Claircognizance: Claircognizant Mediumship Training

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TS Hall — the Stoic Medium

TS Hall — the Stoic Medium

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BAM! In a blinding flash of knowing and insight, you clearly know what to do next. It pops into your awareness as if from nowhere. But how do you discern between Claircognizance or Claircognizant Mediumship?
I call this a BFO - A Blinding Flash of the Obvious.
But what happened? Where did this "Clear Knowing come from? Why now and how?
Was the information from the other side (your spirit guides and teachers or the angelic realm) or some other paranormal source?
Did you suddenly start channeling some other spirit entity from the angelic realm?
Or was this your intuition, your psychic abilities, or maybe some other type of ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception)?
In this video we answer the question, What is Claircognizance?
And explore how to improve your psychic powers and cognizant development and open the spiritual eyes of your soul (aka third eye) so you get these types of answers when you need them and their source.
KZbin Links Mentioned in this Video:
∞ The best claircognizance meditation: • Stillness Meditation: ...
∞ The best claircognizance exercises: • How to Excelerate Your...
Hi I'm TS Hall, @theStoicMedium, the Spiritual Director at Spirit360 Fellowship where our mission is to help you SEE FOR YOURSELF if Spiritualism, as a philosophy for living, is the right path for your Spiritual Journey this lifetime.
When you join us for a live, online Spiritualist Church Service to SEE FOR YOURSELF if what we're saying "feels right" and "rings true" for you and your life.
Be forewarned, Spirit360 Fellowship is NOT your GrandMa's Bible Based Spiritualist Church
And TS Hall, @theStoicMedium is NOT your typical Spiritualist Minister.
Once you SEE FOR YOURSELF what the great masters each taught, you become the master of your vessel.
#Spirit360 #OldSoulAcademy #EXCELerate
• Claircognizance: Clair...

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@theStoicMedium 4 жыл бұрын
Leave a comment sharing your experiences of claircognizance and LMK if you'd like my assessment about your experience. Cheers, and thanks sharing.
@oceanraen 2 жыл бұрын
hi there happy to have come across your channel ☺️... sometimes I know how things are going to pan out...i can pick up if someone is not genuine or lying or not telling whole truths... sometimes when talking to people things come out of my mouth like a flow and its like the other person disappeared for a bit and i usually say something after it like don't ask me how I know that and sometimes the information buzzes me out as well as the other person... recently I remember opening a packet of pulses and there was a voice saying use the scissors and I didn't listen and half the content of the pack came flying out n all over the floor...i am remembering things...numbers speak like words to me... very sensitive...i feel that I have just come out of the delusion you talk of but understand that it was to open me up to what I've always been doing but never noticed or realized...i also had dreams as a child... some of them have already past...i saw my cousins ex in a dream that told me she was pregnant... whole heap of stuff going on for me... sometimes I think of people and then they turn up...or think of things and other people say it...strangers open up to me alot...i get sick around some people or places...theres like a whole heap of of my daughters is going through some stuff as well i try to help her but some of it freaks me out... oh wow I just went off trying to be still and calm my mind and I am doing much better than so glad I found your channel... I feel it will be helpful for us☮️❤️🙏thank you for sharing your knowledge 🙏
@crundell34 3 жыл бұрын
When I was 5 years old. I almost drowned in a swimming pool. In the middle of a sheer panic I heard a calm voice in my head tell me "you know how to froggy get to the edge of the pool" It saved my life. That was not me I was in sheer panic mode I believe that to have been my higher self. That has stuck with me my entire life
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing that experience. Your Protector Guide's love was demonstrated in a tangible way. I'm glad you listened and are here today to share your story. Thank you.
@oliviam4134 Жыл бұрын
all the time when I first meet people I get automatic knowing’s about their childhood trauma, what they’ve been through and how that affects their life. I can sense low-self esteem, insecurity, emotional distress, if someone’s been bullied, if someone had issues with a certain parent, how that parent was with them, and literally sooooo many other specific details. People open up to me when they first meet me and tell me they’ve never told anyone else what they’ve told me. It’s been this way since I was a child. The claircognizance I seem to have is more related to sensing peoples state of being and past which I can’t find many articles or videos about.
@sarahsweitzer7483 6 ай бұрын
I have always done this when first meeting people. When I want an answer, I turn off my thinking and ask, and I get answers. I have never know what this called to recently. Thank you😊 for this information
@maryjane5128 2 жыл бұрын
I can hear messages in a home where a person passed away ...I'm also a light worker ...and a healer
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Welcome. I'm always blown away by the wonder beings we attract.
@kirstieworley515 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve watched dozens of videos looking for help/ answers on these subjects and your video helped me understand more than any others. Thank you. Thank you for the links as well. I’m still trying to figure all this out.
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
@Kirstie, Yay! Thank you so much for letting me know our little video was helpful. Keep up the good work and trust when you're ready, things will fall into place quite perfectly. Glad you connected. Warmly, Terry
@skipperdando 15 күн бұрын
Trivium: when three roads come together!
