I love when people are yapping in this kind of videos! I can put background music myself to set the mood I need (energetic / calming / soothing...). Also I wish you all the best on your weight loss! Keep going, we can do it!
@Newt_Ryoko5 ай бұрын
thank you for helping me clean. I like when you chat cause then I feel like someone with me.
@HexaAngel5 ай бұрын
You're so welcome, and thank you for watching! I'm happy to be your virtual cleaning buddy :)
@ni._.859Ай бұрын
@hobbes77227 ай бұрын
I love the talking!! It's very helpful! It gives me something else to focus on besides all this organizing and cleaning I'm trying to do! You are wonderful and incredibly helpful!! THANK YOU!!!
@HexaAngel7 ай бұрын
You have no idea how happy these comments make me! Thank you for watching!! Happy cleaning!
@moeamos7 ай бұрын
Please keep the talking in your videos. It’s so nice when you go creator that does not just have background music the entire time have you talking is like having someone in my house with me cleaning with me and keeping me way less lonely. I appreciate you so so so so much.
@HexaAngel7 ай бұрын
Aw this is such a sweet comment! I'm so glad you feel this way. As someone who was previously housebound due to anxiety, I can understand the loneliness that comes with being home alone and trying to stay motivated for different tasks. I'm happy I can offer some support. Are there any other similar contexts you think would be good for this kind of video? For example "work with me", "cook with me", "get ready with me", etc?
@ashwaffle0313 күн бұрын
I’ve been putting off cleaning my room for a few months now because between work and home life i have no motivation or energy to do it. Recently been to the doctors for mental health reasons and how bad it’s got and im sick of looking at how much of a catastrophe my room is. Thankyou for this, body doubling definitely helps me. Will now let the video play and clean with you! 🖤
@Caffeinated_Cat8 күн бұрын
Congratulatons on finding the energy to clean up! LETS GOOOO
@lilipilipad11 ай бұрын
I will be returning to this video on my upcoming day off to finally tackle the shrine of chaos that is my bedroom. It is in the worst state, for the longest time, that it has ever been... this is a god send.
@HexaAngel11 ай бұрын
Oh I am so happy to hear that this video will be a valuable resource for helping you get your room back in order! Good luck, and I hope it goes well!
@EmmyBenjamin7 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this! It helped me so much! Most of my clothes are now away! Thank you. Just having you talk in my ear helped. Lol😂
@HexaAngel7 ай бұрын
Oh I'm so glad to hear that! Thanks for watching and commenting, and congrats on putting your clothes away!
@dnvrmom3 ай бұрын
Among many things, I love: two-size skirt philosophy, alliteration in the naming of clutter conundrum and the mysterious international lifestyle I so envy. Your general transparency…it’s like icing on the cake. Today, I’m gonna go with “maddening myriad.” My room looks like a level gazillion hoard compared to yours, but I send you endless thanks for your inspiration.
@HexaAngel3 ай бұрын
Omg thank you! I so appreciate your kind comment and love that you love my silly little quirks. If you ever have questions about the international lifestyle, feel free to ask! Would love to do a QnA. Good luck with tidying up your maddening myriad!
@darciebradley10 ай бұрын
its 11pm and i have been procrastinating my room for the past 4 hours so here i am trying any method i can to focus on cleaning😭
@HexaAngel10 ай бұрын
I'm glad you found my video! Did it help?
@darciebradley9 ай бұрын
@@HexaAngel fully deep cleaned my room which i have not done in ages so thank you so much for this video😇
@karengomes3737Ай бұрын
I loooove the yapping it's very helpful
@HexaAngel18 күн бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement! Will proceed with the yapping 🫡
@tsuave__4 ай бұрын
Well here I am an hour into cleaning at 3am because I have insomnia and stayed up my whole night. At least I can come home from work and sleep in a clean bedroom. Thank you stranger.🙏🏾
@HexaAngel3 ай бұрын
You're welcome, stranger! Good job!
