproductive military nightmare. Perhaps when they secede, they keep the name of the nation or state they came from but add a prefix to distinguish, or the new nation goes by the name of the first city to secede. The reason this would all be important is because I think it would be interesting to add a Language function, similar to how religion works, to the culture victory. Since in real life lots of countries may have more than one spoken or national language, I think it would be fair if part of culture victories was having the most cities or countries that speak your language, if a city secedes, they are at a greater risk of adopting the language of neighboring nations, and if this works like religion does in Civ 6, cities could have a certain number of citizens within that speak one or multiple languages, the predominant one of which will cause loyalty pressure toward the founding nation of that language. They could even keep in dead languages or languages that were founded by a nation that is no longer around, in other words, a militaristic player could in essence adopt the language of one of their victims instead of sticking with their original language, possibly due to a lack of culture or complexity.
@Galloh 2 жыл бұрын
Machine learning AI. With so many players it should be able to become a great AI in a few months!
@Pushing_Pixels 2 жыл бұрын
Rivers are a must, imho. They would have to occupy a hex, rather than the edge of one. It could be 1mp to enter, 2mp to leave across the other side, and .33mp to travel along the length of it.
@hs5312 Жыл бұрын
Here is a list of what i would like to see. 1) cultural assimilation and syncretism, this has a lot to it. For example, in civ v i found it ridiculous that as say Assyria i could conquer Paris in 500bc and then some can capture and liberate back to france in the year 1500. At certain point those people in Paris would no longer french, the notion of liberation is ridiculous at that point. So my idea for cultural assimilation is say i am Egypt and i conquer Korea who has 3 cities, over time the people of Korean Culture assimilate into Egyptian Culture, Maybe if Koreans are a certain percentage of my population as they assimilate part of their culture gets added to ours, which is Syncretism, and your civilization gets a small bonus. This could be different based on which Civ is assimilated/syncretized and when. Maybe conquer Inca and incorporate their culture and that say gives access to the terrace farm or a weaker version. 2) Larger maps, I want an option for 16 and potential 20 player maps without modding. 3) More projects like the worlds fair and international games in Civ V. 4) adding to that Certain tasks to complete or that can be completed for bonuses. One idea is first Civ to prove the world is round via exploration gets 2 additional trade route slots and bonus naval movement for example. 5) rework Golden ages and Dark ages, The notion that a civ would be in a dark age for the entire Classical era or a golden age the entire industrial is just flawed. I would say have it work like in Civ 5 where a golden age or a dark age is a fixed amount of turns. And change the way they are earned, completing a wonder gets you golden age points, conquering a city gets you golden age points, first to discover a tech, but say you lose one of your cities, you gain dark age points, sign a harmful peace treaty gain dark age points, etc..... 6) Add the events and decisions Mechanics from the events and decisions mod from Civ V 7) Add a Proper civil war mechanic
@xatel_3914 Жыл бұрын
I'd like a setting on multiplayer to have super quick paced games. Techs are researched faster, the production required for stuff is lower globally, so that games on average only last 2 hours (maybe 4-6 players)
@gumbycat5226 2 жыл бұрын
My number 1 and only wish is for a more sophisticated version of Civ 2. That game had amazing historical scenarios. The game design features of subsequent Civs prevent this. I think Civ 5 was the nadir but Civ 6 is highly unrealistic too.
@Angelfyre. Жыл бұрын
I’d love to see cities have less reliance on being autonomous, I want to be able to have a farming village that only farms and can export those grains to other cities in my empire so those cities can focus on manufacturing or harbors, etc. being able to trade across rivers would be a nice almost like a road
@michaelcovelesky5701 Жыл бұрын
CiV 5 is the best Civilization. But what I think would be a good feature would be the possibility of your empire rebeling becoming its own Civilization
@ddrei5249 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't really like Civ 6. It was fine but with Civ 7 they should build on the Civ 5 foundation rather then 6.
@cursedboyir 2 ай бұрын
Deconstructing and having the ability to not crash so much in late game.
@kevnar 5 ай бұрын
One thing Civ has never implemented that might be interesting is languages as technologies. If you're French, and you meet the Russians, you should have to research the Russian-French language tech before you can trade, implement treaties, etc. Then, you could trade the tech with other nations whose language you also know.
@avollant 2 жыл бұрын
Something I'd love to see throughout the game is the exploration of the solar system... first by discovering new planet via astronomy (global event) then by sending probes... and perhaps a moon base to build the colonia ship. I like playing Civ but I'm always left frustrated that I do not know how the rest of the system look like... after all, the the world is different upon each game, why the rest of the system would not be different also... and also, worth exploring.
@RationalOrc 3 ай бұрын
as someone who prefered civ 5 to civ 6, i have no idea how excited or not excited i should be. i would hope for more big picture strategy and less micromanagey systems to deal with.