@justanotherperson584 2 жыл бұрын
Bam is right………right out of left field for my experience. Hit me like a bolt.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
@justanotherperson584 2 жыл бұрын
@@theStoicMedium seriously. It ha happened when I was straight out busy doing something.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
@@justanotherperson584 - Nice...
@mepeaches2499 2 жыл бұрын
I've had this knowing all my life, it has guided me through my life and my children's lives now I can see much better.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Samantha, I'm glad you've embraced your abilities and trusted what you know.... Glad you connected. Warmly, Terry
@gwendolynruff3745 2 жыл бұрын
Ive recieved flashes of things or people
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
If you're wanting to dial this in, start keeping a journal for your experiences and their resolutions. This becomes an encyclopedia of your awareness and will help you discern the source and veracity of your perceptions. Glad you connected.
@sardurondesarges6675 2 жыл бұрын
haha XD funny my third eye is vibrating looking this video. This guy is sending LOUD
@AzazelsWings 2 жыл бұрын
I don't "hear" anything, I just suddenly know, most of the time it's only the sudden knowing if someone is up to something/ dishonest, also if they mean what they say and are legit... but some of the time it's straight up details about someone's life. Usually the specific knowing happens when I'm emotional about something (anger, frustration). I suddenly know very personal dirt, such as wife/ husband cheating, drug/pill addictions. These are almost always negative type of things I know about strangers as though they've told me at some point in confidence. I have been able to confirm the majority. I also 'feel' people, if that makes sense. Not just their mood but ... their energy? Kind of like a sensing. Like, if the doorbell rings and I reach out in a way, I guess I can 'feel' how many people are there. This feels like I'm reaching out, it makes my hands feel like I'm physically extending them. It's very strange. The feeling is the only thing I can consciously do. The knowing things, it just comes I don't know how. I do know or think I can discern between my own thoughts and the other thing, because I don't get these knowings simply cause I dislike someone and wish I had some dirt on them lol. (Although I might be thinking not so nice things) It's a very different sensation. It's just all very strange and my heart aches a lot. This is the first time I have felt like people actually understood what this is all like, a sense of less lonely. I don't know if I made any sense or described it ok and not sound crazy... but I want to thank you for taking the time to do this. It's left me with hope and excitement to maybe get to the bottom of this. Thank you so very much. I can truly say. Namaste.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
With sensitivities as developed as yours it is difficult to not take it all in. For me, it's a matter of remembering to get solidly grounded in my own vibration and energy before and after any interaction. This simple step allows to to turn on/off and up/down the intensity of what I am experiencing. I use the center of my vibration like a touchstone to discharge anything unwanted my mind perceives. Keep on mastering the being of you and I look forward to see what it is you are creating. Namaste indeed.
@jackshank6241 2 жыл бұрын
You described the experience so well, I feel the exact same way!! It's like pushing your energy out and you can feel the person and every single person has a different feeling
@AzazelsWings 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackshank6241 kind of, ..... but I can sort of see them also. Say there is a car parked across the street, I can tell there is ( for example) 3 people, 1 in front, two in back as well as male or female. How.. that I don't know. I wish I understood how, then I could fine tune it, use it better and perhaps teach others how to. Edit to add: without seeing outside from a window etc.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackshank6241 - viva la difference... ;-)
@RareGemz 4 ай бұрын
I like how you explain everything I am learning about the different abilities and realizing how vast my abilities are I’ve gotten a lot of those bam moments
@ezkiller93 4 жыл бұрын
Really interesting video. So true about our first meeting with someone; the first thought you have upon seeing a person for the first time always turns out to be 100% correct. I personally find I get claircognizance insight when I clear my mind fully and am not thinking of anything at all. If I fully let go of everything for even just a moment, when I forget I even exist; is when it happens, suddenly and strongly. When I wanna get an answer to a specific question - I ask the question, then quiet the mind and keep it quiet until a thought pops into it. If it's a thought not of my own, it usually feels like someone whispered into my ear, or touched me and it knocks me out of the meditative state, like if someone snuck up on me. Normal, my own, thoughts don't have this effect. If my own thought pops in, I ask the question again and clear the mind again. Sometimes instead I get it in the form of audio, sometimes I get a flash of an image/or an image drawing itself in my mind, without me trying to visualize it. Sometimes a song lyric pops into my head. Sometimes I get an urge to randomly get up and look somewhere, or do something - like look up directly at the sky to see a cloud shaped exactly like a word I'm looking for, written picture-perfect in my native tongue (Japanese) - this actually happened, and it blew my mind. As long as you don't have an expectation on how you will get the message, you will get it if you listen. The universe whispers its secrets, only the quiet mind can hear. It's like a conversation. When talking with a person, you don't ask a question, then talk over the answer. Sometimes, with claircognizance, it helps if you act as if you're trying to listen to a really quiet person whisper, perking up your ears and all. Closing your eyes as well is really effective too. When I close my eyes, I don't know how to explain this, but I'll try anyway; I don't let them "zone out" - as in, go out of focus. I watch the blankness in front of them, as if trying to see into it. When I zone out, I just start daydreaming and feel myself losing focus instantly. Randomly throughout the day, I inhale deeply, exhale comfortably (not forcefully clearing my lungs of all the air) and then I stop breathing. At the moment I stop breathing, I try to forget my existence (or blank my mind completely, in other words). I use that "technique" when I can't seem to quiet my mind. Cold showers work very well too, they force you to the present moment. My claircognizance is strongest when I can blank my mind during a cold shower. It's easy to differentiate your own thoughts from your guides/the universe because all your own thoughts are going to be saying "GET OUT OF THE COLD". Just like anything, it can be practiced. Something like a random number/color generator, etc works. You get instant feedback and can learn quickly to differentiate between your own thoughts, and those that are not. Good practice is also when you're trying to remember a name/word/place you put something you can't find; think of that thing or ask a question and just listen. It will be a eureka moment. Also very satisfying afterwards. This is just my own experience I wanted to share because when I was a bit younger, I couldn't find anything anywhere about this. Not even experiences, let alone techniques that let you master the gift, or whatever you wanna call it. And I hope someone that's meant to find this finds it even a little bit helpful.
