@@TwoDungeonsDeep thank you. It’s one of the best Gandalf statues out there from Weta. Cheers. Thanks for watching.
@TmntstatueenthusiastАй бұрын
Great looking statue
@themiddleearthcollector2785Ай бұрын
@@Tmntstatueenthusiast absolutely love this Gandalf. This one and the Hobbit version. Cheers, thanks for watching….stay tuned for more coming up. 😀😀
@nicolasstraub8893Ай бұрын
The best Gandalf in my opinion 👍🏻 can feel the wind….
@themiddleearthcollector2785Ай бұрын
@@nicolasstraub8893 totally agree! This one and the 1/6 from the Hobbit version. Thanks for watching. Cheers, more stuff on the way. 😀😀😉😉….stay tuned
@coopermcgeough96522 ай бұрын
great piece to add!
@themiddleearthcollector27852 ай бұрын
@@coopermcgeough9652 thank you. I love this piece. Such a great statue. Stay tuned, just got more stuff in the mail. Cheers
@josueotero44132 ай бұрын
great statue
@themiddleearthcollector27852 ай бұрын
@@josueotero4413 thank you, I love it. I really do love the portrait of it. So well done. Cheers, more stuff on the way. Stay tuned
@LotrCollection2 ай бұрын
Great piece!! The best Gandalf they’ve done. The pommel side of Glamdring on yours is broken. If you bought it brand new Id recommend asking Weta for replacement.
@themiddleearthcollector27852 ай бұрын
@@LotrCollection I saw what you meant on the pommel. The piece had fell out when I was taking it out and found the piece on the ground. Probably get some glue to piece back together. Thanks for telling me that. What kind of glue would work with that?
@LotrCollection2 ай бұрын
@@themiddleearthcollector2785 ah i see. Superglue would work well.