@MatthewMcLain12 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to see more content as a whole (Ex: Techs, unique units, buildings, wonders, social policies, units, unique improvements, districts, diplomacy, game options, unique buildings, national wonders, improvements, agendas, governments and more)!!!
@realitylime4896 2 жыл бұрын
Mechanism by which half of the AI civ capitals don’t spawn within 12 spaces of your capital.
@JWK1101 2 жыл бұрын
Relatedly, it would also be nice if barbarian camps didn't churn out military units about ex the rate a starting city can.
@davidbacon9244 2 жыл бұрын
Navigable rivers and migration are both great ideas. The main reason for migration should be modelled in game, which usually is big pop surplus without economic opportunities. The best way,IMO is to detach pops from cities. Making cities the hardware and the pops the software.
@cheddartheadventurer7511 2 жыл бұрын
Havent seen this one in the comments, but more graphical and mechanics related to war. Chief among them migrations, famines and disease. Imagine seeing on the game map populations fleeing war. For this to work, I think population needs expansion/tweaking and given more importance beyond X # of workers.
@claytonstokes8655 2 жыл бұрын
What I would like to see in 7… first forget the that 6 was ever made, since 6 is worse than 5. I tired I really tired to play 6, but I just threw my hands up and went back to 5. Second if you are in a war it would be cool if you could ask the country if they would wish to surrender, save lives, and the destruction of their cities. Third workers that keep working, three moves and poof their gone? No thank you. Fourth stacking, I really missed stacking. Three of four workers and make a road boom done, make a farm boom it’s done. Stack any military unit and bang the city is taken. Fifth keep the great graphics from 5 and forget the cartoons in 6.
@perer005 Ай бұрын
Think the game and especially combat could benefit from having the "hexes be smaller", effectively making it harder to block each other's units. Districts etc can still take up +3 tiles, so no need for it to cause bloat in management.
@leeporter658 2 жыл бұрын
I would hope to see massive improvements on the engine itself to support large maps with 80+ civs (especially if you like to include many modded civs). Better optimized multiplayer games. Improvements to mod support and toggleable features that aren't baked into the base game or game modes (like toggleable governors, religions, etc.) to let us play however we want to without being forced to use features that we may not particularly like.
@Jalbesbe 2 ай бұрын
Main thing I'm going to fully disagree with because of the straight of facts and statistics, Civ 6 is not the peak 4K game. Civ 5 still holds the biggest constant player base and sales. The largest mods for Civ 6 are also to make it more like Civ 5. So Civ 5 is the peak still.
@RobertLey60 2 ай бұрын
Rivers, deltas, coast should have major gameplay mechanics! Navigable rivers, units can move embarked along rivers, rivers more or less a must for early settlements. Coastal cities should get bonuses
@nomadbrad6391 Ай бұрын
#1 I want to see a Civ 5 styled Map Editor (simplistic, yet plenty powerful).....Civ 6 Map Editor was an epic fail.
@Midnighttigger 2 жыл бұрын
this may be a bit of a ask for civ 7 but this is just concepts for advancing certain game elements Just an idea, i know this will almost definitely not be added - some stuff may be added idk ----group: elevations/rivers Rivers/dams: rivers (follow) this and have 3 stages in the course large (acts as less wide coast, custom bridge to pass on land?), medium (trade routes can go up and down), small (like the ones in civ 6 currently) Drought could dry up these rivers? Dried out rivers at the start that can be filled with water to revitalise desert land (a building in late game/dam) Mountains Mountain valley paths (I see those valley passes on the mountain that arnt passable) possibly mountain tiles are passable depending on what way you go through it? mountain cities? workable tiles and reduced improvements Elevation: ores depending on elevation, climate depending on elevation, resources depending on elevation ----group: Expanded resource system Water as a resource - handled like a resource (like food is), pipelines placable like roads with military engineers (same for pipelines with oil, gas etc), desalination late game Water beginning of the game requires fresh water city, city has automatic free water on its own tile, able to manage like 2-3 pop (desert cities, civ with ability?) Coal - with trade routes, requires this to transport (like production) Oil - same as above but with pipelines + combustion tech allows truck transport with trade routes Natural gas - same as above but without truck transport Any resource able to be transported over the sea (natural gas has a tech for this, lets call it LNG) Electricity power lines (place with military engineer) cannot be transported but is required to be hooked up to have a unified power grid - undersea power lines done with military engineer but is a harder to get civ Pipelines, electric power lines and undersea power lines can be placed outside claims and can be pillaged ----group: Trade deals/International trade routes Overhaul to the trade route system, international trade routes must be made in trade deals (turn based transfer of resources such as: Fossil Fuels \_ Natural gas requires a pipeline or sea access with LNG tech, oil can be done by pipelines as well Ores/Resources Electric - power line (undersea included) Food Production (cities on route) Money (negociated) Water - pipeline etc Trade deals have custom amount of turns setable for turn base transfer --group: Domestic trade routes Allow production, food etc to be transfered customly (such as a city helps another city for example help build a district) Well, thats a lot to read
@davidhole8175 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with all the points, but also Civ 7 needs... 1. A real dev produced large earth map that is supported and updated with new civs as they come out. Real world features, wonders, true start locations and etc. Much like Gedemons mod but officially supported. Here the devs should engage with the community. 2. Better mod support in general. Devs need to stop blaming modders and embrace them. 3. Better community support. The devs basically ignore issues that are raised. 4. To stop all the "crazy" stuff like zombies. This is garbage and filling with no real substance. Get the game working properly... 5. I love the idea of being able to colonise space. So once you complete a science victory you have the option to carry on running two maps. Make this an option add-on / game mode. 6. The midgame / renaissance / industrial era always seems to race by for me. Perhaps this needs to be extended out a bit?