@theStoicMedium 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliant and very helpful and quite aligned with how I perceive both my intuition and in my mediumship. I personally do not credit the universe of god for these perceptions. For me, intuition is from my Spirit-Self (the part of me that survives the death of this physical body) or my Spirit Guide or Teachers conveying the information. Both intuition and spirit communication do "just feel different" from our thinking. And with practice we can discern the difference between our intuitions and spirit communication. Personally, I use stillness meditation, the absence of any thuoght ( , to clear the blackboard of my mind so I can perceive those things spiritual. I find it helpful to record my perceptions in a notebook so I don't forget and to later verify my accuracy. Keep up the good work and generously sharing your experiences.
@ezkiller93 4 жыл бұрын
@@theStoicMedium That's a very interesting meditation method in the link. I'll definitely be trying it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
@theStoicMedium 4 жыл бұрын
@@ezkiller93 - please let me know if you have questions about stillness meditation. it's not a quick-fix, but the best practice i've found to clear the slate to allow for intuitive knowing.
@erinhazlett8296 2 жыл бұрын
I was meant to find this. Thank you 🙏. I’m still sorting out what is mine and what is my son’s, trying to figure out how it all works together - that’s the ONLY thing I’m sure of - they are inextricably intertwined. I’m new to all of this (as in the realization of what it is), and I can’t thank you enough for sharing your experiences because they really help me to not feel like I’m losing my mind. I can’t help but to feel like there is this intense pressure to “hurry up” and figure it out so I can help my son - I’ve always known he has been tuned in. I just never knew I WAS. The thing is, he won’t talk about it AT ALL to me anymore. Like he gets mad mad. I don’t understand because when he was younger he was less aware/less guarded about me seeing it, I’ve always encouraged him and been supportive of his world. I never wanted him to feel alienated or like something was wrong with him. Any advice is welcomed and appreciated!
@DanielleMarie327 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. The way you describe your experiences does help me so much. Thank you! ❤️
@lisaeaker9064 Жыл бұрын
I’ve always known that I’ve had this gift of meeting a new person and wishing 5 min I know exactly how that person is even knowing what they will do or say and I’ve never been wrong about a person but I’ve also been greatful that I don’t judge people off of physical or what others say I play a game within myself if what a person will do or say lol I can also tell you if anyone is lying and telling what truly happened almost exactly
@Randinoish 2 ай бұрын
Hey man, I had to leave a positive. comment, just because. I have been wondering about mediumship for awhile. I knew what it was basically, but I was wondering how to better. my ability at it. Stillness you say. That makes logical sense, which is the PERFECT OPENING to quiet my mind. Thank you sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@TertiaRieglerEmbodiment 3 жыл бұрын
This was a very interesting. I’ve had those subconscious flashes before. I’m mostly clairsentient, still discovering my skills and I find videos like these very informative.
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
I'm clairaudient with my skills expanding into the other clairs. Keep up the good work.
@ellenberg7961 2 жыл бұрын
I cheer one thing about listening to music. I do can see words as I use I am writing a poem. Then also another I can see pictures, not pictures as you do from a photo. I can see them as dimensions. I can luck up to the sky in the daytime to see those dimensions pictures. I hope it was an easy explanation from my mind. I look at the sky at night time not every day from those times I am out and taking long promenades. Looking at starts at the evening or at nights also to listning to music is so beautiful to do at those times.