@kateellarobertaclarksworld353411 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed watching this video your content and channel is really amazing 😊
@HexaAngel11 ай бұрын
That's so sweet of you, thank you! Glad you enjoyed the video :)
@martinluter702611 ай бұрын
@liteswitvh11 ай бұрын
My wife is at her wits end with our daughter's messy room. I tell my wife that they are not the only ones. Lol
@HexaAngel11 ай бұрын
Well, a messy room can have a lot of causes. I would just recommend approaching it with patience and compassion. Maybe offering to help clean up together, or encouraging her to clean just a little bit at a time. Sometimes when someone is feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or a little bit sad, having a clean room ends up being pretty low on the priority list.
@caydenh.43932 ай бұрын
My messy room (and awful step father but somehow they were equally as effective) was the reason I moved out and went no contact with my mother as soon as I turned 18. She would constantly scream and y and break things because my room was a mess but refused to take me to a therapist or dicter when I told her I needed help. Not saying you’re wife is like that but your daughter is probably have a battle in her own head. Maybe have the entire house do a cleaning day together with music and speakers, or ask her if she wants help?
@liteswitvh2 ай бұрын
@@caydenh.4393 I appreciate your feedback dear. It saddens me when I read that as a family member one would damage another person's belongings, in their own bedroom! This constitutes intrusive behavior on her part. My wife cleans their room. I thank you for your willingness to help.
@ventingicecreamtruck957011 ай бұрын
please dont use smooth music for these videos, the talking makes it actually cleaning with u and helps with me phasing away every 10 minutes lol
@HexaAngel11 ай бұрын
Haha, noted! We'll stick with the yammering 😅
@katcvm6 ай бұрын
I disagree
@katcvm6 ай бұрын
In fact I disagree with everything in me
@cameron92066 ай бұрын
@@katcvm and I disagree with you with everything in the universe. If I wanted music I’d listen to my playlist, not generic music on a video claiming to be body doubling for ADHD. I’m glad I saw the comment cuz now I don’t have to waste my with it.
@samantha.chahinechahine416810 ай бұрын
This is helping me so much I’m still watching ans cleaning as I’m typing 😂❤
@HexaAngel10 ай бұрын
I'm so happy to hear it! How did the cleaning go?
@samantha.chahinechahine416810 ай бұрын
It went absolutely amazing I got my room done ,I’m about to watch it again while I do my washing up ❤😊
@HexaAngel10 ай бұрын
That's awesome! So glad it's helping xx
@elizabethsturgill19465 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video. I struggle a lot with cleaning motivation, especially living by myself. My house sometimes gets to the point where it looks like a tornado went through my house and I love the fact that you actually talk please don’t do another video like this and put music over it. I like the talking it helps more and is more efficient with the body doubling. It would be if someone actually came over and was a body double.
@HexaAngel5 ай бұрын
You're so welcome, and thank you for taking the time to write a kind comment! I totally get what you mean. I am back in the "tornado phase" right now, and I love that making these cleaning videos helps others while also helping myself stay on task. Great job getting some cleaning done!
@elizabethsturgill19465 ай бұрын
@@HexaAngel thank you you are now my go to girl when it comes to cleaning videos and body doubling
@malastrom8843 ай бұрын
Thank you for those cleaning videos! Talking in the background really helps, as if someone is helping or cleaning on discord w me lol😅
@HexaAngel3 ай бұрын
I'm glad to hear that! Hope it helped!
@emmasharp11744 ай бұрын
This video is very helpful! (What's funny is that the ads I get while watching it are for online games and coloring, etc... so I have to redirect after getting easily distracted 😅)
@HexaAngel3 ай бұрын
Haha, sorry about the ads! Good exercise in resisting temptation, I guess.
@mabelferridge726117 күн бұрын
I took a good 10 minutes trying to find a cleaning in real time video oh my days but anyway keep talking because it helps to listen to you talk
@madisoncoleman-v2e9 ай бұрын
you’re amazing🤍
@HexaAngel9 ай бұрын
I appreciate the kind comment! Thanks for watching 💕
@TwilightPrincess89085 ай бұрын
Please keep talking! Way more effective to body double too. :)