@InternetMameluq Жыл бұрын
5:14: You know that's already inside the game to a degree, right? If you look at the XML you'll see something called 'havok' which is how long the game has gone without significant events. Exciting events like rebellions, wars or barbs lower the rating (raise?) and monotony raises it... The purpose is to correct those long periods of boredom, rather than address balance, but it is there. It may be possible to mode If you've ever wondered why a friend suddenly declared a surprise war on you despite liking you a tonne, there's a good chance this is why.
@Dacamster101 Жыл бұрын
While i like the casual graphcis of civ 6 i have to say i couldnt get into it as much as civ 5. It was too micromanagy for me, made it hard to have a game where i am zoned out and just clicking things. I'd like to see more automated workers again. Wouldnt mind returning to more realistic graphics tbh. Also, having seen interesting scnearios in civ 6, i would enjoy seeing some mythological civs brought in for fun. Can choose a historical mode, a fantasy mode or a mix. Just to shake it up. Or crossovers with other game franchises, like mass effect
@ShadowReaper-pu2hx 3 ай бұрын
They should add a supply system for units so you can’t have a warrior exploring the south pole after never having seen your country since turn 25.
@mik1984 2 жыл бұрын
Civilization needs to have longer development lifespans. Learn from Paradox, 10-15 years per game is way better than abandoning a game after 5 years and moving on to a new one. I would prefer Civilization VI v2.0 and eventually after years of extra DLC v3.0 not Civ 7.
@universecreep Жыл бұрын
I agree the world congress in Civ 6 was lacking. The propositions were boring. I would like to see just one thing per congress to vote on but make them more significant and harder to ignore. Civ V did a better job than 6 for sure. If I recall, Alpha Centauri had a very good congress - the things you voted on really impacted the game.
@Ratkwad Жыл бұрын
Id rather see your actions on the map push what tech comes next, i.e. builder already has option to build mine, or "quarry" and out pops mining as a tech if you have built one or two, three "quarries" same for all other tile upgrades. Same for civics, if your at war alot you get olgarchy tech pop out rather than do the tech first then get the bonus etc
@wildboy3937 Жыл бұрын
I just want civ 7 to be more realistic, for example religion shouldn't be all positive , i hate the fact civ's are racing to have i, religions needs to have negative effect too just like in the real world. also no proxy war? proxy war should be a thing, another problem with civilization game was there's no Super power rivalry in the late game, the End game should have that mechanics where 2 or 3 powerful civ become superpowers competing for some stuff like influence arms race, i hate the fact all civ's act like an empire even the small and weak ones on the end game.
@tmntvspr 2 жыл бұрын
Implementation of USSR disbanding, implementing ideology or religion that fractures a country into several separate countries then essentially "barbarian cities"
@forever_noir_2155 2 жыл бұрын
The difficulty. I’d like to see the difficulty levels change the AIs skill level and not just make them more aggressive and give them a bunch of handicaps.
@SuperCrumpets Жыл бұрын
i like how you unironically have to suggest a feature thats already in civ4 just shows how bad civ has degenerated since culture was supposed to be about taking over tiles not a gimmick tech tree
@Jasonwolf1495 Жыл бұрын
Crazy idea. Navals units move on the lines of the grid instead of in the center of spaces. This makes rivers navigable, and you can have units embark to then go along those rivers.
@johnconnor8206 2 жыл бұрын
I think that the boundaries between free city city state are very arbitrary I think it would be nice if maybe let say you could overhaul the current envoy system to Make it so you can be suzerain of civs aswell and blur or get rid of some arbitrary lines
@ilgaar 2 жыл бұрын
I wish they fix the stupidity of AI already. FFS how many decades civ fans should wait for Fraxis and 2K to fianlly patch the idiocy of the AI?
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