@shawnnaalto4085 2 жыл бұрын
I have always joked that I’ve been psychic because I can read people’s energy within second and I can figure out complex problems with almost no information (social worker by profession and many times was able to put together pieces of cases never told to me), I will think of things, people, places that have no relevance at the time but are mentioned, appear or take place within a short period of time after I think of them/see them in my minds eye, and I’ve just always had these feelings that I assume are my intuition. One example that comes to mind for me a recent one. I knew I needed to take a solo trip out of state to a place I had never been. I didn’t know why, but I was called there. When I arrived I went to the beach and as I looked at the rocks I realized I had seen that same image as a child in the form of an oil painting my dad had hanging on his wall. My dad died 11 years ago and I’ve held on to his ashes, in that moment I knew that is where his ashes needed to be placed, I plan on taking him back next year. I’ve never taken a trip like that alone, but I knew that I needed to listen and I learned so much. What’s funny is about a week before that trip I went into my living room and it smelled exactly like I remember my dad’s apartment smelled the last time I was there over a decade ago. I came to your video because I want to learn more about my gifts and learn to harness them. Thank you :)
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and connecting. And thank you so much for sharing the details of your solo trip and connecting with your dad on the other side. I'm touched by this connecting, especially the smells brought back touching his vibration. Thank you for the contributions you make as a social worker. What a perfect expression of your gifts... If you don't mind sharing, how do you keep yourself well dealing with the types of situations and circumstances you encounter in your work. Please let me know who you're progressing with the exploration of your gifts.
@1nitrus Жыл бұрын
Really glad that life has crossed our paths, I love your content 🙏
@Aubrie_Love_Tarot 6 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤
@Ozymandias1111 Жыл бұрын
This was very helpful. Thank you.
@MicolAndOtherAnimals 3 жыл бұрын
I have always wondered where that "voice in your head" come from. Great info in this video, Thank you!
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
My pleasure.
@AnnaSvedberg12 3 жыл бұрын
Great content! Definitely learned something new today!
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome. Thank you.
@btangl7531 2 жыл бұрын
Your videos are a true gift. Thank you ☺️
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kind words and letting me konw.
@donnasimpson9731 2 жыл бұрын
I subscribed
@EdenGold 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, I'm so glad I tuned into this video to get a perspective on something that I knew nothing about. More people should know more about this. Thank you so much
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your comment which helps more people find our simple message and hopefully the answers they're seeking. 😉
@imvanbradshaw 3 жыл бұрын
I never knew of this Claircognizance. Thank you for sharing it, it is very interesting
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
You're certainly welcome.
@ortallevitan1 3 жыл бұрын
You are truly incredible! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge 😊
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
You are so welcome!
@mistygutierrez7216 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you this video was very helpful. I’m always questioning my sanity since my mom was institutionalized my whole life. I never really knew her but the thought of ending up like that scares the crap out of me. I try to be very cautious of how I come across to others. When I dream it’s always about the world ending in different ways, fire from the sky, tsunami wave, water rising from the ground and I saw the volcano in Hawaii erupting 1 day before it happened. Things pop into my head all the time mostly when I’m in water for some reason. I can’t make this anxiety go away because I feel like I’m supposed to be preparing for what’s coming, even though I don’t know which event to prepare for because there are so many that I’ve seen happen it’s extremely unsettling! especially when my husband and kids don’t believe in what I tell them because they think I’m imagining it, which is, I guess completely possible. I’m so exhausted and I have no idea who to turn to for help because I can’t afford to pay anyone and everyone just seems to care about the money ( which I get but at the same time it feels like if they were genuine and had a heart they would know that I truly needed help and not require something I can’t give but that’s probably just childish to think ) I do not trust any institutes for help since my worst fear is to be trapped behind doors I can’t open and my life entrusted to a bunch of sellouts, who want to turn me into an emotionless zombie like person who does as they are told. I get that I can’t force anyone to believe anything and that I should trust myself enough to know what to do but I don’t know how to do that and it’s physically draining the life out of me. The last time I felt like this my husband literally had a stroke out of no where at age 35 and I’m wondering if it’s possible for someone to have so much pent up emotional energy that it eventually can’t be contained and burst out energetically effecting anything in the immediate vicinity? I’ve Probably just seen one to many movies
@angeltania6042 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much🙏🏻 🙏🏻for this explaination...It really help me . Now I understand what it’s actually.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed my pleasure. You're welcome.
@RandomnessNI Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your videos I think this is stuff that happens to me a lot I know if I like people within minutes my stomach turns sometimes when something isn't right and answers just come to me I know when people are lying to me and it does my head in trying to hold back calling them out. Am going to try out some of you other videos and see if I can control things a bit better.
@foilbyjennifer320 5 ай бұрын
@seahaltura7116 3 жыл бұрын
Great content. I've learned so much from this video. Thanks for sharing!
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
My pleasure.
@YesToTech 3 жыл бұрын
Such a wonderful video! Absolutely adored this one! Thanks so much for sharing!
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
So glad!
@Rawsomehealthy 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! Liked first impression point!
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@forget-me-not8463 2 жыл бұрын
New to your channel. Thank you, Thank You, Thank you. So grateful for this video & explanation & for the links below. Love & light 🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed my pleasure. Glad you found us and connected.
@kentmcgahhey1349 2 жыл бұрын
I am so glad I found you. I am one of many like you. I did subscribe and will go to your site. I know I have the skills. They have literally saved my life. My goal is to learn to hone my skills.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Something even more magical happens when we learn to hone and harness our gifts into on-demand skills. It takes work, but the reward can only be experienced. Welcome.
@eagleseye6576 2 жыл бұрын
This is a spectacular video i have ever seen which explains in depth. I used to get out of nowhere info and i never correctly realise what is that ability. I started trusting those because those are always right. Once during the covid time i was about to start home and suddenly i had a knowing that tmrw onwards it is going to be working from home, take all your stuffs and go. I just trusted and took my stuffs and started home and in another 10 minutes i heard back that manager informed the same. From then onwards i trust this. This is a brilliant video nicely compiled 👌
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
I love it when we listen and have such immediate verification. Thank you for your kind words and keep listening.
@jqv666 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm new to the channel and I had a reawakening of my empathic abilities this year, I've always had them but didn't knew it and there was a time in my life when I shut them down. Then I started trying drugs like weed and lsd and this abilities became so overwhelming that I had to start searching for the truth about them. I've had these BFO's quite a lot of times, specially lately. I started meditating in a disciplined way this year but I've been always an introvert who likes to be alone and read and learn new things, so I've dwelled in my mind quite a lot, specially under the effects of weed. Thanks for this channel and for your service, I've felt alone for quite a while and just lately I've found people who understand what I'm going through.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Welcome. I'm glad you've connected with our community of like-minds and kindred spirits.
@morningcoffee8960 Жыл бұрын
Driving home after work, tired and coming to a left turn where I didn't have a stop sign but oncoming traffic did. Clearly heard a voice say "what if that car doesn't stop?" I slowed to almost a stop and that car did not stop, blew right through that stop sign
@braddapono 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been accidentally and randomly knowing things.. I pickup on my coworkers cravings… Like I’d randomly get a hankering for a certain food so hard I could taste it snd when I vocalize it, my coworkers scream that they were thinking of it too.. Also a dream I had of a dude I was talking to showed he was messing around with someone, I confronted him a few days later and he admitted he messed with someone when he went on a trip!
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
@Brandon, Very interesting. I had a woman breakup with me because of my ability to pickup on her random thought forms and circumstances. Her only explanation for this level of intimacy was that I was going though her things. Once you begin developing your abilities into skills, you will also be able to know with whom and how to share this information and which things you should simply observe and keep to yourself. Remember, it wasn't too long ago that people were burned at the stake for these types of abilities. ;-) Enjoy your journey and we're here to assist you when you're ready. Glad you connected.
@braddapono 3 жыл бұрын
@@theStoicMedium Thanks a ton!!!! And yeah it put strains on relationships because I’d randomly say another dudes name and they’d get so mad and tried to make me look like I was crazy. And turn it around on me like “who’s so and so”…. Then I snoop and find out they were talking to that guy 😂😂😂 But yeah I’d love to learn more and be able to distinguish what’s my thought bs their thoughts! Would be cool to turn it on and off instead of random situations
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
@@braddapono - Been there, don that.... too many times. If you're interested, check out OldSoul.Academy - it's our onilne school that will be launching soon. Take good care and I look forward to connecting.
@adehela13 Жыл бұрын
Its been something like a year since Ive realised that i might in fact be a claircognizant psychic and my intuition and knowing has only improved over time. Ive gotten more and more accurate with the way I evaluate things. Its like I read people’s energies and by doing so basically get some sort if access to their minds or emotions. Its the most noticeable in arguments when I confront people with things they dont want to hear, and their energies get all shy and cautious again because deep down they know that what Im saying is truthful. When texting with people, I can usually sense their moods just by they way they are talking and how they are saying things, simple words are usually enough for me to gauge their emotions. I also feel like I can sense people who are just as psychic but lack the awareness to understand their abilities. Here is where it gets a little longer: Another thing that I can recall is when upon visiting a colleague for the first time, I immediately saw how her romantic relationship would end and how it would affect the relationship I would have with that person later on. It turned out just like I saw it on that day: Once she finally broke up with her boyfriend it put a shelf between both her and me and her now ex bf and me. Somehow her motifs had changed and she did not perceive me the way she did when they were still together. All while I would still be talking to her ex bf occasionally who kept the respect he had for me when they were together. I still cant really believe that it was so accurate. How can I improve those abilities and evolve as a psychic (that is if I really am one) ?
@benjaminlazar8363 2 жыл бұрын
Only 5 seconds in and I get BAM
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Was that a good thing?
@benjaminlazar8363 2 жыл бұрын
@@theStoicMedium wasn’t good or bad it just startled me 😂 I verbally expressed “woah”
@Georgiy.Petit-Jean 3 жыл бұрын
I had a moment like that some time ago, but am not sure how to discern it by now, and were it came from. From what u explain sounds more like a "blinding flash of the obvious" or smth from intuition inner knowing or a vibration or yeah i cant say for sure ... ur video made the subject more clear and also other things. i dont really want to go and develop it that much but i do different things like meditation energies light language sometimes.. still would want to discern it better for that particular time it happenned because i dont know..
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
Keep up your meditation practices and trust what you experience without worrying too much about the particulars. The more your mind is quiet and clear the better you will become at discerning what's happening. Glad you stopped by and connected. Welcome to our community of like minds and kindred spirits.
@dhanushreedhasmana2888 Жыл бұрын
i feel i have been just getting information like a clear knowing about someone or their situation just pops up in my head.... i want to understand it and control it because sometimes it feels like im in control of my mind
@gwendolynruff3745 2 жыл бұрын
and i always have a problem over thinking
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
This is a tough one when our survival instinct battles with our intuitive knowing... For me learning to trust my knowing help me quiet the naysayer to take right action. Glad you found us and connected.
@clairewilliams2516 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you fantastic visor. Can I ask is this an example of claircognisance - weeks before meeting someone for the first time, I knew their nickname, a nickname their father had given them as a child and one they only used in family circles. The nickname just appeared in my mind out of nowhere.
@chitchats29 2 жыл бұрын
@Questfinder1 Жыл бұрын
What is it called to have a vivid prophetic dream that you are compelled to write into a full story. Then you meet the one person who perfectly fits your imagined partner.. he even used lines written in the story without ever reading the story.
@Masked_SVincent Жыл бұрын
I had a similar deal but with somebodies personality and interests. I’m a daydreamer and always visualizing different scenarios, it helps me think through what it is I want to achieve ig. I’m a music artist so im always imagining and practicing manifestation surrounding it. Sometimes I’m also just daydreaming when I’m listening to music I like and imagining performing or a music video for the song lol, so sometimes I create people to fill the blanks. At one point I wrote a script of what I wanted to see (or how my ideal reality would.) be). I made up a random character who’s stagename was “phantasm” and wrote out a very vague baseline of what his style and backstory was (basically zero details other than some of their clothing and music style, race, and mindset). One day while at work I met a new coworker and we hit it off immediately. We both did music and were trying to record so we planned on meeting up and getting some work done. We hung out once and we just kinda didn’t stop lmao, I spent almost every day of last year with him so I really got to know this guy. As time went on I started to notice that he was almost exactly the same as I scripted “phantasm” to be. A few minor details switched around, but as I said I left some spaces open for a bit of chance cause scripting a whole person felt weird lol. One of the main differences was his stage name, instead of phantasm it was “Spooky” and as dots started to connect my mind was blown away! To this day he was one of my closest and most trusted homies, me and phantasm being real close (next to my other brother) was something else I had scripted so that to me solidifies my theory even more.
@debrahdunivan5378 2 жыл бұрын
I have had De KS By were a word or some setting I'm in will just up and trigger a brief moment. Where I will know what will be said or done next as though I just did it or was there. But those are only brief second like I'm repeating that second again. Then ive had those flutter like going down a step hill where you feel it in your stomach , like it tickles my stomach and heart and same time. Like a. G- force. All are different as well as feel eerie and I need to leave because something bad is going to take place. Or some one is bad, but the ones that I dream are hard to know how much was a dream and which ones where a dream that was trying to warn me. That could steel from over active m8nd , and worry
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
The types of precognitions and premonitions are best reconciled when we learn to disassociate from our emotional reactions to see the context of the experience. This is best accomplished through stillness meditation and verifiable psychic training. Once our minds are trained, we known exactly why our awareness picked up on these specific perceptions. The most powerful result of proper training is being able stop the physiological experiences gut area because we're more sensitive to things mentally preventing a 5-alarm experience in our body. Glad you connected. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
@diggysjournals7536 2 ай бұрын
What about when you get the chills , goosebumps out of nowhere. Sometimes they are over my whole body and sometimes just a leg or arm
@HH-cv1dr 4 ай бұрын
how can you tell when the information is judgement and coming from a deluded internal place or claircognizance?
@donnawilliamson3385 2 жыл бұрын
I told my son this girl wss going to be the death of him... I didn't understand how i knew, but i did. He was found dumped dead this year in July....the police HERE in Columbus Ohio are dismissing it....I'm HONESTLY SHOCKED AND ANGRY... with COMPLETE DEVASTATION OF THE DEATH OF MY FIRST BORN SON.. Prayers, TIPS ON CONTROLLING REACTIONS TO REFLECTIONS GIVEN....TIPS of how to collect REFLECTIONS...etc NEEDED. Also...-- any help . grieving- the mourning OF Motherhood NEEDED .
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
My condolences for the loss of your first born. This is a case of going through the stages of grief and your best support is grief counseling. What we do requires time to gestate and develop skills which is almost impossible int the midst of this type of tragedy. You can join us on Sundays for to connect with a community of life minds and kindred spirits which you may find comforting.
@marthaC495 Жыл бұрын
Lately, I've had experiences but I don't know what to call them. For instance, I knew an old friend was going to call me before she called. I knew a person was blind before seeing him or hearing about it.. I knew what game to teach my granddaughter before seeing her, but she loved it, which was unusual. At times I know what someone is going to say before they say it. What is this?? I've known for some time that I'm an empath. Thank you!
@FrankieKins112 Жыл бұрын
This is kind of silly. My daughter and I were playing Christmas Trivia one year. My question came up and it was a difficult one. I didn't know the answer, and I swear someone whispered the answer to that question to me, which I relayed to my daughter. She was like "Mom, how did you know that?" I told her I didn't know, but I did.
@deenese5450 2 ай бұрын
Greetings what happening when you see a person's situation like a movie?
@donnasimpson9731 2 жыл бұрын
If I told you some of my experiences could you tell me which gift I have - or gifts I may have? Little confused as it all seems to overlap in my mind. -
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
@Donna, Yes indeed. Your psychic, intuitive, mediumship gifts are very much like your physical senses. They each are different perceptions of the energy realm. We typically relate most to the psychic gifts most aligned with how our mind perceives "thought forms." Most people perceive things visually. I say rose. They see rose. Others perceive things abstractly. I say rose. They hear, feel, smell rose. When presented with a real rose, for the most part, we each see, smell, feel the rose. The best way to begin to fully comprehend your gifts is to keep a journal/diary of your experiences and what happens with the information. This will help you pinpoint which way your mind prefers to process information. Let me know if this helps.
@kimjones4657 4 жыл бұрын
Loved this video! There was been times (especially in the past year) when all of a sudden, a thought or fact jumps in my mind....I suddenly realized my niece was pregnant. It was like someone told me. I texted my sister in law and she said no. I then dreamt about it. Same answer, no....until a month later, we found out not only was she pregnant but was pregnant when I first said it. I get strong feelings of foreboding and later realize I was right....are these BFOs??
@theStoicMedium 4 жыл бұрын
Nice, classic claircongnizance. Kim have you started keeping a journal of these strong feelings? If not, please do so. This will allow you to begin noticing subtle differences in your experiences which is most helpful to assist in determining how far out these experiences are. Keep up the good work embracing your sensitivities and refining your skills.
@kimjones4657 4 жыл бұрын
TS Hall - the Stoic Medium no, but I can! ❤️❤️
@kimjones4657 4 жыл бұрын
TS Hall - the Stoic Medium I’m at a point in my life I can focus on me. This week, I’ve tried meditation and cleaning the bad energy out of my house. It seems I’m the most calm in the shower and that’s when I figure out solutions or get thoughts. I discovered/realized about 6 months ago I’m affected by people’s emotions and have been working on that.
@jamesharvey3102 2 жыл бұрын
Hi. How are you my friend. I have been going through a lot the last couple years. I've come to realize I'm blessed with many man gifts. Of course I believe I prayed and asked for them. Bottom line I can use some help strengthening and tuning them. Can you help me?
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
If you're willing to do the work, we ware willing to assist you in developing your gifts into verifiable skills you can display on-command. Go to and click the Get Your Invite button and we can start seeing what's possible. Glad you connected.
@blainedowell8771 3 жыл бұрын
I'd very much like to improve. I stay in stillness as much as I can and it used to be very insightful but I'm overwhelmed by all the information I receive I can use all the help I can get! I've even tried moving a lot just in an attempt to avoid but now I can't even drive thru a town without detecting very very much from nearly everyone? I can feel them how do I filter or regulate. It's hard for me to pay attention to one thing at a time? It's harder to go to public places because of the emotions I receive? It's hard for me. They said I was crazy for seeing and feeling I'm on disability benefits because of this and I want to be more useful please respond asap I just recently had the revalation that it is a gift how do I use it so I'm not a burden anymore
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Blaine, Thanks for connecting and reaching out. Stillness meditation is an excellent start, yet not at all sufficient to begin to tame your abelites into useful and beneficial skills. While I have seen a few people who have described what you're sharing who have psychological issues that need to be treated with medication, what you're sharing just doesn't "feel like that." The only reliable way I've found to begin to take you mind from "stillness" to "quietly receptive" is to begin to train it to be your humble servant. The way to do this is to take a deck of playing cards and start going through them, one at a time, and "know or feel" if the card is red of black. You keep this up until you're 90% accurate and can, on-command, pick up a card and "know-that-you-know" the card is red of black. This allows you to train you mind to recognize and distinguish between your thinking, guessing, instincts, and intuition. Next you progress to knowing, before you look at it, the card's suit and then the entire card. Taking the training breaks forces you to extend your mind's ability to remain in a "quiet receptive" state for longer periods of time while also revealing the inner-workings of your particular version of intuitive-knowing. The result of this type of training is giving your mind a structured break from the constant overwhelm of too my undifferentiated stimuli which allows you to get a much needed break to rest, recover and rehabilitate yourself. Just know, this is indeed simple, yet not at all easy and requires a great deal of rigor and discipline to sit quietly and master these simple tasks. But remember, your mind is like a 2-year old that dominates anyway it possibly can. By properly training your mind to do as you instruct, when instructed is the beginning of harnessing your abilities into very powerful skills that will serve you well. Please do stay in touch and let me know how you progress.
@Dani-ef3cf 2 жыл бұрын
7:00 never. (Edit) it is also possible to go the other way. Not ‘seeing’ the physical person in front of us, and still making wrong decisions about people from lack of trusting ourselves.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Always a problem... with proper training, we learn to trust ourselves and develop competence based confidence.
@axffliuytxion 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, so I know I am a psychic with claircognizance power. Is it normal for you to talk with the voice in your head? Please respond.
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
Happy to respond... I've never really had a conversation with the voice in my head. Beside the occasional "STFU," my voice is more like a squawking nag with a vile opinions about everything I do or thinking about doing. I've found stillness meditation and keeping a journal to be the best way to quite the voice so I can better hear my intuitive knowing. I hope this helps and thanks for stopping by and connecting.
@stevenkraft8502 3 жыл бұрын
Notice when I went running a lot of stress energy went away
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
"Right Action" does indeed open the flood gates to let negative stress energy out and be replaced with a more positive types of stress (exercise, accomplishments, good karma).
@stevenkraft8502 3 жыл бұрын
@@theStoicMedium definitely working on it I ran around the block yesterday
@StylebySheila 3 жыл бұрын
This is cool. So much information I've always wondered about. I'll be rewatching for sure. I have had BFO moments - lots. The problem is that when it's information I don't want to believe, I look for concrete evidence ,which isn't always easy to find. One question, sometimes when I hear something I get a huge cold shiver up and down my body. Does this mean what I've just heard is true?
@theStoicMedium 3 жыл бұрын
The training process we share helps us calm our emotions to receive the information that is there, as it is without an emotional response. As with most things as our skills improve our confidence increases and we begin to see information as information and begin to use those same skills to plan our next steps. Regarding the "cold shiver," I've known a few people to experience this type of phenomena and for the most part they are independent from the veracity of our impressions. That is unless we condition ourselves to make them mean something specific. Your best bet is to record your impressions in a journal and reconcile then with reality from time to time. This allows you start cataloguing your experiences, validating them, and perceive what's so without delusions or wishful thinking. Keep up the good work and chat soon.
@sarahgem837 Жыл бұрын
I can’t find your Facebook group, what is it called again please 😊 and thank you 😊
@theStoicMedium Жыл бұрын
Hey @SarahGem83 - the FB group is under Spirit360 Fellowship - Here's the link - Thanks for asking.
@Ki0IRLbch 2 жыл бұрын
I went against my intuition three times I got three confirmations one in the flesh one in sound and another in the atmosphere something bad happened that day 🤣🤣🤣
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Yikes... What did you learn from this triple whammy of knowing-ness?
@Ki0IRLbch 2 жыл бұрын
Take heed immediate after the first sign ☢️ 🤣🤣
@mepeaches2499 2 жыл бұрын
People are coming to me for help because they are talking about what I can do, is this normal with everyone?
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Samantha, Yes. People always seek advice and assistance whether they want to admit is or not. My only caution is to not share everything with everyone and realize most people only hear what they want to/can hear, regardless what is actually spoken. Good luck finding your way. Warmly, Terry
@meladylove8438 2 жыл бұрын
Ah-ha moments. Constantly. Deja Vu and now I had face to face encounter with couple I had random dream about last summer. I had never met them before. And I was on first vacation with autistic son. Twilight Zone. Dream happened. Now I keep having moments where I already did things. Conversation and new videos etc. I already saw or had situation. This is scary and very creepy cuz I don't know what is happening or what this even is. It's been happening for a month now.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
It is quite creepy and unnerving. The best I've found is to keep a detailed dreams journal where you can verify the specifics of the details when they happen. This will help you start to map the experiences to see the pattern of what's happening.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
@Melady Love - it seems you left a comment that I can't find. The experiences like connecting with Jesus and other entities is quite profound. When I get experiences like knowing "it's not time" I dream-true to have my subconscious mind to help me discern them meaning. Let me know how it goes. Warmly, Terry
@meladylove8438 2 жыл бұрын
@@theStoicMedium I actually removed it cuz I said to much. Things I don't want the public to read. My life is a constant stress with everything happening. I can't relate or talk tomorrow anyone. No one would believe what I'm going through.
@theStoicMedium 2 жыл бұрын
@@meladylove8438 - Thanks for letting me know about the comment. That's hy we create the community at Spirit360 Fellowship so I'm glad you connected with us there.
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